[ONOS-7904] Run CHO test with Segment Routing and H-AGG topology

Change-Id: I493d8762028dc61339e1a8d061e7ab331201917f
diff --git a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/topologies/hagg.py b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/topologies/hagg.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4afc9d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/topologies/hagg.py
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+import os
+import re
+from optparse import OptionParser
+from ipaddress import ip_network
+from mininet.node import RemoteController, OVSBridge, Host
+from mininet.link import TCLink
+from mininet.log import setLogLevel
+from mininet.net import Mininet
+from mininet.topo import Topo
+from mininet.nodelib import NAT
+from mininet.cli import CLI
+from routinglib import BgpRouter, RoutedHost
+from trellislib import DhcpServer, TaggedRoutedHost, DualHomedRoutedHost, DualHomedTaggedRoutedHost, DhcpClient, Dhcp6Client, DhcpServer, Dhcp6Server, TrellisHost
+# Parse command line options and dump results
+def parseOptions():
+    "Parse command line options"
+    parser = OptionParser()
+    parser.add_option( '--dhcp', dest='dhcp', type='int', default=0,
+                       help='Configure hosts with dhcp or not' )
+    parser.add_option( '--routers', dest='routers', type='int', default=0,
+                       help='Configure external routers or not in the topology' )
+    parser.add_option( '--ipv6', dest='ipv6', type='int', default=0,
+                       help='Configure hosts with ipv6 or not' )
+    parser.add_option( '--ipv4', dest='ipv4', type='int', default=1,
+                       help='Configure hosts with ipv4 or not' )
+    parser.add_option( '--onos-ip', dest='onosIp', type='str', default='',
+                        help='IP address list of ONOS instances, separated by comma(,). Overrides --onos option' )
+    ( options, args ) = parser.parse_args()
+    return options, args
+opts, args = parseOptions()
+class ComcastLeafSpineFabric(Topo):
+    spines = dict()
+    leafs = dict()
+    hosts_dict = dict()
+    def createIpv4Hosts(self, dhcp):
+        h1 = self.addHost('h1v4', cls=TrellisHost,
+                           mac='00:aa:00:00:00:01', ips=[''],
+                           gateway='', dhcpClient=dhcp)
+        self.addLink(h1, self.leafs[0])
+        self.hosts_dict['h1v4'] = h1
+        h2 = self.addHost('h2v4', cls=TrellisHost,
+                          mac='00:aa:00:00:01:01', ips=[''],
+                          gateway='', dhcpClient=dhcp)
+        self.addLink(h2, self.leafs[0])
+        self.hosts_dict['h2v4'] = h2
+        h3 = self.addHost('h3v4', cls=TrellisHost,
+                          mac='00:aa:00:00:00:02', ips=[''],
+                          gateway='', dhcpClient=dhcp)
+        self.addLink(h3, self.leafs[1])
+        self.hosts_dict['h3v4'] = h3
+        h4 = self.addHost('h4v4', cls=TrellisHost,
+                          mac='00:aa:00:00:00:03', ips=[''],
+                          gateway='', dhcpClient=dhcp,
+                          dualHomed=True)
+        self.addLink(h4, self.leafs[1])
+        self.addLink(h4, self.leafs[2])
+        self.hosts_dict['h4v4'] = h4
+        h5 = self.addHost('h5v4', cls=TrellisHost,
+                          mac='00:aa:00:00:00:04', ips=[''],
+                          gateway='', dhcpClient=dhcp, vlan=30,
+                          dualHomed=True)
+        self.addLink(h5, self.leafs[1])
+        self.addLink(h5, self.leafs[2])
+        self.hosts_dict['h5v4'] = h5
+        h6 = self.addHost('h6v4', cls=TrellisHost,
+                          mac='00:aa:00:00:00:05', ips=[''],
+                          gateway='', dhcpClient=dhcp, vlan=20)
+        self.addLink(h6, self.leafs[2])
+        self.hosts_dict['h6v4'] = h6
+        h7 = self.addHost('h7v4', cls=TrellisHost,
+                          mac='00:aa:00:00:01:05', ips=[''],
+                          gateway='', dhcpClient=dhcp, vlan=40)
+        self.addLink(h7, self.leafs[2])
+        self.hosts_dict['h7v4'] = h7
+        h8 = self.addHost('h8v4', cls=TrellisHost,
+                          mac='00:aa:00:00:00:06', ips=[''],
+                          gateway='', dhcpClient=dhcp)
+        self.addLink(h8, self.leafs[3])
+        self.hosts_dict['h8v4'] = h8
+        h9 = self.addHost('h9v4', cls=TrellisHost,
+                          mac='00:aa:00:00:00:07', ips=[''],
+                          gateway='', dhcpClient=dhcp, vlan=50,
+                          dualHomed=True)
+        self.addLink(h9, self.leafs[3])
+        self.addLink(h9, self.leafs[4])
+        self.hosts_dict['h9v4'] = h9
+        h10 = self.addHost('h10v4', cls=TrellisHost,
+                           mac='00:aa:00:00:00:08', ips=[''],
+                           gateway='', dhcpClient=dhcp, vlan=60,
+                           dualHomed=True)
+        self.addLink(h10, self.leafs[3])
+        self.addLink(h10, self.leafs[4])
+        self.hosts_dict['h10v4'] = h10
+        h11 = self.addHost('h11v4', cls=TrellisHost,
+                           mac='00:aa:00:00:00:0a', ips=[''],
+                           gateway='', dhcpClient=dhcp, vlan=70)
+        self.addLink(h11, self.leafs[4])
+        self.hosts_dict['h11v4'] = h11
+        h12 = self.addHost('h12v4', cls=TrellisHost,
+                           mac='00:aa:00:00:02:01', ips=[''],
+                           gateway='', dhcpClient=dhcp, vlan=80)
+        self.addLink(h12, self.leafs[5])
+        self.hosts_dict['h12v4'] = h12
+        h13 = self.addHost('h13v4', cls=TrellisHost,
+                           mac='00:aa:00:00:02:02', ips=[''],
+                           gateway='', dhcpClient=dhcp)
+        self.addLink(h13, self.leafs[5])
+        self.hosts_dict['h13v4'] = h13
+        return
+    def createIpv6Hosts(self, dhcp):
+        h1 = self.addHost('h1v6', cls=TrellisHost,
+                          mac='00:bb:00:00:00:01', ips=["1000::3fe/120"],
+                          gateway='1000::3ff', dhcpClient=dhcp, ipv6=1)
+        self.addLink(h1, self.leafs[0])
+        self.hosts_dict['h1v6'] = h1
+        h2 = self.addHost('h2v6', cls=TrellisHost,
+                          mac='00:bb:00:00:01:01', ips=['1001::3fe/120'],
+                          gateway='1001::3ff', dhcpClient=dhcp, ipv6=1)
+        self.addLink(h2, self.leafs[0])
+        self.hosts_dict['h2v6'] = h2
+        h3 = self.addHost('h3v6', cls=TrellisHost,
+                          mac='00:bb:00:00:00:02', ips=['1002::3fe/120'],
+                          gateway='1002::3ff', dhcpClient=dhcp, ipv6=1)
+        self.addLink(h3, self.leafs[1])
+        self.hosts_dict['h3v6'] = h3
+        h4 = self.addHost('h4v6', cls=TrellisHost,
+                          mac='00:bb:00:00:00:03', ips=['1003::3fe/120'],
+                          gateway='1003::3ff', dhcpClient=dhcp, ipv6=1,
+                          dualHomed=True)
+        self.addLink(h4, self.leafs[1])
+        self.addLink(h4, self.leafs[2])
+        self.hosts_dict['h4v6'] = h4
+        h5 = self.addHost('h5v6', cls=TrellisHost,
+                          mac='00:bb:00:00:00:04', ips=['1004::3fe/120'],
+                          gateway='1004::3ff', dhcpClient=False, ipv6=1,
+                          vlan=121,
+                          dualHomed=True)
+        self.addLink(h5, self.leafs[1])
+        self.addLink(h5, self.leafs[2])
+        self.hosts_dict['h5v6'] = h5
+        h6 = self.addHost('h6v6', cls=TrellisHost,
+                          mac='00:bb:00:00:00:05', ips=['1005::3fe/120'],
+                          gateway='1005::3ff', dhcpClient=False, ipv6=1,
+                          vlan=122)
+        self.addLink(h6, self.leafs[2])
+        self.hosts_dict['h6v6'] = h6
+        h7 = self.addHost('h7v6', cls=TrellisHost,
+                          mac='00:bb:00:00:01:05', ips=['1006::3fe/120'],
+                          gateway='1006::3ff', dhcpClient=False, ipv6=1,
+                          vlan=123)
+        self.addLink(h7, self.leafs[2])
+        self.hosts_dict['h7v6'] = h7
+        h8 = self.addHost('h8v6', cls=TrellisHost,
+                          mac='00:bb:00:00:00:06', ips=['1007::3fe/120'],
+                          gateway='1007::3ff', dhcpClient=dhcp, ipv6=1)
+        self.addLink(h8, self.leafs[3])
+        self.hosts_dict['h8v6'] = h8
+        h9 = self.addHost('h9v6', cls=TrellisHost,
+                          mac='00:bb:00:00:00:07', ips=['1008::3fe/120'],
+                          gateway='1008::3ff', dhcpClient=False, vlan=124,
+                          dualHomed=True, ipv6=1)
+        self.addLink(h9, self.leafs[3])
+        self.addLink(h9, self.leafs[4])
+        self.hosts_dict['h9v6'] = h9
+        h10 = self.addHost('h10v6', cls=TrellisHost,
+                           mac='00:bb:00:00:00:08', ips=['1009::3fe/120'],
+                           gateway='1009::3ff', dhcpClient=False, vlan=125,
+                           dualHomed=True, ipv6=1)
+        self.addLink(h10, self.leafs[3])
+        self.addLink(h10, self.leafs[4])
+        self.hosts_dict['h10v6'] = h10
+        h11 = self.addHost('h11v6', cls=TrellisHost,
+                           mac='00:bb:00:00:00:0a', ips=['1010::3fe/120'],
+                           gateway='1010::3ff', dhcpClient=False, vlan=126,
+                           ipv6=1)
+        self.addLink(h11, self.leafs[4])
+        self.hosts_dict['h11v6'] = h11
+        h12 = self.addHost('h12v6', cls=TrellisHost,
+                           mac='00:bb:00:00:01:0a', ips=['1011::3fe/120'],
+                           gateway='1011::3ff', dhcpClient=False, vlan=127,
+                           ipv6=1)
+        self.addLink(h12, self.leafs[5])
+        self.hosts_dict['h12v6'] = h12
+        h13 = self.addHost('h13v6', cls=TrellisHost,
+                           mac='00:bb:00:00:02:0a', ips=['1012::3fe/120'],
+                           gateway='1012::3ff', dhcpClient=dhcp, ipv6=1)
+        self.addLink(h13, self.leafs[5])
+        self.hosts_dict['h13v6'] = h13
+        return
+    '''
+    Creates the HAGG topology employed by Comcast.
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, dhcp=False, routers=False, ipv4=False, ipv6=False, **opts):
+        Topo.__init__(self, **opts)
+        linkopts = dict( bw=10 )
+        spine = 4
+        leaf = 6
+        # Create spine switches
+        for s in range(spine):
+            self.spines[s] = self.addSwitch('spine10%s' % (s + 1), dpid = "00000000010%s" % (s + 1) )
+        # Create leaf switches
+        for ls in range(leaf):
+            self.leafs[ls] = self.addSwitch('leaf%s' % (ls + 1), dpid = "00000000000%s" % ( ls + 1) )
+        # connecting leaf and spines, leafs 1-5 have double links
+        for s in range(2):
+            spine_switch = self.spines[s]
+            for ls in range(1, 5):
+                leaf_switch = self.leafs[ls]
+                self.addLink( spine_switch, leaf_switch, **linkopts )
+                self.addLink( spine_switch, leaf_switch, **linkopts )
+        # connect paired leafs
+        self.addLink(self.leafs[1], self.leafs[2], **linkopts)
+        self.addLink(self.leafs[3], self.leafs[4], **linkopts)
+        # build second fabric with single links
+        for s in range(2, 4):
+            spine_switch = self.spines[s]
+            for ls in [0, 5]:
+                leaf_switch = self.leafs[ls]
+                self.addLink( spine_switch, leaf_switch, **linkopts )
+        # connect spines together
+        self.addLink(self.spines[2], self.spines[0], **linkopts)
+        self.addLink(self.spines[3], self.spines[1], **linkopts)
+        # create hosts
+        if ipv6:
+            self.createIpv6Hosts(dhcp)
+        if ipv4:
+            self.createIpv4Hosts(dhcp)
+        if not ipv4 and not ipv6:
+            print("No hosts were created!")
+        # create quagga routers
+        # Note: Change "fpm connection ip" to $OC1 in zebradbgp1.conf and zebradbgp2.conf to make quagga work correctly
+        if routers:
+            last_ls = self.leafs[4]
+            last_paired_ls = self.leafs[3]
+            # Control plane switch (for quagga fpm)
+            cs0 = self.addSwitch('cs0', cls=OVSBridge)
+            # Control plane NAT (for quagga fpm)
+            nat = self.addHost('nat', cls=NAT,
+                               ip='',
+                               subnet=str(ip_network(u'')), inNamespace=False)
+            self.addLink(cs0, nat)
+            # Internal Quagga bgp1
+            intfs = {'bgp1-eth0': [{'ipAddrs': ['', '2000::102/120'], 'mac': '00:88:00:00:00:03', 'vlan': '110'},
+                                   {'ipAddrs': ['', '2000::702/120'], 'mac': '00:88:00:00:00:03', 'vlan': '170'}],
+                     'bgp1-eth1': {'ipAddrs': ['']}}
+            bgp1 = self.addHost('bgp1', cls=BgpRouter,
+                                interfaces=intfs,
+                                quaggaConfFile='./bgpdbgp1.conf',
+                                zebraConfFile='./zebradbgp1.conf')
+            self.addLink(bgp1, last_paired_ls)
+            self.addLink(bgp1, cs0)
+            # Internal Quagga bgp2
+            intfs = {'bgp2-eth0': [{'ipAddrs': ['', '2000::502/120'], 'mac': '00:88:00:00:00:04', 'vlan': '150'},
+                                   {'ipAddrs': ['', '2000::602/120'], 'mac': '00:88:00:00:00:04', 'vlan': '160'}],
+                     'bgp2-eth1': {'ipAddrs': ['']}}
+            bgp2 = self.addHost('bgp2', cls=BgpRouter,
+                                interfaces=intfs,
+                                quaggaConfFile='./bgpdbgp2.conf',
+                                zebraConfFile='./zebradbgp2.conf')
+            self.addLink(bgp2, last_ls)
+            self.addLink(bgp2, cs0)
+            # External Quagga r1
+            intfs = {'r1-eth0': {'ipAddrs': ['', '2000::101/120'], 'mac': '00:88:00:00:00:01'},
+                     'r1-eth1': {'ipAddrs': ['', '2000::501/120'], 'mac': '00:88:00:00:00:11'},
+                     'r1-eth2': {'ipAddrs': ['']},
+                     'r1-eth3': {'ipAddrs': ['2000::9901/120']},
+                     'r1-eth4': {'ipAddrs': ['2000::7701/120']},
+                     'r1-eth5': {'ipAddrs': ['']},
+                     'r1-eth6': {'ipAddrs': ['2000::8701/120']}}
+            r1 = self.addHost('r1', cls=BgpRouter,
+                                interfaces=intfs,
+                                quaggaConfFile='./bgpdr1.conf')
+            self.addLink(r1, last_paired_ls)
+            self.addLink(r1, last_ls)
+            # External IPv4 Host behind r1
+            rh1v4 = self.addHost('rh1v4', cls=RoutedHost, ips=[''], gateway='')
+            self.addLink(r1, rh1v4)
+            # External IPv6 Host behind r1
+            rh1v6 = self.addHost('rh1v6', cls=RoutedHost, ips=['2000::9902/120'], gateway='2000::9901')
+            self.addLink(r1, rh1v6)
+            # Another external IPv6 Host behind r1
+            rh11v6 = self.addHost('rh11v6', cls=RoutedHost, ips=['2000::7702/120'], gateway='2000::7701')
+            self.addLink(r1, rh11v6)
+            # Add an external ipv4 hosts that is not configured in the bgp conf
+            # files
+            rh5v4 = self.addHost('rh5v4', cls=RoutedHost, ips=[''], gateway='')
+            self.addLink(r1, rh5v4)
+            # Add an external ipv6 hosts that is not configured in the bgp conf
+            # files
+            rh5v6 = self.addHost('rh5v6', cls=RoutedHost, ips=['2000::8702/120'], gateway='2000::8701')
+            self.addLink(r1, rh5v6)
+            # External Quagga r2
+            intfs = {'r2-eth0': {'ipAddrs': ['', '2000::601/120'], 'mac': '00:88:00:00:00:02'},
+                     'r2-eth1': {'ipAddrs': ['', '2000::701/120'], 'mac': '00:88:00:00:00:22'},
+                     'r2-eth2': {'ipAddrs': ['']},
+                     'r2-eth3': {'ipAddrs': ['2000::9901/120']},
+                     'r2-eth4': {'ipAddrs': ['2000::8801/120']}}
+            r2 = self.addHost('r2', cls=BgpRouter,
+                                interfaces=intfs,
+                                quaggaConfFile='./bgpdr2.conf')
+            self.addLink(r2, last_ls)
+            self.addLink(r2, last_paired_ls)
+            # External IPv4 Host behind r2
+            rh2v4 = self.addHost('rh2v4', cls=RoutedHost, ips=[''], gateway='')
+            self.addLink(r2, rh2v4)
+            # External IPv6 Host behind r2
+            rh2v6 = self.addHost('rh2v6', cls=RoutedHost, ips=['2000::9902/120'], gateway='2000::9901')
+            self.addLink(r2, rh2v6)
+            # Another external IPv6 Host behind r1
+            rh22v6 = self.addHost('rh22v6', cls=RoutedHost, ips=['2000::8802/120'], gateway='2000::8801')
+            self.addLink(r2, rh22v6)
+        # create dhcp servers
+        if dhcp:
+            cs1 = self.addSwitch('cs1', cls=OVSBridge)
+            self.addLink(cs1, self.leafs[4])
+            if ipv4:
+                dhcp4 = self.addHost( 'dhcp', cls=TrellisHost,
+                                      mac="00:cc:00:00:00:01", ips=[""],
+                                      gateway="", dhcpServer=True)
+                self.addLink(dhcp4, cs1, **linkopts)
+            if ipv6:
+                dhcp6 = self.addHost( 'dhcp6', cls=TrellisHost,
+                                      mac="00:dd:00:00:00:01", ips=["2000::3fd/120"],
+                                      gateway="2000::3ff", dhcpServer=True, ipv6=True)
+                self.addLink(dhcp6, cs1, **linkopts)
+def config( opts ):
+    dhcp = bool(opts.dhcp)
+    routers = bool(opts.routers)
+    ipv6 = bool(opts.ipv6)
+    ipv4 = bool(opts.ipv4)
+    if opts.onosIp != '':
+        controllers = opts.onosIp.split( ',' )
+    else:
+        controllers = ['']
+    topo = ComcastLeafSpineFabric(dhcp=dhcp, routers=routers, ipv6=ipv6,
+                                  ipv4=ipv4)
+    net = Mininet( topo=topo, link=TCLink, build=False,
+                   controller=None, autoSetMacs=True )
+    i = 0
+    for ip in controllers:
+        net.addController( "c%s" % ( i ), controller=RemoteController, ip=ip )
+        i += 1
+    net.build()
+    net.start()
+    CLI( net )
+    net.stop()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    setLogLevel('info')
+    config(opts)
+    os.system('sudo mn -c')