initial commit for code clean up
diff --git a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09b7614
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,596 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import time
+import pexpect
+import struct
+import fcntl
+import os
+import sys
+import signal
+import sys
+import re
+import json
+sys.path.append( "../" )
+from drivers.common.clidriver import CLI
+class QuaggaCliDriver( CLI ):
+    def __init__( self ):
+        super( CLI, self ).__init__()
+    # TODO: simplify this method
+    def connect( self, **connectargs ):
+        for key in connectargs:
+            vars( self )[ key ] = connectargs[ key ]
+ = self.options[ 'name' ]
+        # self.handle = super( QuaggaCliDriver,self ).connect(
+        # user_name=self.user_name, ip_address=self.ip_address,port=self.port,
+        # pwd=self.pwd )
+        self.handle = super(
+            QuaggaCliDriver,
+            self ).connect(
+                user_name=self.user_name,
+         ip_address="",
+         port=self.port,
+         pwd=self.pwd )
+            "connect parameters:" + str(
+                self.user_name ) + ";" + str(
+                    self.ip_address ) + ";" + str(
+                 self.port ) + ";" + str(
+                     self.pwd ) )
+        if self.handle:
+            # self.handle.expect( "",timeout=10 )
+            # self.handle.expect( "\$",timeout=10 )
+            self.handle.sendline( "telnet localhost 2605" )
+            # self.handle.expect( "Password:", timeout=5 )
+            self.handle.expect( "Password:" )
+            self.handle.sendline( "hello" )
+            # self.handle.expect( "bgpd", timeout=5 )
+            self.handle.expect( "bgpd" )
+            self.handle.sendline( "enable" )
+            # self.handle.expect( "bgpd#", timeout=5 )
+            self.handle.expect( "bgpd#" )
+            return self.handle
+        else:
+   "NO HANDLE" )
+            return main.FALSE
+    def loginQuagga( self, ip_address ):
+ = self.options[ 'name' ]
+        self.handle = super( QuaggaCliDriver, self ).connect(
+            user_name=self.user_name, ip_address=ip_address,
+            port=self.port, pwd=self.pwd )
+ "connect parameters:" + str( self.user_name ) + ";"
+                       + str( self.ip_address ) + ";" + str( self.port ) + ";" + str( self.pwd ) )
+        if self.handle:
+            # self.handle.expect( "" )
+            # self.handle.expect( "\$" )
+            self.handle.sendline( "telnet localhost 2605" )
+            # self.handle.expect( "Password:", timeout=5 )
+            self.handle.expect( "Password:" )
+            self.handle.sendline( "hello" )
+            # self.handle.expect( "bgpd", timeout=5 )
+            self.handle.expect( "bgpd" )
+            self.handle.sendline( "enable" )
+            # self.handle.expect( "bgpd#", timeout=5 )
+            self.handle.expect( "bgpd#" )
+   "I in quagga on host " + str( ip_address ) )
+            return self.handle
+        else:
+   "NO HANDLE" )
+            return main.FALSE
+    def enter_config( self, asn ):
+ "I am in enter_config method!" )
+        try:
+            self.handle.sendline( "" )
+            self.handle.expect( "bgpd#" )
+        except:
+            main.log.warn( "Probably not currently in enable mode!" )
+            self.disconnect()
+            return main.FALSE
+        self.handle.sendline( "configure terminal" )
+        self.handle.expect( "config", timeout=5 )
+        routerAS = "router bgp " + str( asn )
+        try:
+            self.handle.sendline( routerAS )
+            self.handle.expect( "config-router", timeout=5 )
+            return main.TRUE
+        except:
+            return main.FALSE
+    def generate_prefixes( self, net, numRoutes ):
+ "I am in generate_prefixes method!" )
+        # each IP prefix will be composed by "net" + "." + m + "." + n + "." + x
+        # the length of each IP prefix is 24
+        routes = []
+        routes_gen = 0
+        m = numRoutes / 256
+        n = numRoutes % 256
+        for i in range( 0, m ):
+            for j in range( 0, 256 ):
+                network = str(
+                    net ) + "." + str(
+                        i ) + "." + str(
+                            j ) + ".0/24"
+                routes.append( network )
+                routes_gen = routes_gen + 1
+        for j in range( 0, n ):
+            network = str( net ) + "." + str( m ) + "." + str( j ) + ".0/24"
+            routes.append( network )
+            routes_gen = routes_gen + 1
+        if routes_gen == numRoutes:
+   "Successfully generated " + str( numRoutes )
+                           + " prefixes!" )
+            return routes
+        return main.FALSE
+    # This method generates a multiple to single point intent(
+    # MultiPointToSinglePointIntent ) for a given route
+    def generate_expected_singleRouteIntent(
+        self,
+     prefix,
+     nextHop,
+     nextHopMac,
+     sdnip_data ):
+        ingress = []
+        egress = ""
+        for peer in sdnip_data[ 'bgpPeers' ]:
+            if peer[ 'ipAddress' ] == nextHop:
+                egress = "of:" + str(
+                    peer[ 'attachmentDpid' ] ).replace( ":",
+                                                        "" ) + ":" + str( peer[ 'attachmentPort' ] )
+            else:
+                ingress.append(
+                    "of:" + str( peer[ 'attachmentDpid' ] ).replace( ":",
+                                                                     "" ) + ":" + str( peer[ 'attachmentPort' ] ) )
+        selector = "ETH_TYPE{ethType=800},IPV4_DST{ip=" + prefix + "}"
+        treatment = "[ETH_DST{mac=" + str( nextHopMac ) + "}]"
+        intent = egress + "/" + \
+            str( sorted( ingress ) ) + "/" + selector + "/" + treatment
+        return intent
+    def generate_expected_onePeerRouteIntents(
+        self,
+     prefixes,
+     nextHop,
+     nextHopMac,
+     sdnip_json_file_path ):
+        intents = []
+        sdnip_json_file = open( sdnip_json_file_path ).read()
+        sdnip_data = json.loads( sdnip_json_file )
+        for prefix in prefixes:
+            intents.append(
+                self.generate_expected_singleRouteIntent(
+                    prefix,
+                    nextHop,
+                    nextHopMac,
+                    sdnip_data ) )
+        return sorted( intents )
+    # TODO
+    # This method generates all expected route intents for all BGP peers
+    def generate_expected_routeIntents( self ):
+        intents = []
+        return intents
+    # This method extracts all actual routes from ONOS CLI
+    def extract_actual_routes( self, get_routes_result ):
+        routes_json_obj = json.loads( get_routes_result )
+        allRoutes_actual = []
+        for route in routes_json_obj:
+            if route[ 'prefix' ] == '':
+                continue
+            allRoutes_actual.append(
+                route[ 'prefix' ] + "/" + route[ 'nextHop' ] )
+        return sorted( allRoutes_actual )
+    # This method extracts all actual route intents from ONOS CLI
+    def extract_actual_routeIntents( self, get_intents_result ):
+        intents = []
+        # TODO: delete the line below when change to Mininet demo script
+        # get_intents_result=open( "../tests/SdnIpTest/intents.json" ).read()
+        intents_json_obj = json.loads( get_intents_result )
+        for intent in intents_json_obj:
+            if intent[ 'appId' ] != "org.onosproject.sdnip":
+                continue
+            if intent[ 'type' ] == "MultiPointToSinglePointIntent" and intent[ 'state' ] == 'INSTALLED':
+                egress = str( intent[ 'egress' ][ 'device' ] ) + ":" + str(
+                    intent[ 'egress' ][ 'port' ] )
+                ingress = []
+                for attachmentPoint in intent[ 'ingress' ]:
+                    ingress.append(
+                        str( attachmentPoint[ 'device' ] ) + ":" + str( attachmentPoint[ 'port' ] ) )
+                selector = intent[ 'selector' ].replace(
+                    "[", "" ).replace( "]", "" ).replace( " ", "" )
+                if str( selector ).startswith( "IPV4" ):
+                    str1, str2 = str( selector ).split( "," )
+                    selector = str2 + "," + str1
+                intent = egress + "/" + \
+                    str( sorted( ingress ) ) + "/" + \
+                        selector + "/" + intent[ 'treatment' ]
+                intents.append( intent )
+        return sorted( intents )
+    # This method extracts all actual BGP intents from ONOS CLI
+    def extract_actual_bgpIntents( self, get_intents_result ):
+        intents = []
+        # TODO: delete the line below when change to Mininet demo script
+        # get_intents_result=open( "../tests/SdnIpTest/intents.json" ).read()
+        intents_json_obj = json.loads( get_intents_result )
+        for intent in intents_json_obj:
+            if intent[ 'appId' ] != "org.onosproject.sdnip":
+                continue
+            if intent[ 'type' ] == "PointToPointIntent" and "protocol=6" in str( intent[ 'selector' ] ):
+                ingress = str( intent[ 'ingress' ][ 'device' ] ) + ":" + str(
+                    intent[ 'ingress' ][ 'port' ] )
+                egress = str( intent[ 'egress' ][ 'device' ] ) + ":" + str(
+                    intent[ 'egress' ][ 'port' ] )
+                selector = str(
+                    intent[ 'selector' ] ).replace( " ",
+                                                    "" ).replace( "[",
+                                                                  "" ).replace( "]",
+                                                                                "" ).split( "," )
+                intent = ingress + "/" + egress + \
+                    "/" + str( sorted( selector ) )
+                intents.append( intent )
+        return sorted( intents )
+    # This method generates a single point to single point intent(
+    # PointToPointIntent ) for BGP path
+    def generate_expected_bgpIntents( self, sdnip_json_file_path ):
+        from operator import eq
+        sdnip_json_file = open( sdnip_json_file_path ).read()
+        sdnip_data = json.loads( sdnip_json_file )
+        intents = []
+        bgpPeerAttachmentPoint = ""
+        bgpSpeakerAttachmentPoint = "of:" + str(
+            sdnip_data[ 'bgpSpeakers' ][ 0 ][ 'attachmentDpid' ] ).replace( ":",
+                                                                            "" ) + ":" + str( sdnip_data[ 'bgpSpeakers' ][ 0 ][ 'attachmentPort' ] )
+        for peer in sdnip_data[ 'bgpPeers' ]:
+            bgpPeerAttachmentPoint = "of:" + str(
+                peer[ 'attachmentDpid' ] ).replace( ":",
+                                                    "" ) + ":" + str( peer[ 'attachmentPort' ] )
+            # find out the BGP speaker IP address for this BGP peer
+            bgpSpeakerIpAddress = ""
+            for interfaceAddress in sdnip_data[ 'bgpSpeakers' ][ 0 ][ 'interfaceAddresses' ]:
+                # if eq( interfaceAddress[ 'interfaceDpid' ],sdnip_data[
+                # 'bgpSpeakers' ][ 0 ][ 'attachmentDpid' ] ) and eq(
+                # interfaceAddress[ 'interfacePort' ], sdnip_data[
+                # 'bgpSpeakers' ][ 0 ][ 'attachmentPort' ] ):
+                if eq( interfaceAddress[ 'interfaceDpid' ], peer[ 'attachmentDpid' ] ) and eq( interfaceAddress[ 'interfacePort' ], peer[ 'attachmentPort' ] ):
+                    bgpSpeakerIpAddress = interfaceAddress[ 'ipAddress' ]
+                    break
+                else:
+                    continue
+            # from bgpSpeakerAttachmentPoint to bgpPeerAttachmentPoint
+            # direction
+            selector_str = "IPV4_SRC{ip=" + bgpSpeakerIpAddress + "/32}," + "IPV4_DST{ip=" + peer[
+                'ipAddress' ] + "/32}," + "IP_PROTO{protocol=6}, ETH_TYPE{ethType=800}, TCP_DST{tcpPort=179}"
+            selector = selector_str.replace( " ", "" ).replace(
+                "[", "" ).replace( "]", "" ).split( "," )
+            intent = bgpSpeakerAttachmentPoint + "/" + \
+                bgpPeerAttachmentPoint + "/" + str( sorted( selector ) )
+            intents.append( intent )
+            selector_str = "IPV4_SRC{ip=" + bgpSpeakerIpAddress + "/32}," + "IPV4_DST{ip=" + peer[
+                'ipAddress' ] + "/32}," + "IP_PROTO{protocol=6}, ETH_TYPE{ethType=800}, TCP_SRC{tcpPort=179}"
+            selector = selector_str.replace( " ", "" ).replace(
+                "[", "" ).replace( "]", "" ).split( "," )
+            intent = bgpSpeakerAttachmentPoint + "/" + \
+                bgpPeerAttachmentPoint + "/" + str( sorted( selector ) )
+            intents.append( intent )
+            # from bgpPeerAttachmentPoint to bgpSpeakerAttachmentPoint
+            # direction
+            selector_str = "IPV4_SRC{ip=" + peer[ 'ipAddress' ] + "/32}," + "IPV4_DST{ip=" + bgpSpeakerIpAddress + "/32}," + \
+                "IP_PROTO{protocol=6}, ETH_TYPE{ethType=800}, TCP_DST{tcpPort=179}"
+            selector = selector_str.replace( " ", "" ).replace(
+                "[", "" ).replace( "]", "" ).split( "," )
+            intent = bgpPeerAttachmentPoint + "/" + \
+                bgpSpeakerAttachmentPoint + "/" + str( sorted( selector ) )
+            intents.append( intent )
+            selector_str = "IPV4_SRC{ip=" + peer[ 'ipAddress' ] + "/32}," + "IPV4_DST{ip=" + bgpSpeakerIpAddress + "/32}," + \
+                "IP_PROTO{protocol=6}, ETH_TYPE{ethType=800}, TCP_SRC{tcpPort=179}"
+            selector = selector_str.replace( " ", "" ).replace(
+                "[", "" ).replace( "]", "" ).split( "," )
+            intent = bgpPeerAttachmentPoint + "/" + \
+                bgpSpeakerAttachmentPoint + "/" + str( sorted( selector ) )
+            intents.append( intent )
+        return sorted( intents )
+    def add_routes( self, routes, routeRate ):
+ "I am in add_routes method!" )
+        routes_added = 0
+        try:
+            self.handle.sendline( "" )
+            # self.handle.expect( "config-router" )
+            self.handle.expect( "config-router", timeout=5 )
+        except:
+            main.log.warn( "Probably not in config-router mode!" )
+            self.disconnect()
+ "Start to add routes" )
+        for i in range( 0, len( routes ) ):
+            routeCmd = "network " + routes[ i ]
+            try:
+                self.handle.sendline( routeCmd )
+                self.handle.expect( "bgpd", timeout=5 )
+            except:
+                main.log.warn( "Failed to add route" )
+                self.disconnect()
+            waitTimer = 1.00 / routeRate
+            time.sleep( waitTimer )
+        if routes_added == len( routes ):
+   "Finished adding routes" )
+            return main.TRUE
+        return main.FALSE
+    def delete_routes( self, routes, routeRate ):
+ "I am in delete_routes method!" )
+        routes_added = 0
+        try:
+            self.handle.sendline( "" )
+            # self.handle.expect( "config-router" )
+            self.handle.expect( "config-router", timeout=5 )
+        except:
+            main.log.warn( "Probably not in config-router mode!" )
+            self.disconnect()
+ "Start to delete routes" )
+        for i in range( 0, len( routes ) ):
+            routeCmd = "no network " + routes[ i ]
+            try:
+                self.handle.sendline( routeCmd )
+                self.handle.expect( "bgpd", timeout=5 )
+            except:
+                main.log.warn( "Failed to add route" )
+                self.disconnect()
+            waitTimer = 1.00 / routeRate
+            time.sleep( waitTimer )
+        if routes_added == len( routes ):
+   "Finished deleting routes" )
+            return main.TRUE
+        return main.FALSE
+    def ping_test( self, ip_address, ping_test_file, ping_test_result_file ):
+ "Start the ping test on host:" + str( ip_address ) )
+ = self.options[ 'name' ]
+        self.handle = super( QuaggaCliDriver, self ).connect(
+            user_name=self.user_name, ip_address=ip_address,
+            port=self.port, pwd=self.pwd )
+ "connect parameters:" + str( self.user_name ) + ";"
+                       + str( self.ip_address ) + ";" + str( self.port ) + ";" + str( self.pwd ) )
+        if self.handle:
+            # self.handle.expect( "" )
+            # self.handle.expect( "\$" )
+   "I in host " + str( ip_address ) )
+                ping_test_file +
+                " > " +
+                ping_test_result_file +
+                " &" )
+            self.handle.sendline(
+                ping_test_file +
+                " > " +
+                ping_test_result_file +
+                " &" )
+            self.handle.expect( "\$", timeout=60 )
+            handle = self.handle.before
+            return handle
+        else:
+   "NO HANDLE" )
+            return main.FALSE
+    # Please use the generate_routes plus add_routes instead of this one
+    def add_route( self, net, numRoutes, routeRate ):
+        try:
+            self.handle.sendline( "" )
+            self.handle.expect( "config-router" )
+        except:
+            main.log.warn( "Probably not in config-router mode!" )
+            self.disconnect()
+ "Adding Routes" )
+        j = 0
+        k = 0
+        while numRoutes > 255:
+            numRoutes = numRoutes - 255
+            j = j + 1
+        k = numRoutes % 254
+        routes_added = 0
+        if numRoutes > 255:
+            numRoutes = 255
+        for m in range( 1, j + 1 ):
+            for n in range( 1, numRoutes + 1 ):
+                network = str(
+                    net ) + "." + str(
+                        m ) + "." + str(
+                            n ) + ".0/24"
+                routeCmd = "network " + network
+                try:
+                    self.handle.sendline( routeCmd )
+                    self.handle.expect( "bgpd" )
+                except:
+                    main.log.warn( "failed to add route" )
+                    self.disconnect()
+                waitTimer = 1.00 / routeRate
+                time.sleep( waitTimer )
+                routes_added = routes_added + 1
+        for d in range( j + 1, j + 2 ):
+            for e in range( 1, k + 1 ):
+                network = str(
+                    net ) + "." + str(
+                        d ) + "." + str(
+                            e ) + ".0/24"
+                routeCmd = "network " + network
+                try:
+                    self.handle.sendline( routeCmd )
+                    self.handle.expect( "bgpd" )
+                except:
+                    main.log.warn( "failed to add route" )
+                    self.disconnect
+                waitTimer = 1.00 / routeRate
+                time.sleep( waitTimer )
+                routes_added = routes_added + 1
+        if routes_added == numRoutes:
+            return main.TRUE
+        return main.FALSE
+    def del_route( self, net, numRoutes, routeRate ):
+        try:
+            self.handle.sendline( "" )
+            self.handle.expect( "config-router" )
+        except:
+            main.log.warn( "Probably not in config-router mode!" )
+            self.disconnect()
+ "Deleting Routes" )
+        j = 0
+        k = 0
+        while numRoutes > 255:
+            numRoutes = numRoutes - 255
+            j = j + 1
+        k = numRoutes % 254
+        routes_deleted = 0
+        if numRoutes > 255:
+            numRoutes = 255
+        for m in range( 1, j + 1 ):
+            for n in range( 1, numRoutes + 1 ):
+                network = str(
+                    net ) + "." + str(
+                        m ) + "." + str(
+                            n ) + ".0/24"
+                routeCmd = "no network " + network
+                try:
+                    self.handle.sendline( routeCmd )
+                    self.handle.expect( "bgpd" )
+                except:
+                    main.log.warn( "Failed to delete route" )
+                    self.disconnect()
+                waitTimer = 1.00 / routeRate
+                time.sleep( waitTimer )
+                routes_deleted = routes_deleted + 1
+        for d in range( j + 1, j + 2 ):
+            for e in range( 1, k + 1 ):
+                network = str(
+                    net ) + "." + str(
+                        d ) + "." + str(
+                            e ) + ".0/24"
+                routeCmd = "no network " + network
+                try:
+                    self.handle.sendline( routeCmd )
+                    self.handle.expect( "bgpd" )
+                except:
+                    main.log.warn( "Failed to delete route" )
+                    self.disconnect()
+                waitTimer = 1.00 / routeRate
+                time.sleep( waitTimer )
+                routes_deleted = routes_deleted + 1
+        if routes_deleted == numRoutes:
+            return main.TRUE
+        return main.FALSE
+    def check_routes( self, brand, ip, user, pw ):
+        def pronto( ip, user, passwd ):
+            print "Connecting to Pronto switch"
+            child = pexpect.spawn( "telnet " + ip )
+            i = child.expect( [ "login:", "CLI#", pexpect.TIMEOUT ] )
+            if i == 0:
+                print "Username and password required. Passing login info."
+                child.sendline( user )
+                child.expect( "Password:" )
+                child.sendline( passwd )
+                child.expect( "CLI#" )
+            print "Logged in, getting flowtable."
+            child.sendline( "flowtable brief" )
+            for t in range( 9 ):
+                t2 = 9 - t
+                print "\r" + str( t2 )
+                sys.stdout.write( "\033[F" )
+                time.sleep( 1 )
+            print "Scanning flowtable"
+            child.expect( "Flow table show" )
+            count = 0
+            while True:
+                i = child.expect(
+                    [ '17\d\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}',
+                                'CLI#',
+                                pexpect.TIMEOUT ] )
+                if i == 0:
+                    count = count + 1
+                elif i == 1:
+                    print "Pronto flows: " + str( count ) + "\nDone\n"
+                    break
+                else:
+                    break
+        def cisco( ip, user, passwd ):
+            print "Establishing Cisco switch connection"
+            child = pexpect.spawn( "ssh " + user + "@" + ip )
+            i = child.expect( [ "Password:", "CLI#", pexpect.TIMEOUT ] )
+            if i == 0:
+                print "Password required. Passing now."
+                child.sendline( passwd )
+                child.expect( "#" )
+            print "Logged in. Retrieving flow table then counting flows."
+            child.sendline( "show openflow switch all flows all" )
+            child.expect( "Logical Openflow Switch" )
+            print "Flow table retrieved. Counting flows"
+            count = 0
+            while True:
+                i = child.expect( [ "nw_src=17", "#", pexpect.TIMEOUT ] )
+                if i == 0:
+                    count = count + 1
+                elif i == 1:
+                    print "Cisco flows: " + str( count ) + "\nDone\n"
+                    break
+                else:
+                    break
+            if brand == "pronto" or brand == "PRONTO":
+                pronto( ip, user, passwd )
+            # elif brand  == "cisco" or brand == "CISCO":
+            #    cisco( ip,user,passwd )
+    def disconnect( self ):
+        """
+        Called when Test is complete to disconnect the Quagga handle.
+        """
+        response = ''
+        try:
+            self.handle.close()
+        except:
+            main.log.error( "Connection failed to the host" )
+            response = main.FALSE
+        return response