[ONOS-7736] Host movement tests for dual-homed hosts

Change-Id: I8f0be6af4a5c8f1e8e2562a6fbc061b7d6f35439
diff --git a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/mininetclidriver.py b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/mininetclidriver.py
index ddd72b3..5bf06fb 100644
--- a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/mininetclidriver.py
+++ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/mininetclidriver.py
@@ -914,7 +914,7 @@
     def moveHost( self, host, oldSw, newSw, macAddr=None, prefixLen=24 ):
-           Moves a host from one switch to another on the fly
+           Moves an IPv4 host from one switch to another on the fly
            If macAddr is specified, change MAC address of the host interface
            to specified MAC address.
            Note: The intf between host and oldSw when detached
@@ -1021,7 +1021,7 @@
     def moveHostv6( self, host, oldSw, newSw, macAddr=None, prefixLen=64 ):
-           Moves a host from one switch to another on the fly
+           Moves an IPv6 host from one switch to another on the fly
            If macAddr is specified, change MAC address of the host interface
            to specified MAC address.
            Note: The intf between host and oldSw when detached
@@ -4056,7 +4056,7 @@
     def moveDualHomedHost( self, host, oldSw, oldPairSw, newSw, newPairSw,
                            macAddr=None, prefixLen=None, bondedName='bond1' ):
-        Moves a dual-homed host from one switch-pair to another pair on the fly
+        Moves a dual-homed IPv4 host from one switch-pair to another pair on the fly
         If macAddr is specified, change MAC address of the bonded host interface
         to specified MAC address.
         Assumes that the host has two interfaces (eth0 and eth1) originally.
@@ -4139,5 +4139,93 @@
                 main.log.exception( self.name + ": Uncaught exception!" )
                 return main.FALSE
+    def moveDualHomedHostv6( self, host, oldSw, oldPairSw, newSw, newPairSw,
+                             macAddr=None, prefixLen=None, bondedName='bond1' ):
+        """
+        Moves a dual-homed IPv6 host from one switch-pair to another pair on the fly
+        If macAddr is specified, change MAC address of the bonded host interface
+        to specified MAC address.
+        Assumes that the host has two interfaces (eth0 and eth1) originally.
+        """
+        if self.handle:
+            try:
+                IP = str( self.getIPAddress( host, proto='IPV6' ) ) + "/" + str( prefixLen )
+                bond1 = "%s-%s" % ( host, bondedName )
+                newIntf = host + '-eth2'
+                newIntfPair = host + '-eth3'
+                commands = [
+                    # Bring link between oldSw-host down
+                    "py net.configLinkStatus('" + oldSw + "'," + "'" + host + "'," + "'down')",
+                    # Bring link between oldPairSw-host down
+                    "py net.configLinkStatus('" + oldPairSw + "'," + "'" + host + "'," + "'down')",
+                    # Determine hostintf and Oldswitchintf
+                    "px hintf,sintf = " + host + ".connectionsTo(" + oldSw + ")[0]",
+                    # Determine ip and mac address of the host-oldSw interface
+                    'px ipaddr = "{}"'.format( IP ),
+                    "px macaddr = hintf.MAC()" if macAddr is None else 'px macaddr = "%s"' % macAddr,
+                    # Detach interface between oldSw-host
+                    "px " + oldSw + ".detach( sintf )",
+                    # Determine hostintf and Oldpairswitchintf
+                    "px sintfpair,hintfpair = " + oldPairSw + ".connectionsTo(" + host + ")[0]",
+                    # Detach interface between oldPairSw-host
+                    "px " + oldPairSw + ".detach( sintfpair )",
+                    # Add link between host-newSw
+                    "py net.addLink(" + host + "," + newSw + ", 2)",
+                    # Add link between host-newPairSw
+                    "py net.addLink(" + host + "," + newPairSw + ")",
+                    # Determine hostintf and Newswitchintf
+                    "px hintf,sintf = " + host + ".connectionsTo(" + newSw + ")[-1]",
+                    # Determine hostintf and NewPairswitchintf
+                    "px hintfpair,sintfpair = " + host + ".connectionsTo(" + newPairSw + ")[-1]",
+                    # Attach interface between newSw-host
+                    "px " + newSw + ".attach( sintf )",
+                    # Attach interface between newPairSw-host
+                    "px " + newPairSw + ".attach( sintfpair )",
+                    # Bond two interfaces
+                    host + ' ip link add %s type bond' % bond1,
+                    host + ' ip link set %s down' % newIntf,
+                    host + ' ip link set %s down' % newIntfPair,
+                    host + ' ip link set %s master %s' % ( newIntf, bond1 ),
+                    host + ' ip link set %s master %s' % ( newIntfPair, bond1 ),
+                    host + ' ip addr flush dev %s' % newIntf,
+                    host + ' ip addr flush dev %s' % newIntfPair,
+                    host + ' ip link set %s up' % bond1,
+                    "px lowestIntf = min( [ hintf, hintfpair ] )",
+                    "px highestIntf = max( [ hintf, hintfpair ] )",
+                    "px lowestIntf.name = '" + bond1 + "'",
+                    "px " + host + ".nameToIntf['" + bond1 + "'] = lowestIntf",
+                    "px del " + host + ".intfs[ " + host + ".ports[ highestIntf ] ]",
+                    "px del " + host + ".ports[ highestIntf ]",
+                    # Set ipaddress of the host-newSw interface
+                    "px " + host + ".setIP( ip = ipaddr, intf = lowestIntf " +
+                    ( ", prefixLen = %s )" % str( prefixLen ) if prefixLen is not None else " )" ),
+                    # Set macaddress of the host-newSw interface
+                    "px " + host + ".setMAC( mac = macaddr, intf = lowestIntf)",
+                    host + " ip -6 addr add %s dev %s" % ( IP, bond1 ),
+                    "net",
+                    # Determine ipaddress of the bonded host interface
+                    host + " ifconfig",
+                ]
+                for cmd in commands:
+                    print "cmd= ", cmd
+                    self.handle.sendline( cmd )
+                    self.handle.expect( "mininet>" )
+                    main.log.info( "====> %s ", self.handle.before )
+                return main.TRUE
+            except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
+                main.log.error( self.name + ": TIMEOUT exception found" )
+                main.log.error( self.name + ":     " + self.handle.before )
+                main.cleanAndExit()
+            except pexpect.EOF:
+                main.log.error( self.name + ": EOF exception found" )
+                main.log.error( self.name + ":     " + self.handle.before )
+                return main.FALSE
+            except Exception:
+                main.log.exception( self.name + ": Uncaught exception!" )
+                return main.FALSE
 if __name__ != "__main__":
     sys.modules[ __name__ ] = MininetCliDriver()