[ONOS-7340]: Add 'Last Updated' Date to All TestON Result Wiki Graphs

Change-Id: I73f49a8b9a8c1e255aab7ac74d017b3b74bd29eb
diff --git a/TestON/JenkinsFile/scripts/SCPFLineGraph.R b/TestON/JenkinsFile/scripts/SCPFLineGraph.R
index d063d0a..8417188 100644
--- a/TestON/JenkinsFile/scripts/SCPFLineGraph.R
+++ b/TestON/JenkinsFile/scripts/SCPFLineGraph.R
@@ -231,7 +231,12 @@
                 legend.text = element_text( size=22 ),
                 legend.title = element_blank(),
                 legend.key.size = unit( 1.5, 'lines' ),
-                legend.direction = 'horizontal' )
+                legend.direction = 'horizontal',
+                plot.subtitle = element_text( size=16, hjust=1.0 ) )
+subtitle <- paste( "Last Updated: ", format( Sys.time(), format = "%b %d, %Y at %I:%M %p %Z" ), sep="" )
+title <- labs( title = title, subtitle = subtitle )
 # Colors used for the lines.
 # Note: graphs that have X lines will use the first X colors in this list.
@@ -243,7 +248,6 @@
                                         "#E500FF") ) # purple (not used)
 wrapLegend <- guides( color = guide_legend( nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE ) )
-title <- ggtitle( title )
 fundamentalGraphData <- mainPlot +
                         limitExpansion +