Add new variables to record the timestamp
Change-Id: I79c33f247d852cac498b47c0ae19563b603252a7
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscaleTopo/SCPFscaleTopo.params b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscaleTopo/SCPFscaleTopo.params
index 930aaf8..7bfb458 100755
--- a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscaleTopo/SCPFscaleTopo.params
+++ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscaleTopo/SCPFscaleTopo.params
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
+ <TsharkPath>/tmp/scaleTopo_tshark_role_request</TsharkPath>
@@ -30,6 +32,7 @@
<start>New switch connection</start>
<end>Topology DefaultTopology</end>
<Disconnect>Switch disconnected callback</Disconnect>
+ <roleRequest>of_role_request</roleRequest>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscaleTopo/ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscaleTopo/
index 86a99fd..c3910b5 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscaleTopo/
+++ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscaleTopo/
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
def CASE1( self, main ):
import os
import imp
- Construct tests variables
- GIT ( optional )
@@ -32,6 +31,8 @@
gitBranch = main.params[ 'GIT' ][ 'branch' ]
main.dependencyPath = main.testOnDirectory + \
main.params[ 'DEPENDENCY' ][ 'path' ]
+ main.tsharkResultPath = main.params[ 'TsharkPath' ]
+ main.roleRequest = main.params[ 'SearchTerm' ]['roleRequest']
main.multiovs = main.params[ 'DEPENDENCY' ][ 'multiovs' ]
main.topoName = main.params[ 'TOPOLOGY' ][ 'topology' ]
main.numCtrls = int( main.params[ 'CTRL' ][ 'numCtrls' ] )
@@ -67,31 +68,38 @@
main.CLIs.append( getattr( main, 'ONOScli%s' % (i+1) ) )
main.allinfo = {} # The dictionary to record all the data from karaf.log
for i in range( 2 ):
main.allinfo[ i ]={}
for w in range ( 3 ):
# Totaltime: the time from the new switchConnection to its end
# swConnection: the time from the first new switchConnection to the last new switchConnection
+ # lastSwToLastRr: the time from the last new switchConnection to the last role request
+ # lastRrToLastTopology: the time form the last role request to the last topology
# disconnectRate: the rate that shows how many switch disconnect after connection
- main.allinfo[ i ][ 'info' + str( w ) ]= { 'totalTime': 0, 'swConnection': 0,'lastSwToTopology': 0, 'disconnectRate': 0 }
+ main.allinfo[ i ][ 'info' + str( w ) ]= { 'totalTime': 0, 'swConnection': 0, 'lastSwToLastRr': 0, 'lastRrToLastTopology': 0, 'disconnectRate': 0 }
main.dbFilePath = main.params[ 'DATABASE' ][ 'dbPath' ] "Create Database file " + main.dbFilePath )
resultDB = open(main.dbFilePath, 'w+' )
main.startUp = imp.load_source( wrapperFile1,
main.dependencyPath +
wrapperFile1 +
".py" )
main.scaleTopoFunction = imp.load_source( wrapperFile2,
main.dependencyPath +
wrapperFile2 +
".py" )
main.topo = imp.load_source( wrapperFile3,
main.dependencyPath +
wrapperFile3 +
".py" )
main.ONOSbench.scp( main.Mininet1,
main.dependencyPath +
@@ -278,8 +286,19 @@
" topology failed to start" )
time.sleep( main.MNSleep )
+ "Clean up Tshark" )
+ with open(main.tsharkResultPath, "w" ) as tshark:
+ tshark.write( "" )
+ "Starting Tshark capture" )
+ main.ONOSbench.tsharkGrep( main.roleRequest, main.tsharkResultPath, grepOptions='-E' )
main.CLIs[ 0 ].activateApp( "org.onosproject.openflow" )
time.sleep( main.MNSleep )
+ "Stop Tshark" )
+ main.ONOSbench.tsharkStop()
+ "Get role request time" )
+ with open( main.tsharkResultPath, "r" ) as resultFile:
+ resultText = resultFile.readlines()
+ resultFile.close()
def CASE11( self, main ):
@@ -294,8 +313,10 @@
main.allinfo[ 0 ][ 'info' + str( i )][ 'totalTime' ] = main.scaleTopoFunction.getInfoFromLog( main, main.searchTerm[ 'start' ], 'first', main.searchTerm[ 'end' ], 'last', index=i, funcMode='TD' )
# Calculate switch connection time
main.allinfo[ 0 ][ 'info' + str( i )][ 'swConnection' ] = main.scaleTopoFunction.getInfoFromLog( main, main.searchTerm[ 'start' ], 'first', main.searchTerm[ 'start' ], 'last', index=i, funcMode='TD' )
- # Calculate the time from last switch connection to the end
- main.allinfo[ 0 ][ 'info' + str( i )][ 'lastSwToTopology' ] = main.allinfo[ 0 ][ 'info' + str( i )][ 'totalTime' ] - main.allinfo[ 0 ][ 'info' + str( i )][ 'swConnection' ]
+ # Calculate the time from last switch connection to the last role request
+ main.allinfo[ 0 ][ 'info' + str( i )][ 'lastSwToLastRr' ] = main.scaleTopoFunction.compareTimeDiffWithRoleRequest( main, main.searchTerm[ 'start' ], 'last', index=i )
+ # Calculate the time from the last role request to the last topology
+ main.allinfo[ 0 ][ 'info' + str( i )][ 'lastRrToLastTopology' ] = main.scaleTopoFunction.compareTimeDiffWithRoleRequest( main, main.searchTerm[ 'end' ], 'last', index=i )
# Calculate the disconnecti rate
main.allinfo[ 0 ][ 'info' + str( i )][ 'disconnectRate' ] = main.scaleTopoFunction.getInfoFromLog( main, main.searchTerm[ 'Disconnect' ], 'num', main.searchTerm[ 'start' ], 'num', index=i, funcMode='DR' )
main.log.debug( "The data is " + str( main.allinfo[ 0 ] ) )
@@ -469,10 +490,10 @@
slowestNode = i
# Calculate switch connection time
main.allinfo[ 1 ][ 'info' + str( i )][ 'swConnection' ] = main.scaleTopoFunction.getInfoFromLog( main, main.searchTerm[ 'start' ], 'first', main.searchTerm[ 'start' ], 'last', index=i, funcMode='TD' )
- # Calculate the time from last switch connection to the end
- main.allinfo[ 1 ][ 'info' + str( i )][ 'lastSwToTopology' ] = main.allinfo[ 1 ][
- 'info' + str( i )][ 'totalTime' ] - main.allinfo[ 1 ][ 'info' + str( i )][
- 'swConnection' ]
+ # Calculate the time from last switch connection to the last role request
+ main.allinfo[ 1 ][ 'info' + str( i )][ 'lastSwToLastRr' ] = main.scaleTopoFunction.compareTimeDiffWithRoleRequest( main, main.searchTerm[ 'start' ], 'last', index=i )
+ # Calculate the time from the last role request to the last topology
+ main.allinfo[ 1 ][ 'info' + str( i )][ 'lastRrToLastTopology' ] = main.scaleTopoFunction.compareTimeDiffWithRoleRequest( main, main.searchTerm[ 'end' ], 'last', index=i )
# Calculate the disconnecti rate
main.allinfo[ 1 ][ 'info' + str( i )][ 'disconnectRate' ] = main.scaleTopoFunction.getInfoFromLog( main, main.searchTerm[ 'Disconnect' ], 'num', main.searchTerm[ 'start' ],'num', index=i, funcMode='DR' )
@@ -488,7 +509,8 @@
# put result from second capture into data base
temp += "," + str( "%.2f" % main.allinfo[ 1 ][ 'info' + str( slowestNode )][ 'totalTime' ] )
temp += "," + str( "%.2f" % main.allinfo[ 1 ][ 'info' + str( slowestNode )][ 'swConnection' ] )
- temp += "," + str( "%.2f" % main.allinfo[ 1 ][ 'info' + str( slowestNode )][ 'lastSwToTopology' ] )
+ temp += "," + str( "%.2f" % main.allinfo[ 1 ][ 'info' + str( slowestNode )][ 'lastSwToLastRr' ] )
+ temp += "," + str( "%.2f" % main.allinfo[ 1 ][ 'info' + str( slowestNode )][ 'lastRrToLastTopology' ] )
temp += "," + str( "%.2f" % main.allinfo[ 1 ][ 'info' + str( slowestNode )][ 'disconnectRate' ] )
temp += "\n"
dbFile.write( temp )
@@ -504,4 +526,4 @@
"Except" ],
- "s" )
+ "s" )
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscaleTopo/dependencies/ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscaleTopo/dependencies/
index d05e2a7..2f1e8ee 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscaleTopo/dependencies/
+++ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscaleTopo/dependencies/
@@ -32,6 +32,44 @@
main.log.error( "Got wrong string from log" )
return -1
+def getRoleRequestTimeFromTshark( main ):
+ try:
+ "Get role request time" )
+ with open(main.tsharkResultPath, "r" ) as resultFile:
+ resultText = resultFile.readlines()
+ # select the last role request string
+ roleRequestString = resultText[ len( resultText ) - 1 ]
+ roleRequestString )
+ # get timestamp from role request string
+ roleRequestTime = roleRequestString.split( " " )
+ resultFile.close()
+ return float(roleRequestTime[1])
+ except IndexError:
+ main.log.error("Got wrong role request string from Tshark file")
+ return -1
+def compareTimeDiffWithRoleRequest(main, term, Mode, index=0 ):
+ '''
+ Description:
+ Compare the time difference between the time of target term and the time of role request
+ Inclides onosclidriver functions
+ '''
+ try:
+ termInfo = main.CLIs[ index ].logSearch( term, mode=Mode)
+ termTime = getTimestampFromString( main, termInfo[ 0 ] )
+ roleRequestTime = getRoleRequestTimeFromTshark( main )
+ if termTime == -1 or roleRequestTime == -1:
+ main.writeData = -1
+ main.log.error( "Can't compare the difference with role request time" )
+ return -1
+ # Only concern about the absolute value of difference.
+ return abs( roleRequestTime - termTime )
+ except IndexError:
+ main.log.error( "Catch the wrong information of search term " )
+ main.writeData = -1
+ return -1
def getInfoFromLog( main, term1, mode1, term2, mode2, index=0, funcMode='TD' ):