Adding all changes since last commit
diff --git a/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra1.session b/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra1.session
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..122c4f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra1.session
@@ -0,0 +1,514 @@
+2013-11-22 00:44:26,037  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+                                +----------------+
+------------------------------ { Script And Files }  ------------------------------
+                                +----------------+
+	Script Log File : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23.log
+	Report Log File : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23.rpt
+	ONOS4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS4.session
+	ONOS2 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS2.session
+	ONOS3 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS3.session
+	ONOS1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS1.session
+	Cassandra1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra1.session
+	Cassandra2 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra2.session
+	Cassandra3 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra3.session
+	Cassandra4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra4.session
+	Zookeeper1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Zookeeper1.session
+	Mininet1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Mininet1.session
+	Mininet4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Mininet4.session
+	Test Script :/home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/
+	Test Params : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/OnosPerf4nodes.params
+	Topology : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/OnosPerf4nodes.tpl
+                              +------------------+
+---------------------------  { Script Exec Params }  ---------------------------
+                              +------------------+
+	'CTRL': 
+	'ip2': ''
+	 'ip3': ''
+	 'ip1': ''
+	 'ip4': ''
+	 'port4': '6633'
+	 'port2': '6633'
+	 'port3': '6633'
+	 'port1': '6633'
+	 'MN_size': '57'
+	 'FLOWDEF': '~/flowdef_files/Center_Triangle/flowdef_20.txt'
+	 'NR_Switches': '25'
+	 'WaitTime': '60'
+	 'TargetTime': '30'
+	 'PING': 
+	'source2': 'h7'
+	 'source9': 'h14'
+	 'source10': 'h15'
+	 'source4': 'h9'
+	 'source5': 'h10'
+	 'target3': ''
+	 'target10': ''
+	 'source3': 'h8'
+	 'source1': 'h6'
+	 'source6': 'h11'
+	 'source7': 'h12'
+	 'target8': ''
+	 'target9': ''
+	 'target6': ''
+	 'target7': ''
+	 'target4': ''
+	 'target5': ''
+	 'target2': ''
+	 'source8': 'h13'
+	 'target1': ''
+	 'NR_Links': '50'
+	 'testcases': '1
+	2
+	3
+	4
+	5
+	6
+	7
+	4
+	8
+	7
+	4
+	9
+	7'
+	 'RestIP': ''
+	 'Iterations': '3'
+                               +---------------+
+----------------------------- { Components Used }  -----------------------------
+                               +---------------+
+	Cassandra1
+	Cassandra2
+	Cassandra3
+	Cassandra4
+	Zookeeper1
+	Mininet1
+	Mininet4
+                              +--------+
+---------------------------- { Topology }  ----------------------------
+                              +--------+
+	'ONOS4': 
+	'connect_order': '9'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'ONOS2': 
+	'connect_order': '7'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'ONOS3': 
+	'connect_order': '8'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'ONOS1': 
+	'connect_order': '6'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra1': 
+	'connect_order': '2'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra2': 
+	'connect_order': '3'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra3': 
+	'connect_order': '4'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra4': 
+	'connect_order': '5'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Zookeeper1': 
+	'connect_order': '1'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'ZookeeperCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Mininet1': 
+	'connect_order': '10'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	'arg1': '--custom ~/mininet/custom/'
+	 'arg2': '--topo mytopo --arp'
+	 'controller': 'remote'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'MininetCliDriver'
+	 'Mininet4': 
+	'connect_order': '11'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'RemoteMininetDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'



+2013-11-22 00:44:49,770  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case1 : 
+Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.2.0-44-virtual x86_64)


+ * Documentation:


+  System information as of Fri Nov 22 00:44:27 PST 2013



+Last login: Fri Nov 22 00:44:24 2013 from





+admin@autoONOS1:~$ ~/ONOS/ start

+admin@autoONOS1:~$ ~/ONOS/ start

+Killed existing prosess (pid: 27862)

+rotate log: 

+Starting cassandra

+admin@autoONOS1:~$ 2013-11-22 00:46:41,659  Cassandra1: INFO    :  Checking if the startup was clean...
+2013-11-22 00:46:41,661  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Checking if the startup was clean...
+2013-11-22 00:46:41,664  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 1.1: Testing startup Zookeeper
+2013-11-22 00:46:42,580  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+End of Step  1.1: Testing startup Zookeeper
+Start of Step 1.2: Testing startup Cassandra



+~/ONOS/ status

+admin@autoONOS1:~$ ~/ONOS/ status

+1 instance of cassandra running

+Note: Ownership information does not include topology; for complete information, specify a keyspace


+Datacenter: datacenter1


+Address       Rack        Status State   Load            Owns                Token                                       

+                                                                             127605887595351923798765477786913079296     

+  rack1       Up     Normal  85.25 KB        25.00%              0                                           

+  rack1       Up     Normal  77.26 KB        25.00%              42535295865117307932921825928971026432      

+  rack1       Up     Normal  54.94 KB        25.00%              85070591730234615865843651857942052864      

+  rack1       Up     Normal  72.21 KB        25.00%              127605887595351923798765477786913079296     


+admin@autoONOS1:~$ 2013-11-22 00:46:44,277  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+End of Step  1.2: Testing startup Cassandra
+Start of Step 1.3: Testing startup ONOS
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,419  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case2 : 
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,422  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Checking if the startup was clean...
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,425  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 2.1: Checking if MN switches exist
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,432  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+End of Step  2.1: Checking if MN switches exist
+Start of Step 2.2: assigning ONOS controllers to switches
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,752  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case3 : 
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,756  Cassandra1: INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,758  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,762  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 3.1: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,523  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case4 : 
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,527  Cassandra1: INFO    :  Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,530  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,535  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+2013-11-22 00:50:15,140  Cassandra1: INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:50:15,144  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+End of Step  4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+Start of Step 4.2: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 00:50:24,744  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case5 : 
+2013-11-22 00:50:24,749  Cassandra1: INFO    :  Testing ping...
+2013-11-22 00:50:25,526  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case6 : 
+2013-11-22 00:50:25,531  Cassandra1: INFO    :  Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:50:27,577  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:50:27,581  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 6.1: Check that the pings are going
+2013-11-22 00:50:28,709  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+End of Step  6.1: Check that the pings are going
+Start of Step 6.2: Link down number of iterations: 3
+2013-11-22 00:56:29,673  Cassandra1: INFO    :  Killing remote ping processes 
+2013-11-22 00:56:33,680  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case7 : 
+2013-11-22 00:56:33,689  Cassandra1: INFO    :  Processing Ping data
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,858  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case4 : 
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,864  Cassandra1: INFO    :  Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,867  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,873  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+2013-11-22 00:57:11,401  Cassandra1: INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:57:11,405  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+End of Step  4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+Start of Step 4.2: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 00:57:20,715  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case8 : 
+2013-11-22 00:57:40,738  Cassandra1: INFO    :  Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:57:42,792  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:57:42,796  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 8.1: Check that the pings are going
+2013-11-22 00:57:43,932  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+End of Step  8.1: Check that the pings are going
+Start of Step 8.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+2013-11-22 00:57:43,936  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+End of Step  8.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+Start of Step 8.3: Link down number of iterations: 3
+2013-11-22 01:04:01,373  Cassandra1: INFO    :  Killing remote ping processes 
+2013-11-22 01:04:05,774  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case7 : 
+2013-11-22 01:04:05,781  Cassandra1: INFO    :  Processing Ping data
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,950  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case4 : 
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,953  Cassandra1: INFO    :  Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,954  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,960  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,721  Cassandra1: INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,724  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+End of Step  4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+Start of Step 4.2: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 01:04:49,380  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case9 : 
+2013-11-22 01:05:09,410  Cassandra1: INFO    :  Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 01:05:11,464  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 01:05:11,468  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 9.1: Check that the pings are going
+2013-11-22 01:05:12,585  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+End of Step  9.1: Check that the pings are going
+Start of Step 9.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+2013-11-22 01:05:12,589  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+End of Step  9.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+Start of Step 9.3: Link down number of iterations: 3
+2013-11-22 01:10:35,198  Cassandra1: INFO    :  Killing remote ping processes 
+2013-11-22 01:10:39,266  Cassandra1: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case7 : 
+2013-11-22 01:10:39,271  Cassandra1: INFO    :  Processing Ping data


+Connection to closed.

diff --git a/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra2.session b/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra2.session
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba3899a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra2.session
@@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
+2013-11-22 00:44:26,202  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+                                +----------------+
+------------------------------ { Script And Files }  ------------------------------
+                                +----------------+
+	Script Log File : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23.log
+	Report Log File : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23.rpt
+	ONOS4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS4.session
+	ONOS2 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS2.session
+	ONOS3 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS3.session
+	ONOS1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS1.session
+	Cassandra1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra1.session
+	Cassandra2 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra2.session
+	Cassandra3 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra3.session
+	Cassandra4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra4.session
+	Zookeeper1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Zookeeper1.session
+	Mininet1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Mininet1.session
+	Mininet4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Mininet4.session
+	Test Script :/home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/
+	Test Params : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/OnosPerf4nodes.params
+	Topology : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/OnosPerf4nodes.tpl
+                              +------------------+
+---------------------------  { Script Exec Params }  ---------------------------
+                              +------------------+
+	'CTRL': 
+	'ip2': ''
+	 'ip3': ''
+	 'ip1': ''
+	 'ip4': ''
+	 'port4': '6633'
+	 'port2': '6633'
+	 'port3': '6633'
+	 'port1': '6633'
+	 'MN_size': '57'
+	 'FLOWDEF': '~/flowdef_files/Center_Triangle/flowdef_20.txt'
+	 'NR_Switches': '25'
+	 'WaitTime': '60'
+	 'TargetTime': '30'
+	 'PING': 
+	'source2': 'h7'
+	 'source9': 'h14'
+	 'source10': 'h15'
+	 'source4': 'h9'
+	 'source5': 'h10'
+	 'target3': ''
+	 'target10': ''
+	 'source3': 'h8'
+	 'source1': 'h6'
+	 'source6': 'h11'
+	 'source7': 'h12'
+	 'target8': ''
+	 'target9': ''
+	 'target6': ''
+	 'target7': ''
+	 'target4': ''
+	 'target5': ''
+	 'target2': ''
+	 'source8': 'h13'
+	 'target1': ''
+	 'NR_Links': '50'
+	 'testcases': '1
+	2
+	3
+	4
+	5
+	6
+	7
+	4
+	8
+	7
+	4
+	9
+	7'
+	 'RestIP': ''
+	 'Iterations': '3'
+                               +---------------+
+----------------------------- { Components Used }  -----------------------------
+                               +---------------+
+	Cassandra1
+	Cassandra2
+	Cassandra3
+	Cassandra4
+	Zookeeper1
+	Mininet1
+	Mininet4
+                              +--------+
+---------------------------- { Topology }  ----------------------------
+                              +--------+
+	'ONOS4': 
+	'connect_order': '9'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'ONOS2': 
+	'connect_order': '7'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'ONOS3': 
+	'connect_order': '8'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'ONOS1': 
+	'connect_order': '6'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra1': 
+	'connect_order': '2'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra2': 
+	'connect_order': '3'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra3': 
+	'connect_order': '4'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra4': 
+	'connect_order': '5'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Zookeeper1': 
+	'connect_order': '1'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'ZookeeperCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Mininet1': 
+	'connect_order': '10'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	'arg1': '--custom ~/mininet/custom/'
+	 'arg2': '--topo mytopo --arp'
+	 'controller': 'remote'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'MininetCliDriver'
+	 'Mininet4': 
+	'connect_order': '11'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'RemoteMininetDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'



+2013-11-22 00:44:49,770  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case1 : 
+Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.2.0-44-virtual x86_64)


+ * Documentation:


+  System information as of Fri Nov 22 00:44:27 PST 2013



+Last login: Fri Nov 22 00:33:52 2013 from





+admin@autoONOS2:~$ ~/ONOS/ start

+admin@autoONOS2:~$ ~/ONOS/ start

+Killed existing prosess (pid: 3113)

+rotate log: 

+Starting cassandra

+admin@autoONOS2:~$ 2013-11-22 00:46:41,659  Cassandra2: INFO    :  Checking if the startup was clean...
+2013-11-22 00:46:41,662  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Checking if the startup was clean...
+2013-11-22 00:46:41,665  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 1.1: Testing startup Zookeeper
+2013-11-22 00:46:42,580  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+End of Step  1.1: Testing startup Zookeeper
+Start of Step 1.2: Testing startup Cassandra
+2013-11-22 00:46:44,278  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+End of Step  1.2: Testing startup Cassandra
+Start of Step 1.3: Testing startup ONOS
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,420  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case2 : 
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,423  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Checking if the startup was clean...
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,425  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 2.1: Checking if MN switches exist
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,432  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+End of Step  2.1: Checking if MN switches exist
+Start of Step 2.2: assigning ONOS controllers to switches
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,752  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case3 : 
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,756  Cassandra2: INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,759  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,762  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 3.1: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,523  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case4 : 
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,527  Cassandra2: INFO    :  Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,530  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,535  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+2013-11-22 00:50:15,141  Cassandra2: INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:50:15,144  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+End of Step  4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+Start of Step 4.2: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 00:50:24,745  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case5 : 
+2013-11-22 00:50:24,750  Cassandra2: INFO    :  Testing ping...
+2013-11-22 00:50:25,526  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case6 : 
+2013-11-22 00:50:25,531  Cassandra2: INFO    :  Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:50:27,577  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:50:27,581  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 6.1: Check that the pings are going
+2013-11-22 00:50:28,710  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+End of Step  6.1: Check that the pings are going
+Start of Step 6.2: Link down number of iterations: 3
+2013-11-22 00:56:29,673  Cassandra2: INFO    :  Killing remote ping processes 
+2013-11-22 00:56:33,681  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case7 : 
+2013-11-22 00:56:33,689  Cassandra2: INFO    :  Processing Ping data
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,858  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case4 : 
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,864  Cassandra2: INFO    :  Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,867  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,873  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+2013-11-22 00:57:11,401  Cassandra2: INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:57:11,405  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+End of Step  4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+Start of Step 4.2: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 00:57:20,715  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case8 : 
+2013-11-22 00:57:40,738  Cassandra2: INFO    :  Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:57:42,793  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:57:42,797  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 8.1: Check that the pings are going
+2013-11-22 00:57:43,932  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+End of Step  8.1: Check that the pings are going
+Start of Step 8.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+2013-11-22 00:57:43,937  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+End of Step  8.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+Start of Step 8.3: Link down number of iterations: 3
+2013-11-22 01:04:01,373  Cassandra2: INFO    :  Killing remote ping processes 
+2013-11-22 01:04:05,774  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case7 : 
+2013-11-22 01:04:05,781  Cassandra2: INFO    :  Processing Ping data
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,950  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case4 : 
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,953  Cassandra2: INFO    :  Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,954  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,960  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,721  Cassandra2: INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,724  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+End of Step  4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+Start of Step 4.2: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 01:04:49,380  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case9 : 
+2013-11-22 01:05:09,410  Cassandra2: INFO    :  Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 01:05:11,464  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 01:05:11,468  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 9.1: Check that the pings are going
+2013-11-22 01:05:12,585  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+End of Step  9.1: Check that the pings are going
+Start of Step 9.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+2013-11-22 01:05:12,589  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+End of Step  9.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+Start of Step 9.3: Link down number of iterations: 3
+2013-11-22 01:10:35,198  Cassandra2: INFO    :  Killing remote ping processes 
+2013-11-22 01:10:39,266  Cassandra2: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case7 : 
+2013-11-22 01:10:39,271  Cassandra2: INFO    :  Processing Ping data


+Connection to closed.

diff --git a/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra3.session b/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra3.session
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1558a65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra3.session
@@ -0,0 +1,510 @@
+2013-11-22 00:44:26,360  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+                                +----------------+
+------------------------------ { Script And Files }  ------------------------------
+                                +----------------+
+	Script Log File : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23.log
+	Report Log File : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23.rpt
+	ONOS4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS4.session
+	ONOS2 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS2.session
+	ONOS3 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS3.session
+	ONOS1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS1.session
+	Cassandra1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra1.session
+	Cassandra2 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra2.session
+	Cassandra3 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra3.session
+	Cassandra4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra4.session
+	Zookeeper1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Zookeeper1.session
+	Mininet1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Mininet1.session
+	Mininet4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Mininet4.session
+	Test Script :/home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/
+	Test Params : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/OnosPerf4nodes.params
+	Topology : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/OnosPerf4nodes.tpl
+                              +------------------+
+---------------------------  { Script Exec Params }  ---------------------------
+                              +------------------+
+	'CTRL': 
+	'ip2': ''
+	 'ip3': ''
+	 'ip1': ''
+	 'ip4': ''
+	 'port4': '6633'
+	 'port2': '6633'
+	 'port3': '6633'
+	 'port1': '6633'
+	 'MN_size': '57'
+	 'FLOWDEF': '~/flowdef_files/Center_Triangle/flowdef_20.txt'
+	 'NR_Switches': '25'
+	 'WaitTime': '60'
+	 'TargetTime': '30'
+	 'PING': 
+	'source2': 'h7'
+	 'source9': 'h14'
+	 'source10': 'h15'
+	 'source4': 'h9'
+	 'source5': 'h10'
+	 'target3': ''
+	 'target10': ''
+	 'source3': 'h8'
+	 'source1': 'h6'
+	 'source6': 'h11'
+	 'source7': 'h12'
+	 'target8': ''
+	 'target9': ''
+	 'target6': ''
+	 'target7': ''
+	 'target4': ''
+	 'target5': ''
+	 'target2': ''
+	 'source8': 'h13'
+	 'target1': ''
+	 'NR_Links': '50'
+	 'testcases': '1
+	2
+	3
+	4
+	5
+	6
+	7
+	4
+	8
+	7
+	4
+	9
+	7'
+	 'RestIP': ''
+	 'Iterations': '3'
+                               +---------------+
+----------------------------- { Components Used }  -----------------------------
+                               +---------------+
+	Cassandra1
+	Cassandra2
+	Cassandra3
+	Cassandra4
+	Zookeeper1
+	Mininet1
+	Mininet4
+                              +--------+
+---------------------------- { Topology }  ----------------------------
+                              +--------+
+	'ONOS4': 
+	'connect_order': '9'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'ONOS2': 
+	'connect_order': '7'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'ONOS3': 
+	'connect_order': '8'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'ONOS1': 
+	'connect_order': '6'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra1': 
+	'connect_order': '2'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra2': 
+	'connect_order': '3'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra3': 
+	'connect_order': '4'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra4': 
+	'connect_order': '5'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Zookeeper1': 
+	'connect_order': '1'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'ZookeeperCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Mininet1': 
+	'connect_order': '10'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	'arg1': '--custom ~/mininet/custom/'
+	 'arg2': '--topo mytopo --arp'
+	 'controller': 'remote'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'MininetCliDriver'
+	 'Mininet4': 
+	'connect_order': '11'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'RemoteMininetDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'



+2013-11-22 00:44:49,770  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case1 : 
+Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.2.0-44-virtual x86_64)


+ * Documentation:


+  System information as of Fri Nov 22 00:44:27 PST 2013


+  System load:  0.65               Processes:           93

+  Usage of /:   24.2% of 19.67GB   Users logged in:     0

+  Memory usage: 55%                IP address for eth0:

+  Swap usage:   0%


+  Graph this data and manage this system at


+  Get cloud support with Ubuntu Advantage Cloud Guest:



+  Use Juju to deploy your cloud instances and workloads:



+129 packages can be updated.


+65 updates are security updates.



+Last login: Fri Nov 22 00:33:52 2013 from



+admin@autoONOS3:~$ ~/ONOS/ start

+admin@autoONOS3:~$ ~/ONOS/ start

+Killed existing prosess (pid: 22435)

+rotate log: 

+Starting cassandra

+admin@autoONOS3:~$ 2013-11-22 00:46:41,659  Cassandra3: INFO    :  Checking if the startup was clean...
+2013-11-22 00:46:41,662  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Checking if the startup was clean...
+2013-11-22 00:46:41,665  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 1.1: Testing startup Zookeeper
+2013-11-22 00:46:42,581  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+End of Step  1.1: Testing startup Zookeeper
+Start of Step 1.2: Testing startup Cassandra
+2013-11-22 00:46:44,278  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+End of Step  1.2: Testing startup Cassandra
+Start of Step 1.3: Testing startup ONOS
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,420  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case2 : 
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,423  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Checking if the startup was clean...
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,425  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 2.1: Checking if MN switches exist
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,432  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+End of Step  2.1: Checking if MN switches exist
+Start of Step 2.2: assigning ONOS controllers to switches
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,753  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case3 : 
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,756  Cassandra3: INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,759  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,762  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 3.1: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,524  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case4 : 
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,528  Cassandra3: INFO    :  Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,530  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,535  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+2013-11-22 00:50:15,141  Cassandra3: INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:50:15,144  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+End of Step  4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+Start of Step 4.2: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 00:50:24,745  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case5 : 
+2013-11-22 00:50:24,750  Cassandra3: INFO    :  Testing ping...
+2013-11-22 00:50:25,526  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case6 : 
+2013-11-22 00:50:25,532  Cassandra3: INFO    :  Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:50:27,578  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:50:27,581  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 6.1: Check that the pings are going
+2013-11-22 00:50:28,710  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+End of Step  6.1: Check that the pings are going
+Start of Step 6.2: Link down number of iterations: 3
+2013-11-22 00:56:29,673  Cassandra3: INFO    :  Killing remote ping processes 
+2013-11-22 00:56:33,681  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case7 : 
+2013-11-22 00:56:33,689  Cassandra3: INFO    :  Processing Ping data
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,858  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case4 : 
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,864  Cassandra3: INFO    :  Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,868  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,873  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+2013-11-22 00:57:11,401  Cassandra3: INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:57:11,405  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+End of Step  4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+Start of Step 4.2: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 00:57:20,716  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case8 : 
+2013-11-22 00:57:40,738  Cassandra3: INFO    :  Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:57:42,793  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:57:42,797  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 8.1: Check that the pings are going
+2013-11-22 00:57:43,932  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+End of Step  8.1: Check that the pings are going
+Start of Step 8.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+2013-11-22 00:57:43,937  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+End of Step  8.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+Start of Step 8.3: Link down number of iterations: 3
+2013-11-22 01:04:01,373  Cassandra3: INFO    :  Killing remote ping processes 
+2013-11-22 01:04:05,774  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case7 : 
+2013-11-22 01:04:05,781  Cassandra3: INFO    :  Processing Ping data
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,951  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case4 : 
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,953  Cassandra3: INFO    :  Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,954  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,961  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,721  Cassandra3: INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,724  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+End of Step  4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+Start of Step 4.2: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 01:04:49,380  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case9 : 
+2013-11-22 01:05:09,410  Cassandra3: INFO    :  Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 01:05:11,465  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 01:05:11,468  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 9.1: Check that the pings are going
+2013-11-22 01:05:12,585  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+End of Step  9.1: Check that the pings are going
+Start of Step 9.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+2013-11-22 01:05:12,589  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+End of Step  9.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+Start of Step 9.3: Link down number of iterations: 3
+2013-11-22 01:10:35,199  Cassandra3: INFO    :  Killing remote ping processes 
+2013-11-22 01:10:39,266  Cassandra3: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case7 : 
+2013-11-22 01:10:39,271  Cassandra3: INFO    :  Processing Ping data


+Connection to closed.

diff --git a/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra4.session b/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra4.session
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f41d653
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra4.session
@@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
+2013-11-22 00:44:26,524  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+                                +----------------+
+------------------------------ { Script And Files }  ------------------------------
+                                +----------------+
+	Script Log File : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23.log
+	Report Log File : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23.rpt
+	ONOS4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS4.session
+	ONOS2 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS2.session
+	ONOS3 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS3.session
+	ONOS1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS1.session
+	Cassandra1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra1.session
+	Cassandra2 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra2.session
+	Cassandra3 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra3.session
+	Cassandra4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra4.session
+	Zookeeper1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Zookeeper1.session
+	Mininet1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Mininet1.session
+	Mininet4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Mininet4.session
+	Test Script :/home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/
+	Test Params : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/OnosPerf4nodes.params
+	Topology : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/OnosPerf4nodes.tpl
+                              +------------------+
+---------------------------  { Script Exec Params }  ---------------------------
+                              +------------------+
+	'CTRL': 
+	'ip2': ''
+	 'ip3': ''
+	 'ip1': ''
+	 'ip4': ''
+	 'port4': '6633'
+	 'port2': '6633'
+	 'port3': '6633'
+	 'port1': '6633'
+	 'MN_size': '57'
+	 'FLOWDEF': '~/flowdef_files/Center_Triangle/flowdef_20.txt'
+	 'NR_Switches': '25'
+	 'WaitTime': '60'
+	 'TargetTime': '30'
+	 'PING': 
+	'source2': 'h7'
+	 'source9': 'h14'
+	 'source10': 'h15'
+	 'source4': 'h9'
+	 'source5': 'h10'
+	 'target3': ''
+	 'target10': ''
+	 'source3': 'h8'
+	 'source1': 'h6'
+	 'source6': 'h11'
+	 'source7': 'h12'
+	 'target8': ''
+	 'target9': ''
+	 'target6': ''
+	 'target7': ''
+	 'target4': ''
+	 'target5': ''
+	 'target2': ''
+	 'source8': 'h13'
+	 'target1': ''
+	 'NR_Links': '50'
+	 'testcases': '1
+	2
+	3
+	4
+	5
+	6
+	7
+	4
+	8
+	7
+	4
+	9
+	7'
+	 'RestIP': ''
+	 'Iterations': '3'
+                               +---------------+
+----------------------------- { Components Used }  -----------------------------
+                               +---------------+
+	Cassandra1
+	Cassandra2
+	Cassandra3
+	Cassandra4
+	Zookeeper1
+	Mininet1
+	Mininet4
+                              +--------+
+---------------------------- { Topology }  ----------------------------
+                              +--------+
+	'ONOS4': 
+	'connect_order': '9'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'ONOS2': 
+	'connect_order': '7'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'ONOS3': 
+	'connect_order': '8'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'ONOS1': 
+	'connect_order': '6'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra1': 
+	'connect_order': '2'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra2': 
+	'connect_order': '3'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra3': 
+	'connect_order': '4'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra4': 
+	'connect_order': '5'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Zookeeper1': 
+	'connect_order': '1'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'ZookeeperCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Mininet1': 
+	'connect_order': '10'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	'arg1': '--custom ~/mininet/custom/'
+	 'arg2': '--topo mytopo --arp'
+	 'controller': 'remote'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'MininetCliDriver'
+	 'Mininet4': 
+	'connect_order': '11'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'RemoteMininetDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'



+2013-11-22 00:44:49,771  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case1 : 
+Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.2.0-44-virtual x86_64)


+ * Documentation:


+  System information as of Fri Nov 22 00:44:27 PST 2013



+Last login: Fri Nov 22 00:33:53 2013 from





+admin@autoONOS4:~$ ~/ONOS/ start

+admin@autoONOS4:~$ ~/ONOS/ start

+Killed existing prosess (pid: 20962)

+rotate log: 

+Starting cassandra

+admin@autoONOS4:~$ 2013-11-22 00:46:41,659  Cassandra4: INFO    :  Checking if the startup was clean...
+2013-11-22 00:46:41,662  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Checking if the startup was clean...
+2013-11-22 00:46:41,665  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 1.1: Testing startup Zookeeper
+2013-11-22 00:46:42,581  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+End of Step  1.1: Testing startup Zookeeper
+Start of Step 1.2: Testing startup Cassandra
+2013-11-22 00:46:44,278  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+End of Step  1.2: Testing startup Cassandra
+Start of Step 1.3: Testing startup ONOS
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,420  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case2 : 
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,423  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Checking if the startup was clean...
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,426  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 2.1: Checking if MN switches exist
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,432  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+End of Step  2.1: Checking if MN switches exist
+Start of Step 2.2: assigning ONOS controllers to switches
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,753  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case3 : 
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,756  Cassandra4: INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,759  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,763  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 3.1: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,524  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case4 : 
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,528  Cassandra4: INFO    :  Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,530  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,535  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+2013-11-22 00:50:15,141  Cassandra4: INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:50:15,144  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+End of Step  4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+Start of Step 4.2: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 00:50:24,745  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case5 : 
+2013-11-22 00:50:24,750  Cassandra4: INFO    :  Testing ping...
+2013-11-22 00:50:25,527  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case6 : 
+2013-11-22 00:50:25,532  Cassandra4: INFO    :  Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:50:27,578  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:50:27,582  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 6.1: Check that the pings are going
+2013-11-22 00:50:28,710  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+End of Step  6.1: Check that the pings are going
+Start of Step 6.2: Link down number of iterations: 3
+2013-11-22 00:56:29,674  Cassandra4: INFO    :  Killing remote ping processes 
+2013-11-22 00:56:33,681  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case7 : 
+2013-11-22 00:56:33,689  Cassandra4: INFO    :  Processing Ping data
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,858  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case4 : 
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,864  Cassandra4: INFO    :  Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,868  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,873  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+2013-11-22 00:57:11,401  Cassandra4: INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:57:11,406  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+End of Step  4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+Start of Step 4.2: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 00:57:20,716  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case8 : 
+2013-11-22 00:57:40,739  Cassandra4: INFO    :  Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:57:42,793  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:57:42,797  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 8.1: Check that the pings are going
+2013-11-22 00:57:43,932  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+End of Step  8.1: Check that the pings are going
+Start of Step 8.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+2013-11-22 00:57:43,937  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+End of Step  8.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+Start of Step 8.3: Link down number of iterations: 3
+2013-11-22 01:04:01,374  Cassandra4: INFO    :  Killing remote ping processes 
+2013-11-22 01:04:05,774  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case7 : 
+2013-11-22 01:04:05,781  Cassandra4: INFO    :  Processing Ping data
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,951  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case4 : 
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,953  Cassandra4: INFO    :  Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,954  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,961  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,721  Cassandra4: INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,725  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+End of Step  4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+Start of Step 4.2: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 01:04:49,381  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case9 : 
+2013-11-22 01:05:09,410  Cassandra4: INFO    :  Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 01:05:11,465  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 01:05:11,469  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 9.1: Check that the pings are going
+2013-11-22 01:05:12,585  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+End of Step  9.1: Check that the pings are going
+Start of Step 9.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+2013-11-22 01:05:12,589  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+End of Step  9.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+Start of Step 9.3: Link down number of iterations: 3
+2013-11-22 01:10:35,199  Cassandra4: INFO    :  Killing remote ping processes 
+2013-11-22 01:10:39,267  Cassandra4: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case7 : 
+2013-11-22 01:10:39,272  Cassandra4: INFO    :  Processing Ping data


+Connection to closed.

diff --git a/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Mininet1.session b/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Mininet1.session
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..936e091
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Mininet1.session
@@ -0,0 +1,951 @@
+2013-11-22 00:44:27,350  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+                                +----------------+
+------------------------------ { Script And Files }  ------------------------------
+                                +----------------+
+	Script Log File : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23.log
+	Report Log File : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23.rpt
+	ONOS4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS4.session
+	ONOS2 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS2.session
+	ONOS3 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS3.session
+	ONOS1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS1.session
+	Cassandra1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra1.session
+	Cassandra2 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra2.session
+	Cassandra3 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra3.session
+	Cassandra4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra4.session
+	Zookeeper1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Zookeeper1.session
+	Mininet1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Mininet1.session
+	Mininet4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Mininet4.session
+	Test Script :/home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/
+	Test Params : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/OnosPerf4nodes.params
+	Topology : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/OnosPerf4nodes.tpl
+                              +------------------+
+---------------------------  { Script Exec Params }  ---------------------------
+                              +------------------+
+	'CTRL': 
+	'ip2': ''
+	 'ip3': ''
+	 'ip1': ''
+	 'ip4': ''
+	 'port4': '6633'
+	 'port2': '6633'
+	 'port3': '6633'
+	 'port1': '6633'
+	 'MN_size': '57'
+	 'FLOWDEF': '~/flowdef_files/Center_Triangle/flowdef_20.txt'
+	 'NR_Switches': '25'
+	 'WaitTime': '60'
+	 'TargetTime': '30'
+	 'PING': 
+	'source2': 'h7'
+	 'source9': 'h14'
+	 'source10': 'h15'
+	 'source4': 'h9'
+	 'source5': 'h10'
+	 'target3': ''
+	 'target10': ''
+	 'source3': 'h8'
+	 'source1': 'h6'
+	 'source6': 'h11'
+	 'source7': 'h12'
+	 'target8': ''
+	 'target9': ''
+	 'target6': ''
+	 'target7': ''
+	 'target4': ''
+	 'target5': ''
+	 'target2': ''
+	 'source8': 'h13'
+	 'target1': ''
+	 'NR_Links': '50'
+	 'testcases': '1
+	2
+	3
+	4
+	5
+	6
+	7
+	4
+	8
+	7
+	4
+	9
+	7'
+	 'RestIP': ''
+	 'Iterations': '3'
+                               +---------------+
+----------------------------- { Components Used }  -----------------------------
+                               +---------------+
+	Cassandra1
+	Cassandra2
+	Cassandra3
+	Cassandra4
+	Zookeeper1
+	Mininet1
+	Mininet4
+                              +--------+
+---------------------------- { Topology }  ----------------------------
+                              +--------+
+	'ONOS4': 
+	'connect_order': '9'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'ONOS2': 
+	'connect_order': '7'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'ONOS3': 
+	'connect_order': '8'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'ONOS1': 
+	'connect_order': '6'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra1': 
+	'connect_order': '2'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra2': 
+	'connect_order': '3'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra3': 
+	'connect_order': '4'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra4': 
+	'connect_order': '5'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Zookeeper1': 
+	'connect_order': '1'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'ZookeeperCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Mininet1': 
+	'connect_order': '10'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	'arg1': '--custom ~/mininet/custom/'
+	 'arg2': '--topo mytopo --arp'
+	 'controller': 'remote'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'MininetCliDriver'
+	 'Mininet4': 
+	'connect_order': '11'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'RemoteMininetDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'



+sudo mn -c
+sudo mn -c

+Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.2.0-44-virtual x86_64)


+ * Documentation:


+  System information as of Fri Nov 22 08:44:27 UTC 2013


+  System load:  0.12               Processes:           82

+  Usage of /:   11.7% of 19.67GB   Users logged in:     0

+  Memory usage: 8%                 IP address for eth0:

+  Swap usage:   0%


+  Graph this data and manage this system at


+  Get cloud support with Ubuntu Advantage Cloud Guest:



+  Use Juju to deploy your cloud instances and workloads:



+97 packages can be updated.

+33 updates are security updates.


+Last login: Fri Nov 22 08:33:55 2013 from



+sudo mn -c



+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ sudo mn -c

+*** Removing excess controllers/ofprotocols/ofdatapaths/pings/noxes

+killall controller ofprotocol ofdatapath ping nox_core lt-nox_core ovs-openflowd ovs-controller udpbwtest mnexec ivs 2> /dev/null

+killall -9 controller ofprotocol ofdatapath ping nox_core lt-nox_core ovs-openflowd ovs-controller udpbwtest mnexec ivs 2> /dev/null

+pkill -9 -f "sudo mnexec"

+*** Removing junk from /tmp

+rm -f /tmp/vconn* /tmp/vlogs* /tmp/*.out /tmp/*.log

+*** Removing old X11 tunnels

+*** Removing excess kernel datapaths

+ps ax | egrep -o 'dp[0-9]+' | sed 's/dp/nl:/'

+***  Removing OVS datapathsovs-vsctl --timeout=1 list-br

+*** Removing all links of the pattern foo-ethX

+ip link show | egrep -o '(\w+-eth\w+)'

+*** Cleanup complete.

+sudo mn --custom ~/mininet/custom/ --topo mytopo --arp --mac --controller remote
+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ sudo mn --custom ~/mininet/custom/ --to
<n --custom ~/mininet/custom/ --top                         o mytopo --arp --mac --co

<m/ --topo mytopo --arp --mac --con                         troller remote

+*** Creating network

+*** Adding controller

+Unable to contact the remote controller at

+*** Adding hosts:

+h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h7 h8 h9 h10 h11 h12 h13 h14 h15 h31 h32 h33 h34 h35 h36 h37 h38 h39 h40 

+*** Adding switches:

+s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11 s12 s13 s14 s15 s31 s32 s33 s34 s35 s36 s37 s38 s39 s40 

+*** Adding links:

+(h1, s1) (h2, s2) (h3, s3) (h4, s4) (h5, s5) (h6, s6) (h7, s7) (h8, s8) (h9, s9) (h10, s10) (h11, s11) (h12, s12) (h13, s13) (h14, s14) (h15, s15) (h31, s31) (h32, s32) (h33, s33) (h34, s34) (h35, s35) (h36, s36) (h37, s37) (h38, s38) (h39, s39) (h40, s40) (s1, s2) (s1, s3) (s1, s5) (s2, s3) (s2, s4) (s4, s6) (s4, s7) (s4, s8) (s4, s9) (s4, s10) (s4, s11) (s4, s12) (s4, s13) (s4, s14) (s4, s15) (s5, s31) (s5, s32) (s5, s33) (s5, s34) (s5, s35) (s5, s36) (s5, s37) (s5, s38) (s5, s39) (s5, s40) 

+*** Configuring hosts

+h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h7 h8 h9 h10 h11 h12 h13 h14 h15 h31 h32 h33 h34 h35 h36 h37 h38 h39 h40 

+*** Starting controller

+*** Starting 25 switches

+s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11 s12 s13 s14 s15 s31 s32 s33 s34 s35 s36 s37 s38 s39 s40 

+*** Starting CLI:

+mininet> 2013-11-22 00:44:49,771  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case1 : 
+2013-11-22 00:46:41,660  Mininet1  : INFO    :  Checking if the startup was clean...
+2013-11-22 00:46:41,662  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Checking if the startup was clean...
+2013-11-22 00:46:41,665  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 1.1: Testing startup Zookeeper
+2013-11-22 00:46:42,581  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+End of Step  1.1: Testing startup Zookeeper
+Start of Step 1.2: Testing startup Cassandra
+2013-11-22 00:46:44,278  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+End of Step  1.2: Testing startup Cassandra
+Start of Step 1.3: Testing startup ONOS
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,420  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case2 : 
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,423  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Checking if the startup was clean...
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,426  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 2.1: Checking if MN switches exist
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,433  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+End of Step  2.1: Checking if MN switches exist
+Start of Step 2.2: assigning ONOS controllers to switches
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s1 ptcp:6634 tcp:       
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s1 ptcp:6634 tcp:      
<ontroller s1 ptcp:6634 tcp:                                

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s1 ptcp:6634 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:    
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s1 ptcp:6634 tcp: tcp:1
<ontroller s1 ptcp:6634 tcp: tcp:10                         .128.100.4:6633 tcp:10.12

<: tcp: tcp:10.128                         .100.5:6633 tcp:10.128.10

<128.100.4:6633 tcp: tcp:10.128.100                         .6:6633    

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s2 ptcp:6635 tcp:       
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s2 ptcp:6635 tcp:      
<ontroller s2 ptcp:6635 tcp:                                

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s2 ptcp:6635 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:    
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s2 ptcp:6635 tcp: tcp:1
<ontroller s2 ptcp:6635 tcp: tcp:10                         .128.100.4:6633 tcp:10.12

<: tcp: tcp:10.128                         .100.5:6633 tcp:10.128.10

<128.100.4:6633 tcp: tcp:10.128.100                         .6:6633    

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s3 ptcp:6636 tcp:       
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s3 ptcp:6636 tcp:      
<ontroller s3 ptcp:6636 tcp:                                

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s3 ptcp:6636 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:    
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s3 ptcp:6636 tcp: tcp:1
<ontroller s3 ptcp:6636 tcp: tcp:10                         .128.100.4:6633 tcp:10.12

<: tcp: tcp:10.128                         .100.5:6633 tcp:10.128.10

<128.100.4:6633 tcp: tcp:10.128.100                         .6:6633    

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s4 ptcp:6637 tcp:       
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s4 ptcp:6637 tcp:      
<ontroller s4 ptcp:6637 tcp:                                

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s4 ptcp:6637 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:    
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s4 ptcp:6637 tcp: tcp:1
<ontroller s4 ptcp:6637 tcp: tcp:10                         .128.100.4:6633 tcp:10.12

<: tcp: tcp:10.128                         .100.5:6633 tcp:10.128.10

<128.100.4:6633 tcp: tcp:10.128.100                         .6:6633    

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s5 ptcp:6638 tcp:       
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s5 ptcp:6638 tcp:      
<ontroller s5 ptcp:6638 tcp:                                

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s5 ptcp:6638 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:    
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s5 ptcp:6638 tcp: tcp:1
<ontroller s5 ptcp:6638 tcp: tcp:10                         .128.100.4:6633 tcp:10.12

<: tcp: tcp:10.128                         .100.5:6633 tcp:10.128.10

<128.100.4:6633 tcp: tcp:10.128.100                         .6:6633    

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s6 ptcp:6639 tcp:       
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s6 ptcp:6639 tcp:      
<ontroller s6 ptcp:6639 tcp:                                

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s6 ptcp:6639 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:    
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s6 ptcp:6639 tcp: tcp:1
<ontroller s6 ptcp:6639 tcp: tcp:10                         .128.100.4:6633 tcp:10.12

<: tcp: tcp:10.128                         .100.5:6633 tcp:10.128.10

<128.100.4:6633 tcp: tcp:10.128.100                         .6:6633    

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s7 ptcp:6640 tcp:       
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s7 ptcp:6640 tcp:      
<ontroller s7 ptcp:6640 tcp:                                

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s7 ptcp:6640 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:    
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s7 ptcp:6640 tcp: tcp:1
<ontroller s7 ptcp:6640 tcp: tcp:10                         .128.100.4:6633 tcp:10.12

<: tcp: tcp:10.128                         .100.5:6633 tcp:10.128.10

<128.100.4:6633 tcp: tcp:10.128.100                         .6:6633    

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s8 ptcp:6641 tcp:       
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s8 ptcp:6641 tcp:      
<ontroller s8 ptcp:6641 tcp:                                

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s8 ptcp:6641 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:    
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s8 ptcp:6641 tcp: tcp:1
<ontroller s8 ptcp:6641 tcp: tcp:10                         .128.100.4:6633 tcp:10.12

<: tcp: tcp:10.128                         .100.5:6633 tcp:10.128.10

<128.100.4:6633 tcp: tcp:10.128.100                         .6:6633    

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s9 ptcp:6642 tcp:       
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s9 ptcp:6642 tcp:      
<ontroller s9 ptcp:6642 tcp:                                

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s9 ptcp:6642 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:    
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s9 ptcp:6642 tcp: tcp:1
<ontroller s9 ptcp:6642 tcp: tcp:10                         .128.100.4:6633 tcp:10.12

<: tcp: tcp:10.128                         .100.5:6633 tcp:10.128.10

<128.100.4:6633 tcp: tcp:10.128.100                         .6:6633    

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s10 ptcp:6643 tcp:       
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s10 ptcp:6643 tcp:     
<ontroller s10 ptcp:6643 tcp:                                

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s10 ptcp:6643 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:    
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s10 ptcp:6643 tcp: tcp:
<ontroller s10 ptcp:6643 tcp: tcp:1                tcp:10.1

<p: tcp: tcp:10.12                         8.100.5:6633 tcp:10.128.1

<.128.100.4:6633 tcp: tcp:10.128.10                         0.6:6633    

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s11 ptcp:6644 tcp:       
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s11 ptcp:6644 tcp:     
<ontroller s11 ptcp:6644 tcp:                                

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s11 ptcp:6644 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:    
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s11 ptcp:6644 tcp: tcp:
<ontroller s11 ptcp:6644 tcp: tcp:1                tcp:10.1

<p: tcp: tcp:10.12                         8.100.5:6633 tcp:10.128.1

<.128.100.4:6633 tcp: tcp:10.128.10                         0.6:6633    

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s12 ptcp:6645 tcp:       
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s12 ptcp:6645 tcp:     
<ontroller s12 ptcp:6645 tcp:                                

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s12 ptcp:6645 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:    
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s12 ptcp:6645 tcp: tcp:
<ontroller s12 ptcp:6645 tcp: tcp:1                tcp:10.1

<p: tcp: tcp:10.12                         8.100.5:6633 tcp:10.128.1

<.128.100.4:6633 tcp: tcp:10.128.10                         0.6:6633    

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s13 ptcp:6646 tcp:       
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s13 ptcp:6646 tcp:     
<ontroller s13 ptcp:6646 tcp:                                

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s13 ptcp:6646 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:    
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s13 ptcp:6646 tcp: tcp:
<ontroller s13 ptcp:6646 tcp: tcp:1                tcp:10.1

<p: tcp: tcp:10.12                         8.100.5:6633 tcp:10.128.1

<.128.100.4:6633 tcp: tcp:10.128.10                         0.6:6633    

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s14 ptcp:6647 tcp:       
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s14 ptcp:6647 tcp:     
<ontroller s14 ptcp:6647 tcp:                                

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s14 ptcp:6647 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:    
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s14 ptcp:6647 tcp: tcp:
<ontroller s14 ptcp:6647 tcp: tcp:1                tcp:10.1

<p: tcp: tcp:10.12                         8.100.5:6633 tcp:10.128.1

<.128.100.4:6633 tcp: tcp:10.128.10                         0.6:6633    

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s15 ptcp:6648 tcp:       
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s15 ptcp:6648 tcp:     
<ontroller s15 ptcp:6648 tcp:                                

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s15 ptcp:6648 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:    
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s15 ptcp:6648 tcp: tcp:
<ontroller s15 ptcp:6648 tcp: tcp:1                tcp:10.1

<p: tcp: tcp:10.12                         8.100.5:6633 tcp:10.128.1

<.128.100.4:6633 tcp: tcp:10.128.10                         0.6:6633    

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s31 ptcp:6664 tcp:       
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s31 ptcp:6664 tcp:     
<ontroller s31 ptcp:6664 tcp:                                

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s31 ptcp:6664 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:    
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s31 ptcp:6664 tcp: tcp:
<ontroller s31 ptcp:6664 tcp: tcp:1                tcp:10.1

<p: tcp: tcp:10.12                         8.100.5:6633 tcp:10.128.1

<.128.100.4:6633 tcp: tcp:10.128.10                         0.6:6633    

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s32 ptcp:6665 tcp:       
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s32 ptcp:6665 tcp:     
<ontroller s32 ptcp:6665 tcp:                                

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s32 ptcp:6665 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:    
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s32 ptcp:6665 tcp: tcp:
<ontroller s32 ptcp:6665 tcp: tcp:1                tcp:10.1

<p: tcp: tcp:10.12                         8.100.5:6633 tcp:10.128.1

<.128.100.4:6633 tcp: tcp:10.128.10                         0.6:6633    

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s33 ptcp:6666 tcp:       
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s33 ptcp:6666 tcp:     
<ontroller s33 ptcp:6666 tcp:                                

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s33 ptcp:6666 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:    
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s33 ptcp:6666 tcp: tcp:
<ontroller s33 ptcp:6666 tcp: tcp:1                tcp:10.1

<p: tcp: tcp:10.12                         8.100.5:6633 tcp:10.128.1

<.128.100.4:6633 tcp: tcp:10.128.10                         0.6:6633    

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s34 ptcp:6667 tcp:       
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s34 ptcp:6667 tcp:     
<ontroller s34 ptcp:6667 tcp:                                

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s34 ptcp:6667 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:    
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s34 ptcp:6667 tcp: tcp:
<ontroller s34 ptcp:6667 tcp: tcp:1                tcp:10.1

<p: tcp: tcp:10.12                         8.100.5:6633 tcp:10.128.1

<.128.100.4:6633 tcp: tcp:10.128.10                         0.6:6633    

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s35 ptcp:6668 tcp:       
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s35 ptcp:6668 tcp:     
<ontroller s35 ptcp:6668 tcp:                                

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s35 ptcp:6668 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:    
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s35 ptcp:6668 tcp: tcp:
<ontroller s35 ptcp:6668 tcp: tcp:1                tcp:10.1

<p: tcp: tcp:10.12                         8.100.5:6633 tcp:10.128.1

<.128.100.4:6633 tcp: tcp:10.128.10                         0.6:6633    

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s36 ptcp:6669 tcp:       
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s36 ptcp:6669 tcp:     
<ontroller s36 ptcp:6669 tcp:                                

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s36 ptcp:6669 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:    
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s36 ptcp:6669 tcp: tcp:
<ontroller s36 ptcp:6669 tcp: tcp:1                tcp:10.1

<p: tcp: tcp:10.12                         8.100.5:6633 tcp:10.128.1

<.128.100.4:6633 tcp: tcp:10.128.10                         0.6:6633    

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s37 ptcp:6670 tcp:       
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s37 ptcp:6670 tcp:     
<ontroller s37 ptcp:6670 tcp:                                

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s37 ptcp:6670 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:    
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s37 ptcp:6670 tcp: tcp:
<ontroller s37 ptcp:6670 tcp: tcp:1                tcp:10.1

<p: tcp: tcp:10.12                         8.100.5:6633 tcp:10.128.1

<.128.100.4:6633 tcp: tcp:10.128.10                         0.6:6633    

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s38 ptcp:6671 tcp:       
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s38 ptcp:6671 tcp:     
<ontroller s38 ptcp:6671 tcp:                                

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s38 ptcp:6671 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:    
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s38 ptcp:6671 tcp: tcp:
<ontroller s38 ptcp:6671 tcp: tcp:1                tcp:10.1

<p: tcp: tcp:10.12                         8.100.5:6633 tcp:10.128.1

<.128.100.4:6633 tcp: tcp:10.128.10                         0.6:6633    

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s39 ptcp:6672 tcp:       
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s39 ptcp:6672 tcp:     
<ontroller s39 ptcp:6672 tcp:                                

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s39 ptcp:6672 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:    
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s39 ptcp:6672 tcp: tcp:
<ontroller s39 ptcp:6672 tcp: tcp:1                tcp:10.1

<p: tcp: tcp:10.12                         8.100.5:6633 tcp:10.128.1

<.128.100.4:6633 tcp: tcp:10.128.10                         0.6:6633    

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s40 ptcp:6673 tcp:       
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s40 ptcp:6673 tcp:     
<ontroller s40 ptcp:6673 tcp:                                

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s40 ptcp:6673 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:    
+sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s40 ptcp:6673 tcp: tcp:
<ontroller s40 ptcp:6673 tcp: tcp:1                tcp:10.1

<p: tcp: tcp:10.12                         8.100.5:6633 tcp:10.128.1

<.128.100.4:6633 tcp: tcp:10.128.10                         0.6:6633    

+mininet> sh ovs-vsctl get-controller s1
+sh ovs-vsctl get-controller s1






+mininet> 2013-11-22 00:49:27,753  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case3 : 
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,757  Mininet1  : INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,759  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,763  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 3.1: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,524  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case4 : 
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,528  Mininet1  : INFO    :  Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,531  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,536  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+h6 ping h31 -c 1 -i .2
+h6 ping h31 -c 1 -i .2

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=10.3 ms


+--- ping statistics ---

+1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms

+rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 10.385/10.385/10.385/0.000 ms

+mininet> h7 ping h32 -c 1 -i .2
+h7 ping h32 -c 1 -i .2

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=10.3 ms


+--- ping statistics ---

+1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms

+rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 10.322/10.322/10.322/0.000 ms

+mininet> h8 ping h33 -c 1 -i .2
+h8 ping h33 -c 1 -i .2

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=10.8 ms


+--- ping statistics ---

+1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms

+rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 10.894/10.894/10.894/0.000 ms

+mininet> h9 ping h34 -c 1 -i .2
+h9 ping h34 -c 1 -i .2

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=12.7 ms


+--- ping statistics ---

+1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms

+rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 12.766/12.766/12.766/0.000 ms

+mininet> h10 ping h35 -c 1 -i .2
+h10 ping h35 -c 1 -i .2

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=10.7 ms


+--- ping statistics ---

+1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms

+rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 10.749/10.749/10.749/0.000 ms

+mininet> h11 ping h36 -c 1 -i .2
+h11 ping h36 -c 1 -i .2

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=9.12 ms


+--- ping statistics ---

+1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms

+rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 9.127/9.127/9.127/0.000 ms

+mininet> h12 ping h37 -c 1 -i .2
+h12 ping h37 -c 1 -i .2

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=10.4 ms


+--- ping statistics ---

+1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms

+rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 10.418/10.418/10.418/0.000 ms

+mininet> h13 ping h38 -c 1 -i .2
+h13 ping h38 -c 1 -i .2

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=11.0 ms


+--- ping statistics ---

+1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms

+rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 11.066/11.066/11.066/0.000 ms

+mininet> h14 ping h39 -c 1 -i .2
+h14 ping h39 -c 1 -i .2

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=11.5 ms


+--- ping statistics ---

+1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms

+rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 11.557/11.557/11.557/0.000 ms

+mininet> h15 ping h40 -c 1 -i .2
+h15 ping h40 -c 1 -i .2

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=9.87 ms


+--- ping statistics ---

+1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms

+rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 9.874/9.874/9.874/0.000 ms

+mininet> 2013-11-22 00:50:15,141  Mininet1  : INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:50:15,145  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+End of Step  4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+Start of Step 4.2: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 00:50:24,746  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case5 : 
+2013-11-22 00:50:24,750  Mininet1  : INFO    :  Testing ping...
+2013-11-22 00:50:25,527  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case6 : 
+2013-11-22 00:50:25,532  Mininet1  : INFO    :  Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:50:27,578  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:50:27,582  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 6.1: Check that the pings are going
+2013-11-22 00:50:28,710  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+End of Step  6.1: Check that the pings are going
+Start of Step 6.2: Link down number of iterations: 3
+link s1 s2 down
+link s1 s2 down

+mininet> link s1 s2 up
+link s1 s2 up

+mininet> link s1 s2 down
+link s1 s2 down

+mininet> link s1 s2 up
+link s1 s2 up

+mininet> link s1 s2 down
+link s1 s2 down

+mininet> link s1 s2 up
+link s1 s2 up

+mininet> 2013-11-22 00:56:29,674  Mininet1  : INFO    :  Killing remote ping processes 
+2013-11-22 00:56:33,682  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case7 : 
+2013-11-22 00:56:33,690  Mininet1  : INFO    :  Processing Ping data
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,859  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case4 : 
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,864  Mininet1  : INFO    :  Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,868  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,873  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+h6 ping h31 -c 1 -i .2
+h6 ping h31 -c 1 -i .2

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=28.3 ms


+--- ping statistics ---

+1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms

+rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 28.317/28.317/28.317/0.000 ms

+mininet> h7 ping h32 -c 1 -i .2
+h7 ping h32 -c 1 -i .2

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=9.65 ms


+--- ping statistics ---

+1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms

+rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 9.653/9.653/9.653/0.000 ms

+mininet> h8 ping h33 -c 1 -i .2
+h8 ping h33 -c 1 -i .2

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=11.7 ms


+--- ping statistics ---

+1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms

+rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 11.716/11.716/11.716/0.000 ms

+mininet> h9 ping h34 -c 1 -i .2
+h9 ping h34 -c 1 -i .2

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=9.27 ms


+--- ping statistics ---

+1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms

+rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 9.273/9.273/9.273/0.000 ms

+mininet> h10 ping h35 -c 1 -i .2
+h10 ping h35 -c 1 -i .2

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=9.63 ms


+--- ping statistics ---

+1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms

+rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 9.638/9.638/9.638/0.000 ms

+mininet> h11 ping h36 -c 1 -i .2
+h11 ping h36 -c 1 -i .2

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=8.99 ms


+--- ping statistics ---

+1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms

+rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 8.999/8.999/8.999/0.000 ms

+mininet> h12 ping h37 -c 1 -i .2
+h12 ping h37 -c 1 -i .2

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=12.1 ms


+--- ping statistics ---

+1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms

+rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 12.108/12.108/12.108/0.000 ms

+mininet> h13 ping h38 -c 1 -i .2
+h13 ping h38 -c 1 -i .2

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=10.0 ms


+--- ping statistics ---

+1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms

+rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 10.084/10.084/10.084/0.000 ms

+mininet> h14 ping h39 -c 1 -i .2
+h14 ping h39 -c 1 -i .2

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=9.23 ms


+--- ping statistics ---

+1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms

+rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 9.234/9.234/9.234/0.000 ms

+mininet> h15 ping h40 -c 1 -i .2
+h15 ping h40 -c 1 -i .2

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=10.0 ms


+--- ping statistics ---

+1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms

+rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 10.013/10.013/10.013/0.000 ms

+mininet> 2013-11-22 00:57:11,402  Mininet1  : INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:57:11,406  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+End of Step  4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+Start of Step 4.2: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 00:57:20,716  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case8 : 
+2013-11-22 00:57:40,739  Mininet1  : INFO    :  Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:57:42,794  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:57:42,798  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 8.1: Check that the pings are going
+2013-11-22 00:57:43,932  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+End of Step  8.1: Check that the pings are going
+Start of Step 8.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+2013-11-22 00:57:43,937  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+End of Step  8.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+Start of Step 8.3: Link down number of iterations: 3
+link s1 s2 down
+link s1 s2 down

+mininet> link s1 s3 up
+link s1 s3 up

+mininet> link s2 s3 up
+link s2 s3 up

+mininet> link s1 s2 up
+link s1 s2 up

+mininet> link s1 s3 down
+link s1 s3 down

+mininet> link s2 s3 down
+link s2 s3 down

+mininet> link s1 s2 down
+link s1 s2 down

+mininet> link s1 s3 up
+link s1 s3 up

+mininet> link s2 s3 up
+link s2 s3 up

+mininet> link s1 s2 up
+link s1 s2 up

+mininet> link s1 s3 down
+link s1 s3 down

+mininet> link s2 s3 down
+link s2 s3 down

+mininet> link s1 s2 down
+link s1 s2 down

+mininet> link s1 s3 up
+link s1 s3 up

+mininet> link s2 s3 up
+link s2 s3 up

+mininet> link s1 s2 up
+link s1 s2 up

+mininet> link s1 s3 down
+link s1 s3 down

+mininet> link s2 s3 down
+link s2 s3 down

+mininet> 2013-11-22 01:04:01,374  Mininet1  : INFO    :  Killing remote ping processes 
+link s1 s2 up
+link s1 s2 up

+mininet> link s1 s3 up
+link s1 s3 up

+mininet> link s2 s3 up
+link s2 s3 up

+mininet> 2013-11-22 01:04:05,775  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case7 : 
+2013-11-22 01:04:05,782  Mininet1  : INFO    :  Processing Ping data
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,951  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case4 : 
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,953  Mininet1  : INFO    :  Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,955  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,961  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+h6 ping h31 -c 1 -i .2
+h6 ping h31 -c 1 -i .2

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=5.92 ms


+--- ping statistics ---

+1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms

+rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 5.929/5.929/5.929/0.000 ms

+mininet> h7 ping h32 -c 1 -i .2
+h7 ping h32 -c 1 -i .2

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=10.2 ms


+--- ping statistics ---

+1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms

+rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 10.227/10.227/10.227/0.000 ms

+mininet> h8 ping h33 -c 1 -i .2
+h8 ping h33 -c 1 -i .2

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=10.5 ms


+--- ping statistics ---

+1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms

+rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 10.501/10.501/10.501/0.000 ms

+mininet> h9 ping h34 -c 1 -i .2
+h9 ping h34 -c 1 -i .2

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=9.73 ms


+--- ping statistics ---

+1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms

+rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 9.737/9.737/9.737/0.000 ms

+mininet> h10 ping h35 -c 1 -i .2
+h10 ping h35 -c 1 -i .2

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=10.2 ms


+--- ping statistics ---

+1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms

+rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 10.296/10.296/10.296/0.000 ms

+mininet> h11 ping h36 -c 1 -i .2
+h11 ping h36 -c 1 -i .2

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=9.89 ms


+--- ping statistics ---

+1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms

+rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 9.894/9.894/9.894/0.000 ms

+mininet> h12 ping h37 -c 1 -i .2
+h12 ping h37 -c 1 -i .2

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=9.30 ms


+--- ping statistics ---

+1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms

+rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 9.307/9.307/9.307/0.000 ms

+mininet> h13 ping h38 -c 1 -i .2
+h13 ping h38 -c 1 -i .2

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=11.8 ms


+--- ping statistics ---

+1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms

+rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 11.840/11.840/11.840/0.000 ms

+mininet> h14 ping h39 -c 1 -i .2
+h14 ping h39 -c 1 -i .2

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=9.80 ms


+--- ping statistics ---

+1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms

+rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 9.801/9.801/9.801/0.000 ms

+mininet> h15 ping h40 -c 1 -i .2
+h15 ping h40 -c 1 -i .2

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=12.5 ms


+--- ping statistics ---

+1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms

+rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 12.546/12.546/12.546/0.000 ms

+mininet> 2013-11-22 01:04:40,722  Mininet1  : INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,725  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+End of Step  4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+Start of Step 4.2: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 01:04:49,381  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case9 : 
+2013-11-22 01:05:09,411  Mininet1  : INFO    :  Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 01:05:11,465  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 01:05:11,469  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 9.1: Check that the pings are going
+2013-11-22 01:05:12,586  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+End of Step  9.1: Check that the pings are going
+Start of Step 9.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+2013-11-22 01:05:12,590  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+End of Step  9.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+Start of Step 9.3: Link down number of iterations: 3
+link s1 s2 down
+link s1 s2 down

+mininet> link s1 s2 up
+link s1 s2 up

+mininet> link s1 s2 down
+link s1 s2 down

+mininet> link s1 s2 up
+link s1 s2 up

+mininet> link s1 s2 down
+link s1 s2 down

+mininet> link s1 s2 up
+link s1 s2 up

+mininet> 2013-11-22 01:10:35,199  Mininet1  : INFO    :  Killing remote ping processes 
+2013-11-22 01:10:39,267  Mininet1  : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case7 : 
+2013-11-22 01:10:39,272  Mininet1  : INFO    :  Processing Ping data

+*** Stopping 25 switches

+s1 exit
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Mininet4.session b/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Mininet4.session
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45da245
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Mininet4.session
@@ -0,0 +1,885 @@
+2013-11-22 00:44:49,625  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+                                +----------------+
+------------------------------ { Script And Files }  ------------------------------
+                                +----------------+
+	Script Log File : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23.log
+	Report Log File : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23.rpt
+	ONOS4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS4.session
+	ONOS2 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS2.session
+	ONOS3 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS3.session
+	ONOS1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS1.session
+	Cassandra1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra1.session
+	Cassandra2 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra2.session
+	Cassandra3 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra3.session
+	Cassandra4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra4.session
+	Zookeeper1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Zookeeper1.session
+	Mininet1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Mininet1.session
+	Mininet4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Mininet4.session
+	Test Script :/home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/
+	Test Params : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/OnosPerf4nodes.params
+	Topology : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/OnosPerf4nodes.tpl
+                              +------------------+
+---------------------------  { Script Exec Params }  ---------------------------
+                              +------------------+
+	'CTRL': 
+	'ip2': ''
+	 'ip3': ''
+	 'ip1': ''
+	 'ip4': ''
+	 'port4': '6633'
+	 'port2': '6633'
+	 'port3': '6633'
+	 'port1': '6633'
+	 'MN_size': '57'
+	 'FLOWDEF': '~/flowdef_files/Center_Triangle/flowdef_20.txt'
+	 'NR_Switches': '25'
+	 'WaitTime': '60'
+	 'TargetTime': '30'
+	 'PING': 
+	'source2': 'h7'
+	 'source9': 'h14'
+	 'source10': 'h15'
+	 'source4': 'h9'
+	 'source5': 'h10'
+	 'target3': ''
+	 'target10': ''
+	 'source3': 'h8'
+	 'source1': 'h6'
+	 'source6': 'h11'
+	 'source7': 'h12'
+	 'target8': ''
+	 'target9': ''
+	 'target6': ''
+	 'target7': ''
+	 'target4': ''
+	 'target5': ''
+	 'target2': ''
+	 'source8': 'h13'
+	 'target1': ''
+	 'NR_Links': '50'
+	 'testcases': '1
+	2
+	3
+	4
+	5
+	6
+	7
+	4
+	8
+	7
+	4
+	9
+	7'
+	 'RestIP': ''
+	 'Iterations': '3'
+                               +---------------+
+----------------------------- { Components Used }  -----------------------------
+                               +---------------+
+	Cassandra1
+	Cassandra2
+	Cassandra3
+	Cassandra4
+	Zookeeper1
+	Mininet1
+	Mininet4
+                              +--------+
+---------------------------- { Topology }  ----------------------------
+                              +--------+
+	'ONOS4': 
+	'connect_order': '9'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'ONOS2': 
+	'connect_order': '7'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'ONOS3': 
+	'connect_order': '8'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'ONOS1': 
+	'connect_order': '6'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra1': 
+	'connect_order': '2'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra2': 
+	'connect_order': '3'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra3': 
+	'connect_order': '4'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra4': 
+	'connect_order': '5'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Zookeeper1': 
+	'connect_order': '1'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'ZookeeperCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Mininet1': 
+	'connect_order': '10'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	'arg1': '--custom ~/mininet/custom/'
+	 'arg2': '--topo mytopo --arp'
+	 'controller': 'remote'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'MininetCliDriver'
+	 'Mininet4': 
+	'connect_order': '11'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'RemoteMininetDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'



+2013-11-22 00:44:49,771  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case1 : 
+2013-11-22 00:46:41,660  Mininet4  : INFO    :  Checking if the startup was clean...
+2013-11-22 00:46:41,663  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Checking if the startup was clean...
+2013-11-22 00:46:41,666  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 1.1: Testing startup Zookeeper
+2013-11-22 00:46:42,581  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+End of Step  1.1: Testing startup Zookeeper
+Start of Step 1.2: Testing startup Cassandra
+2013-11-22 00:46:44,279  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+End of Step  1.2: Testing startup Cassandra
+Start of Step 1.3: Testing startup ONOS
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,421  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case2 : 
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,423  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Checking if the startup was clean...
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,426  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 2.1: Checking if MN switches exist
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,433  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+End of Step  2.1: Checking if MN switches exist
+Start of Step 2.2: assigning ONOS controllers to switches
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,753  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case3 : 
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,757  Mininet4  : INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,760  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,763  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 3.1: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,525  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case4 : 
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,528  Mininet4  : INFO    :  Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,531  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,536  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+2013-11-22 00:50:15,142  Mininet4  : INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:50:15,145  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+End of Step  4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+Start of Step 4.2: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 00:50:24,746  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case5 : 
+2013-11-22 00:50:24,751  Mininet4  : INFO    :  Testing ping...
+mininet/util/m h6 ping -c 4 -W 1 -i .2
+Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.2.0-44-virtual x86_64)


+ * Documentation:


+  System information as of Fri Nov 22 08:44:50 UTC 2013


+  System load:  0.51               Processes:           140

+  Usage of /:   11.7% of 19.67GB   Users logged in:     1

+  Memory usage: 8%                 IP address for eth0:

+  Swap usage:   0%


+  Graph this data and manage this system at


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+97 packages can be updated.

+33 updates are security updates.


+Last login: Fri Nov 22 08:44:28 2013 from





+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ mininet/util/m h6 ping -c 4 -W 1 -i .2

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=9.51 ms

+64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.196 ms

+64 bytes from icmp_req=3 ttl=64 time=0.184 ms

+64 bytes from icmp_req=4 ttl=64 time=0.185 ms


+--- ping statistics ---

+4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 601ms

+rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.184/2.520/9.518/4.040 ms

+2013-11-22 00:50:25,527  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case6 : 
+2013-11-22 00:50:25,532  Mininet4  : INFO    :  Starting long ping... 
+rm /tmp/ping.h6
+mininet/util/m h6 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h6 &
+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ rm /tmp/ping.h6

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ mininet/util/m h6 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h
<t/util/m h6 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h6                          &rm /tmp/ping.h7

+[1] 22638

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ rm /tmp/ping.h7mininet/util/m h7 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h7 &

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ mininet/util/m h7 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h
<t/util/m h7 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h7                          &rm /tmp/ping.h8

+[2] 22648

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ rm /tmp/ping.h8mininet/util/m h8 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h8 &

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ mininet/util/m h8 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h
<t/util/m h8 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h8                          &rm /tmp/ping.h9

+[3] 22658

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ rm /tmp/ping.h9mininet/util/m h9 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h9 &

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ mininet/util/m h9 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h
<t/util/m h9 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h9                          &rm /tmp/ping.h10

+[4] 22668

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ rm /tmp/ping.h10mininet/util/m h10 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h10 &

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ mininet/util/m h10 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.
<t/util/m h10 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h                         10 &rm /tmp/ping.h11

+[5] 22678

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ rm /tmp/ping.h11mininet/util/m h11 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h11 &

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ mininet/util/m h11 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.
<t/util/m h11 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h                         11 &rm /tmp/ping.h12

+[6] 22688

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ rm /tmp/ping.h12mininet/util/m h12 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h12 &

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ mininet/util/m h12 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.
<t/util/m h12 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h                         12 &rm /tmp/ping.h13

+[7] 22698

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ rm /tmp/ping.h13mininet/util/m h13 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h13 &

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ mininet/util/m h13 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.
<t/util/m h13 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h                         13 &rm /tmp/ping.h14

+[8] 22708

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ rm /tmp/ping.h14mininet/util/m h14 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h14 &

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ mininet/util/m h14 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.
<t/util/m h14 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h                         14 &rm /tmp/ping.h15

+[9] 22718

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ rm /tmp/ping.h15mininet/util/m h15 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h15 &

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ mininet/util/m h15 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.
<t/util/m h15 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h                         15 &2013-11-22 00:50:27,578  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:50:27,582  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 6.1: Check that the pings are going
+tail /tmp/ping.h6

+[10] 22728

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ tail /tmp/ping.h6

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=0.161 ms

+64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.170 ms

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ tail /tmp/ping.h7
+tail /tmp/ping.h7

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=9.89 ms

+64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.123 ms

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ tail /tmp/ping.h8
+tail /tmp/ping.h8

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=10.5 ms

+64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.190 ms

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ tail /tmp/ping.h9
+tail /tmp/ping.h9

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=9.23 ms

+64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.177 ms

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ tail /tmp/ping.h10
+tail /tmp/ping.h10

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=11.1 ms

+64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.176 ms

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ tail /tmp/ping.h11
+tail /tmp/ping.h11

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=10.1 ms

+64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.208 ms

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ tail /tmp/ping.h12
+tail /tmp/ping.h12

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=8.92 ms

+64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.170 ms

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ tail /tmp/ping.h13
+tail /tmp/ping.h13

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=4.85 ms

+64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.150 ms

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ tail /tmp/ping.h14
+tail /tmp/ping.h14

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=9.11 ms

+64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.197 ms

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ tail /tmp/ping.h15
+tail /tmp/ping.h15

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=7.79 ms

+64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.186 ms

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ 2013-11-22 00:50:28,711  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+End of Step  6.1: Check that the pings are going
+Start of Step 6.2: Link down number of iterations: 3
+2013-11-22 00:56:29,674  Mininet4  : INFO    :  Killing remote ping processes 
+sudo pkill ping
+scp /tmp/ping.* admin@
+sudo pkill ping

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ scp /tmp/ping.* admin@

ping.h10                                        0%    0     0.0KB/s   --:-- ETA
ping.h10                                      100%   21KB  20.7KB/s   00:00    2013-11-22 00:56:33,682  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case7 : 
+2013-11-22 00:56:33,690  Mininet4  : INFO    :  Processing Ping data
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,859  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case4 : 
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,865  Mininet4  : INFO    :  Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,868  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,873  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+2013-11-22 00:57:11,402  Mininet4  : INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:57:11,406  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+End of Step  4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+Start of Step 4.2: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 00:57:20,717  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case8 : 
+2013-11-22 00:57:40,739  Mininet4  : INFO    :  Starting long ping... 
+rm /tmp/ping.h6
+mininet/util/m h6 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h6 &

ping.h11                                        0%    0     0.0KB/s   --:-- ETA
ping.h11                                      100%   21KB  20.6KB/s   00:00    

ping.h12                                        0%    0     0.0KB/s   --:-- ETA
ping.h12                                      100%   21KB  20.7KB/s   00:00    

ping.h13                                        0%    0     0.0KB/s   --:-- ETA
ping.h13                                      100%   21KB  20.7KB/s   00:00    

ping.h14                                        0%    0     0.0KB/s   --:-- ETA
ping.h14                                      100%   21KB  20.7KB/s   00:00    

ping.h15                                        0%    0     0.0KB/s   --:-- ETA
ping.h15                                      100%   21KB  20.6KB/s   00:00    

ping.h6                                         0%    0     0.0KB/s   --:-- ETA
ping.h6                                       100%   21KB  20.8KB/s   00:00    

ping.h7                                         0%    0     0.0KB/s   --:-- ETA
ping.h7                                       100%   21KB  20.7KB/s   00:00    

ping.h8                                         0%    0     0.0KB/s   --:-- ETA
ping.h8                                       100%   21KB  20.7KB/s   00:00    

ping.h9                                         0%    0     0.0KB/s   --:-- ETA
ping.h9                                       100%   21KB  20.7KB/s   00:00    

+[1]   Exit 143                mininet/util/m h6 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h6

+[2]   Exit 143                mininet/util/m h7 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h7

+[3]   Exit 143                mininet/util/m h8 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h8

+[4]   Exit 143                mininet/util/m h9 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h9

+[5]   Exit 143                mininet/util/m h10 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h10

+[6]   Exit 143                mininet/util/m h11 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h11

+[7]   Exit 143                mininet/util/m h12 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h12

+[8]   Exit 143                mininet/util/m h13 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h13

+[9]-  Exit 143                mininet/util/m h14 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h14

+[10]+  Exit 143                mininet/util/m h15 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h15

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ rm /tmp/ping.h6

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ mininet/util/m h6 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h
<t/util/m h6 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h6                          &rm /tmp/ping.h7

+[1] 22805

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ rm /tmp/ping.h7mininet/util/m h7 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h7 &

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ mininet/util/m h7 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h
<t/util/m h7 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h7                          &rm /tmp/ping.h8

+[2] 22815

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ rm /tmp/ping.h8mininet/util/m h8 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h8 &

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ mininet/util/m h8 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h
<t/util/m h8 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h8                          &rm /tmp/ping.h9

+[3] 22825

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ rm /tmp/ping.h9mininet/util/m h9 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h9 &

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ mininet/util/m h9 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h
<t/util/m h9 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h9                          &rm /tmp/ping.h10

+[4] 22835

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ rm /tmp/ping.h10mininet/util/m h10 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h10 &

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ mininet/util/m h10 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.
<t/util/m h10 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h                         10 &rm /tmp/ping.h11

+[5] 22845

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ rm /tmp/ping.h11mininet/util/m h11 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h11 &

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ mininet/util/m h11 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.
<t/util/m h11 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h                         11 &rm /tmp/ping.h12

+[6] 22855

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ rm /tmp/ping.h12mininet/util/m h12 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h12 &

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ mininet/util/m h12 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.
<t/util/m h12 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h                         12 &rm /tmp/ping.h13

+[7] 22865

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ rm /tmp/ping.h13mininet/util/m h13 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h13 &

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ mininet/util/m h13 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.
<t/util/m h13 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h                         13 &rm /tmp/ping.h14

+[8] 22875

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ rm /tmp/ping.h14mininet/util/m h14 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h14 &

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ mininet/util/m h14 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.
<t/util/m h14 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h                         14 &rm /tmp/ping.h15

+[9] 22885

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ rm /tmp/ping.h15mininet/util/m h15 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h15 &

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ mininet/util/m h15 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.
<t/util/m h15 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h                         15 &2013-11-22 00:57:42,794  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:57:42,798  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 8.1: Check that the pings are going
+tail /tmp/ping.h6

+[10] 22895

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ tail /tmp/ping.h6

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=10.8 ms

+64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.181 ms

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ tail /tmp/ping.h7
+tail /tmp/ping.h7

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=10.1 ms

+64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.176 ms

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ tail /tmp/ping.h8
+tail /tmp/ping.h8

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=8.02 ms

+64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.668 ms

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ tail /tmp/ping.h9
+tail /tmp/ping.h9

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=10.0 ms

+64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.181 ms

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ tail /tmp/ping.h10
+tail /tmp/ping.h10

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=9.98 ms

+64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.103 ms

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ tail /tmp/ping.h11
+tail /tmp/ping.h11

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=10.2 ms

+64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.200 ms

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ tail /tmp/ping.h12
+tail /tmp/ping.h12

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=10.4 ms

+64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.231 ms

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ tail /tmp/ping.h13
+tail /tmp/ping.h13

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=10.0 ms

+64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.172 ms

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ tail /tmp/ping.h14
+tail /tmp/ping.h14

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=4.72 ms

+64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.251 ms

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ tail /tmp/ping.h15
+tail /tmp/ping.h15

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=8.48 ms

+64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.186 ms

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ 2013-11-22 00:57:43,933  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+End of Step  8.1: Check that the pings are going
+Start of Step 8.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+2013-11-22 00:57:43,938  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+End of Step  8.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+Start of Step 8.3: Link down number of iterations: 3
+2013-11-22 01:04:01,374  Mininet4  : INFO    :  Killing remote ping processes 
+sudo pkill ping
+scp /tmp/ping.* admin@
+sudo pkill ping

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ scp /tmp/ping.* admin@

ping.h10                                        0%    0     0.0KB/s   --:-- ETA
ping.h10                                      100%   21KB  21.0KB/s   00:00    2013-11-22 01:04:05,775  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case7 : 
+2013-11-22 01:04:05,782  Mininet4  : INFO    :  Processing Ping data
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,951  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case4 : 
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,953  Mininet4  : INFO    :  Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,955  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,962  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,722  Mininet4  : INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,725  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+End of Step  4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+Start of Step 4.2: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 01:04:49,381  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case9 : 
+2013-11-22 01:05:09,411  Mininet4  : INFO    :  Starting long ping... 
+rm /tmp/ping.h6
+mininet/util/m h6 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h6 &

ping.h11                                        0%    0     0.0KB/s   --:-- ETA
ping.h11                                      100%   21KB  21.0KB/s   00:00    

ping.h12                                        0%    0     0.0KB/s   --:-- ETA
ping.h12                                      100%   21KB  21.0KB/s   00:00    

ping.h13                                        0%    0     0.0KB/s   --:-- ETA
ping.h13                                      100%   21KB  20.9KB/s   00:00    

ping.h14                                        0%    0     0.0KB/s   --:-- ETA
ping.h14                                      100%   21KB  20.9KB/s   00:00    

ping.h15                                        0%    0     0.0KB/s   --:-- ETA
ping.h15                                      100%   21KB  21.0KB/s   00:00    

ping.h6                                         0%    0     0.0KB/s   --:-- ETA
ping.h6                                       100%   21KB  21.0KB/s   00:00    

ping.h7                                         0%    0     0.0KB/s   --:-- ETA
ping.h7                                       100%   21KB  21.0KB/s   00:00    

ping.h8                                         0%    0     0.0KB/s   --:-- ETA
ping.h8                                       100%   21KB  21.0KB/s   00:00    

ping.h9                                         0%    0     0.0KB/s   --:-- ETA
ping.h9                                       100%   21KB  21.0KB/s   00:00    

+[1]   Exit 143                mininet/util/m h6 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h6

+[2]   Exit 143                mininet/util/m h7 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h7

+[3]   Exit 143                mininet/util/m h8 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h8

+[4]   Exit 143                mininet/util/m h9 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h9

+[5]   Exit 143                mininet/util/m h10 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h10

+[6]   Exit 143                mininet/util/m h11 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h11

+[7]   Exit 143                mininet/util/m h12 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h12

+[8]   Exit 143                mininet/util/m h13 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h13

+[9]-  Exit 143                mininet/util/m h14 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h14

+[10]+  Exit 143                mininet/util/m h15 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h15

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ rm /tmp/ping.h6

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ mininet/util/m h6 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h
<t/util/m h6 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h6                          &rm /tmp/ping.h7

+[1] 23001

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ rm /tmp/ping.h7mininet/util/m h7 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h7 &

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ mininet/util/m h7 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h
<t/util/m h7 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h7                          &rm /tmp/ping.h8

+[2] 23011

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ rm /tmp/ping.h8mininet/util/m h8 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h8 &

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ mininet/util/m h8 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h
<t/util/m h8 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h8                          &rm /tmp/ping.h9

+[3] 23021

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ rm /tmp/ping.h9mininet/util/m h9 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h9 &

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ mininet/util/m h9 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h
<t/util/m h9 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h9                          &rm /tmp/ping.h10

+[4] 23031

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ rm /tmp/ping.h10mininet/util/m h10 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h10 &

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ mininet/util/m h10 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.
<t/util/m h10 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h                         10 &rm /tmp/ping.h11

+[5] 23041

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ rm /tmp/ping.h11mininet/util/m h11 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h11 &

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ mininet/util/m h11 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.
<t/util/m h11 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h                         11 &rm /tmp/ping.h12

+[6] 23051

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ rm /tmp/ping.h12mininet/util/m h12 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h12 &

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ mininet/util/m h12 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.
<t/util/m h12 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h                         12 &rm /tmp/ping.h13

+[7] 23061

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ rm /tmp/ping.h13mininet/util/m h13 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h13 &

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ mininet/util/m h13 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.
<t/util/m h13 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h                         13 &rm /tmp/ping.h14

+[8] 23071

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ rm /tmp/ping.h14mininet/util/m h14 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h14 &

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ mininet/util/m h14 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.
<t/util/m h14 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h                         14 &rm /tmp/ping.h15

+[9] 23081

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ rm /tmp/ping.h15mininet/util/m h15 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h15 &

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ mininet/util/m h15 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.
<t/util/m h15 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h                         15 &2013-11-22 01:05:11,465  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 01:05:11,469  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 9.1: Check that the pings are going
+tail /tmp/ping.h6

+[10] 23091

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ tail /tmp/ping.h6

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=10.1 ms

+64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.164 ms

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ tail /tmp/ping.h7
+tail /tmp/ping.h7

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=10.0 ms

+64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.180 ms

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ tail /tmp/ping.h8
+tail /tmp/ping.h8

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=10.9 ms

+64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.188 ms

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ tail /tmp/ping.h9
+tail /tmp/ping.h9

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=5.75 ms

+64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.182 ms

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ tail /tmp/ping.h10
+tail /tmp/ping.h10

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=6.17 ms

+64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.136 ms

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ tail /tmp/ping.h11
+tail /tmp/ping.h11

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=7.68 ms

+64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.151 ms

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ tail /tmp/ping.h12
+tail /tmp/ping.h12

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=10.0 ms

+64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.111 ms

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ tail /tmp/ping.h13
+tail /tmp/ping.h13

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=19.4 ms

+64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.177 ms

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ tail /tmp/ping.h14
+tail /tmp/ping.h14

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=7.76 ms

+64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.198 ms

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ tail /tmp/ping.h15
+tail /tmp/ping.h15

+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

+64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=11.2 ms

+64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.160 ms

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ 2013-11-22 01:05:12,586  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+End of Step  9.1: Check that the pings are going
+Start of Step 9.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+2013-11-22 01:05:12,590  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+End of Step  9.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+Start of Step 9.3: Link down number of iterations: 3
+2013-11-22 01:10:35,199  Mininet4  : INFO    :  Killing remote ping processes 
+sudo pkill ping
+scp /tmp/ping.* admin@
+sudo pkill ping

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ scp /tmp/ping.* admin@

ping.h10                                        0%    0     0.0KB/s   --:-- ETA
ping.h10                                      100% 1835     1.8KB/s   00:00    

+2013-11-22 01:10:39,267  Mininet4  : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case7 : 
+2013-11-22 01:10:39,272  Mininet4  : INFO    :  Processing Ping data
ping.h11                                        0%    0     0.0KB/s   --:-- ETA
ping.h11                                      100% 1778     1.7KB/s   00:00    

ping.h12                                        0%    0     0.0KB/s   --:-- ETA
ping.h12                                      100% 1779     1.7KB/s   00:00    

ping.h13                                        0%    0     0.0KB/s   --:-- ETA
ping.h13                                      100% 1721     1.7KB/s   00:00    

ping.h14                                        0%    0     0.0KB/s   --:-- ETA
ping.h14                                      100% 1720     1.7KB/s   00:00    

ping.h15                                        0%    0     0.0KB/s   --:-- ETA
ping.h15                                      100% 1777     1.7KB/s   00:00    

ping.h6                                         0%    0     0.0KB/s   --:-- ETA
ping.h6                                       100% 1893     1.9KB/s   00:00    

ping.h7                                         0%    0     0.0KB/s   --:-- ETA
ping.h7                                       100% 1836     1.8KB/s   00:00    

ping.h8                                         0%    0     0.0KB/s   --:-- ETA
ping.h8                                       100% 1778     1.7KB/s   00:00    

ping.h9                                         0%    0     0.0KB/s   --:-- ETA
ping.h9                                       100% 1778     1.7KB/s   00:00    

+[1]   Exit 143                mininet/util/m h6 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h6

+[2]   Exit 143                mininet/util/m h7 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h7

+[3]   Exit 143                mininet/util/m h8 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h8

+[4]   Exit 143                mininet/util/m h9 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h9

+[5]   Exit 143                mininet/util/m h10 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h10

+[6]   Exit 143                mininet/util/m h11 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h11

+[7]   Exit 143                mininet/util/m h12 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h12

+[8]   Exit 143                mininet/util/m h13 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h13

+[9]-  Exit 143                mininet/util/m h14 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h14

+[10]+  Exit 143                mininet/util/m h15 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h15

+admin@autoONOS-MN:~$ exit


diff --git a/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS1.session b/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS1.session
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7013f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS1.session
@@ -0,0 +1,2779 @@
+2013-11-22 00:44:26,705  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+                                +----------------+
+------------------------------ { Script And Files }  ------------------------------
+                                +----------------+
+	Script Log File : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23.log
+	Report Log File : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23.rpt
+	ONOS4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS4.session
+	ONOS2 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS2.session
+	ONOS3 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS3.session
+	ONOS1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS1.session
+	Cassandra1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra1.session
+	Cassandra2 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra2.session
+	Cassandra3 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra3.session
+	Cassandra4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra4.session
+	Zookeeper1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Zookeeper1.session
+	Mininet1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Mininet1.session
+	Mininet4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Mininet4.session
+	Test Script :/home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/
+	Test Params : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/OnosPerf4nodes.params
+	Topology : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/OnosPerf4nodes.tpl
+                              +------------------+
+---------------------------  { Script Exec Params }  ---------------------------
+                              +------------------+
+	'CTRL': 
+	'ip2': ''
+	 'ip3': ''
+	 'ip1': ''
+	 'ip4': ''
+	 'port4': '6633'
+	 'port2': '6633'
+	 'port3': '6633'
+	 'port1': '6633'
+	 'MN_size': '57'
+	 'FLOWDEF': '~/flowdef_files/Center_Triangle/flowdef_20.txt'
+	 'NR_Switches': '25'
+	 'WaitTime': '60'
+	 'TargetTime': '30'
+	 'PING': 
+	'source2': 'h7'
+	 'source9': 'h14'
+	 'source10': 'h15'
+	 'source4': 'h9'
+	 'source5': 'h10'
+	 'target3': ''
+	 'target10': ''
+	 'source3': 'h8'
+	 'source1': 'h6'
+	 'source6': 'h11'
+	 'source7': 'h12'
+	 'target8': ''
+	 'target9': ''
+	 'target6': ''
+	 'target7': ''
+	 'target4': ''
+	 'target5': ''
+	 'target2': ''
+	 'source8': 'h13'
+	 'target1': ''
+	 'NR_Links': '50'
+	 'testcases': '1
+	2
+	3
+	4
+	5
+	6
+	7
+	4
+	8
+	7
+	4
+	9
+	7'
+	 'RestIP': ''
+	 'Iterations': '3'
+                               +---------------+
+----------------------------- { Components Used }  -----------------------------
+                               +---------------+
+	Cassandra1
+	Cassandra2
+	Cassandra3
+	Cassandra4
+	Zookeeper1
+	Mininet1
+	Mininet4
+                              +--------+
+---------------------------- { Topology }  ----------------------------
+                              +--------+
+	'ONOS4': 
+	'connect_order': '9'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'ONOS2': 
+	'connect_order': '7'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'ONOS3': 
+	'connect_order': '8'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'ONOS1': 
+	'connect_order': '6'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra1': 
+	'connect_order': '2'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra2': 
+	'connect_order': '3'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra3': 
+	'connect_order': '4'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra4': 
+	'connect_order': '5'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Zookeeper1': 
+	'connect_order': '1'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'ZookeeperCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Mininet1': 
+	'connect_order': '10'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	'arg1': '--custom ~/mininet/custom/'
+	 'arg2': '--topo mytopo --arp'
+	 'controller': 'remote'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'MininetCliDriver'
+	 'Mininet4': 
+	'connect_order': '11'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'RemoteMininetDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'



+2013-11-22 00:44:49,770  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case1 : 
+Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.2.0-44-virtual x86_64)


+ * Documentation:


+  System information as of Fri Nov 22 00:44:27 PST 2013


+  System load:  1.23               Processes:           102

+  Usage of /:   23.3% of 19.67GB   Users logged in:     1

+  Memory usage: 66%                IP address for eth0:

+  Swap usage:   0%




+  Graph this data and manage this system at


+  Get cloud support with Ubuntu Advantage Cloud Guest:



+  Use Juju to deploy your cloud instances and workloads:



+134 packages can be updated.

+69 updates are security updates.


+Last login: Fri Nov 22 00:44:27 2013 from



+admin@autoONOS1:~$ ~/ONOS/ stop

+admin@autoONOS1:~$ ~/ONOS/ stop

+Killed existing process (pid: 28287)

+admin@autoONOS1:~$ ~/ONOS/scripts/

+spawn ~/apache-cassandra-1.2.4/bin/cassandra-cli


+Connected to: "Onos Sanity 4 nodes" on

+Welcome to Cassandra CLI version 1.2.4


+Type 'help;' or '?' for help.

+Type 'quit;' or 'exit;' to quit.


+[default@unknown] drop keyspace onos;


+[default@unknown] admin@autoONOS1:~$ 


+admin@autoONOS1:~$ ~/ONOS/ start
+~/ONOS/ start

+rotate log: ./onos-logs/onos.autoONOS1.log

+rotate log: ./onos-logs/onos.autoONOS1.pcap

+Starting ONOS controller ...




+mvn -o exec:exec -Dexec.executable="java" -Dexec.args=" -javaagent:/home/admin/ONOS/lib/jacocoagent.jar=dumponexit=true,output=file,destfile=./onos-logs/jacoco.exec -server -d64 -Xmx1g -Xms1g -Xmn800m -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+UseFastAccessorMethods -XX:MaxInlineSize=8192 -XX:FreqInlineSize=8192 -XX:CompileThreshold=1500 -XX:PreBlockSpin=8 -XX:OnError=crash-logger -XX:CompileThreshold=1500 -XX:PreBlockSpin=8 		-XX:+UseThreadPriorities 		-XX:ThreadPriorityPolicy=42 		-XX:+UseCompressedOops -Dhazelcast.logging.type=slf4j -Dlogback.configurationFile=./logback.autoONOS1.xml -cp %classpath net.onrc.onos.ofcontroller.core.Main -cf ./conf/"

+Waiting for ONOS to start...


+admin@autoONOS1:~$ ~/ONOS/ start
+~/ONOS/ start

+killing: /usr/bin/python /home/admin/ONOS/web/

+killing: python /home/admin/ONOS/web/


+admin@autoONOS1:~$ ~/ONOS/ status 
+~/ONOS/ status 

+rest server is running


+cat /home/admin/ONOS/.git/ORIG_HEAD


+admin@autoONOS1:~$ cat /home/admin/ONOS/.git/ORIG_HEAD


+admin@autoONOS1:~$ 2013-11-22 00:46:41,659  ONOS1     : INFO    :  Checking if the startup was clean...
+2013-11-22 00:46:41,661  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Checking if the startup was clean...
+2013-11-22 00:46:41,664  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 1.1: Testing startup Zookeeper
+2013-11-22 00:46:42,580  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  1.1: Testing startup Zookeeper
+Start of Step 1.2: Testing startup Cassandra
+2013-11-22 00:46:44,277  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  1.2: Testing startup Cassandra
+Start of Step 1.3: Testing startup ONOS


+admin@autoONOS1:~$ ~/ONOS/ status 

+admin@autoONOS1:~$ ~/ONOS/ status 

+1 instance of onos running


+tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log


+admin@autoONOS1:~$ tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log

+tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log

+2013-11-22 00:46:40,759 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.operation.thread-6] c.h.p.ReplicaSyncResponse [] []:5701 [dev] Applying replica sync for partition: 270, replica: 2

+2013-11-22 00:46:41,754 INFO [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.migration] c.h.p.PartitionService [] []:5701 [dev] All migration tasks has been completed, queues are empty.

+2013-11-22 00:46:43,323 INFO [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-Acceptor] c.h.n.SocketAcceptor [] []:5701 [dev] Accepting socket connection from /

+2013-11-22 00:46:43,344 INFO [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-Acceptor] c.h.n.TcpIpConnectionManager [] []:5701 [dev] 5701 accepted socket connection from /

+2013-11-22 00:46:43,423 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.cached.thread-4] c.h.n.TcpIpConnectionManager [] []:5701 [dev] Binding Connection [/ -> null] live=true, client=false, type=MEMBER to Address[]:5701, replyBack is true

+2013-11-22 00:46:43,425 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.cached.thread-4] c.h.n.ConnectionMonitor [] []:5701 [dev] Resetting connection monitor for endpoint Address[]:5701

+2013-11-22 00:46:43,786 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.cached.thread-4] c.h.c.ClusterService [] []:5701 [dev] Handling join from Address[]:5701, inProgress: false, timeToStart: -2975

+2013-11-22 00:46:43,801 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.cached.thread-4] c.h.c.ClusterService [] []:5701 [dev] Handling join from Address[]:5701, inProgress: false, timeToStart: 4984

+2013-11-22 00:46:44,287 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.cached.thread-5] c.h.c.ClusterService [] []:5701 [dev] Handling join from Address[]:5701, inProgress: false, timeToStart: 4498

+2013-11-22 00:46:44,798 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.cached.thread-5] c.h.c.ClusterService [] []:5701 [dev] Handling join from Address[]:5701, inProgress: false, timeToStart: 3987

+admin@autoONOS1:~$ 2013-11-22 00:48:49,419  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case2 : 
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,422  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Checking if the startup was clean...
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,425  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 2.1: Checking if MN switches exist
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,432  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  2.1: Checking if MN switches exist
+Start of Step 2.2: assigning ONOS controllers to switches
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,752  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case3 : 
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,756  ONOS1     : INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,758  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,762  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 3.1: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,523  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case4 : 
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,527  ONOS1     : INFO    :  Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,530  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,535  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+~/ONOS/web/ all


+admin@autoONOS1:~$ tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log

+2013-11-22 00:46:53,097 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.operation.thread-6] c.h.p.ReplicaSyncResponse [] []:5701 [dev] Applying replica sync for partition: 190, replica: 3

+2013-11-22 00:46:53,125 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.migration] c.h.p.PartitionService [] []:5701 [dev] Finished Migration: MigrationInfo{ partitionId=191, source=Address[]:5701, destination=Address[]:5701, master=Address[]:5701, valid=true, processing=false}

+2013-11-22 00:46:53,127 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.migration] c.h.p.PartitionService [] []:5701 [dev] Sending sync replica request to -> Address[]:5701; for partition: 191, replica: 3

+2013-11-22 00:46:53,138 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.operation.thread-7] c.h.p.ReplicaSyncResponse [] []:5701 [dev] Applying replica sync for partition: 191, replica: 3

+2013-11-22 00:46:54,131 INFO [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.migration] c.h.p.PartitionService [] []:5701 [dev] All migration tasks has been completed, queues are empty.

+2013-11-22 00:46:59,927 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.cached.thread-4] c.h.c.ClusterService [] []:5701 [dev] MasterConfirmation has been received from Member []:5701

+2013-11-22 00:47:00,779 DEBUG [pool-3-thread-2] n.o.o.o.f.NetworkGraphPublisher [] Running cleanup thread

+2013-11-22 00:47:02,667 DEBUG [pool-3-thread-2] n.o.o.o.f.NetworkGraphPublisher [] Checking for inactive switches

+2013-11-22 00:47:04,732 DEBUG [pool-3-thread-1] n.o.o.o.l.i.LinkDiscoveryManager [] Sending LLDP out on all ports.

+2013-11-22 00:47:12,952 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.cached.thread-4] c.h.c.ClusterService [] []:5701 [dev] MasterConfirmation has been received from Member []:5701

+admin@autoONOS1:~$ ~/ONOS/web/ all

+admin@autoONOS1:~$ ~/ONOS/web/ all
+~/ONOS/web/ all

+admin@autoONOS1:~$ scp admin@ /tmp/flowtmp
+scp admin@
<n@                         f_20.txt /tmp/flowtmp

flowdef_20.txt                                  0%    0     0.0KB/s   --:-- ETA
flowdef_20.txt                                100% 2433     2.4KB/s   00:00    

+admin@autoONOS1:~$ ~/ONOS/web/ -m onos -f /tmp/flowtmp
+~/ONOS/web/ -m onos -f /tmp/flowtmp

+admin@autoONOS1:~$ clear
+~/ONOS/web/ all

+TERM environment variable not set.

+admin@autoONOS1:~$ ~/ONOS/web/ all

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0xa installerId = ps_5_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:23/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0a/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:14

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0A

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x2 installerId = ps_1_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:1f/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:06/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:10

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:06

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000002, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:1f, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000003, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+~/ONOS/web/ all
+    inPort: 3

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000003, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000004, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000004, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 3 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000002, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:06, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x9 installerId = ps_5_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0a/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:23/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0A

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:14

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x1 installerId = ps_1_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:06/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:1f/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:06

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:10

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000001, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:06, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000001, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 3

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000001, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000002, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000002, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 3 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000001, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:1f, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0xc installerId = ps_6_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:24/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0b/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:15

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0B

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x4 installerId = ps_2_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:20/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:07/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:11

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:07

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000004, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:20, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000007, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000007, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000008, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000008, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000004, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:07, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0xb installerId = ps_6_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0b/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:24/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0B

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:15

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x3 installerId = ps_2_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:07/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:20/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:07

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:11

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000003, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:07, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000005, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000005, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000006, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000006, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000003, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:20, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x13 installerId = ps_10_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0f/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:28/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0F

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:19

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0xe installerId = ps_7_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:25/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0c/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:16

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0C

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x6 installerId = ps_3_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:21/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:08/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:12

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:08

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000006, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:21, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000000b, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 5

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000000b, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000000c, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000000c, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 5 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000006, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:08, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x14 installerId = ps_10_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:28/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0f/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:19

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0F

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0xd installerId = ps_7_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0c/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:25/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0C

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:16

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x5 installerId = ps_3_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:08/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:21/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:08

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:12

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000005, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:08, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000009, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 5

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000009, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000000a, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000000a, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 5 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000005, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:21, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x11 installerId = ps_9_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0e/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:27/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0E

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:18

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x10 installerId = ps_8_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:26/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0d/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:17

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0D

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x8 installerId = ps_4_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:22/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:09/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:13

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:09

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000008, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:22, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000000f, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 6

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000000f, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000010, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000010, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 6 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000008, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:09, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x12 installerId = ps_9_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:27/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0e/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:18

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0E

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0xf installerId = ps_8_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0d/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:26/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0D

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:17

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x7 installerId = ps_4_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:09/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:22/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:09

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:13

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000007, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:09, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000000d, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 6

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000000d, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000000e, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000000e, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 6 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000007, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:22, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+admin@autoONOS1:~$ clear

+TERM environment variable not set.

+admin@autoONOS1:~$ ~/ONOS/web/ all

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0xa installerId = ps_5_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:23/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0a/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:14

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0A

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d0000000a, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:23, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000013, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 7

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000013, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000014, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000014, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 7 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb0000000a, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0a, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x2 installerId = ps_1_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:1f/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:06/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:10

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:06

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000002, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:1f, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000003, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 3

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000003, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000004, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000004, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 3 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000002, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:06, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x9 installerId = ps_5_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0a/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:23/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0A

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:14

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000009, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0a, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000011, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 7

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000011, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000012, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000012, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 7 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000009, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:23, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x1 installerId = ps_1_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:06/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:1f/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:06

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:10

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000001, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:06, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000001, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 3

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000001, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000002, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000002, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 3 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000001, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:1f, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0xc installerId = ps_6_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:24/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0b/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:15

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0B

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d0000000c, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:24, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000017, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 8

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000017, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000018, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000018, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 8 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb0000000c, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0b, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x4 installerId = ps_2_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:20/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:07/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:11

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:07

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000004, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:20, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000007, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000007, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000008, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000008, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000004, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:07, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0xb installerId = ps_6_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0b/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:24/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0B

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:15

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb0000000b, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0b, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000015, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 8

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000015, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000016, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000016, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 8 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d0000000b, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:24, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x3 installerId = ps_2_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:07/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:20/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:07

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:11

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000003, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:07, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000005, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000005, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000006, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000006, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000003, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:20, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x13 installerId = ps_10_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0f/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:28/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0F

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:19

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000013, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0f, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000025, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 12

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000025, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000026, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000026, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 12 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000013, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:28, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0xe installerId = ps_7_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:25/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0c/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:16

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0C

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d0000000e, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:25, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000001b, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 9

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000001b, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000001c, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000001c, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 9 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb0000000e, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0c, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x6 installerId = ps_3_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:21/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:08/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:12

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:08

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000006, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:21, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000000b, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 5

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000000b, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000000c, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000000c, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 5 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000006, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:08, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x14 installerId = ps_10_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:28/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0f/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:19

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0F

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000014, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:28, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000027, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 12

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000027, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000028, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000028, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 12 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000014, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0f, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0xd installerId = ps_7_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0c/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:25/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0C

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:16

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb0000000d, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0c, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000019, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 9

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000019, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000001a, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000001a, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 9 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d0000000d, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:25, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x5 installerId = ps_3_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:08/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:21/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:08

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:12

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000005, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:08, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000009, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 5

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000009, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000000a, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000000a, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 5 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000005, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:21, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x11 installerId = ps_9_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0e/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:27/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0E

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:18

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000011, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0e, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000021, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 11

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000021, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000022, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000022, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 11 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000011, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:27, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x10 installerId = ps_8_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:26/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0d/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:17

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0D

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000010, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:26, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000001f, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 10

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000001f, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000020, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000020, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 10 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000010, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0d, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x8 installerId = ps_4_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:22/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:09/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:13

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:09

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000008, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:22, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000000f, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 6

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000000f, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000010, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000010, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 6 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000008, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:09, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x12 installerId = ps_9_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:27/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0e/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:18

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0E

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000012, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:27, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000023, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 11

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000023, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000024, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000024, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 11 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000012, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0e, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0xf installerId = ps_8_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0d/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:26/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0D

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:17

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb0000000f, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0d, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000001d, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 10

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000001d, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000001e, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000001e, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 10 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d0000000f, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:26, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x7 installerId = ps_4_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:09/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:22/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:09

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:13

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000007, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:09, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000000d, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 6

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000000d, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000000e, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000000e, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 6 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000007, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:22, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+admin@autoONOS1:~$ 2013-11-22 00:50:15,140  ONOS1     : INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:50:15,144  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+Start of Step 4.2: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 00:50:24,744  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case5 : 
+2013-11-22 00:50:24,749  ONOS1     : INFO    :  Testing ping...
+2013-11-22 00:50:25,526  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case6 : 
+2013-11-22 00:50:25,531  ONOS1     : INFO    :  Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:50:27,577  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:50:27,581  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 6.1: Check that the pings are going
+2013-11-22 00:50:28,709  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  6.1: Check that the pings are going
+Start of Step 6.2: Link down number of iterations: 3
+2013-11-22 00:56:29,673  ONOS1     : INFO    :  Killing remote ping processes 
+2013-11-22 00:56:33,679  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case7 : 
+2013-11-22 00:56:33,688  ONOS1     : INFO    :  Processing Ping data
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,857  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case4 : 
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,863  ONOS1     : INFO    :  Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,867  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,873  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+~/ONOS/web/ all
+~/ONOS/web/ all

+admin@autoONOS1:~$ ~/ONOS/web/ all
+~/ONOS/web/ all

+admin@autoONOS1:~$ scp admin@ /tmp/flowtmp
+scp admin@
<n@                         f_20.txt /tmp/flowtmp

flowdef_20.txt                                  0%    0     0.0KB/s   --:-- ETA
flowdef_20.txt                                100% 2433     2.4KB/s   00:00    

+admin@autoONOS1:~$ ~/ONOS/web/ -m onos -f /tmp/flowtmp
+~/ONOS/web/ -m onos -f /tmp/flowtmp

+admin@autoONOS1:~$ clear
+~/ONOS/web/ all

+TERM environment variable not set.

+admin@autoONOS1:~$ ~/ONOS/web/ all

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x11 installerId = ps_9_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0e/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:27/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0E

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:18

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x8 installerId = ps_4_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:22/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:09/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:13

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:09

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d0000001c, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:22, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000037, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 6

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000163, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000164, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000038, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 6 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb0000001c, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:09, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x10 installerId = ps_8_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:26/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0d/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:17

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0D

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x1 installerId = ps_1_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:06/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:1f/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:06

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:10

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000015, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:06, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000029, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 3

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000155, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+~/ONOS/web/ all
+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000156, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000002a, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 3 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000015, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:1f, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x9 installerId = ps_5_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0a/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:23/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0A

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:14

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb0000001d, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0a, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000039, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 7

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000165, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000166, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000003a, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 7 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d0000001d, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:23, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0xf installerId = ps_8_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0d/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:26/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0D

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:17

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x6 installerId = ps_3_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:21/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:08/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:12

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:08

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d0000001a, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:21, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000033, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 5

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000015f, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000160, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000034, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 5 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb0000001a, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:08, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0xe installerId = ps_7_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:25/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0c/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:16

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0C

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x7 installerId = ps_4_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:09/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:22/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:09

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:13

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb0000001b, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:09, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000035, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 6

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000161, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000162, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000036, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 6 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d0000001b, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:22, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0xd installerId = ps_7_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0c/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:25/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0C

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:16

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x4 installerId = ps_2_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:20/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:07/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:11

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:07

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000018, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:20, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000002f, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000015b, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000015c, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000030, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000018, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:07, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0xc installerId = ps_6_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:24/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0b/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:15

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0B

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000020, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:24, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000003f, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 8

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000016b, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000016c, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000040, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 8 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000020, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0b, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x14 installerId = ps_10_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:28/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0f/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:19

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0F

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x5 installerId = ps_3_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:08/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:21/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:08

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:12

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000019, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:08, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000031, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 5

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000015d, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000015e, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000032, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 5 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000019, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:21, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0xb installerId = ps_6_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0b/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:24/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0B

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:15

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb0000001f, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0b, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000003d, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 8

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000169, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000016a, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000003e, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 8 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d0000001f, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:24, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x13 installerId = ps_10_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0f/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:28/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0F

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:19

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x2 installerId = ps_1_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:1f/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:06/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:10

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:06

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000016, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:1f, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000002b, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 3

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000157, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000158, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000002c, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 3 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000016, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:06, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0xa installerId = ps_5_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:23/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0a/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:14

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0A

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d0000001e, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:23, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000003b, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 7

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000167, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000168, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000003c, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 7 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb0000001e, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0a, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x12 installerId = ps_9_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:27/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0e/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:18

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0E

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000026, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:27, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000004b, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 11

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000177, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000178, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000004c, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 11 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x3 installerId = ps_2_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:07/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:20/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:07

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:11

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000017, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:07, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000002d, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000159, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000015a, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000002e, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000017, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:20, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+admin@autoONOS1:~$ clear

+TERM environment variable not set.

+admin@autoONOS1:~$ ~/ONOS/web/ all

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x11 installerId = ps_9_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0e/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:27/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0E

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:18

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000025, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0e, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000049, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 11

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000175, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000176, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000004a, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 11 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000025, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:27, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x8 installerId = ps_4_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:22/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:09/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:13

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:09

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d0000001c, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:22, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000037, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 6

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000163, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000164, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000038, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 6 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb0000001c, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:09, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x10 installerId = ps_8_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:26/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0d/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:17

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0D

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000024, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:26, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000047, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 10

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000173, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000174, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000048, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 10 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000024, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0d, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x1 installerId = ps_1_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:06/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:1f/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:06

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:10

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000015, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:06, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000029, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 3

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000155, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000156, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000002a, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 3 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000015, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:1f, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x9 installerId = ps_5_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0a/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:23/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0A

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:14

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb0000001d, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0a, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000039, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 7

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000165, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000166, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000003a, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 7 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d0000001d, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:23, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0xf installerId = ps_8_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0d/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:26/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0D

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:17

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000023, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0d, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000045, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 10

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000171, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000172, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000046, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 10 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000023, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:26, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x6 installerId = ps_3_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:21/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:08/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:12

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:08

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d0000001a, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:21, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000033, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 5

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000015f, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000160, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000034, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 5 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb0000001a, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:08, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0xe installerId = ps_7_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:25/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0c/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:16

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0C

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000022, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:25, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000043, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 9

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000016f, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000170, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000044, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 9 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000022, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0c, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x7 installerId = ps_4_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:09/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:22/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:09

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:13

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb0000001b, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:09, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000035, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 6

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000161, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000162, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000036, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 6 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d0000001b, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:22, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0xd installerId = ps_7_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0c/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:25/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0C

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:16

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000021, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0c, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000041, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 9

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000016d, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000016e, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000042, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 9 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000021, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:25, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x4 installerId = ps_2_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:20/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:07/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:11

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:07

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000018, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:20, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000002f, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000015b, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000015c, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000030, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000018, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:07, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0xc installerId = ps_6_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:24/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0b/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:15

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0B

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000020, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:24, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000003f, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 8

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000016b, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000016c, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000040, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 8 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000020, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0b, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x14 installerId = ps_10_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:28/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0f/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:19

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0F

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000028, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:28, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000004f, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 12

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000017b, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000017c, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000050, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 12 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000028, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0f, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x5 installerId = ps_3_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:08/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:21/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:08

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:12

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000019, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:08, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000031, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 5

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000015d, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000015e, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c6100000032, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 5 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000019, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:21, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0xb installerId = ps_6_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0b/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:24/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0B

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:15

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb0000001f, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0b, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000003d, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 8

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000169, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000016a, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000003e, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 8 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d0000001f, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:24, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x13 installerId = ps_10_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0f/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:28/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0F

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:19

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000027, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0f, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000004d, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 12

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000179, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000017a, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000004e, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 12 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000027, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:28, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x2 installerId = ps_1_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:1f/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:06/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:10

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:06

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000016, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:1f, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000002b, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 3

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000157, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000158, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000002c, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 3 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000016, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:06, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0xa installerId = ps_5_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:23/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0a/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:14

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0A

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d0000001e, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:23, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000003b, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 7

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000167, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000168, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000003c, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 7 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb0000001e, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0a, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x12 installerId = ps_9_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:27/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0e/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:18

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0E

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000026, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:27, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000004b, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 11

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000177, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000178, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000004c, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 11 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000026, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0e, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x3 installerId = ps_2_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:07/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:20/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:07

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:11

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000017, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:07, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000002d, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c00000159, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c0000015a, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c610000002e, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000017, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:20, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+admin@autoONOS1:~$ 2013-11-22 00:57:11,401  ONOS1     : INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:57:11,405  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+Start of Step 4.2: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 00:57:20,715  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case8 : 
+2013-11-22 00:57:40,738  ONOS1     : INFO    :  Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:57:42,792  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:57:42,796  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 8.1: Check that the pings are going
+2013-11-22 00:57:43,931  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  8.1: Check that the pings are going
+Start of Step 8.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+2013-11-22 00:57:43,936  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  8.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+Start of Step 8.3: Link down number of iterations: 3
+2013-11-22 01:04:01,373  ONOS1     : INFO    :  Killing remote ping processes 
+2013-11-22 01:04:05,773  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case7 : 
+2013-11-22 01:04:05,780  ONOS1     : INFO    :  Processing Ping data
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,950  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case4 : 
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,953  ONOS1     : INFO    :  Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,954  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,960  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+~/ONOS/web/ all
+~/ONOS/web/ all

+admin@autoONOS1:~$ ~/ONOS/web/ all
+~/ONOS/web/ all

+admin@autoONOS1:~$ scp admin@ /tmp/flowtmp
+scp admin@
<n@                         f_20.txt /tmp/flowtmp

flowdef_20.txt                                  0%    0     0.0KB/s   --:-- ETA
flowdef_20.txt                                100% 2433     2.4KB/s   00:00    

+admin@autoONOS1:~$ ~/ONOS/web/ -m onos -f /tmp/flowtmp
+~/ONOS/web/ -m onos -f /tmp/flowtmp

+admin@autoONOS1:~$ clear
+~/ONOS/web/ all

+TERM environment variable not set.

+admin@autoONOS1:~$ ~/ONOS/web/ all

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x11 installerId = ps_9_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0e/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:27/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0E

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:18

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x8 installerId = ps_4_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:22/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:09/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:13

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:09

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000058, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:22, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000af, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 6

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002b7, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002b8, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+~/ONOS/web/ all
+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000b0, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 6 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000058, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:09, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x10 installerId = ps_8_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:26/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0d/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:17

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0D

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x1 installerId = ps_1_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:06/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:1f/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:06

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:10

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000051, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:06, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000a1, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 3

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002a9, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002aa, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000a2, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 3 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000051, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:1f, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x9 installerId = ps_5_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0a/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:23/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0A

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:14

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000059, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0a, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000b1, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 7

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002b9, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002ba, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000b2, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 7 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000059, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:23, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x13 installerId = ps_10_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0f/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:28/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0F

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:19

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x2 installerId = ps_1_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:1f/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:06/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:10

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:06

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000052, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:1f, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000a3, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 3

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002ab, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002ac, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000a4, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 3 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000052, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:06, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0xa installerId = ps_5_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:23/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0a/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:14

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0A

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d0000005a, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:23, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000b3, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 7

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002bb, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002bc, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000b4, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 7 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb0000005a, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0a, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x12 installerId = ps_9_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:27/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0e/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:18

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0E

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x3 installerId = ps_2_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:07/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:20/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:07

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:11

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000053, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:07, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000a5, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002ad, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002ae, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000a6, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000053, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:20, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0xb installerId = ps_6_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0b/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:24/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0B

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:15

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb0000005b, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0b, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000b5, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 8

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002bd, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002be, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000b6, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 8 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d0000005b, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:24, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0xd installerId = ps_7_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0c/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:25/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0C

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:16

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb0000005d, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0c, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000b9, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 9

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002c1, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002c2, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000ba, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 9 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d0000005d, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:25, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x4 installerId = ps_2_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:20/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:07/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:11

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:07

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000054, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:20, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000a7, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002af, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002b0, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000a8, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000054, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:07, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0xc installerId = ps_6_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:24/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0b/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:15

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0B

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d0000005c, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:24, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000b7, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 8

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002bf, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002c0, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000b8, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 8 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb0000005c, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0b, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x14 installerId = ps_10_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:28/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0f/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:19

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0F

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x5 installerId = ps_3_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:08/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:21/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:08

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:12

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000055, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:08, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000a9, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 5

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002b1, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002b2, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000aa, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 5 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000055, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:21, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0xf installerId = ps_8_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0d/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:26/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0D

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:17

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb0000005f, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0d, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000bd, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 10

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002c5, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002c6, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000be, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 10 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d0000005f, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:26, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x6 installerId = ps_3_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:21/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:08/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:12

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:08

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000056, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:21, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000ab, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 5

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002b3, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002b4, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000ac, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 5 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000056, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:08, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0xe installerId = ps_7_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:25/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0c/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:16

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0C

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d0000005e, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:25, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000bb, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 9

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002c3, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002c4, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000bc, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 9 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb0000005e, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0c, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x7 installerId = ps_4_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:09/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:22/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:09

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:13

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000057, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:09, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000ad, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 6

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002b5, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002b6, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000ae, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 6 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000057, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:22, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+admin@autoONOS1:~$ clear

+TERM environment variable not set.

+admin@autoONOS1:~$ ~/ONOS/web/ all

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x11 installerId = ps_9_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0e/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:27/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0E

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:18

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000061, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0e, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000c1, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 11

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002c9, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002ca, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000c2, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 11 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000061, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:27, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x8 installerId = ps_4_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:22/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:09/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:13

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:09

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000058, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:22, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000af, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 6

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002b7, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002b8, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000b0, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 6 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000058, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:09, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x10 installerId = ps_8_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:26/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0d/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:17

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0D

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000060, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:26, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000bf, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 10

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002c7, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002c8, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000c0, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 10 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000060, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0d, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x1 installerId = ps_1_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:06/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:1f/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:06

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:10

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000051, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:06, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000a1, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 3

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002a9, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002aa, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000a2, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 3 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000051, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:1f, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x9 installerId = ps_5_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0a/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:23/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0A

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:14

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000059, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0a, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000b1, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 7

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002b9, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002ba, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000b2, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 7 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000059, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:23, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x13 installerId = ps_10_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0f/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:28/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0F

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:19

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000063, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0f, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000c5, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 12

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002cd, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002ce, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000c6, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 12 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000063, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:28, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x2 installerId = ps_1_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:1f/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:06/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:10

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:06

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000052, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:1f, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000a3, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 3

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002ab, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002ac, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000a4, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 3 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000052, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:06, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0xa installerId = ps_5_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:23/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0a/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:14

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0A

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d0000005a, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:23, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000b3, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 7

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002bb, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002bc, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000b4, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 7 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb0000005a, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0a, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x12 installerId = ps_9_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:27/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0e/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:18

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0E

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000062, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:27, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000c3, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 11

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002cb, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002cc, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000c4, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 11 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000062, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0e, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x3 installerId = ps_2_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:07/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:20/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:07

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:11

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000053, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:07, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000a5, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002ad, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002ae, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000a6, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000053, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:20, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0xb installerId = ps_6_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0b/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:24/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0B

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:15

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb0000005b, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0b, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000b5, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 8

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002bd, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002be, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000b6, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 8 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d0000005b, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:24, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0xd installerId = ps_7_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0c/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:25/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0C

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:16

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb0000005d, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0c, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000b9, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 9

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002c1, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002c2, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000ba, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 9 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d0000005d, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:25, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x4 installerId = ps_2_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:20/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:07/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:11

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:07

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000054, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:20, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000a7, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002af, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002b0, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000a8, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000054, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:07, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0xc installerId = ps_6_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:24/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0b/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:15

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0B

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d0000005c, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:24, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000b7, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 8

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002bf, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002c0, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000b8, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 8 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb0000005c, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0b, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x14 installerId = ps_10_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:28/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0f/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:19

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0F

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000064, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:28, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000c7, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 12

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002cf, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002d0, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000c8, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 12 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000064, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0f, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x5 installerId = ps_3_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:08/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:21/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:08

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:12

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000055, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:08, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000a9, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 5

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002b1, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002b2, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000aa, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 5 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000055, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:21, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0xf installerId = ps_8_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0d/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:26/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0D

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:17

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb0000005f, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0d, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000bd, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 10

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002c5, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002c6, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000be, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 10 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d0000005f, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:26, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x6 installerId = ps_3_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:21/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:08/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:12

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:08

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000056, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:21, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000ab, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 5

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002b3, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002b4, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000ac, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 5 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000056, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:08, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0xe installerId = ps_7_2 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:25/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0c/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:16

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:0C

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d0000005e, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:25, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000bb, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 9

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002c3, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002c4, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000bc, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 9 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb0000005e, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0c, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+FlowPath: (flowId = 0x7 installerId = ps_4_1 flowPathType = FP_TYPE_SHORTEST_PATH flowPathUserState = FP_USER_ADD flowPathFlags = 0x0() src = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:09/1 dst = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:22/1)

+    srcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:09

+    dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:13

+  FlowEntry: (0x450cabfb00000057, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:09, FE_USER_ADD, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 1

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000ad, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 6

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002b5, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 4

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 2 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x8d55301c000002b6, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 4 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0xd6884c61000000ae, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 6 maxLen: 0

+  FlowEntry: (0x25b08e6d00000057, 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:22, FE_USER_MODIFY, FE_SWITCH_UPDATED)

+    inPort: 2

+    actionType: ACTION_OUTPUT port: 1 maxLen: 0

+admin@autoONOS1:~$ 2013-11-22 01:04:40,721  ONOS1     : INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,724  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+Start of Step 4.2: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 01:04:49,379  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case9 : 
+2013-11-22 01:05:09,410  ONOS1     : INFO    :  Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 01:05:11,464  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 01:05:11,468  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 9.1: Check that the pings are going
+2013-11-22 01:05:12,585  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  9.1: Check that the pings are going
+Start of Step 9.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+2013-11-22 01:05:12,589  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  9.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+Start of Step 9.3: Link down number of iterations: 3

+admin@autoONOS1:~$ ~/ONOS/ stop
+~/ONOS/ stop

+Killed existing process (pid: 30567)


+admin@autoONOS1:~$ ~/ONOS/ start
+~/ONOS/ start

+rotate log: ./onos-logs/onos.autoONOS1.log

+rotate log: ./onos-logs/onos.autoONOS1.pcap

+Starting ONOS controller ...




+mvn -o exec:exec -Dexec.executable="java" -Dexec.args=" -javaagent:/home/admin/ONOS/lib/jacocoagent.jar=dumponexit=true,output=file,destfile=./onos-logs/jacoco.exec -server -d64 -Xmx1g -Xms1g -Xmn800m -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+UseFastAccessorMethods -XX:MaxInlineSize=8192 -XX:FreqInlineSize=8192 -XX:CompileThreshold=1500 -XX:PreBlockSpin=8 -XX:OnError=crash-logger -XX:CompileThreshold=1500 -XX:PreBlockSpin=8 		-XX:+UseThreadPriorities 		-XX:ThreadPriorityPolicy=42 		-XX:+UseCompressedOops -Dhazelcast.logging.type=slf4j -Dlogback.configurationFile=./logback.autoONOS1.xml -cp %classpath net.onrc.onos.ofcontroller.core.Main -cf ./conf/"

+Waiting for ONOS to start...




+admin@autoONOS1:~$ ~/ONOS/ status 

+admin@autoONOS1:~$ ~/ONOS/ status 

+1 instance of onos running


+tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log


+admin@autoONOS1:~$ tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log

+tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log

+2013-11-22 01:05:14,046 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-out-1] c.h.n.OutSelectorImpl [] []:5701 [dev] Closing selector hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-out-1

+2013-11-22 01:05:14,051 DEBUG [hz.ShutdownThread] c.h.n.TcpIpConnectionManager [] []:5701 [dev] Closing server socket channel:[/]

+2013-11-22 01:05:14,045 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-in-1] c.h.n.InSelectorImpl [] []:5701 [dev] hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-in-1 is interrupted!

+2013-11-22 01:05:14,051 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-out-2] c.h.n.OutSelectorImpl [] []:5701 [dev] hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-out-2 is interrupted!

+2013-11-22 01:05:14,055 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-out-2] c.h.n.OutSelectorImpl [] []:5701 [dev] Closing selector hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-out-2

+2013-11-22 01:05:14,050 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-out-0] c.h.n.OutSelectorImpl [] []:5701 [dev] Closing selector hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-out-0

+2013-11-22 01:05:14,055 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-in-1] c.h.n.InSelectorImpl [] []:5701 [dev] Closing selector hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-in-1

+2013-11-22 01:05:14,058 INFO [hz.ShutdownThread] c.h.initializer [] []:5701 [dev] Destroying node initializer.

+2013-11-22 01:05:14,064 DEBUG [hz.ShutdownThread] c.h.i.Node [] []:5701 [dev] Shutting down thread hz._hzInstance_1_dev.HealthMonitor

+2013-11-22 01:05:14,065 INFO [hz.ShutdownThread] c.h.i.Node [] []:5701 [dev] Hazelcast Shutdown is completed in 271 ms.

+admin@autoONOS1:~$ 2013-11-22 01:10:35,198  ONOS1     : INFO    :  Killing remote ping processes 
+2013-11-22 01:10:39,266  ONOS1     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case7 : 
+2013-11-22 01:10:39,271  ONOS1     : INFO    :  Processing Ping data


+admin@autoONOS1:~$ tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log

+2013-11-22 01:05:59,667 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.operation.thread-1] c.h.p.CheckReplicaVersion [] []:5701 [dev] com.hazelcast.spi.exception.CallerNotMemberException: Not Member! caller:Address[]:5701, partitionId: 41, operation: com.hazelcast.partition.CheckReplicaVersion, service: hz:core:partitionService

+2013-11-22 01:05:59,669 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.operation.thread-3] c.h.p.CheckReplicaVersion [] []:5701 [dev] com.hazelcast.spi.exception.CallerNotMemberException: Not Member! caller:Address[]:5701, partitionId: 43, operation: com.hazelcast.partition.CheckReplicaVersion, service: hz:core:partitionService

+2013-11-22 01:05:59,669 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.operation.thread-2] c.h.p.CheckReplicaVersion [] []:5701 [dev] com.hazelcast.spi.exception.CallerNotMemberException: Not Member! caller:Address[]:5701, partitionId: 42, operation: com.hazelcast.partition.CheckReplicaVersion, service: hz:core:partitionService

+2013-11-22 01:05:59,668 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.operation.thread-0] c.h.p.CheckReplicaVersion [] []:5701 [dev] com.hazelcast.spi.exception.CallerNotMemberException: Not Member! caller:Address[]:5701, partitionId: 40, operation: com.hazelcast.partition.CheckReplicaVersion, service: hz:core:partitionService

+2013-11-22 01:05:59,939 WARN [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.cached.thread-2] c.h.c.MasterConfirmationOperation [] []:5701 [dev] MasterConfirmation has been received from Address[]:5701, but it is not a member of this cluster!

+2013-11-22 01:05:59,950 INFO [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-in-1] c.h.n.TcpIpConnection [] []:5701 [dev] Connection [Address[]:5701] lost. Reason:[Remote socket closed!]

+2013-11-22 01:05:59,951 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-in-1] c.h.n.TcpIpConnectionManager [] []:5701 [dev] Destroying Connection [/ -> Address[]:5701] live=false, client=false, type=MEMBER

+2013-11-22 01:05:59,952 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-in-1] c.h.c.ClusterService [] []:5701 [dev] Connection is removed Address[]:5701

+2013-11-22 01:05:59,953 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-in-1] c.h.n.ConnectionMonitor [] []:5701 [dev] An error occurred on connection to Address[]:5701 Cause => {Remote socket closed!}, Error-Count: 1

+2013-11-22 01:05:59,954 WARN [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-in-1] c.h.n.ReadHandler [] []:5701 [dev] hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-in-1 Closing socket to endpoint Address[]:5701, Remote socket closed!

\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS2.session b/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS2.session
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..159cc10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS2.session
@@ -0,0 +1,609 @@
+2013-11-22 00:44:26,860  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+                                +----------------+
+------------------------------ { Script And Files }  ------------------------------
+                                +----------------+
+	Script Log File : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23.log
+	Report Log File : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23.rpt
+	ONOS4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS4.session
+	ONOS2 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS2.session
+	ONOS3 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS3.session
+	ONOS1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS1.session
+	Cassandra1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra1.session
+	Cassandra2 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra2.session
+	Cassandra3 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra3.session
+	Cassandra4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra4.session
+	Zookeeper1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Zookeeper1.session
+	Mininet1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Mininet1.session
+	Mininet4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Mininet4.session
+	Test Script :/home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/
+	Test Params : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/OnosPerf4nodes.params
+	Topology : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/OnosPerf4nodes.tpl
+                              +------------------+
+---------------------------  { Script Exec Params }  ---------------------------
+                              +------------------+
+	'CTRL': 
+	'ip2': ''
+	 'ip3': ''
+	 'ip1': ''
+	 'ip4': ''
+	 'port4': '6633'
+	 'port2': '6633'
+	 'port3': '6633'
+	 'port1': '6633'
+	 'MN_size': '57'
+	 'FLOWDEF': '~/flowdef_files/Center_Triangle/flowdef_20.txt'
+	 'NR_Switches': '25'
+	 'WaitTime': '60'
+	 'TargetTime': '30'
+	 'PING': 
+	'source2': 'h7'
+	 'source9': 'h14'
+	 'source10': 'h15'
+	 'source4': 'h9'
+	 'source5': 'h10'
+	 'target3': ''
+	 'target10': ''
+	 'source3': 'h8'
+	 'source1': 'h6'
+	 'source6': 'h11'
+	 'source7': 'h12'
+	 'target8': ''
+	 'target9': ''
+	 'target6': ''
+	 'target7': ''
+	 'target4': ''
+	 'target5': ''
+	 'target2': ''
+	 'source8': 'h13'
+	 'target1': ''
+	 'NR_Links': '50'
+	 'testcases': '1
+	2
+	3
+	4
+	5
+	6
+	7
+	4
+	8
+	7
+	4
+	9
+	7'
+	 'RestIP': ''
+	 'Iterations': '3'
+                               +---------------+
+----------------------------- { Components Used }  -----------------------------
+                               +---------------+
+	Cassandra1
+	Cassandra2
+	Cassandra3
+	Cassandra4
+	Zookeeper1
+	Mininet1
+	Mininet4
+                              +--------+
+---------------------------- { Topology }  ----------------------------
+                              +--------+
+	'ONOS4': 
+	'connect_order': '9'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'ONOS2': 
+	'connect_order': '7'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'ONOS3': 
+	'connect_order': '8'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'ONOS1': 
+	'connect_order': '6'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra1': 
+	'connect_order': '2'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra2': 
+	'connect_order': '3'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra3': 
+	'connect_order': '4'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra4': 
+	'connect_order': '5'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Zookeeper1': 
+	'connect_order': '1'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'ZookeeperCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Mininet1': 
+	'connect_order': '10'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	'arg1': '--custom ~/mininet/custom/'
+	 'arg2': '--topo mytopo --arp'
+	 'controller': 'remote'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'MininetCliDriver'
+	 'Mininet4': 
+	'connect_order': '11'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'RemoteMininetDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'



+2013-11-22 00:44:49,769  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case1 : 
+Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.2.0-44-virtual x86_64)


+ * Documentation:


+  System information as of Fri Nov 22 00:44:27 PST 2013


+  System load:  0.7                Processes:           94

+  Usage of /:   24.2% of 19.67GB   Users logged in:     1

+  Memory usage: 57%                IP address for eth0:

+  Swap usage:   0%


+  Graph this data and manage this system at


+  Get cloud support with Ubuntu Advantage Cloud Guest:



+  Use Juju to deploy your cloud instances and workloads:



+129 packages can be updated.

+65 updates are security updates.


+Last login: Fri Nov 22 00:44:27 2013 from





+admin@autoONOS2:~$ ~/ONOS/ stop

+admin@autoONOS2:~$ ~/ONOS/ stop

+Killed existing process (pid: 3489)


+admin@autoONOS2:~$ ~/ONOS/ start
+~/ONOS/ start

+rotate log: ./onos-logs/onos.autoONOS2.log

+rotate log: ./onos-logs/onos.autoONOS2.pcap

+Starting ONOS controller ...




+mvn -o exec:exec -Dexec.executable="java" -Dexec.args=" -javaagent:/home/admin/ONOS/lib/jacocoagent.jar=dumponexit=true,output=file,destfile=./onos-logs/jacoco.exec -server -d64 -Xmx1g -Xms1g -Xmn800m -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+UseFastAccessorMethods -XX:MaxInlineSize=8192 -XX:FreqInlineSize=8192 -XX:CompileThreshold=1500 -XX:PreBlockSpin=8 -XX:OnError=crash-logger -XX:CompileThreshold=1500 -XX:PreBlockSpin=8 		-XX:+UseThreadPriorities 		-XX:ThreadPriorityPolicy=42 		-XX:+UseCompressedOops -Dhazelcast.logging.type=slf4j -Dlogback.configurationFile=./logback.autoONOS2.xml -cp %classpath net.onrc.onos.ofcontroller.core.Main -cf ./conf/"

+Waiting for ONOS to start...


+admin@autoONOS2:~$ 2013-11-22 00:46:41,658  ONOS2     : INFO    :  Checking if the startup was clean...
+2013-11-22 00:46:41,661  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Checking if the startup was clean...
+2013-11-22 00:46:41,664  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 1.1: Testing startup Zookeeper
+2013-11-22 00:46:42,580  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  1.1: Testing startup Zookeeper
+Start of Step 1.2: Testing startup Cassandra
+2013-11-22 00:46:44,277  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  1.2: Testing startup Cassandra
+Start of Step 1.3: Testing startup ONOS



+admin@autoONOS2:~$ ~/ONOS/ status 
+~/ONOS/ status 

+1 instance of onos running



+admin@autoONOS2:~$ tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log


+admin@autoONOS2:~$ tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log

+2013-11-22 00:46:52,061 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.cached.thread-3] c.h.p.PartitionService [] []:5701 [dev] Sending sync replica request to -> Address[]:5701; for partition: 139, replica: 3

+2013-11-22 00:46:52,068 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.operation.thread-3] c.h.p.ReplicaSyncResponse [] []:5701 [dev] Applying replica sync for partition: 139, replica: 3

+2013-11-22 00:46:52,096 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.cached.thread-3] c.h.p.PartitionService [] []:5701 [dev] Sending sync replica request to -> Address[]:5701; for partition: 140, replica: 3

+2013-11-22 00:46:52,103 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.operation.thread-4] c.h.p.ReplicaSyncResponse [] []:5701 [dev] Applying replica sync for partition: 140, replica: 3

+2013-11-22 00:46:52,139 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.cached.thread-4] c.h.p.PartitionService [] []:5701 [dev] Sending sync replica request to -> Address[]:5701; for partition: 141, replica: 3

+2013-11-22 00:46:52,146 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.operation.thread-5] c.h.p.ReplicaSyncResponse [] []:5701 [dev] Applying replica sync for partition: 141, replica: 3

+2013-11-22 00:46:52,224 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.cached.thread-3] c.h.p.PartitionService [] []:5701 [dev] Sending sync replica request to -> Address[]:5701; for partition: 143, replica: 3

+2013-11-22 00:46:52,232 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.operation.thread-7] c.h.p.ReplicaSyncResponse [] []:5701 [dev] Applying replica sync for partition: 143, replica: 3

+2013-11-22 00:47:00,014 DEBUG [pool-3-thread-5] n.o.o.o.l.i.LinkDiscoveryManager [] Sending LLDP out on all ports.

+2013-11-22 00:47:15,025 DEBUG [pool-3-thread-6] n.o.o.o.l.i.LinkDiscoveryManager [] Sending LLDP out on all ports.

+admin@autoONOS2:~$ tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,419  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case2 : 
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,422  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Checking if the startup was clean...
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,425  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 2.1: Checking if MN switches exist
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,431  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  2.1: Checking if MN switches exist
+Start of Step 2.2: assigning ONOS controllers to switches
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,751  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case3 : 
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,755  ONOS2     : INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,758  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,761  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 3.1: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,522  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case4 : 
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,527  ONOS2     : INFO    :  Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,529  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,534  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+2013-11-22 00:50:15,140  ONOS2     : INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:50:15,143  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+Start of Step 4.2: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 00:50:24,743  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case5 : 
+2013-11-22 00:50:24,749  ONOS2     : INFO    :  Testing ping...
+2013-11-22 00:50:25,525  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case6 : 
+2013-11-22 00:50:25,531  ONOS2     : INFO    :  Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:50:27,576  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:50:27,580  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 6.1: Check that the pings are going
+2013-11-22 00:50:28,709  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  6.1: Check that the pings are going
+Start of Step 6.2: Link down number of iterations: 3
+2013-11-22 00:56:29,672  ONOS2     : INFO    :  Killing remote ping processes 
+2013-11-22 00:56:33,679  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case7 : 
+2013-11-22 00:56:33,688  ONOS2     : INFO    :  Processing Ping data
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,856  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case4 : 
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,863  ONOS2     : INFO    :  Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,866  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,872  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+2013-11-22 00:57:11,400  ONOS2     : INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:57:11,404  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+Start of Step 4.2: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 00:57:20,714  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case8 : 
+2013-11-22 00:57:40,737  ONOS2     : INFO    :  Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:57:42,792  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:57:42,796  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 8.1: Check that the pings are going
+2013-11-22 00:57:43,931  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  8.1: Check that the pings are going
+Start of Step 8.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+2013-11-22 00:57:43,936  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  8.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+Start of Step 8.3: Link down number of iterations: 3
+2013-11-22 01:04:01,372  ONOS2     : INFO    :  Killing remote ping processes 
+2013-11-22 01:04:05,773  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case7 : 
+2013-11-22 01:04:05,780  ONOS2     : INFO    :  Processing Ping data
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,950  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case4 : 
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,952  ONOS2     : INFO    :  Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,954  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,960  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,720  ONOS2     : INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,723  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+Start of Step 4.2: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 01:04:49,379  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case9 : 
+2013-11-22 01:05:09,409  ONOS2     : INFO    :  Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 01:05:11,464  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 01:05:11,467  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 9.1: Check that the pings are going
+2013-11-22 01:05:12,584  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  9.1: Check that the pings are going
+Start of Step 9.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+2013-11-22 01:05:12,588  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  9.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+Start of Step 9.3: Link down number of iterations: 3


+admin@autoONOS2:~$ tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log

+2013-11-22 00:46:52,146 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.operation.thread-5] c.h.p.ReplicaSyncResponse [] []:5701 [dev] Applying replica sync for partition: 141, replica: 3

+2013-11-22 00:46:52,224 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.cached.thread-3] c.h.p.PartitionService [] []:5701 [dev] Sending sync replica request to -> Address[]:5701; for partition: 143, replica: 3

+2013-11-22 00:46:52,232 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.operation.thread-7] c.h.p.ReplicaSyncResponse [] []:5701 [dev] Applying replica sync for partition: 143, replica: 3

+2013-11-22 00:47:00,014 DEBUG [pool-3-thread-5] n.o.o.o.l.i.LinkDiscoveryManager [] Sending LLDP out on all ports.

+2013-11-22 00:47:15,025 DEBUG [pool-3-thread-6] n.o.o.o.l.i.LinkDiscoveryManager [] Sending LLDP out on all ports.

+2013-11-22 00:47:20,694 DEBUG [pool-3-thread-15] n.o.o.o.f.NetworkGraphPublisher [] Running cleanup thread

+2013-11-22 00:47:21,813 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.cached.thread-4] c.h.c.ClusterService [] []:5701 [dev] Sending MasterConfirmation to Member []:5701

+2013-11-22 00:47:22,489 DEBUG [pool-3-thread-15] n.o.o.o.f.NetworkGraphPublisher [] Checking for inactive switches

+2013-11-22 00:47:30,033 DEBUG [pool-3-thread-7] n.o.o.o.l.i.LinkDiscoveryManager [] Sending LLDP out on all ports.

+2013-11-22 00:47:45,043 DEBUG [pool-3-thread-7] n.o.o.o.l.i.LinkDiscoveryManager [] Sending LLDP out on all ports.

+admin@autoONOS2:~$ ~/ONOS/ stop

+admin@autoONOS2:~$ ~/ONOS/ stop

+Killed existing process (pid: 5101)


+admin@autoONOS2:~$ ~/ONOS/ start
+~/ONOS/ start

+rotate log: ./onos-logs/onos.autoONOS2.log

+rotate log: ./onos-logs/onos.autoONOS2.pcap

+Starting ONOS controller ...




+mvn -o exec:exec -Dexec.executable="java" -Dexec.args=" -javaagent:/home/admin/ONOS/lib/jacocoagent.jar=dumponexit=true,output=file,destfile=./onos-logs/jacoco.exec -server -d64 -Xmx1g -Xms1g -Xmn800m -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+UseFastAccessorMethods -XX:MaxInlineSize=8192 -XX:FreqInlineSize=8192 -XX:CompileThreshold=1500 -XX:PreBlockSpin=8 -XX:OnError=crash-logger -XX:CompileThreshold=1500 -XX:PreBlockSpin=8 		-XX:+UseThreadPriorities 		-XX:ThreadPriorityPolicy=42 		-XX:+UseCompressedOops -Dhazelcast.logging.type=slf4j -Dlogback.configurationFile=./logback.autoONOS2.xml -cp %classpath net.onrc.onos.ofcontroller.core.Main -cf ./conf/"

+Waiting for ONOS to start...




+admin@autoONOS2:~$ ~/ONOS/ status 

+admin@autoONOS2:~$ ~/ONOS/ status 

+1 instance of onos running


+tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log


+admin@autoONOS2:~$ tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log

+tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log

+2013-11-22 01:07:01,944 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-out-0] c.h.n.OutSelectorImpl [] []:5701 [dev] hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-out-0 is interrupted!

+2013-11-22 01:07:01,937 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-in-0] c.h.n.InSelectorImpl [] []:5701 [dev] hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-in-0 is interrupted!

+2013-11-22 01:07:01,937 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-out-1] c.h.n.OutSelectorImpl [] []:5701 [dev] Closing selector hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-out-1

+2013-11-22 01:07:01,951 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-in-0] c.h.n.InSelectorImpl [] []:5701 [dev] Closing selector hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-in-0

+2013-11-22 01:07:01,951 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-out-0] c.h.n.OutSelectorImpl [] []:5701 [dev] Closing selector hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-out-0

+2013-11-22 01:07:01,950 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-in-1] c.h.n.InSelectorImpl [] []:5701 [dev] Closing selector hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-in-1

+2013-11-22 01:07:01,956 DEBUG [hz.ShutdownThread] c.h.i.Node [] []:5701 [dev] Shutting down thread hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-out-0

+2013-11-22 01:07:01,959 DEBUG [hz.ShutdownThread] c.h.i.Node [] []:5701 [dev] Shutting down thread hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-in-1

+2013-11-22 01:07:01,959 DEBUG [hz.ShutdownThread] c.h.i.Node [] []:5701 [dev] Shutting down thread hz._hzInstance_1_dev.HealthMonitor

+2013-11-22 01:07:01,960 INFO [hz.ShutdownThread] c.h.i.Node [] []:5701 [dev] Hazelcast Shutdown is completed in 314 ms.

+admin@autoONOS2:~$ 2013-11-22 01:10:35,197  ONOS2     : INFO    :  Killing remote ping processes 
+2013-11-22 01:10:39,265  ONOS2     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case7 : 
+2013-11-22 01:10:39,270  ONOS2     : INFO    :  Processing Ping data


+admin@autoONOS2:~$ tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log

+2013-11-22 01:07:42,763 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.operation.thread-5] c.h.p.CheckReplicaVersion [] []:5701 [dev] com.hazelcast.spi.exception.CallerNotMemberException: Not Member! caller:Address[]:5701, partitionId: 205, operation: com.hazelcast.partition.CheckReplicaVersion, service: hz:core:partitionService

+2013-11-22 01:07:42,761 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.operation.thread-4] c.h.p.CheckReplicaVersion [] []:5701 [dev] com.hazelcast.spi.exception.CallerNotMemberException: Not Member! caller:Address[]:5701, partitionId: 132, operation: com.hazelcast.partition.CheckReplicaVersion, service: hz:core:partitionService

+2013-11-22 01:07:42,764 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.operation.thread-4] c.h.p.CheckReplicaVersion [] []:5701 [dev] com.hazelcast.spi.exception.CallerNotMemberException: Not Member! caller:Address[]:5701, partitionId: 180, operation: com.hazelcast.partition.CheckReplicaVersion, service: hz:core:partitionService

+2013-11-22 01:07:42,765 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.operation.thread-4] c.h.p.CheckReplicaVersion [] []:5701 [dev] com.hazelcast.spi.exception.CallerNotMemberException: Not Member! caller:Address[]:5701, partitionId: 204, operation: com.hazelcast.partition.CheckReplicaVersion, service: hz:core:partitionService

+2013-11-22 01:07:42,968 WARN [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.cached.thread-5] c.h.c.MasterConfirmationOperation [] []:5701 [dev] MasterConfirmation has been received from Address[]:5701, but it is not a member of this cluster!

+2013-11-22 01:07:42,979 INFO [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-in-2] c.h.n.TcpIpConnection [] []:5701 [dev] Connection [Address[]:5701] lost. Reason:[Remote socket closed!]

+2013-11-22 01:07:42,980 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-in-2] c.h.n.TcpIpConnectionManager [] []:5701 [dev] Destroying Connection [/ -> Address[]:5701] live=false, client=false, type=MEMBER

+2013-11-22 01:07:42,981 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-in-2] c.h.c.ClusterService [] []:5701 [dev] Connection is removed Address[]:5701

+2013-11-22 01:07:42,983 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-in-2] c.h.n.ConnectionMonitor [] []:5701 [dev] An error occurred on connection to Address[]:5701 Cause => {Remote socket closed!}, Error-Count: 1

+2013-11-22 01:07:42,984 WARN [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-in-2] c.h.n.ReadHandler [] []:5701 [dev] hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-in-2 Closing socket to endpoint Address[]:5701, Remote socket closed!

\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS3.session b/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS3.session
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a8c5e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS3.session
@@ -0,0 +1,611 @@
+2013-11-22 00:44:27,020  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+                                +----------------+
+------------------------------ { Script And Files }  ------------------------------
+                                +----------------+
+	Script Log File : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23.log
+	Report Log File : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23.rpt
+	ONOS4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS4.session
+	ONOS2 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS2.session
+	ONOS3 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS3.session
+	ONOS1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS1.session
+	Cassandra1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra1.session
+	Cassandra2 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra2.session
+	Cassandra3 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra3.session
+	Cassandra4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra4.session
+	Zookeeper1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Zookeeper1.session
+	Mininet1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Mininet1.session
+	Mininet4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Mininet4.session
+	Test Script :/home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/
+	Test Params : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/OnosPerf4nodes.params
+	Topology : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/OnosPerf4nodes.tpl
+                              +------------------+
+---------------------------  { Script Exec Params }  ---------------------------
+                              +------------------+
+	'CTRL': 
+	'ip2': ''
+	 'ip3': ''
+	 'ip1': ''
+	 'ip4': ''
+	 'port4': '6633'
+	 'port2': '6633'
+	 'port3': '6633'
+	 'port1': '6633'
+	 'MN_size': '57'
+	 'FLOWDEF': '~/flowdef_files/Center_Triangle/flowdef_20.txt'
+	 'NR_Switches': '25'
+	 'WaitTime': '60'
+	 'TargetTime': '30'
+	 'PING': 
+	'source2': 'h7'
+	 'source9': 'h14'
+	 'source10': 'h15'
+	 'source4': 'h9'
+	 'source5': 'h10'
+	 'target3': ''
+	 'target10': ''
+	 'source3': 'h8'
+	 'source1': 'h6'
+	 'source6': 'h11'
+	 'source7': 'h12'
+	 'target8': ''
+	 'target9': ''
+	 'target6': ''
+	 'target7': ''
+	 'target4': ''
+	 'target5': ''
+	 'target2': ''
+	 'source8': 'h13'
+	 'target1': ''
+	 'NR_Links': '50'
+	 'testcases': '1
+	2
+	3
+	4
+	5
+	6
+	7
+	4
+	8
+	7
+	4
+	9
+	7'
+	 'RestIP': ''
+	 'Iterations': '3'
+                               +---------------+
+----------------------------- { Components Used }  -----------------------------
+                               +---------------+
+	Cassandra1
+	Cassandra2
+	Cassandra3
+	Cassandra4
+	Zookeeper1
+	Mininet1
+	Mininet4
+                              +--------+
+---------------------------- { Topology }  ----------------------------
+                              +--------+
+	'ONOS4': 
+	'connect_order': '9'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'ONOS2': 
+	'connect_order': '7'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'ONOS3': 
+	'connect_order': '8'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'ONOS1': 
+	'connect_order': '6'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra1': 
+	'connect_order': '2'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra2': 
+	'connect_order': '3'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra3': 
+	'connect_order': '4'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra4': 
+	'connect_order': '5'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Zookeeper1': 
+	'connect_order': '1'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'ZookeeperCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Mininet1': 
+	'connect_order': '10'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	'arg1': '--custom ~/mininet/custom/'
+	 'arg2': '--topo mytopo --arp'
+	 'controller': 'remote'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'MininetCliDriver'
+	 'Mininet4': 
+	'connect_order': '11'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'RemoteMininetDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'



+2013-11-22 00:44:49,770  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case1 : 
+Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.2.0-44-virtual x86_64)


+ * Documentation:


+  System information as of Fri Nov 22 00:44:27 PST 2013


+  System load:  0.68               Processes:           94

+  Usage of /:   24.2% of 19.67GB   Users logged in:     1

+  Memory usage: 55%                IP address for eth0:

+  Swap usage:   0%


+  Graph this data and manage this system at


+  Get cloud support with Ubuntu Advantage Cloud Guest:



+  Use Juju to deploy your cloud instances and workloads:



+129 packages can be updated.

+65 updates are security updates.


+Last login: Fri Nov 22 00:44:27 2013 from





+admin@autoONOS3:~$ ~/ONOS/ stop

+admin@autoONOS3:~$ ~/ONOS/ stop

+Killed existing process (pid: 22846)


+admin@autoONOS3:~$ ~/ONOS/ start
+~/ONOS/ start

+rotate log: ./onos-logs/onos.autoONOS3.log

+rotate log: ./onos-logs/onos.autoONOS3.pcap

+Starting ONOS controller ...




+mvn -o exec:exec -Dexec.executable="java" -Dexec.args=" -javaagent:/home/admin/ONOS/lib/jacocoagent.jar=dumponexit=true,output=file,destfile=./onos-logs/jacoco.exec -server -d64 -Xmx1g -Xms1g -Xmn800m -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+UseFastAccessorMethods -XX:MaxInlineSize=8192 -XX:FreqInlineSize=8192 -XX:CompileThreshold=1500 -XX:PreBlockSpin=8 -XX:OnError=crash-logger -XX:CompileThreshold=1500 -XX:PreBlockSpin=8 		-XX:+UseThreadPriorities 		-XX:ThreadPriorityPolicy=42 		-XX:+UseCompressedOops -Dhazelcast.logging.type=slf4j -Dlogback.configurationFile=./logback.autoONOS3.xml -cp %classpath net.onrc.onos.ofcontroller.core.Main -cf ./conf/"

+Waiting for ONOS to start...


+admin@autoONOS3:~$ 2013-11-22 00:46:41,658  ONOS3     : INFO    :  Checking if the startup was clean...
+2013-11-22 00:46:41,661  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Checking if the startup was clean...
+2013-11-22 00:46:41,664  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 1.1: Testing startup Zookeeper
+2013-11-22 00:46:42,580  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  1.1: Testing startup Zookeeper
+Start of Step 1.2: Testing startup Cassandra
+2013-11-22 00:46:44,277  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  1.2: Testing startup Cassandra
+Start of Step 1.3: Testing startup ONOS



+admin@autoONOS3:~$ ~/ONOS/ status 
+~/ONOS/ status 

+1 instance of onos running



+admin@autoONOS3:~$ tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log


+admin@autoONOS3:~$ tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log

+2013-11-22 00:47:04,112 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.operation.thread-7] c.h.p.ReplicaSyncRequest [] []:5701 [dev] Sending sync response to -> Address[]:5701; for partition: 15, replica: 1

+2013-11-22 00:47:04,117 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.operation.thread-5] c.h.p.ReplicaSyncRequest [] []:5701 [dev] Sending sync response to -> Address[]:5701; for partition: 29, replica: 1

+2013-11-22 00:47:04,115 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.operation.thread-4] c.h.p.ReplicaSyncRequest [] []:5701 [dev] Sending sync response to -> Address[]:5701; for partition: 20, replica: 1

+2013-11-22 00:47:04,113 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.operation.thread-6] c.h.p.ReplicaSyncRequest [] []:5701 [dev] Sending sync response to -> Address[]:5701; for partition: 30, replica: 1

+2013-11-22 00:47:07,627 DEBUG [pool-3-thread-1] n.o.o.o.l.i.LinkDiscoveryManager [] Sending LLDP out on all ports.

+2013-11-22 00:47:22,637 DEBUG [pool-3-thread-9] n.o.o.o.l.i.LinkDiscoveryManager [] Sending LLDP out on all ports.

+2013-11-22 00:47:28,553 DEBUG [pool-3-thread-9] n.o.o.o.f.NetworkGraphPublisher [] Running cleanup thread

+2013-11-22 00:47:29,922 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.cached.thread-3] c.h.c.ClusterService [] []:5701 [dev] Sending MasterConfirmation to Member []:5701

+2013-11-22 00:47:30,412 DEBUG [pool-3-thread-9] n.o.o.o.f.NetworkGraphPublisher [] Checking for inactive switches

+2013-11-22 00:47:37,646 DEBUG [pool-3-thread-4] n.o.o.o.l.i.LinkDiscoveryManager [] Sending LLDP out on all ports.

+admin@autoONOS3:~$ tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,419  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case2 : 
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,422  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Checking if the startup was clean...
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,425  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 2.1: Checking if MN switches exist
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,431  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  2.1: Checking if MN switches exist
+Start of Step 2.2: assigning ONOS controllers to switches
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,751  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case3 : 
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,755  ONOS3     : INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,758  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,762  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 3.1: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,522  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case4 : 
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,527  ONOS3     : INFO    :  Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,529  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,535  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+2013-11-22 00:50:15,140  ONOS3     : INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:50:15,143  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+Start of Step 4.2: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 00:50:24,744  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case5 : 
+2013-11-22 00:50:24,749  ONOS3     : INFO    :  Testing ping...
+2013-11-22 00:50:25,526  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case6 : 
+2013-11-22 00:50:25,531  ONOS3     : INFO    :  Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:50:27,577  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:50:27,580  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 6.1: Check that the pings are going
+2013-11-22 00:50:28,709  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  6.1: Check that the pings are going
+Start of Step 6.2: Link down number of iterations: 3
+2013-11-22 00:56:29,672  ONOS3     : INFO    :  Killing remote ping processes 
+2013-11-22 00:56:33,679  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case7 : 
+2013-11-22 00:56:33,688  ONOS3     : INFO    :  Processing Ping data
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,857  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case4 : 
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,863  ONOS3     : INFO    :  Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,867  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,872  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+2013-11-22 00:57:11,400  ONOS3     : INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:57:11,405  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+Start of Step 4.2: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 00:57:20,715  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case8 : 
+2013-11-22 00:57:40,738  ONOS3     : INFO    :  Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:57:42,792  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:57:42,796  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 8.1: Check that the pings are going
+2013-11-22 00:57:43,931  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  8.1: Check that the pings are going
+Start of Step 8.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+2013-11-22 00:57:43,936  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  8.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+Start of Step 8.3: Link down number of iterations: 3
+2013-11-22 01:04:01,372  ONOS3     : INFO    :  Killing remote ping processes 
+2013-11-22 01:04:05,773  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case7 : 
+2013-11-22 01:04:05,780  ONOS3     : INFO    :  Processing Ping data
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,950  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case4 : 
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,952  ONOS3     : INFO    :  Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,954  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,960  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,720  ONOS3     : INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,724  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+Start of Step 4.2: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 01:04:49,379  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case9 : 
+2013-11-22 01:05:09,409  ONOS3     : INFO    :  Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 01:05:11,464  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 01:05:11,468  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 9.1: Check that the pings are going
+2013-11-22 01:05:12,584  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  9.1: Check that the pings are going
+Start of Step 9.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+2013-11-22 01:05:12,588  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  9.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+Start of Step 9.3: Link down number of iterations: 3


+admin@autoONOS3:~$ tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log

+2013-11-22 00:47:04,113 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.operation.thread-6] c.h.p.ReplicaSyncRequest [] []:5701 [dev] Sending sync response to -> Address[]:5701; for partition: 30, replica: 1

+2013-11-22 00:47:07,627 DEBUG [pool-3-thread-1] n.o.o.o.l.i.LinkDiscoveryManager [] Sending LLDP out on all ports.

+2013-11-22 00:47:22,637 DEBUG [pool-3-thread-9] n.o.o.o.l.i.LinkDiscoveryManager [] Sending LLDP out on all ports.

+2013-11-22 00:47:28,553 DEBUG [pool-3-thread-9] n.o.o.o.f.NetworkGraphPublisher [] Running cleanup thread

+2013-11-22 00:47:29,922 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.cached.thread-3] c.h.c.ClusterService [] []:5701 [dev] Sending MasterConfirmation to Member []:5701

+2013-11-22 00:47:30,412 DEBUG [pool-3-thread-9] n.o.o.o.f.NetworkGraphPublisher [] Checking for inactive switches

+2013-11-22 00:47:37,646 DEBUG [pool-3-thread-4] n.o.o.o.l.i.LinkDiscoveryManager [] Sending LLDP out on all ports.

+2013-11-22 00:47:52,656 DEBUG [pool-3-thread-1] n.o.o.o.l.i.LinkDiscoveryManager [] Sending LLDP out on all ports.

+2013-11-22 00:47:59,923 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.cached.thread-4] c.h.c.ClusterService [] []:5701 [dev] Sending MasterConfirmation to Member []:5701

+2013-11-22 00:48:07,666 DEBUG [pool-3-thread-8] n.o.o.o.l.i.LinkDiscoveryManager [] Sending LLDP out on all ports.

+admin@autoONOS3:~$ ~/ONOS/ stop

+admin@autoONOS3:~$ ~/ONOS/ stop

+Killed existing process (pid: 24527)


+admin@autoONOS3:~$ ~/ONOS/ start
+~/ONOS/ start

+rotate log: ./onos-logs/onos.autoONOS3.log

+rotate log: ./onos-logs/onos.autoONOS3.pcap

+Starting ONOS controller ...




+mvn -o exec:exec -Dexec.executable="java" -Dexec.args=" -javaagent:/home/admin/ONOS/lib/jacocoagent.jar=dumponexit=true,output=file,destfile=./onos-logs/jacoco.exec -server -d64 -Xmx1g -Xms1g -Xmn800m -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+UseFastAccessorMethods -XX:MaxInlineSize=8192 -XX:FreqInlineSize=8192 -XX:CompileThreshold=1500 -XX:PreBlockSpin=8 -XX:OnError=crash-logger -XX:CompileThreshold=1500 -XX:PreBlockSpin=8 		-XX:+UseThreadPriorities 		-XX:ThreadPriorityPolicy=42 		-XX:+UseCompressedOops -Dhazelcast.logging.type=slf4j -Dlogback.configurationFile=./logback.autoONOS3.xml -cp %classpath net.onrc.onos.ofcontroller.core.Main -cf ./conf/"

+Waiting for ONOS to start...




+admin@autoONOS3:~$ ~/ONOS/ status 

+admin@autoONOS3:~$ ~/ONOS/ status 

+1 instance of onos running


+tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log


+admin@autoONOS3:~$ tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log

+tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log

+2013-11-22 01:08:49,135 DEBUG [hz.ShutdownThread] c.h.i.Node [] []:5701 [dev] Shutting down thread hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-in-1

+2013-11-22 01:08:49,130 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-in-1] c.h.n.InSelectorImpl [] []:5701 [dev] hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-in-1 is interrupted!

+2013-11-22 01:08:49,130 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-out-2] c.h.n.OutSelectorImpl [] []:5701 [dev] hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-out-2 is interrupted!

+2013-11-22 01:08:49,137 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-out-2] c.h.n.OutSelectorImpl [] []:5701 [dev] Closing selector hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-out-2

+2013-11-22 01:08:49,130 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-in-2] c.h.n.InSelectorImpl [] []:5701 [dev] hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-in-2 is interrupted!

+2013-11-22 01:08:49,136 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-in-1] c.h.n.InSelectorImpl [] []:5701 [dev] Closing selector hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-in-1

+2013-11-22 01:08:49,137 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-in-2] c.h.n.InSelectorImpl [] []:5701 [dev] Closing selector hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-in-2

+2013-11-22 01:08:49,135 DEBUG [hz.ShutdownThread] c.h.i.Node [] []:5701 [dev] Shutting down thread hz._hzInstance_1_dev.IO.thread-in-2

+2013-11-22 01:08:49,142 DEBUG [hz.ShutdownThread] c.h.i.Node [] []:5701 [dev] Shutting down thread hz._hzInstance_1_dev.HealthMonitor

+2013-11-22 01:08:49,143 INFO [hz.ShutdownThread] c.h.i.Node [] []:5701 [dev] Hazelcast Shutdown is completed in 208 ms.

+admin@autoONOS3:~$ 2013-11-22 01:10:35,198  ONOS3     : INFO    :  Killing remote ping processes 
+2013-11-22 01:10:39,265  ONOS3     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case7 : 
+2013-11-22 01:10:39,270  ONOS3     : INFO    :  Processing Ping data


+admin@autoONOS3:~$ tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log

+2013-11-22 01:09:28,865 DEBUG [New I/O server worker #1-3] n.f.c.i.OFSwitchImpl [] Received role reply message from OFSwitchImpl [/ DPID[00:00:00:00:00:00:00:09]], setting role to SLAVE

+2013-11-22 01:09:28,867 DEBUG [New I/O server worker #1-4] n.f.c.i.Controller [] Handling role reply for role SLAVE from OFSwitchImpl [/ DPID[00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0a]]. Controller's role is MASTER 

+2013-11-22 01:09:28,874 DEBUG [New I/O server worker #1-4] n.f.c.i.OFSwitchImpl [] Received role reply message from OFSwitchImpl [/ DPID[00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0a]], setting role to SLAVE

+2013-11-22 01:09:28,874 DEBUG [New I/O server worker #1-8] n.f.c.i.Controller [] Handling role reply for role SLAVE from OFSwitchImpl [/ DPID[00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0e]]. Controller's role is MASTER 

+2013-11-22 01:09:28,878 DEBUG [New I/O server worker #1-8] n.f.c.i.OFSwitchImpl [] Received role reply message from OFSwitchImpl [/ DPID[00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0e]], setting role to SLAVE

+2013-11-22 01:09:28,878 DEBUG [New I/O server worker #1-7] n.f.c.i.Controller [] Handling role reply for role SLAVE from OFSwitchImpl [/ DPID[00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01]]. Controller's role is MASTER 

+2013-11-22 01:09:28,879 DEBUG [New I/O server worker #1-7] n.f.c.i.OFSwitchImpl [] Received role reply message from OFSwitchImpl [/ DPID[00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01]], setting role to SLAVE

+2013-11-22 01:09:28,881 DEBUG [Thread-3] n.f.c.i.RoleChanger [] Sending NxRoleRequest to OFSwitchImpl [/ DPID[00:00:00:00:00:00:00:27]]

+2013-11-22 01:09:28,888 DEBUG [New I/O server worker #1-3] n.f.c.i.Controller [] Handling role reply for role SLAVE from OFSwitchImpl [/ DPID[00:00:00:00:00:00:00:27]]. Controller's role is MASTER 

+2013-11-22 01:09:28,891 DEBUG [New I/O server worker #1-3] n.f.c.i.OFSwitchImpl [] Received role reply message from OFSwitchImpl [/ DPID[00:00:00:00:00:00:00:27]], setting role to SLAVE

+admin@autoONOS3:~$ exit


+Connection to closed.

diff --git a/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS4.session b/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS4.session
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d09f90c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS4.session
@@ -0,0 +1,557 @@
+2013-11-22 00:44:27,181  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+                                +----------------+
+------------------------------ { Script And Files }  ------------------------------
+                                +----------------+
+	Script Log File : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23.log
+	Report Log File : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23.rpt
+	ONOS4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS4.session
+	ONOS2 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS2.session
+	ONOS3 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS3.session
+	ONOS1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS1.session
+	Cassandra1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra1.session
+	Cassandra2 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra2.session
+	Cassandra3 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra3.session
+	Cassandra4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra4.session
+	Zookeeper1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Zookeeper1.session
+	Mininet1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Mininet1.session
+	Mininet4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Mininet4.session
+	Test Script :/home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/
+	Test Params : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/OnosPerf4nodes.params
+	Topology : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/OnosPerf4nodes.tpl
+                              +------------------+
+---------------------------  { Script Exec Params }  ---------------------------
+                              +------------------+
+	'CTRL': 
+	'ip2': ''
+	 'ip3': ''
+	 'ip1': ''
+	 'ip4': ''
+	 'port4': '6633'
+	 'port2': '6633'
+	 'port3': '6633'
+	 'port1': '6633'
+	 'MN_size': '57'
+	 'FLOWDEF': '~/flowdef_files/Center_Triangle/flowdef_20.txt'
+	 'NR_Switches': '25'
+	 'WaitTime': '60'
+	 'TargetTime': '30'
+	 'PING': 
+	'source2': 'h7'
+	 'source9': 'h14'
+	 'source10': 'h15'
+	 'source4': 'h9'
+	 'source5': 'h10'
+	 'target3': ''
+	 'target10': ''
+	 'source3': 'h8'
+	 'source1': 'h6'
+	 'source6': 'h11'
+	 'source7': 'h12'
+	 'target8': ''
+	 'target9': ''
+	 'target6': ''
+	 'target7': ''
+	 'target4': ''
+	 'target5': ''
+	 'target2': ''
+	 'source8': 'h13'
+	 'target1': ''
+	 'NR_Links': '50'
+	 'testcases': '1
+	2
+	3
+	4
+	5
+	6
+	7
+	4
+	8
+	7
+	4
+	9
+	7'
+	 'RestIP': ''
+	 'Iterations': '3'
+                               +---------------+
+----------------------------- { Components Used }  -----------------------------
+                               +---------------+
+	Cassandra1
+	Cassandra2
+	Cassandra3
+	Cassandra4
+	Zookeeper1
+	Mininet1
+	Mininet4
+                              +--------+
+---------------------------- { Topology }  ----------------------------
+                              +--------+
+	'ONOS4': 
+	'connect_order': '9'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'ONOS2': 
+	'connect_order': '7'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'ONOS3': 
+	'connect_order': '8'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'ONOS1': 
+	'connect_order': '6'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra1': 
+	'connect_order': '2'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra2': 
+	'connect_order': '3'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra3': 
+	'connect_order': '4'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra4': 
+	'connect_order': '5'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Zookeeper1': 
+	'connect_order': '1'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'ZookeeperCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Mininet1': 
+	'connect_order': '10'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	'arg1': '--custom ~/mininet/custom/'
+	 'arg2': '--topo mytopo --arp'
+	 'controller': 'remote'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'MininetCliDriver'
+	 'Mininet4': 
+	'connect_order': '11'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'RemoteMininetDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'



+2013-11-22 00:44:49,769  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case1 : 
+Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.2.0-44-virtual x86_64)


+ * Documentation:


+  System information as of Fri Nov 22 00:44:27 PST 2013


+  System load:  0.75               Processes:           92

+  Usage of /:   25.0% of 19.67GB   Users logged in:     1

+  Memory usage: 56%                IP address for eth0:

+  Swap usage:   0%


+  Graph this data and manage this system at


+  Get cloud support with Ubuntu Advantage Cloud Guest:



+  Use Juju to deploy your cloud instances and workloads:



+63 packages can be updated.

+34 updates are security updates.


+Last login: Fri Nov 22 00:44:27 2013 from





+admin@autoONOS4:~$ ~/ONOS/ stop

+admin@autoONOS4:~$ ~/ONOS/ stop

+Killed existing process (pid: 21351)


+admin@autoONOS4:~$ ~/ONOS/ start
+~/ONOS/ start

+rotate log: ./onos-logs/onos.autoONOS4.log

+rotate log: ./onos-logs/onos.autoONOS4.pcap

+Starting ONOS controller ...




+mvn -o exec:exec -Dexec.executable="java" -Dexec.args=" -javaagent:/home/admin/ONOS/lib/jacocoagent.jar=dumponexit=true,output=file,destfile=./onos-logs/jacoco.exec -server -d64 -Xmx1g -Xms1g -Xmn800m -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+UseFastAccessorMethods -XX:MaxInlineSize=8192 -XX:FreqInlineSize=8192 -XX:CompileThreshold=1500 -XX:PreBlockSpin=8 -XX:OnError=crash-logger -XX:CompileThreshold=1500 -XX:PreBlockSpin=8 		-XX:+UseThreadPriorities 		-XX:ThreadPriorityPolicy=42 		-XX:+UseCompressedOops -Dhazelcast.logging.type=slf4j -Dlogback.configurationFile=./logback.autoONOS4.xml -cp %classpath net.onrc.onos.ofcontroller.core.Main -cf ./conf/"

+Waiting for ONOS to start...


+admin@autoONOS4:~$ 2013-11-22 00:46:41,658  ONOS4     : INFO    :  Checking if the startup was clean...
+2013-11-22 00:46:41,661  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Checking if the startup was clean...
+2013-11-22 00:46:41,664  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 1.1: Testing startup Zookeeper
+2013-11-22 00:46:42,579  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  1.1: Testing startup Zookeeper
+Start of Step 1.2: Testing startup Cassandra
+2013-11-22 00:46:44,276  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  1.2: Testing startup Cassandra
+Start of Step 1.3: Testing startup ONOS



+admin@autoONOS4:~$ ~/ONOS/ status 
+~/ONOS/ status 

+1 instance of onos running



+admin@autoONOS4:~$ tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log


+admin@autoONOS4:~$ tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log

+2013-11-22 00:47:05,654 DEBUG [pool-3-thread-3] n.o.o.o.l.i.LinkDiscoveryManager [] Sending LLDP out on all ports.

+2013-11-22 00:47:12,948 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.cached.thread-5] c.h.c.ClusterService [] []:5701 [dev] Sending MasterConfirmation to Member []:5701

+2013-11-22 00:47:20,666 DEBUG [pool-3-thread-2] n.o.o.o.l.i.LinkDiscoveryManager [] Sending LLDP out on all ports.

+2013-11-22 00:47:35,675 DEBUG [pool-3-thread-3] n.o.o.o.l.i.LinkDiscoveryManager [] Sending LLDP out on all ports.

+2013-11-22 00:47:41,872 DEBUG [pool-3-thread-11] n.o.o.o.f.NetworkGraphPublisher [] Running cleanup thread

+2013-11-22 00:47:42,949 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.cached.thread-6] c.h.c.ClusterService [] []:5701 [dev] Sending MasterConfirmation to Member []:5701

+2013-11-22 00:47:43,578 DEBUG [pool-3-thread-11] n.o.o.o.f.NetworkGraphPublisher [] Checking for inactive switches

+2013-11-22 00:47:50,684 DEBUG [pool-3-thread-8] n.o.o.o.l.i.LinkDiscoveryManager [] Sending LLDP out on all ports.

+2013-11-22 00:48:05,695 DEBUG [pool-3-thread-14] n.o.o.o.l.i.LinkDiscoveryManager [] Sending LLDP out on all ports.

+2013-11-22 00:48:12,949 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.cached.thread-5] c.h.c.ClusterService [] []:5701 [dev] Sending MasterConfirmation to Member []:5701

+admin@autoONOS4:~$ tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,419  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case2 : 
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,421  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Checking if the startup was clean...
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,424  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 2.1: Checking if MN switches exist
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,431  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  2.1: Checking if MN switches exist
+Start of Step 2.2: assigning ONOS controllers to switches
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,751  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case3 : 
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,755  ONOS4     : INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,757  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,761  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 3.1: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,522  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case4 : 
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,526  ONOS4     : INFO    :  Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,529  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,534  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+2013-11-22 00:50:15,140  ONOS4     : INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:50:15,143  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+Start of Step 4.2: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 00:50:24,743  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case5 : 
+2013-11-22 00:50:24,749  ONOS4     : INFO    :  Testing ping...
+2013-11-22 00:50:25,525  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case6 : 
+2013-11-22 00:50:25,530  ONOS4     : INFO    :  Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:50:27,576  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:50:27,580  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 6.1: Check that the pings are going
+2013-11-22 00:50:28,708  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  6.1: Check that the pings are going
+Start of Step 6.2: Link down number of iterations: 3
+2013-11-22 00:56:29,672  ONOS4     : INFO    :  Killing remote ping processes 
+2013-11-22 00:56:33,678  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case7 : 
+2013-11-22 00:56:33,687  ONOS4     : INFO    :  Processing Ping data
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,856  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case4 : 
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,862  ONOS4     : INFO    :  Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,866  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,872  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+2013-11-22 00:57:11,399  ONOS4     : INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:57:11,403  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+Start of Step 4.2: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 00:57:20,714  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case8 : 
+2013-11-22 00:57:40,737  ONOS4     : INFO    :  Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:57:42,792  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:57:42,795  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 8.1: Check that the pings are going
+2013-11-22 00:57:43,930  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  8.1: Check that the pings are going
+Start of Step 8.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+2013-11-22 00:57:43,935  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  8.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+Start of Step 8.3: Link down number of iterations: 3
+2013-11-22 01:04:01,372  ONOS4     : INFO    :  Killing remote ping processes 
+2013-11-22 01:04:05,772  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case7 : 
+2013-11-22 01:04:05,779  ONOS4     : INFO    :  Processing Ping data
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,949  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case4 : 
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,952  ONOS4     : INFO    :  Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,954  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,958  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,720  ONOS4     : INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,723  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+Start of Step 4.2: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 01:04:49,378  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case9 : 
+2013-11-22 01:05:09,408  ONOS4     : INFO    :  Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 01:05:11,463  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 01:05:11,467  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+Start of Step 9.1: Check that the pings are going
+2013-11-22 01:05:12,584  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  9.1: Check that the pings are going
+Start of Step 9.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+2013-11-22 01:05:12,588  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+End of Step  9.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+Start of Step 9.3: Link down number of iterations: 3
+2013-11-22 01:10:35,197  ONOS4     : INFO    :  Killing remote ping processes 
+2013-11-22 01:10:39,265  ONOS4     : INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case7 : 
+2013-11-22 01:10:39,270  ONOS4     : INFO    :  Processing Ping data


+admin@autoONOS4:~$ tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log

+2013-11-22 00:47:42,949 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.cached.thread-6] c.h.c.ClusterService [] []:5701 [dev] Sending MasterConfirmation to Member []:5701

+2013-11-22 00:47:43,578 DEBUG [pool-3-thread-11] n.o.o.o.f.NetworkGraphPublisher [] Checking for inactive switches

+2013-11-22 00:47:50,684 DEBUG [pool-3-thread-8] n.o.o.o.l.i.LinkDiscoveryManager [] Sending LLDP out on all ports.

+2013-11-22 00:48:05,695 DEBUG [pool-3-thread-14] n.o.o.o.l.i.LinkDiscoveryManager [] Sending LLDP out on all ports.

+2013-11-22 00:48:12,949 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.cached.thread-5] c.h.c.ClusterService [] []:5701 [dev] Sending MasterConfirmation to Member []:5701

+2013-11-22 00:48:20,705 DEBUG [pool-3-thread-6] n.o.o.o.l.i.LinkDiscoveryManager [] Sending LLDP out on all ports.

+2013-11-22 00:48:35,716 DEBUG [pool-3-thread-13] n.o.o.o.l.i.LinkDiscoveryManager [] Sending LLDP out on all ports.

+2013-11-22 00:48:42,949 DEBUG [hz._hzInstance_1_dev.cached.thread-5] c.h.c.ClusterService [] []:5701 [dev] Sending MasterConfirmation to Member []:5701

+2013-11-22 00:48:43,579 DEBUG [pool-3-thread-6] n.o.o.o.f.NetworkGraphPublisher [] Running cleanup thread

+2013-11-22 00:48:43,676 DEBUG [pool-3-thread-6] n.o.o.o.f.NetworkGraphPublisher [] Checking for inactive switches

+admin@autoONOS4:~$ exit


+Connection to closed.

diff --git a/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23.log b/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46b42fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23.log
@@ -0,0 +1,1183 @@
+                                +----------------+
+------------------------------ { Script And Files }  ------------------------------
+                                +----------------+
+	Script Log File : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23.log
+	Report Log File : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23.rpt
+	ONOS4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS4.session
+	ONOS2 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS2.session
+	ONOS3 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS3.session
+	ONOS1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS1.session
+	Cassandra1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra1.session
+	Cassandra2 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra2.session
+	Cassandra3 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra3.session
+	Cassandra4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra4.session
+	Zookeeper1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Zookeeper1.session
+	Mininet1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Mininet1.session
+	Mininet4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Mininet4.session
+	Test Script :/home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/
+	Test Params : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/OnosPerf4nodes.params
+	Topology : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/OnosPerf4nodes.tpl
+                              +------------------+
+---------------------------  { Script Exec Params }  ---------------------------
+                              +------------------+
+	'CTRL': 
+	'ip2': ''
+	 'ip3': ''
+	 'ip1': ''
+	 'ip4': ''
+	 'port4': '6633'
+	 'port2': '6633'
+	 'port3': '6633'
+	 'port1': '6633'
+	 'MN_size': '57'
+	 'FLOWDEF': '~/flowdef_files/Center_Triangle/flowdef_20.txt'
+	 'NR_Switches': '25'
+	 'WaitTime': '60'
+	 'TargetTime': '30'
+	 'PING': 
+	'source2': 'h7'
+	 'source9': 'h14'
+	 'source10': 'h15'
+	 'source4': 'h9'
+	 'source5': 'h10'
+	 'target3': ''
+	 'target10': ''
+	 'source3': 'h8'
+	 'source1': 'h6'
+	 'source6': 'h11'
+	 'source7': 'h12'
+	 'target8': ''
+	 'target9': ''
+	 'target6': ''
+	 'target7': ''
+	 'target4': ''
+	 'target5': ''
+	 'target2': ''
+	 'source8': 'h13'
+	 'target1': ''
+	 'NR_Links': '50'
+	 'testcases': '1
+	2
+	3
+	4
+	5
+	6
+	7
+	4
+	8
+	7
+	4
+	9
+	7'
+	 'RestIP': ''
+	 'Iterations': '3'
+                               +---------------+
+----------------------------- { Components Used }  -----------------------------
+                               +---------------+
+	Cassandra1
+	Cassandra2
+	Cassandra3
+	Cassandra4
+	Zookeeper1
+	Mininet1
+	Mininet4
+                              +--------+
+---------------------------- { Topology }  ----------------------------
+                              +--------+
+	'ONOS4': 
+	'connect_order': '9'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'ONOS2': 
+	'connect_order': '7'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'ONOS3': 
+	'connect_order': '8'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'ONOS1': 
+	'connect_order': '6'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra1': 
+	'connect_order': '2'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra2': 
+	'connect_order': '3'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra3': 
+	'connect_order': '4'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra4': 
+	'connect_order': '5'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Zookeeper1': 
+	'connect_order': '1'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'ZookeeperCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Mininet1': 
+	'connect_order': '10'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	'arg1': '--custom ~/mininet/custom/'
+	 'arg2': '--topo mytopo --arp'
+	 'controller': 'remote'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'MininetCliDriver'
+	 'Mininet4': 
+	'connect_order': '11'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'RemoteMininetDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+2013-11-22 00:44:23,245 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Creating component Handle: Zookeeper1
+2013-11-22 00:44:23,290 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Password not required logged in
+2013-11-22 00:44:23,393 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Starting Zookeeper
+2013-11-22 00:44:25,998 - OnosPerf4nodes - WARNING - zookeeper ... already running
+2013-11-22 00:44:25,999 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Creating component Handle: Cassandra1
+2013-11-22 00:44:26,059 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Password not required logged in
+2013-11-22 00:44:26,163 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Creating component Handle: Cassandra2
+2013-11-22 00:44:26,222 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Password not required logged in
+2013-11-22 00:44:26,325 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Creating component Handle: Cassandra3
+2013-11-22 00:44:26,382 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Password not required logged in
+2013-11-22 00:44:26,486 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Creating component Handle: Cassandra4
+2013-11-22 00:44:26,546 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Password not required logged in
+2013-11-22 00:44:26,650 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Creating component Handle: ONOS1
+2013-11-22 00:44:26,724 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Password not required logged in
+2013-11-22 00:44:26,827 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Creating component Handle: ONOS2
+2013-11-22 00:44:26,880 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Password not required logged in
+2013-11-22 00:44:26,983 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Creating component Handle: ONOS3
+2013-11-22 00:44:27,042 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Password not required logged in
+2013-11-22 00:44:27,145 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Creating component Handle: ONOS4
+2013-11-22 00:44:27,203 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Password not required logged in
+2013-11-22 00:44:27,306 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Creating component Handle: Mininet1
+2013-11-22 00:44:27,376 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Password not required logged in
+2013-11-22 00:44:27,481 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Clearing any residual state or processes
+2013-11-22 00:44:30,683 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Clean
+2013-11-22 00:44:30,684 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - building fresh mininet
+2013-11-22 00:44:30,922 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO -  Creating network

+2013-11-22 00:44:30,923 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO -  Adding controller

+2013-11-22 00:44:30,984 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO -  Adding hosts:

+2013-11-22 00:44:31,276 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO -  Adding switches:

+2013-11-22 00:44:32,269 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO -  Adding links:

+2013-11-22 00:44:38,207 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO -  Configuring hosts

+2013-11-22 00:44:42,909 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO -  Starting controller

+2013-11-22 00:44:42,910 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO -  Starting 25 switches

+2013-11-22 00:44:49,568 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO -  Starting CLI:

+2013-11-22 00:44:49,583 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - mininet built
+2013-11-22 00:44:49,583 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Creating component Handle: Mininet4
+2013-11-22 00:44:49,643 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Password not required logged in
+ Result summary for Testcase1
+2013-11-22 00:44:50,593 - OnosPerf4nodes - WARNING - ONOS wasn't running
+2013-11-22 00:44:51,391 - OnosPerf4nodes - WARNING - ONOS wasn't running
+2013-11-22 00:44:52,228 - OnosPerf4nodes - WARNING - ONOS wasn't running
+2013-11-22 00:44:53,082 - OnosPerf4nodes - WARNING - ONOS wasn't running
+2013-11-22 00:44:53,083 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Starting Cassandra
+2013-11-22 00:44:58,840 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Cassandra Started 
+2013-11-22 00:44:58,841 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Starting Cassandra
+2013-11-22 00:45:04,616 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Cassandra Started 
+2013-11-22 00:45:04,616 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Starting Cassandra
+2013-11-22 00:45:10,182 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Cassandra Started 
+2013-11-22 00:45:10,183 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Starting Cassandra
+2013-11-22 00:45:15,786 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Cassandra Started 
+2013-11-22 00:45:38,368 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Keyspace dropped
+2013-11-22 00:45:48,044 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - ONOS Started 
+2013-11-22 00:46:07,982 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - ONOS Started 
+2013-11-22 00:46:18,262 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - ONOS Started 
+2013-11-22 00:46:28,881 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - ONOS Started 
+2013-11-22 00:46:31,230 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :~/ONOS/ start 		 Expected Prompt '\$' Found
+2013-11-22 00:46:31,232 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Rest Server Started Successfully
+2013-11-22 00:46:41,441 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :~/ONOS/ status  		 Expected Prompt 'running' Found
+2013-11-22 00:46:41,442 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Rest Server is running
+2013-11-22 00:46:41,544 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :
 		 Expected Prompt '\$' Found
+[2013-11-22 00:46:41.658212] [OnosPerf4nodes] [CASE]  Checking if the startup was clean...
+[2013-11-22 00:46:41.660794] [OnosPerf4nodes] [STEP]  INIT : Initializing the test case :Checking if the startup was clean...
+[2013-11-22 00:46:41.663710] [OnosPerf4nodes] [STEP]  1.1: Testing startup Zookeeper
+2013-11-22 00:46:41,886 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :
+ 		 Expected Prompt '\$' Found
+2013-11-22 00:46:42,570 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :~/zookeeper-3.4.5/bin/ status  		 Expected Prompt 'Mode' Found
+2013-11-22 00:46:42,575 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Verifying the Expected is equal to the actual or not using assert_equal
+2013-11-22 00:46:42,576 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Zookeeper is up!
+2013-11-22 00:46:42,576 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+[2013-11-22 00:46:42.578754] [OnosPerf4nodes] [STEP]  1.2: Testing startup Cassandra
+2013-11-22 00:46:42,582 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - trying 5 times
+2013-11-22 00:46:42,726 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :
 		 Expected Prompt '\$' Found
+2013-11-22 00:46:44,271 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Verifying the Expected is equal to the actual or not using assert_equal
+2013-11-22 00:46:44,272 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Cassandra is up!
+2013-11-22 00:46:44,273 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+[2013-11-22 00:46:44.275910] [OnosPerf4nodes] [STEP]  1.3: Testing startup ONOS
+2013-11-22 00:46:44,380 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :
 		 Expected Prompt '\$' Found
+2013-11-22 00:46:45,076 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :~/ONOS/ status  		 Expected Prompt 'running' Found
+2013-11-22 00:46:45,178 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :
 		 Expected Prompt '\$' Found
+2013-11-22 00:46:45,281 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log 		 Expected Prompt '\$' Found
+2013-11-22 00:47:15,413 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :
 		 Expected Prompt '\$' Found
+2013-11-22 00:47:15,516 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log 		 Expected Prompt '\$' Found
+2013-11-22 00:47:15,518 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - ONOS process is running...
+2013-11-22 00:47:15,519 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+2013-11-22 00:47:15,539 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Onos log is moving! It's looking good!
+2013-11-22 00:47:15,726 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :
 		 Expected Prompt '\$' Found
+2013-11-22 00:47:16,332 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :~/ONOS/ status  		 Expected Prompt 'running' Found
+2013-11-22 00:47:16,434 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :
 		 Expected Prompt '\$' Found
+2013-11-22 00:47:16,536 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log 		 Expected Prompt '\$' Found
+2013-11-22 00:47:46,640 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :
 		 Expected Prompt '\$' Found
+2013-11-22 00:47:46,741 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log 		 Expected Prompt '\$' Found
+2013-11-22 00:47:46,742 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - ONOS process is running...
+2013-11-22 00:47:46,742 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+2013-11-22 00:47:46,758 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Onos log is moving! It's looking good!
+2013-11-22 00:47:46,920 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :
 		 Expected Prompt '\$' Found
+2013-11-22 00:47:47,592 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :~/ONOS/ status  		 Expected Prompt 'running' Found
+2013-11-22 00:47:47,694 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :
 		 Expected Prompt '\$' Found
+2013-11-22 00:47:47,797 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log 		 Expected Prompt '\$' Found
+2013-11-22 00:48:17,903 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :
 		 Expected Prompt '\$' Found
+2013-11-22 00:48:18,005 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log 		 Expected Prompt '\$' Found
+2013-11-22 00:48:18,006 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - ONOS process is running...
+2013-11-22 00:48:18,006 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+2013-11-22 00:48:18,020 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Onos log is moving! It's looking good!
+2013-11-22 00:48:18,271 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :
 		 Expected Prompt '\$' Found
+2013-11-22 00:48:18,980 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :~/ONOS/ status  		 Expected Prompt 'running' Found
+2013-11-22 00:48:19,083 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :
 		 Expected Prompt '\$' Found
+2013-11-22 00:48:19,184 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log 		 Expected Prompt '\$' Found
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,302 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :
 		 Expected Prompt '\$' Found
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,404 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log 		 Expected Prompt '\$' Found
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,405 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - ONOS process is running...
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,405 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,415 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Onos log is moving! It's looking good!
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,416 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Verifying the Expected is equal to the actual or not using assert_equal
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,416 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - ONOS is up and running!
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,417 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+ Result: Pass 
+ Result summary for Testcase2
+[2013-11-22 00:48:49.421547] [OnosPerf4nodes] [STEP]  INIT : Initializing the test case :Checking if the startup was clean...
+[2013-11-22 00:48:49.424393] [OnosPerf4nodes] [STEP]  2.1: Checking if MN switches exist
+[2013-11-22 00:48:49.431020] [OnosPerf4nodes] [STEP]  2.2: assigning ONOS controllers to switches
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,596 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s1 ptcp:6634 tcp:        		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:48:50,753 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s1 ptcp:6634 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:     		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:48:50,916 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s2 ptcp:6635 tcp:        		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:48:52,073 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s2 ptcp:6635 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:     		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:48:52,236 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s3 ptcp:6636 tcp:        		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:48:53,402 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s3 ptcp:6636 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:     		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:48:53,568 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s4 ptcp:6637 tcp:        		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:48:54,731 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s4 ptcp:6637 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:     		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:48:54,892 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s5 ptcp:6638 tcp:        		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:48:56,058 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s5 ptcp:6638 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:     		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:48:56,214 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s6 ptcp:6639 tcp:        		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:48:57,367 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s6 ptcp:6639 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:     		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:48:57,546 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s7 ptcp:6640 tcp:        		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:48:58,727 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s7 ptcp:6640 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:     		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:48:58,894 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s8 ptcp:6641 tcp:        		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:49:00,064 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s8 ptcp:6641 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:     		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:49:00,221 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s9 ptcp:6642 tcp:        		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:49:01,388 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s9 ptcp:6642 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:     		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:49:01,541 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s10 ptcp:6643 tcp:        		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:49:02,707 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s10 ptcp:6643 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:     		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:49:02,890 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s11 ptcp:6644 tcp:        		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:49:04,044 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s11 ptcp:6644 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:     		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:49:04,210 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s12 ptcp:6645 tcp:        		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:49:05,374 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s12 ptcp:6645 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:     		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:49:05,537 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s13 ptcp:6646 tcp:        		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:49:06,703 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s13 ptcp:6646 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:     		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:49:06,857 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s14 ptcp:6647 tcp:        		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:49:08,016 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s14 ptcp:6647 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:     		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:49:08,170 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s15 ptcp:6648 tcp:        		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:49:09,332 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s15 ptcp:6648 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:     		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:49:09,488 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s31 ptcp:6664 tcp:        		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:49:10,656 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s31 ptcp:6664 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:     		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:49:10,820 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s32 ptcp:6665 tcp:        		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:49:11,985 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s32 ptcp:6665 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:     		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:49:12,138 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s33 ptcp:6666 tcp:        		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:49:13,307 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s33 ptcp:6666 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:     		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:49:13,460 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s34 ptcp:6667 tcp:        		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:49:14,637 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s34 ptcp:6667 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:     		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:49:14,805 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s35 ptcp:6668 tcp:        		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:49:15,960 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s35 ptcp:6668 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:     		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:49:16,125 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s36 ptcp:6669 tcp:        		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:49:17,286 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s36 ptcp:6669 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:     		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:49:17,459 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s37 ptcp:6670 tcp:        		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:49:18,618 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s37 ptcp:6670 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:     		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:49:18,771 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s38 ptcp:6671 tcp:        		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:49:19,932 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s38 ptcp:6671 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:     		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:49:20,099 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s39 ptcp:6672 tcp:        		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:49:21,266 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s39 ptcp:6672 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:     		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:49:21,427 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s40 ptcp:6673 tcp:        		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:49:22,599 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl set-controller s40 ptcp:6673 tcp: tcp: tcp: tcp:     		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:49:22,742 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sh ovs-vsctl get-controller s1 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:49:22,743 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO -  sh ovs-vsctl get-controller s1






+ Result: Pass 
+ Result summary for Testcase3
+[2013-11-22 00:49:27.755101] [OnosPerf4nodes] [CASE]  TOPO check
+[2013-11-22 00:49:27.757550] [OnosPerf4nodes] [STEP]  INIT : Initializing the test case :TOPO check
+[2013-11-22 00:49:27.761165] [OnosPerf4nodes] [STEP]  3.1: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,763 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Making some rest calls...
+2013-11-22 00:49:33,505 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - 
+switch: network 1 : 25 switches 25 active
+link: total 50 links (correct : 50)
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,514 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Verifying the Expected is equal to the actual or not using assert_equal
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,515 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - None
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,519 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+ Result: Pass 
+ Result summary for Testcase4
+[2013-11-22 00:49:38.526589] [OnosPerf4nodes] [CASE]  Taking care of these flows!
+[2013-11-22 00:49:38.529104] [OnosPerf4nodes] [STEP]  INIT : Initializing the test case :Taking care of these flows!
+[2013-11-22 00:49:38.534187] [OnosPerf4nodes] [STEP]  4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,536 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - deleting...
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,537 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Deleting ALL flows...
+2013-11-22 00:49:39,889 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Flows deleted
+2013-11-22 00:49:39,890 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - adding...
+2013-11-22 00:49:39,890 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Adding Flows...
+2013-11-22 00:49:48,084 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Flows added
+2013-11-22 00:49:48,085 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Checking...
+2013-11-22 00:49:56,708 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - FlowPath without FlowEntry
+2013-11-22 00:50:01,714 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Checking Flows again...
+2013-11-22 00:50:13,785 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - All flows pass
+2013-11-22 00:50:13,786 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Number of FlowPaths: 20
+2013-11-22 00:50:13,787 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Adding flows took 33.896 s
+2013-11-22 00:50:13,787 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - 
+				h6 IS PINGING h31
+2013-11-22 00:50:13,920 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :h6 ping h31 -c 1 -i .2 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet' Found
+2013-11-22 00:50:13,922 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - No Packet loss
+2013-11-22 00:50:13,922 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+2013-11-22 00:50:13,922 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - NO PACKET LOSS, HOST IS REACHABLE
+2013-11-22 00:50:13,923 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - 
+				h7 IS PINGING h32
+2013-11-22 00:50:14,053 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :h7 ping h32 -c 1 -i .2 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet' Found
+2013-11-22 00:50:14,054 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - No Packet loss
+2013-11-22 00:50:14,055 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+2013-11-22 00:50:14,055 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - NO PACKET LOSS, HOST IS REACHABLE
+2013-11-22 00:50:14,055 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - 
+				h8 IS PINGING h33
+2013-11-22 00:50:14,187 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :h8 ping h33 -c 1 -i .2 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet' Found
+2013-11-22 00:50:14,188 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - No Packet loss
+2013-11-22 00:50:14,188 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+2013-11-22 00:50:14,189 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - NO PACKET LOSS, HOST IS REACHABLE
+2013-11-22 00:50:14,189 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - 
+				h9 IS PINGING h34
+2013-11-22 00:50:14,326 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :h9 ping h34 -c 1 -i .2 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet' Found
+2013-11-22 00:50:14,327 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - No Packet loss
+2013-11-22 00:50:14,327 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+2013-11-22 00:50:14,327 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - NO PACKET LOSS, HOST IS REACHABLE
+2013-11-22 00:50:14,328 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - 
+				h10 IS PINGING h35
+2013-11-22 00:50:14,462 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :h10 ping h35 -c 1 -i .2 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet' Found
+2013-11-22 00:50:14,463 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - No Packet loss
+2013-11-22 00:50:14,463 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+2013-11-22 00:50:14,463 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - NO PACKET LOSS, HOST IS REACHABLE
+2013-11-22 00:50:14,464 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - 
+				h11 IS PINGING h36
+2013-11-22 00:50:14,593 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :h11 ping h36 -c 1 -i .2 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet' Found
+2013-11-22 00:50:14,594 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - No Packet loss
+2013-11-22 00:50:14,595 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+2013-11-22 00:50:14,595 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - NO PACKET LOSS, HOST IS REACHABLE
+2013-11-22 00:50:14,595 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - 
+				h12 IS PINGING h37
+2013-11-22 00:50:14,729 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :h12 ping h37 -c 1 -i .2 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet' Found
+2013-11-22 00:50:14,730 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - No Packet loss
+2013-11-22 00:50:14,730 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+2013-11-22 00:50:14,731 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - NO PACKET LOSS, HOST IS REACHABLE
+2013-11-22 00:50:14,731 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - 
+				h13 IS PINGING h38
+2013-11-22 00:50:14,867 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :h13 ping h38 -c 1 -i .2 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet' Found
+2013-11-22 00:50:14,868 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - No Packet loss
+2013-11-22 00:50:14,869 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+2013-11-22 00:50:14,869 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - NO PACKET LOSS, HOST IS REACHABLE
+2013-11-22 00:50:14,869 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - 
+				h14 IS PINGING h39
+2013-11-22 00:50:15,002 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :h14 ping h39 -c 1 -i .2 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet' Found
+2013-11-22 00:50:15,003 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - No Packet loss
+2013-11-22 00:50:15,003 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+2013-11-22 00:50:15,004 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - NO PACKET LOSS, HOST IS REACHABLE
+2013-11-22 00:50:15,004 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - 
+				h15 IS PINGING h40
+2013-11-22 00:50:15,135 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :h15 ping h40 -c 1 -i .2 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet' Found
+2013-11-22 00:50:15,136 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - No Packet loss
+2013-11-22 00:50:15,136 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+2013-11-22 00:50:15,137 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - NO PACKET LOSS, HOST IS REACHABLE
+2013-11-22 00:50:15,137 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - 	Time to complete ping test: 1.35 seconds
+2013-11-22 00:50:15,138 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Verifying the Expected is equal to the actual or not using assert_equal
+2013-11-22 00:50:15,138 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - flows are good
+2013-11-22 00:50:15,138 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+[2013-11-22 00:50:15.139783] [OnosPerf4nodes] [CASE]  TOPO check
+[2013-11-22 00:50:15.143114] [OnosPerf4nodes] [STEP]  4.2: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 00:50:15,145 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Making some rest calls...
+2013-11-22 00:50:19,729 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - 
+switch: network 1 : 25 switches 25 active
+link: total 50 links (correct : 50)
+ Result: Pass 
+ Result summary for Testcase5
+[2013-11-22 00:50:24.748683] [OnosPerf4nodes] [CASE]  Testing ping...
+2013-11-22 00:50:24,751 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - mininet/util/m h6 ping -c 4 -W 1 -i .2
+2013-11-22 00:50:25,520 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :mininet/util/m h6 ping -c 4 -W 1 -i .2 		 Expected Prompt 'rtt' Found
+2013-11-22 00:50:25,521 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - No Packet loss
+2013-11-22 00:50:25,522 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+2013-11-22 00:50:25,522 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - NO PACKET LOSS, HOST IS REACHABLE
+2013-11-22 00:50:25,523 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Verifying the Expected is equal to the actual or not using assert_equal
+2013-11-22 00:50:25,523 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - NO PACKET LOSS, HOST IS REACHABLE
+2013-11-22 00:50:25,523 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+ Result: Pass 
+ Result summary for Testcase6
+[2013-11-22 00:50:25.530551] [OnosPerf4nodes] [CASE]  Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:50:25,634 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :rm /tmp/ping.h6 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 00:50:25,635 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - mininet/util/m h6 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h6 &
+2013-11-22 00:50:25,738 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :mininet/util/m h6 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h6 & 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 00:50:25,841 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :rm /tmp/ping.h7 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 00:50:25,841 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - mininet/util/m h7 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h7 &
+2013-11-22 00:50:25,943 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :mininet/util/m h7 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h7 & 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 00:50:26,045 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :rm /tmp/ping.h8 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 00:50:26,046 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - mininet/util/m h8 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h8 &
+2013-11-22 00:50:26,148 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :mininet/util/m h8 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h8 & 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 00:50:26,250 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :rm /tmp/ping.h9 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 00:50:26,250 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - mininet/util/m h9 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h9 &
+2013-11-22 00:50:26,352 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :mininet/util/m h9 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h9 & 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 00:50:26,453 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :rm /tmp/ping.h10 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 00:50:26,454 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - mininet/util/m h10 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h10 &
+2013-11-22 00:50:26,556 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :mininet/util/m h10 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h10 & 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 00:50:26,657 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :rm /tmp/ping.h11 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 00:50:26,658 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - mininet/util/m h11 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h11 &
+2013-11-22 00:50:26,759 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :mininet/util/m h11 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h11 & 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 00:50:26,861 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :rm /tmp/ping.h12 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 00:50:26,862 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - mininet/util/m h12 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h12 &
+2013-11-22 00:50:26,963 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :mininet/util/m h12 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h12 & 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 00:50:27,065 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :rm /tmp/ping.h13 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 00:50:27,066 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - mininet/util/m h13 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h13 &
+2013-11-22 00:50:27,167 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :mininet/util/m h13 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h13 & 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 00:50:27,269 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :rm /tmp/ping.h14 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 00:50:27,270 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - mininet/util/m h14 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h14 &
+2013-11-22 00:50:27,371 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :mininet/util/m h14 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h14 & 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 00:50:27,473 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :rm /tmp/ping.h15 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 00:50:27,474 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - mininet/util/m h15 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h15 &
+2013-11-22 00:50:27,575 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :mininet/util/m h15 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h15 & 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+[2013-11-22 00:50:27.576263] [OnosPerf4nodes] [STEP]  INIT : Initializing the test case :Starting long ping... 
+[2013-11-22 00:50:27.580153] [OnosPerf4nodes] [STEP]  6.1: Check that the pings are going
+2013-11-22 00:50:27,696 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Pings look good
+2013-11-22 00:50:27,808 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Pings look good
+2013-11-22 00:50:27,919 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Pings look good
+2013-11-22 00:50:28,031 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Pings look good
+2013-11-22 00:50:28,144 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Pings look good
+2013-11-22 00:50:28,257 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Pings look good
+2013-11-22 00:50:28,371 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Pings look good
+2013-11-22 00:50:28,485 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Pings look good
+2013-11-22 00:50:28,596 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Pings look good
+2013-11-22 00:50:28,706 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Pings look good
+[2013-11-22 00:50:28.708456] [OnosPerf4nodes] [STEP]  6.2: Link down number of iterations: 3
+2013-11-22 00:50:28,711 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Bringing Link down... 
+2013-11-22 00:50:28,711 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Bring link(s) between two nodes up or down
+2013-11-22 00:50:28,839 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :link s1 s2 down 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:50:28,840 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Waiting 60 seconds.... 
+2013-11-22 00:51:28,864 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Bringing Link up... 
+2013-11-22 00:51:28,865 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Bring link(s) between two nodes up or down
+2013-11-22 00:51:28,985 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :link s1 s2 up 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:51:28,985 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Waiting 60 seconds.... 
+2013-11-22 00:52:28,986 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Bringing Link down... 
+2013-11-22 00:52:28,986 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Bring link(s) between two nodes up or down
+2013-11-22 00:52:29,111 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :link s1 s2 down 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:52:29,111 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Waiting 60 seconds.... 
+2013-11-22 00:53:29,171 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Bringing Link up... 
+2013-11-22 00:53:29,172 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Bring link(s) between two nodes up or down
+2013-11-22 00:53:29,293 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :link s1 s2 up 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:53:29,294 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Waiting 60 seconds.... 
+2013-11-22 00:54:29,354 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Bringing Link down... 
+2013-11-22 00:54:29,355 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Bring link(s) between two nodes up or down
+2013-11-22 00:54:29,480 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :link s1 s2 down 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:54:29,481 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Waiting 60 seconds.... 
+2013-11-22 00:55:29,541 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Bringing Link up... 
+2013-11-22 00:55:29,542 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Bring link(s) between two nodes up or down
+2013-11-22 00:55:29,665 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :link s1 s2 up 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:55:29,665 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Waiting 60 seconds.... 
+[2013-11-22 00:56:29.671932] [OnosPerf4nodes] [CASE]  Killing remote ping processes 
+2013-11-22 00:56:29,674 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - sudo pkill ping
+2013-11-22 00:56:29,776 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sudo pkill ping 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 00:56:29,778 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Removing old ping data
+2013-11-22 00:56:31,812 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Transferring ping files to TestStation
+2013-11-22 00:56:33,668 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :scp /tmp/ping.* admin@ 		 Expected Prompt '100%' Found
+2013-11-22 00:56:33,671 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Verifying the Expected is equal to the actual or not using assert_equal
+2013-11-22 00:56:33,671 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - None
+2013-11-22 00:56:33,673 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+ Result: Pass 
+ Result summary for Testcase7
+[2013-11-22 00:56:33.686290] [OnosPerf4nodes] [CASE]  Processing Ping data
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,840 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Reroute times are... 
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,849 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Verifying the Expected is equal to the actual or not using assert_equal
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,850 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Average is less then the target time!
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,851 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+ Result: Pass 
+ Result summary for Testcase4
+[2013-11-22 00:56:36.862108] [OnosPerf4nodes] [CASE]  Taking care of these flows!
+[2013-11-22 00:56:36.865475] [OnosPerf4nodes] [STEP]  INIT : Initializing the test case :Taking care of these flows!
+[2013-11-22 00:56:36.871984] [OnosPerf4nodes] [STEP]  4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,873 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - deleting...
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,874 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Deleting ALL flows...
+2013-11-22 00:56:43,336 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Flows deleted
+2013-11-22 00:56:43,338 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - adding...
+2013-11-22 00:56:43,339 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Adding Flows...
+2013-11-22 00:56:48,394 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Flows added
+2013-11-22 00:56:48,395 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Checking...
+2013-11-22 00:56:55,929 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - FlowPath without FlowEntry
+2013-11-22 00:57:00,935 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Checking Flows again...
+2013-11-22 00:57:09,995 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - All flows pass
+2013-11-22 00:57:09,996 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Number of FlowPaths: 20
+2013-11-22 00:57:09,997 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Adding flows took 26.659 s
+2013-11-22 00:57:09,998 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - 
+				h6 IS PINGING h31
+2013-11-22 00:57:10,151 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :h6 ping h31 -c 1 -i .2 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet' Found
+2013-11-22 00:57:10,153 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - No Packet loss
+2013-11-22 00:57:10,154 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+2013-11-22 00:57:10,155 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - NO PACKET LOSS, HOST IS REACHABLE
+2013-11-22 00:57:10,156 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - 
+				h7 IS PINGING h32
+2013-11-22 00:57:10,283 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :h7 ping h32 -c 1 -i .2 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet' Found
+2013-11-22 00:57:10,285 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - No Packet loss
+2013-11-22 00:57:10,286 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+2013-11-22 00:57:10,287 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - NO PACKET LOSS, HOST IS REACHABLE
+2013-11-22 00:57:10,288 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - 
+				h8 IS PINGING h33
+2013-11-22 00:57:10,422 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :h8 ping h33 -c 1 -i .2 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet' Found
+2013-11-22 00:57:10,424 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - No Packet loss
+2013-11-22 00:57:10,425 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+2013-11-22 00:57:10,426 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - NO PACKET LOSS, HOST IS REACHABLE
+2013-11-22 00:57:10,427 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - 
+				h9 IS PINGING h34
+2013-11-22 00:57:10,559 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :h9 ping h34 -c 1 -i .2 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet' Found
+2013-11-22 00:57:10,562 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - No Packet loss
+2013-11-22 00:57:10,563 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+2013-11-22 00:57:10,564 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - NO PACKET LOSS, HOST IS REACHABLE
+2013-11-22 00:57:10,565 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - 
+				h10 IS PINGING h35
+2013-11-22 00:57:10,698 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :h10 ping h35 -c 1 -i .2 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet' Found
+2013-11-22 00:57:10,700 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - No Packet loss
+2013-11-22 00:57:10,701 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+2013-11-22 00:57:10,702 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - NO PACKET LOSS, HOST IS REACHABLE
+2013-11-22 00:57:10,703 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - 
+				h11 IS PINGING h36
+2013-11-22 00:57:10,834 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :h11 ping h36 -c 1 -i .2 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet' Found
+2013-11-22 00:57:10,836 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - No Packet loss
+2013-11-22 00:57:10,837 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+2013-11-22 00:57:10,838 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - NO PACKET LOSS, HOST IS REACHABLE
+2013-11-22 00:57:10,839 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - 
+				h12 IS PINGING h37
+2013-11-22 00:57:10,974 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :h12 ping h37 -c 1 -i .2 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet' Found
+2013-11-22 00:57:10,976 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - No Packet loss
+2013-11-22 00:57:10,977 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+2013-11-22 00:57:10,978 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - NO PACKET LOSS, HOST IS REACHABLE
+2013-11-22 00:57:10,979 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - 
+				h13 IS PINGING h38
+2013-11-22 00:57:11,111 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :h13 ping h38 -c 1 -i .2 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet' Found
+2013-11-22 00:57:11,113 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - No Packet loss
+2013-11-22 00:57:11,114 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+2013-11-22 00:57:11,115 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - NO PACKET LOSS, HOST IS REACHABLE
+2013-11-22 00:57:11,116 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - 
+				h14 IS PINGING h39
+2013-11-22 00:57:11,247 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :h14 ping h39 -c 1 -i .2 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet' Found
+2013-11-22 00:57:11,249 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - No Packet loss
+2013-11-22 00:57:11,250 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+2013-11-22 00:57:11,251 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - NO PACKET LOSS, HOST IS REACHABLE
+2013-11-22 00:57:11,252 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - 
+				h15 IS PINGING h40
+2013-11-22 00:57:11,387 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :h15 ping h40 -c 1 -i .2 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet' Found
+2013-11-22 00:57:11,388 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - No Packet loss
+2013-11-22 00:57:11,389 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+2013-11-22 00:57:11,391 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - NO PACKET LOSS, HOST IS REACHABLE
+2013-11-22 00:57:11,392 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - 	Time to complete ping test: 1.39 seconds
+2013-11-22 00:57:11,394 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Verifying the Expected is equal to the actual or not using assert_equal
+2013-11-22 00:57:11,395 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - flows are good
+2013-11-22 00:57:11,396 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+[2013-11-22 00:57:11.399234] [OnosPerf4nodes] [CASE]  TOPO check
+[2013-11-22 00:57:11.403432] [OnosPerf4nodes] [STEP]  4.2: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 00:57:11,406 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Making some rest calls...
+2013-11-22 00:57:15,700 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - 
+switch: network 1 : 25 switches 25 active
+link: total 50 links (correct : 50)
+ Result: Pass 
+ Result summary for Testcase8
+[2013-11-22 00:57:40.737062] [OnosPerf4nodes] [CASE]  Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:57:40,842 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :rm /tmp/ping.h6 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 00:57:40,844 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - mininet/util/m h6 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h6 &
+2013-11-22 00:57:40,947 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :mininet/util/m h6 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h6 & 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 00:57:41,051 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :rm /tmp/ping.h7 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 00:57:41,053 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - mininet/util/m h7 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h7 &
+2013-11-22 00:57:41,155 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :mininet/util/m h7 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h7 & 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 00:57:41,258 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :rm /tmp/ping.h8 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 00:57:41,260 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - mininet/util/m h8 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h8 &
+2013-11-22 00:57:41,362 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :mininet/util/m h8 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h8 & 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 00:57:41,464 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :rm /tmp/ping.h9 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 00:57:41,464 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - mininet/util/m h9 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h9 &
+2013-11-22 00:57:41,566 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :mininet/util/m h9 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h9 & 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 00:57:41,668 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :rm /tmp/ping.h10 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 00:57:41,668 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - mininet/util/m h10 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h10 &
+2013-11-22 00:57:41,770 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :mininet/util/m h10 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h10 & 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 00:57:41,872 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :rm /tmp/ping.h11 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 00:57:41,872 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - mininet/util/m h11 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h11 &
+2013-11-22 00:57:41,974 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :mininet/util/m h11 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h11 & 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 00:57:42,076 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :rm /tmp/ping.h12 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 00:57:42,076 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - mininet/util/m h12 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h12 &
+2013-11-22 00:57:42,178 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :mininet/util/m h12 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h12 & 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 00:57:42,280 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :rm /tmp/ping.h13 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 00:57:42,281 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - mininet/util/m h13 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h13 &
+2013-11-22 00:57:42,382 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :mininet/util/m h13 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h13 & 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 00:57:42,484 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :rm /tmp/ping.h14 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 00:57:42,485 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - mininet/util/m h14 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h14 &
+2013-11-22 00:57:42,586 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :mininet/util/m h14 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h14 & 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 00:57:42,688 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :rm /tmp/ping.h15 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 00:57:42,689 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - mininet/util/m h15 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h15 &
+2013-11-22 00:57:42,790 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :mininet/util/m h15 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h15 & 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+[2013-11-22 00:57:42.791628] [OnosPerf4nodes] [STEP]  INIT : Initializing the test case :Starting long ping... 
+[2013-11-22 00:57:42.795636] [OnosPerf4nodes] [STEP]  8.1: Check that the pings are going
+2013-11-22 00:57:42,908 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Pings look good
+2013-11-22 00:57:43,020 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Pings look good
+2013-11-22 00:57:43,133 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Pings look good
+2013-11-22 00:57:43,246 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Pings look good
+2013-11-22 00:57:43,356 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Pings look good
+2013-11-22 00:57:43,468 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Pings look good
+2013-11-22 00:57:43,581 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Pings look good
+2013-11-22 00:57:43,702 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Pings look good
+2013-11-22 00:57:43,815 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Pings look good
+2013-11-22 00:57:43,928 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Pings look good
+[2013-11-22 00:57:43.929695] [OnosPerf4nodes] [STEP]  8.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+[2013-11-22 00:57:43.934789] [OnosPerf4nodes] [STEP]  8.3: Link down number of iterations: 3
+2013-11-22 00:57:43,938 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - s1-s2 link down
+2013-11-22 00:57:43,939 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Bring link(s) between two nodes up or down
+2013-11-22 00:57:44,066 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :link s1 s2 down 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:57:44,067 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Bring link(s) between two nodes up or down
+2013-11-22 00:57:44,182 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :link s1 s3 up 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:57:44,183 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Bring link(s) between two nodes up or down
+2013-11-22 00:57:44,299 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :link s2 s3 up 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:57:49,305 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - s1-s2 link up | s1-s3 link down | s2-s3 link down
+2013-11-22 00:57:49,306 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Bring link(s) between two nodes up or down
+2013-11-22 00:57:49,432 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :link s1 s2 up 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:57:49,434 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Bring link(s) between two nodes up or down
+2013-11-22 00:57:49,560 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :link s1 s3 down 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:57:49,562 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Bring link(s) between two nodes up or down
+2013-11-22 00:57:49,686 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :link s2 s3 down 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:57:49,687 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Waiting 60 seconds.... 
+2013-11-22 00:59:49,771 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - s1-s2 link down
+2013-11-22 00:59:49,772 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Bring link(s) between two nodes up or down
+2013-11-22 00:59:49,896 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :link s1 s2 down 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:59:49,897 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Bring link(s) between two nodes up or down
+2013-11-22 00:59:50,018 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :link s1 s3 up 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:59:50,020 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Bring link(s) between two nodes up or down
+2013-11-22 00:59:50,144 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :link s2 s3 up 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:59:55,151 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - s1-s2 link up | s1-s3 link down | s2-s3 link down
+2013-11-22 00:59:55,152 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Bring link(s) between two nodes up or down
+2013-11-22 00:59:55,269 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :link s1 s2 up 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:59:55,270 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Bring link(s) between two nodes up or down
+2013-11-22 00:59:55,394 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :link s1 s3 down 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:59:55,395 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Bring link(s) between two nodes up or down
+2013-11-22 00:59:55,528 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :link s2 s3 down 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 00:59:55,529 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Waiting 60 seconds.... 
+2013-11-22 01:01:55,571 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - s1-s2 link down
+2013-11-22 01:01:55,572 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Bring link(s) between two nodes up or down
+2013-11-22 01:01:55,695 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :link s1 s2 down 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 01:01:55,696 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Bring link(s) between two nodes up or down
+2013-11-22 01:01:55,816 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :link s1 s3 up 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 01:01:55,818 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Bring link(s) between two nodes up or down
+2013-11-22 01:01:55,938 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :link s2 s3 up 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 01:02:00,945 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - s1-s2 link up | s1-s3 link down | s2-s3 link down
+2013-11-22 01:02:00,945 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Bring link(s) between two nodes up or down
+2013-11-22 01:02:01,073 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :link s1 s2 up 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 01:02:01,074 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Bring link(s) between two nodes up or down
+2013-11-22 01:02:01,196 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :link s1 s3 down 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 01:02:01,198 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Bring link(s) between two nodes up or down
+2013-11-22 01:02:01,320 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :link s2 s3 down 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 01:02:01,322 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Waiting 60 seconds.... 
+[2013-11-22 01:04:01.371901] [OnosPerf4nodes] [CASE]  Killing remote ping processes 
+2013-11-22 01:04:01,374 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - sudo pkill ping
+2013-11-22 01:04:01,476 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sudo pkill ping 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 01:04:01,477 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Removing old ping data
+2013-11-22 01:04:03,513 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Transferring ping files to TestStation
+2013-11-22 01:04:05,399 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :scp /tmp/ping.* admin@ 		 Expected Prompt '100%' Found
+2013-11-22 01:04:05,401 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Verifying the Expected is equal to the actual or not using assert_equal
+2013-11-22 01:04:05,401 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - None
+2013-11-22 01:04:05,402 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+2013-11-22 01:04:05,402 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Make sure all links in triangle are up
+2013-11-22 01:04:05,402 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Bring link(s) between two nodes up or down
+2013-11-22 01:04:05,519 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :link s1 s2 up 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 01:04:05,519 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Bring link(s) between two nodes up or down
+2013-11-22 01:04:05,641 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :link s1 s3 up 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 01:04:05,643 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Bring link(s) between two nodes up or down
+2013-11-22 01:04:05,767 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :link s2 s3 up 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+ Result: Pass 
+ Result summary for Testcase7
+[2013-11-22 01:04:05.779060] [OnosPerf4nodes] [CASE]  Processing Ping data
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,931 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Reroute times are... 
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,943 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Verifying the Expected is equal to the actual or not using assert_equal
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,944 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Average is less then the target time!
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,945 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+ Result: Pass 
+ Result summary for Testcase4
+[2013-11-22 01:04:08.952247] [OnosPerf4nodes] [CASE]  Taking care of these flows!
+[2013-11-22 01:04:08.953848] [OnosPerf4nodes] [STEP]  INIT : Initializing the test case :Taking care of these flows!
+[2013-11-22 01:04:08.958066] [OnosPerf4nodes] [STEP]  4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,962 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - deleting...
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,963 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Deleting ALL flows...
+2013-11-22 01:04:14,105 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Flows deleted
+2013-11-22 01:04:14,106 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - adding...
+2013-11-22 01:04:14,107 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Adding Flows...
+2013-11-22 01:04:19,739 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Flows added
+2013-11-22 01:04:19,742 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Checking...
+2013-11-22 01:04:26,586 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - FlowPath without FlowEntry
+2013-11-22 01:04:31,592 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Checking Flows again...
+2013-11-22 01:04:39,376 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - All flows pass
+2013-11-22 01:04:39,377 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Number of FlowPaths: 20
+2013-11-22 01:04:39,377 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Adding flows took 25.270 s
+2013-11-22 01:04:39,377 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - 
+				h6 IS PINGING h31
+2013-11-22 01:04:39,505 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :h6 ping h31 -c 1 -i .2 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet' Found
+2013-11-22 01:04:39,506 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - No Packet loss
+2013-11-22 01:04:39,507 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+2013-11-22 01:04:39,507 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - NO PACKET LOSS, HOST IS REACHABLE
+2013-11-22 01:04:39,507 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - 
+				h7 IS PINGING h32
+2013-11-22 01:04:39,647 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :h7 ping h32 -c 1 -i .2 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet' Found
+2013-11-22 01:04:39,648 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - No Packet loss
+2013-11-22 01:04:39,649 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+2013-11-22 01:04:39,649 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - NO PACKET LOSS, HOST IS REACHABLE
+2013-11-22 01:04:39,649 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - 
+				h8 IS PINGING h33
+2013-11-22 01:04:39,784 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :h8 ping h33 -c 1 -i .2 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet' Found
+2013-11-22 01:04:39,785 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - No Packet loss
+2013-11-22 01:04:39,785 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+2013-11-22 01:04:39,785 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - NO PACKET LOSS, HOST IS REACHABLE
+2013-11-22 01:04:39,786 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - 
+				h9 IS PINGING h34
+2013-11-22 01:04:39,917 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :h9 ping h34 -c 1 -i .2 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet' Found
+2013-11-22 01:04:39,917 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - No Packet loss
+2013-11-22 01:04:39,918 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+2013-11-22 01:04:39,918 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - NO PACKET LOSS, HOST IS REACHABLE
+2013-11-22 01:04:39,919 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - 
+				h10 IS PINGING h35
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,051 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :h10 ping h35 -c 1 -i .2 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet' Found
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,052 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - No Packet loss
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,052 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,053 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - NO PACKET LOSS, HOST IS REACHABLE
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,053 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - 
+				h11 IS PINGING h36
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,183 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :h11 ping h36 -c 1 -i .2 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet' Found
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,184 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - No Packet loss
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,184 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,184 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - NO PACKET LOSS, HOST IS REACHABLE
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,185 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - 
+				h12 IS PINGING h37
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,315 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :h12 ping h37 -c 1 -i .2 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet' Found
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,315 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - No Packet loss
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,316 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,316 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - NO PACKET LOSS, HOST IS REACHABLE
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,317 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - 
+				h13 IS PINGING h38
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,452 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :h13 ping h38 -c 1 -i .2 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet' Found
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,453 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - No Packet loss
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,453 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,454 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - NO PACKET LOSS, HOST IS REACHABLE
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,454 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - 
+				h14 IS PINGING h39
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,583 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :h14 ping h39 -c 1 -i .2 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet' Found
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,584 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - No Packet loss
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,584 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,585 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - NO PACKET LOSS, HOST IS REACHABLE
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,585 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - 
+				h15 IS PINGING h40
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,715 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :h15 ping h40 -c 1 -i .2 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet' Found
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,716 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - No Packet loss
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,717 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,717 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - NO PACKET LOSS, HOST IS REACHABLE
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,717 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - 	Time to complete ping test: 1.34 seconds
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,718 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Verifying the Expected is equal to the actual or not using assert_equal
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,718 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - flows are good
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,719 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+[2013-11-22 01:04:40.720098] [OnosPerf4nodes] [CASE]  TOPO check
+[2013-11-22 01:04:40.723305] [OnosPerf4nodes] [STEP]  4.2: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,725 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Making some rest calls...
+2013-11-22 01:04:44,350 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - 
+switch: network 1 : 25 switches 25 active
+link: total 50 links (correct : 50)
+ Result: Pass 
+ Result summary for Testcase9
+[2013-11-22 01:05:09.407390] [OnosPerf4nodes] [CASE]  Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 01:05:09,514 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :rm /tmp/ping.h6 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 01:05:09,515 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - mininet/util/m h6 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h6 &
+2013-11-22 01:05:09,619 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :mininet/util/m h6 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h6 & 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 01:05:09,722 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :rm /tmp/ping.h7 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 01:05:09,723 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - mininet/util/m h7 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h7 &
+2013-11-22 01:05:09,824 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :mininet/util/m h7 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h7 & 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 01:05:09,927 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :rm /tmp/ping.h8 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 01:05:09,927 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - mininet/util/m h8 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h8 &
+2013-11-22 01:05:10,029 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :mininet/util/m h8 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h8 & 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 01:05:10,131 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :rm /tmp/ping.h9 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 01:05:10,132 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - mininet/util/m h9 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h9 &
+2013-11-22 01:05:10,234 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :mininet/util/m h9 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h9 & 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 01:05:10,336 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :rm /tmp/ping.h10 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 01:05:10,336 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - mininet/util/m h10 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h10 &
+2013-11-22 01:05:10,438 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :mininet/util/m h10 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h10 & 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 01:05:10,541 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :rm /tmp/ping.h11 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 01:05:10,541 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - mininet/util/m h11 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h11 &
+2013-11-22 01:05:10,643 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :mininet/util/m h11 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h11 & 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 01:05:10,745 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :rm /tmp/ping.h12 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 01:05:10,746 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - mininet/util/m h12 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h12 &
+2013-11-22 01:05:10,848 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :mininet/util/m h12 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h12 & 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 01:05:10,950 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :rm /tmp/ping.h13 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 01:05:10,951 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - mininet/util/m h13 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h13 &
+2013-11-22 01:05:11,053 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :mininet/util/m h13 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h13 & 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 01:05:11,155 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :rm /tmp/ping.h14 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 01:05:11,155 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - mininet/util/m h14 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h14 &
+2013-11-22 01:05:11,257 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :mininet/util/m h14 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h14 & 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 01:05:11,359 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :rm /tmp/ping.h15 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 01:05:11,360 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - mininet/util/m h15 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h15 &
+2013-11-22 01:05:11,462 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :mininet/util/m h15 ping -i 1 -W 1 > /tmp/ping.h15 & 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+[2013-11-22 01:05:11.463323] [OnosPerf4nodes] [STEP]  INIT : Initializing the test case :Starting long ping... 
+[2013-11-22 01:05:11.467244] [OnosPerf4nodes] [STEP]  9.1: Check that the pings are going
+2013-11-22 01:05:11,580 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Pings look good
+2013-11-22 01:05:11,691 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Pings look good
+2013-11-22 01:05:11,803 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Pings look good
+2013-11-22 01:05:11,915 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Pings look good
+2013-11-22 01:05:12,026 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Pings look good
+2013-11-22 01:05:12,139 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Pings look good
+2013-11-22 01:05:12,250 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Pings look good
+2013-11-22 01:05:12,361 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Pings look good
+2013-11-22 01:05:12,471 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Pings look good
+2013-11-22 01:05:12,583 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Pings look good
+[2013-11-22 01:05:12.583981] [OnosPerf4nodes] [STEP]  9.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+[2013-11-22 01:05:12.588082] [OnosPerf4nodes] [STEP]  9.3: Link down number of iterations: 3
+2013-11-22 01:05:12,590 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - s1-s2 link down | Onos 1 down
+2013-11-22 01:05:12,591 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Bring link(s) between two nodes up or down
+2013-11-22 01:05:12,719 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :link s1 s2 down 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 01:05:13,804 - OnosPerf4nodes - WARNING - ONOS wasn't running
+2013-11-22 01:05:18,807 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - s1-s2 link up | Onos 1 back up
+2013-11-22 01:05:18,808 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Bring link(s) between two nodes up or down
+2013-11-22 01:05:18,929 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :link s1 s2 up 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 01:05:28,871 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - ONOS Started 
+2013-11-22 01:05:28,973 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :
 		 Expected Prompt '\$' Found
+2013-11-22 01:05:29,770 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :~/ONOS/ status  		 Expected Prompt 'running' Found
+2013-11-22 01:05:29,872 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :
 		 Expected Prompt '\$' Found
+2013-11-22 01:05:29,974 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log 		 Expected Prompt '\$' Found
+2013-11-22 01:06:00,079 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :
 		 Expected Prompt '\$' Found
+2013-11-22 01:06:00,181 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log 		 Expected Prompt '\$' Found
+2013-11-22 01:06:00,183 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - ONOS process is running...
+2013-11-22 01:06:00,183 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+2013-11-22 01:06:00,196 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Onos log is moving! It's looking good!
+2013-11-22 01:06:00,196 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Waiting 60 seconds.... 
+2013-11-22 01:07:00,241 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - s1-s2 link down | Onos 1 down
+2013-11-22 01:07:00,242 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Bring link(s) between two nodes up or down
+2013-11-22 01:07:00,367 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :link s1 s2 down 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 01:07:01,621 - OnosPerf4nodes - WARNING - ONOS wasn't running
+2013-11-22 01:07:06,627 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - s1-s2 link up | Onos 1 back up
+2013-11-22 01:07:06,627 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Bring link(s) between two nodes up or down
+2013-11-22 01:07:06,745 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :link s1 s2 up 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 01:07:16,649 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - ONOS Started 
+2013-11-22 01:07:16,752 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :
 		 Expected Prompt '\$' Found
+2013-11-22 01:07:17,468 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :~/ONOS/ status  		 Expected Prompt 'running' Found
+2013-11-22 01:07:17,570 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :
 		 Expected Prompt '\$' Found
+2013-11-22 01:07:17,672 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log 		 Expected Prompt '\$' Found
+2013-11-22 01:07:47,798 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :
 		 Expected Prompt '\$' Found
+2013-11-22 01:07:47,900 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log 		 Expected Prompt '\$' Found
+2013-11-22 01:07:47,901 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - ONOS process is running...
+2013-11-22 01:07:47,902 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+2013-11-22 01:07:47,914 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Onos log is moving! It's looking good!
+2013-11-22 01:07:47,915 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Waiting 60 seconds.... 
+2013-11-22 01:08:47,971 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - s1-s2 link down | Onos 1 down
+2013-11-22 01:08:47,972 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Bring link(s) between two nodes up or down
+2013-11-22 01:08:48,094 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :link s1 s2 down 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 01:08:48,941 - OnosPerf4nodes - WARNING - ONOS wasn't running
+2013-11-22 01:08:53,943 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - s1-s2 link up | Onos 1 back up
+2013-11-22 01:08:53,944 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Bring link(s) between two nodes up or down
+2013-11-22 01:08:54,064 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :link s1 s2 up 		 Expected Prompt 'mininet>' Found
+2013-11-22 01:09:03,886 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - ONOS Started 
+2013-11-22 01:09:03,988 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :
 		 Expected Prompt '\$' Found
+2013-11-22 01:09:04,755 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :~/ONOS/ status  		 Expected Prompt 'running' Found
+2013-11-22 01:09:04,856 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :
 		 Expected Prompt '\$' Found
+2013-11-22 01:09:04,958 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log 		 Expected Prompt '\$' Found
+2013-11-22 01:09:35,072 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :
 		 Expected Prompt '\$' Found
+2013-11-22 01:09:35,175 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log 		 Expected Prompt '\$' Found
+2013-11-22 01:09:35,176 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - ONOS process is running...
+2013-11-22 01:09:35,176 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+2013-11-22 01:09:35,189 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Onos log is moving! It's looking good!
+2013-11-22 01:09:35,189 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Waiting 60 seconds.... 
+[2013-11-22 01:10:35.197055] [OnosPerf4nodes] [CASE]  Killing remote ping processes 
+2013-11-22 01:10:35,200 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - sudo pkill ping
+2013-11-22 01:10:35,301 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :sudo pkill ping 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 01:10:35,302 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Removing old ping data
+2013-11-22 01:10:37,336 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Transferring ping files to TestStation
+2013-11-22 01:10:39,260 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :scp /tmp/ping.* admin@ 		 Expected Prompt '100%' Found
+2013-11-22 01:10:39,262 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Verifying the Expected is equal to the actual or not using assert_equal
+2013-11-22 01:10:39,262 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - None
+2013-11-22 01:10:39,263 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+ Result: Pass 
+ Result summary for Testcase7
+[2013-11-22 01:10:39.270149] [OnosPerf4nodes] [CASE]  Processing Ping data
+2013-11-22 01:10:42,390 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Reroute times are... 
+2013-11-22 01:10:42,395 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Verifying the Expected is equal to the actual or not using assert_equal
+2013-11-22 01:10:42,395 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Average is less then the target time!
+2013-11-22 01:10:42,396 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Assertion Passed
+ Result: Pass 
+	Test Execution Summary
+ Test Start           : 22 Nov 2013 00:44:23
+ Test End             : 22 Nov 2013 01:10:42
+ Execution Time       : 0:26:19.158669
+ Total tests planned  : 9
+ Total tests RUN      : 13
+ Total Pass           : 13
+ Total Fail           : 0
+ Total No Result      : 0
+ Success Percentage   : 100%
+ Execution Result     : 144%
+2013-11-22 01:10:44,466 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Disconnecting mininet...
+2013-11-22 01:10:44,568 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :exit 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
+2013-11-22 01:10:44,670 - OnosPerf4nodes - INFO - Executed :exit 		 Expected Prompt '(.*)' Found
diff --git a/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23.rpt b/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23.rpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b47278
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23.rpt
@@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
+                                +----------------+
+------------------------------ { Script And Files }  ------------------------------
+                                +----------------+
+	Script Log File : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23.log
+	Report Log File : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23.rpt
+	ONOS4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS4.session
+	ONOS2 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS2.session
+	ONOS3 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS3.session
+	ONOS1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS1.session
+	Cassandra1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra1.session
+	Cassandra2 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra2.session
+	Cassandra3 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra3.session
+	Cassandra4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra4.session
+	Zookeeper1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Zookeeper1.session
+	Mininet1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Mininet1.session
+	Mininet4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Mininet4.session
+	Test Script :/home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/
+	Test Params : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/OnosPerf4nodes.params
+	Topology : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/OnosPerf4nodes.tpl
+                              +------------------+
+---------------------------  { Script Exec Params }  ---------------------------
+                              +------------------+
+	'CTRL': 
+	'ip2': ''
+	 'ip3': ''
+	 'ip1': ''
+	 'ip4': ''
+	 'port4': '6633'
+	 'port2': '6633'
+	 'port3': '6633'
+	 'port1': '6633'
+	 'MN_size': '57'
+	 'FLOWDEF': '~/flowdef_files/Center_Triangle/flowdef_20.txt'
+	 'NR_Switches': '25'
+	 'WaitTime': '60'
+	 'TargetTime': '30'
+	 'PING': 
+	'source2': 'h7'
+	 'source9': 'h14'
+	 'source10': 'h15'
+	 'source4': 'h9'
+	 'source5': 'h10'
+	 'target3': ''
+	 'target10': ''
+	 'source3': 'h8'
+	 'source1': 'h6'
+	 'source6': 'h11'
+	 'source7': 'h12'
+	 'target8': ''
+	 'target9': ''
+	 'target6': ''
+	 'target7': ''
+	 'target4': ''
+	 'target5': ''
+	 'target2': ''
+	 'source8': 'h13'
+	 'target1': ''
+	 'NR_Links': '50'
+	 'testcases': '1
+	2
+	3
+	4
+	5
+	6
+	7
+	4
+	8
+	7
+	4
+	9
+	7'
+	 'RestIP': ''
+	 'Iterations': '3'
+                               +---------------+
+----------------------------- { Components Used }  -----------------------------
+                               +---------------+
+	Cassandra1
+	Cassandra2
+	Cassandra3
+	Cassandra4
+	Zookeeper1
+	Mininet1
+	Mininet4
+                              +--------+
+---------------------------- { Topology }  ----------------------------
+                              +--------+
+	'ONOS4': 
+	'connect_order': '9'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'ONOS2': 
+	'connect_order': '7'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'ONOS3': 
+	'connect_order': '8'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'ONOS1': 
+	'connect_order': '6'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra1': 
+	'connect_order': '2'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra2': 
+	'connect_order': '3'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra3': 
+	'connect_order': '4'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra4': 
+	'connect_order': '5'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Zookeeper1': 
+	'connect_order': '1'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'ZookeeperCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Mininet1': 
+	'connect_order': '10'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	'arg1': '--custom ~/mininet/custom/'
+	 'arg2': '--topo mytopo --arp'
+	 'controller': 'remote'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'MininetCliDriver'
+	 'Mininet4': 
+	'connect_order': '11'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'RemoteMininetDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+ Result summary for Testcase1
+[REPORT] [22 Nov 2013 00:46:41] COMMIT: 


+[REPORT] [22 Nov 2013 00:46:41] Startup check Zookeeper1, Cassandra1, and ONOS1 connections
+ Result: Pass 
+ Result summary for Testcase2
+[REPORT] [22 Nov 2013 00:48:49] Check if MN switches exist
+ Result: Pass 
+ Result summary for Testcase3
+[REPORT] [22 Nov 2013 00:49:27] checking if ONOS sees the right topo...
+ Result: Pass 
+ Result summary for Testcase4
+[REPORT] [22 Nov 2013 00:49:38] Deleting and adding flows
+[REPORT] [22 Nov 2013 00:50:15] checking if ONOS sees the right topo...
+ Result: Pass 
+ Result summary for Testcase5
+[REPORT] [22 Nov 2013 00:50:24] Testing a single ping
+ Result: Pass 
+ Result summary for Testcase6
+[REPORT] [22 Nov 2013 00:50:25] Starting continuous ping, then toggle a single link in the center triangle
+ Result: Pass 
+ Result summary for Testcase7
+[REPORT] [22 Nov 2013 00:56:33] Process ping data (Fail is time is >20 seconds)
+[REPORT] [22 Nov 2013 00:56:36] Flow 1  
+  2
+  2
+  2
+Flow 2  
+  3
+  2
+  2
+Flow 3  
+  3
+  2
+Flow 4  
+  3
+  2
+Flow 5  
+  3
+  2
+Flow 6  
+  3
+  2
+  2
+Flow 7  
+  2
+  2
+  2
+Flow 8  
+  3
+  2
+Flow 9  
+  3
+  2
+Flow 10  
+  3
+  2
+Average: 2
+ seconds
+ Result: Pass 
+ Result summary for Testcase4
+[REPORT] [22 Nov 2013 00:56:36] Deleting and adding flows
+[REPORT] [22 Nov 2013 00:57:11] checking if ONOS sees the right topo...
+ Result: Pass 
+ Result summary for Testcase8
+[REPORT] [22 Nov 2013 00:57:20] Start continuous pings, then toggle multiple links in center triangle
+ Result: Pass 
+ Result summary for Testcase7
+[REPORT] [22 Nov 2013 01:04:05] Process ping data (Fail is time is >20 seconds)
+[REPORT] [22 Nov 2013 01:04:08] Flow 1  
+  2
+  8
+  6
+  2
+Flow 2  
+  2
+  9
+  6
+  2
+Flow 3  
+  2
+  2
+  6
+  2
+  8
+Flow 4  
+  2
+  2
+  8
+  8
+Flow 5  
+  2
+  2
+  8
+  6
+  2
+Flow 6  
+  2
+  8
+  6
+  2
+Flow 7  
+  2
+  9
+  6
+  2
+Flow 8  
+  2
+  2
+  8
+  8
+Flow 9  
+  2
+  2
+  8
+  8
+Flow 10  
+  2
+  2
+  8
+  5
+  3
+Average: 4
+ seconds
+ Result: Pass 
+ Result summary for Testcase4
+[REPORT] [22 Nov 2013 01:04:08] Deleting and adding flows
+[REPORT] [22 Nov 2013 01:04:40] checking if ONOS sees the right topo...
+ Result: Pass 
+ Result summary for Testcase9
+[REPORT] [22 Nov 2013 01:04:49] Start continuous pings, then toggle one link in center triangle and start/stop 1 ONOS node
+ Result: Pass 
+ Result summary for Testcase7
+[REPORT] [22 Nov 2013 01:10:39] Process ping data (Fail is time is >20 seconds)
+[REPORT] [22 Nov 2013 01:10:42] Flow 1  
+Flow 2  
+  2
+Flow 3  
+  2
+Flow 4  
+  2
+Flow 5  
+  2
+Flow 6  
+Flow 7  
+Flow 8  
+  2
+Flow 9  
+  2
+Flow 10  
+  2
+Average: 2
+ seconds
+ Result: Pass 
+	Test Execution Summary
+ Test Start           : 22 Nov 2013 00:44:23
+ Test End             : 22 Nov 2013 01:10:42
+ Execution Time       : 0:26:19.158669
+ Total tests planned  : 9
+ Total tests RUN      : 13
+ Total Pass           : 13
+ Total Fail           : 0
+ Total No Result      : 0
+ Success Percentage   : 100%
+ Execution Result     : 144%
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Zookeeper1.session b/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Zookeeper1.session
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5344e6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Zookeeper1.session
@@ -0,0 +1,521 @@
+2013-11-22 00:44:23,275  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+                                +----------------+
+------------------------------ { Script And Files }  ------------------------------
+                                +----------------+
+	Script Log File : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23.log
+	Report Log File : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23.rpt
+	ONOS4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS4.session
+	ONOS2 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS2.session
+	ONOS3 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS3.session
+	ONOS1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/ONOS1.session
+	Cassandra1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra1.session
+	Cassandra2 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra2.session
+	Cassandra3 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra3.session
+	Cassandra4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Cassandra4.session
+	Zookeeper1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Zookeeper1.session
+	Mininet1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Mininet1.session
+	Mininet4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_22_Nov_2013_00_44_23/Mininet4.session
+	Test Script :/home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/
+	Test Params : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/OnosPerf4nodes.params
+	Topology : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/OnosPerf4nodes.tpl
+                              +------------------+
+---------------------------  { Script Exec Params }  ---------------------------
+                              +------------------+
+	'CTRL': 
+	'ip2': ''
+	 'ip3': ''
+	 'ip1': ''
+	 'ip4': ''
+	 'port4': '6633'
+	 'port2': '6633'
+	 'port3': '6633'
+	 'port1': '6633'
+	 'MN_size': '57'
+	 'FLOWDEF': '~/flowdef_files/Center_Triangle/flowdef_20.txt'
+	 'NR_Switches': '25'
+	 'WaitTime': '60'
+	 'TargetTime': '30'
+	 'PING': 
+	'source2': 'h7'
+	 'source9': 'h14'
+	 'source10': 'h15'
+	 'source4': 'h9'
+	 'source5': 'h10'
+	 'target3': ''
+	 'target10': ''
+	 'source3': 'h8'
+	 'source1': 'h6'
+	 'source6': 'h11'
+	 'source7': 'h12'
+	 'target8': ''
+	 'target9': ''
+	 'target6': ''
+	 'target7': ''
+	 'target4': ''
+	 'target5': ''
+	 'target2': ''
+	 'source8': 'h13'
+	 'target1': ''
+	 'NR_Links': '50'
+	 'testcases': '1
+	2
+	3
+	4
+	5
+	6
+	7
+	4
+	8
+	7
+	4
+	9
+	7'
+	 'RestIP': ''
+	 'Iterations': '3'
+                               +---------------+
+----------------------------- { Components Used }  -----------------------------
+                               +---------------+
+	Cassandra1
+	Cassandra2
+	Cassandra3
+	Cassandra4
+	Zookeeper1
+	Mininet1
+	Mininet4
+                              +--------+
+---------------------------- { Topology }  ----------------------------
+                              +--------+
+	'ONOS4': 
+	'connect_order': '9'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'ONOS2': 
+	'connect_order': '7'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'ONOS3': 
+	'connect_order': '8'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'ONOS1': 
+	'connect_order': '6'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra1': 
+	'connect_order': '2'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra2': 
+	'connect_order': '3'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra3': 
+	'connect_order': '4'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Cassandra4': 
+	'connect_order': '5'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Zookeeper1': 
+	'connect_order': '1'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'ZookeeperCliDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	 'Mininet1': 
+	'connect_order': '10'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'
+	'arg1': '--custom ~/mininet/custom/'
+	 'arg2': '--topo mytopo --arp'
+	 'controller': 'remote'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'MininetCliDriver'
+	 'Mininet4': 
+	'connect_order': '11'
+	 'password': None
+	 'type': 'RemoteMininetDriver'
+	 'host': ''
+	 'user': 'admin'




+Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.2.0-44-virtual x86_64)


+ * Documentation:


+  System information as of Fri Nov 22 00:44:23 PST 2013


+  System load:  1.16               Processes:           96

+  Usage of /:   23.3% of 19.67GB   Users logged in:     0

+  Memory usage: 66%                IP address for eth0:

+  Swap usage:   0%


+  Graph this data and manage this system at


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+134 packages can be updated.

+69 updates are security updates.


+Last login: Fri Nov 22 00:33:52 2013 from







+admin@autoONOS1:~$ ~/zookeeper-3.4.5/bin/ start
+~/zookeeper-3.4.5/bin/ start

+JMX enabled by default

+Using config: /home/admin/zookeeper-3.4.5/bin/../conf/zoo.cfg

+Starting zookeeper ... already running as process 1659.

+admin@autoONOS1:~$ 2013-11-22 00:44:49,771  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case1 : 
+2013-11-22 00:46:41,660  Zookeeper1: INFO    :  Checking if the startup was clean...
+2013-11-22 00:46:41,662  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Checking if the startup was clean...
+2013-11-22 00:46:41,665  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 1.1: Testing startup Zookeeper


+admin@autoONOS1:~$ ~/zookeeper-3.4.5/bin/ status 
+~/zookeeper-3.4.5/bin/ status 

+JMX enabled by default

+Using config: /home/admin/zookeeper-3.4.5/bin/../conf/zoo.cfg

+Mode: follower

+2013-11-22 00:46:42,581  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+End of Step  1.1: Testing startup Zookeeper
+Start of Step 1.2: Testing startup Cassandra
+2013-11-22 00:46:44,278  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+End of Step  1.2: Testing startup Cassandra
+Start of Step 1.3: Testing startup ONOS
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,420  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case2 : 
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,423  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Checking if the startup was clean...
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,426  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 2.1: Checking if MN switches exist
+2013-11-22 00:48:49,433  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+End of Step  2.1: Checking if MN switches exist
+Start of Step 2.2: assigning ONOS controllers to switches
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,753  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case3 : 
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,756  Zookeeper1: INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,759  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:49:27,763  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 3.1: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,524  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case4 : 
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,528  Zookeeper1: INFO    :  Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,531  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:49:38,536  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+2013-11-22 00:50:15,141  Zookeeper1: INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:50:15,145  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+End of Step  4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+Start of Step 4.2: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 00:50:24,746  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case5 : 
+2013-11-22 00:50:24,750  Zookeeper1: INFO    :  Testing ping...
+2013-11-22 00:50:25,527  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case6 : 
+2013-11-22 00:50:25,532  Zookeeper1: INFO    :  Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:50:27,578  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:50:27,582  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 6.1: Check that the pings are going
+2013-11-22 00:50:28,710  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+End of Step  6.1: Check that the pings are going
+Start of Step 6.2: Link down number of iterations: 3
+2013-11-22 00:56:29,674  Zookeeper1: INFO    :  Killing remote ping processes 
+2013-11-22 00:56:33,682  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case7 : 
+2013-11-22 00:56:33,689  Zookeeper1: INFO    :  Processing Ping data
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,859  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case4 : 
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,864  Zookeeper1: INFO    :  Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,868  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 00:56:36,873  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+2013-11-22 00:57:11,402  Zookeeper1: INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 00:57:11,406  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+End of Step  4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+Start of Step 4.2: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 00:57:20,716  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case8 : 
+2013-11-22 00:57:40,739  Zookeeper1: INFO    :  Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:57:42,793  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 00:57:42,797  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 8.1: Check that the pings are going
+2013-11-22 00:57:43,932  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+End of Step  8.1: Check that the pings are going
+Start of Step 8.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+2013-11-22 00:57:43,937  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+End of Step  8.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+Start of Step 8.3: Link down number of iterations: 3
+2013-11-22 01:04:01,374  Zookeeper1: INFO    :  Killing remote ping processes 
+2013-11-22 01:04:05,775  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case7 : 
+2013-11-22 01:04:05,781  Zookeeper1: INFO    :  Processing Ping data
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,951  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case4 : 
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,953  Zookeeper1: INFO    :  Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,955  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Taking care of these flows!
+2013-11-22 01:04:08,961  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,722  Zookeeper1: INFO    :  TOPO check
+2013-11-22 01:04:40,725  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+End of Step  4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
+Start of Step 4.2: calling rest calls
+2013-11-22 01:04:49,381  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case9 : 
+2013-11-22 01:05:09,411  Zookeeper1: INFO    :  Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 01:05:11,465  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Starting long ping... 
+2013-11-22 01:05:11,469  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+Start of Step 9.1: Check that the pings are going
+2013-11-22 01:05:12,586  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+End of Step  9.1: Check that the pings are going
+Start of Step 9.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+2013-11-22 01:05:12,590  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+End of Step  9.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
+Start of Step 9.3: Link down number of iterations: 3
+2013-11-22 01:10:35,199  Zookeeper1: INFO    :  Killing remote ping processes 
+2013-11-22 01:10:39,267  Zookeeper1: INFO    : 
+Start of Test Case7 : 
+2013-11-22 01:10:39,272  Zookeeper1: INFO    :  Processing Ping data
+admin@autoONOS1:~$ exit


+Connection to closed.