[SDFAB-506] Add QoS test for on edge ports with GTP encapped traffic

Also, create library to attach, detach UEs via UP4 and to generate Traffic via TRex.

Change-Id: I9cd7bedbc0f799813dd033220fcdffb5baf20eda
diff --git a/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/dependencies/trex.py b/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/dependencies/trex.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9245f16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/dependencies/trex.py
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+from distutils.util import strtobool
+from tests.USECASE.SegmentRouting.dependencies import scapy_helper
+class Trex:
+    """
+    Utility that manages interaction with TRex server via TRexDriver component
+    Example params:
+    <TREX>
+        <port_stats>0,1</port_stats>
+        <flows>
+            <RT_FROM_UE>
+                <name>Real Time</name>
+                <l1_bps>40000000</l1_bps>
+                <trex_port>0</trex_port>
+                <packet>
+                    <pktlen>1400</pktlen>
+                    <ip_src></ip_src>
+                    <ip_dst></ip_dst>
+                    <eth_src>3C:EC:EF:3E:0B:A0</eth_src>
+                    <eth_dst>00:00:0A:4C:1C:46</eth_dst>
+                    <gtp_teid>200</gtp_teid>
+                    <s1u_addr></s1u_addr>
+                    <enb_addr></enb_addr>
+                </packet>
+                <latency_stats>true</latency_stats>
+                <flow_id>10</flow_id> <!-- Mandatory when latency_stats=true -->
+                <delay>50000</delay> <!-- wait 50 ms till start to let queues fill up -->
+                <expected_min_received>1</expected_min_received>
+                <expected_max_dropped>0</expected_max_dropped>
+                <expected_max_latency>1500</expected_max_latency>
+                <expected_99_9_percentile_latency>100</expected_99_9_percentile_latency>
+            </RT_FROM_UE>
+        </flows>
+    <TREX>
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.trex_client = None
+        self.traffic_flows = {}
+        self.port_stats = []
+        self.packets = {}  # Per-flow dictionary of packets
+    def setup(self, trex_client):
+        self.trex_client = trex_client
+        self.traffic_flows = main.params["TREX"]["flows"]
+        if "port_stats" in main.params["TREX"] and \
+                main.params["TREX"].get("port_stats") is not '':
+            self.port_stats = [int(p) for p in
+                               main.params["TREX"].get("port_stats").split(",")]
+        self.trex_client.setupTrex(main.configPath)
+    def teardown(self):
+        self.trex_client.stopTrexServer()
+    def createFlow(self, flow_name):
+        if flow_name not in self.traffic_flows:
+            main.log.error("CFG flow not present in params")
+            return False
+        self.traffic_flows[flow_name]["packet"] = Trex.__sanitizePacketConfig(
+            self.traffic_flows[flow_name]["packet"])
+        if "gtp_teid" in self.traffic_flows[flow_name]["packet"]:
+            # packets must be GTP encapped
+            self.packets[flow_name] = scapy_helper.simple_gtp_udp_packet(
+                **self.traffic_flows[flow_name]["packet"])
+        else:
+            self.packets[flow_name] = scapy_helper.simple_udp_packet(
+                **self.traffic_flows[flow_name]["packet"])
+    def sendAndReceiveTraffic(self, duration):
+        """
+        Connect the client, create the flows in trex (with packets created with
+        createFlow, send and receive the traffic, and disconnect the client.
+        :param duration: traffic duration
+        :return:
+        """
+        self.trex_client.connectTrexClient()
+        for flow_name, packet in self.packets.items():
+            flow_config = self.traffic_flows[flow_name]
+            Trex.__sanitizeFlowConfig(flow_config)
+            self.trex_client.addStream(pkt=packet,
+                                       trex_port=flow_config["trex_port"],
+                                       l1_bps=flow_config["l1_bps"],
+                                       percentage=flow_config["percentage"],
+                                       delay=flow_config["delay"],
+                                       flow_id=flow_config["flow_id"],
+                                       flow_stats=flow_config["latency_stats"])
+        self.trex_client.startAndWaitTraffic(duration=duration)
+        self.trex_client.disconnectTrexClient()
+    def assertRxPackets(self, flow_name):
+        if not self.isFlowStats(flow_name):
+            main.log.info("No flow stats for flow {}".format(flow_name))
+        expected_min_received = int(
+            self.traffic_flows[flow_name].get("expected_min_received", "1"))
+        flow_id = self.traffic_flows[flow_name]["flow_id"]
+        flow_stats = self.trex_client.getFlowStats(flow_id)
+        utilities.assert_equals(
+            expect=True,
+            actual=flow_stats.rx_packets >= expected_min_received,
+            onpass="Traffic Flow {}: Received traffic".format(flow_name),
+            onfail="Traffic Flow {}: No traffic received".format(flow_name))
+    def assertDroppedPacket(self, flow_name):
+        if not self.isFlowStats(flow_name):
+            main.log.info("No flow stats for flow {}".format(flow_name))
+        expected_max_dropped = int(
+            self.traffic_flows[flow_name].get("expected_max_dropped", "0"))
+        latency_stats = self.__getLatencyStats(flow_name)
+        utilities.assert_equals(
+            expect=True,
+            actual=latency_stats.dropped <= expected_max_dropped,
+            onpass="Traffic Flow {}: {} packets dropped, below threshold ({})".format(
+                flow_name, latency_stats.dropped,
+                expected_max_dropped),
+            onfail="Traffic Flow {}: {} packets dropped, above threshold ({})".format(
+                flow_name, latency_stats.dropped,
+                expected_max_dropped))
+    def assertMaxLatency(self, flow_name):
+        if not self.isFlowStats(flow_name):
+            main.log.info("No flow stats for flow {}".format(flow_name))
+        expected_max_latency = int(
+            self.traffic_flows[flow_name].get("expected_max_latency", "0"))
+        latency_stats = self.__getLatencyStats(flow_name)
+        utilities.assert_equals(
+            expect=True,
+            actual=latency_stats.total_max <= expected_max_latency,
+            onpass="Traffic Flow {}: Maximum latency below threshold".format(
+                flow_name),
+            onfail="Traffic Flow {}: Maximum latency is too high {}".format(
+                flow_name, latency_stats.total_max))
+    def assert99_9PercentileLatency(self, flow_name):
+        if not self.isFlowStats(flow_name):
+            main.log.info("No flow stats for flow {}".format(flow_name))
+        expected_99_9_percentile_latency = int(
+            self.traffic_flows[flow_name].get(
+                "expected_99_9_percentile_latency", "0"))
+        latency_stats = self.__getLatencyStats(flow_name)
+        utilities.assert_equals(
+            expect=True,
+            actual=latency_stats.percentile_99_9 <= expected_99_9_percentile_latency,
+            onpass="Traffic Flow {}: 99.9th percentile latency below threshold".format(
+                flow_name),
+            onfail="Traffic Flow {}: 99.9th percentile latency is too high {}".format(
+                flow_name, latency_stats.percentile_99_9))
+    def logPortStats(self):
+        main.log.debug(self.port_stats)
+        for port in self.port_stats:
+            self.trex_client.logPortStats(port)
+    def logFlowStats(self, flow_name):
+        if self.isFlowStats(flow_name):
+            flow_id = self.traffic_flows[flow_name]["flow_id"]
+            self.trex_client.logFlowStats(flow_id)
+            self.trex_client.logLatencyStats(flow_id)
+    def isFlowStats(self, flow_name):
+        return self.traffic_flows[flow_name]["latency_stats"]
+    def __getLatencyStats(self, flow_name):
+        flow_id = self.traffic_flows[flow_name]["flow_id"]
+        return self.trex_client.getLatencyStats(flow_id)
+    @staticmethod
+    def __sanitizePacketConfig(packet):
+        if "gtp_teid" in packet.keys():
+            packet["gtp_teid"] = int(packet["gtp_teid"])
+        if "pktlen" in packet.keys():
+            packet["pktlen"] = int(packet["pktlen"])
+        return packet
+    @staticmethod
+    def __sanitizeFlowConfig(flow_config):
+        flow_config["trex_port"] = int(flow_config["trex_port"])
+        flow_config["percentage"] = float(
+            flow_config["percentage"]) if "percentage" in flow_config else None
+        flow_config["l1_bps"] = float(
+            flow_config["l1_bps"]) if "l1_bps" in flow_config else None
+        flow_config["delay"] = int(flow_config.get("delay", 0))
+        flow_config["flow_id"] = int(
+            flow_config["flow_id"]) if "flow_id" in flow_config else None
+        flow_config["latency_stats"] = bool(
+            strtobool(flow_config.get("latency_stats", "False")))