update my forked branch
diff --git a/TestON/tests/TopoPerfNextBM/TopoPerfNextBM.py b/TestON/tests/TopoPerfNextBM/TopoPerfNextBM.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2245ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/TopoPerfNextBM/TopoPerfNextBM.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1306 @@
+# 2015.03.12 10:22:05 PDT
+#Embedded file name: ../tests/TopoPerfNextBM/TopoPerfNextBM.py
+import time
+import sys
+import os
+import re
+class TopoPerfNextBM:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.default = ''
+    def CASE1(self, main):
+        """
+        ONOS startup sequence
+        """
+        global clusterCount
+        global timeToPost
+        global runNum
+        global jenkinsBuildNumber
+        import time
+        import os
+        clusterCount = 1
+        timeToPost = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
+        runNum = time.strftime('%d%H%M%S')
+        cellName = main.params['ENV']['cellName']
+        gitPull = main.params['GIT']['autoPull']
+        checkoutBranch = main.params['GIT']['checkout']
+        # Get jenkins build number from environment.
+        # This environment variable will only exist when
+        # triggered by a jenkins job
+        try:
+            jenkinsBuildNumber = str(os.environ['BUILD_NUMBER'])
+            main.log.report( 'Jenkins build number: ' +
+                    jenkinsBuildNumber )
+        except KeyError:
+            # Jenkins build number is also used in posting to DB
+            # If this test is not triggered by jenkins, give 
+            # it 0 instead, ensuring that 
+            # the DB post will recognize it as a non-jenkins run
+            jenkinsBuildNumber = str(0)
+            main.log.info( 'Job is not run by jenkins. '+
+                    'Build number set to: ' + jenkinsBuildNumber)
+        global CLIs
+        CLIs = []
+        global nodes
+        nodes = []
+        global nodeIpList
+        nodeIpList = []
+        for i in range( 1, 8 ):
+            CLIs.append( getattr( main, 'ONOS' + str( i ) + 'cli' ) )
+            nodes.append( getattr( main, 'ONOS' + str( i ) ) )
+            nodeIpList.append( main.params[ 'CTRL' ][ 'ip'+str(i) ] )
+        MN1Ip = main.params['MN']['ip1']
+        BENCHIp = main.params['BENCH']['ip']
+        cellFeatures = main.params['ENV']['cellFeatures']
+        topoCfgFile = main.params['TEST']['topoConfigFile']
+        topoCfgName = main.params['TEST']['topoConfigName']
+        portEventResultPath = main.params['DB']['portEventResultPath']
+        switchEventResultPath = main.params['DB']['switchEventResultPath']
+        mvnCleanInstall = main.params['TEST']['mci']
+        main.case('Setting up test environment')
+        # NOTE: Below is deprecated after new way to install features
+        #main.log.info('Copying topology event accumulator config' +
+        #        ' to ONOS /package/etc')
+        #main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline('cp ~/' +
+        #        topoCfgFile + ' ~/ONOS/tools/package/etc/' +
+        #        topoCfgName)
+        #main.ONOSbench.handle.expect('\\$')
+        main.log.report('Setting up test environment')
+        main.step('Starting mininet topology ')
+        main.Mininet1.startNet()
+        main.step('Cleaning previously installed ONOS if any')
+        # Nodes 2 ~ 7
+        for i in range( 1, 7 ):
+            main.ONOSbench.onosUninstall(nodeIp=nodeIpList[i])
+        main.step('Clearing previous DB log file')
+        fPortLog = open(portEventResultPath, 'w')
+        fPortLog.write('')
+        fPortLog.close()
+        fSwitchLog = open(switchEventResultPath, 'w')
+        fSwitchLog.write('')
+        fSwitchLog.close()
+        main.step('Creating cell file')
+        cellFileResult = main.ONOSbench.createCellFile(
+                BENCHIp, cellName, MN1Ip, cellFeatures, nodeIpList[0])
+        main.step('Applying cell file to environment')
+        cellApplyResult = main.ONOSbench.setCell(cellName)
+        verifyCellResult = main.ONOSbench.verifyCell()
+        main.step('Git checkout and pull ' + checkoutBranch)
+        if gitPull == 'on':
+            checkoutResult = main.TRUE
+            pullResult = main.ONOSbench.gitPull()
+        else:
+            checkoutResult = main.TRUE
+            pullResult = main.TRUE
+            main.log.info('Skipped git checkout and pull')
+        main.log.report('Commit information - ')
+        main.ONOSbench.getVersion(report=True)
+        main.step('Using mvn clean & install')
+        if mvnCleanInstall == 'on':
+            mvnResult = main.ONOSbench.cleanInstall()
+        elif mvnCleanInstall == 'off':
+            main.log.info('mci turned off by settings')
+            mvnResult = main.TRUE
+        main.step('Set cell for ONOS cli env')
+        CLIs[0].setCell(cellName)
+        main.step('Creating ONOS package')
+        packageResult = main.ONOSbench.onosPackage()
+        main.step('Installing ONOS package')
+        install1Result = main.ONOSbench.onosInstall(node=nodeIpList[0])
+        time.sleep(10)
+        main.step('Start onos cli')
+        cli1 = CLIs[0].startOnosCli(nodeIpList[0])
+        main.step( 'activating essential applications' )
+        CLIs[0].activateApp( 'org.onosproject.metrics' )
+        CLIs[0].activateApp( 'org.onosproject.openflow' )
+        main.step( 'Configuring application parameters' )
+        configName = 'org.onosproject.net.topology.impl.DefaultTopologyProvider'
+        configParam = 'maxEvents 1'
+        main.ONOSbench.onosCfgSet( nodeIpList[0], configName, configParam )
+        configParam = 'maxBatchMs 0'
+        main.ONOSbench.onosCfgSet( nodeIpList[0], configName, configParam )
+        configParam = 'maxIdleMs 0'
+        main.ONOSbench.onosCfgSet( nodeIpList[0], configName, configParam )
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE,
+                actual=cellFileResult and cellApplyResult and\
+                        verifyCellResult and checkoutResult and\
+                        pullResult and mvnResult and\
+                        install1Result,
+                        onpass='Test Environment setup successful',
+                        onfail='Failed to setup test environment')
+    def CASE2(self, main):
+        """
+        Assign s3 to ONOS1 and measure latency
+        There are 4 levels of latency measurements to this test:
+        1 ) End-to-end measurement: Complete end-to-end measurement
+           from TCP ( SYN/ACK ) handshake to Graph change
+        2 ) OFP-to-graph measurement: 'ONOS processing' snippet of
+           measurement from OFP Vendor message to Graph change
+        3 ) OFP-to-device measurement: 'ONOS processing without
+           graph change' snippet of measurement from OFP vendor
+           message to Device change timestamp
+        4 ) T0-to-device measurement: Measurement that includes
+           the switch handshake to devices timestamp without
+           the graph view change. ( TCP handshake -> Device
+           change )
+        """
+        import time
+        import subprocess
+        import json
+        import requests
+        import os
+        import numpy
+        ONOSUser = main.params['CTRL']['user']
+        defaultSwPort = main.params['CTRL']['port1']
+        numIter = main.params['TEST']['numIter']
+        iterIgnore = int(main.params['TEST']['iterIgnore'])
+        deviceTimestampKey = main.params['JSON']['deviceTimestamp']
+        graphTimestampKey = main.params['JSON']['graphTimestamp']
+        debugMode = main.params['TEST']['debugMode']
+        onosLog = main.params['TEST']['onosLogFile']
+        resultPath = main.params['DB']['switchEventResultPath']
+        thresholdStr = main.params['TEST']['singleSwThreshold']
+        thresholdObj = thresholdStr.split(',')
+        thresholdMin = int(thresholdObj[0])
+        thresholdMax = int(thresholdObj[1])
+        # Look for 'role-request' messages,
+        # which replaces the 'vendor' messages previously seen
+        # on OVS 2.0.1
+        tsharkTcpString = main.params[ 'TSHARK' ][ 'tcpSynAck' ]
+        tsharkFeatureReply = main.params[ 'TSHARK' ][ 'featureReply' ]
+        tsharkRoleRequest = main.params[ 'TSHARK' ][ 'roleRequest' ]
+        tsharkOfString = main.params[ 'TSHARK' ][ 'ofpRoleReply' ]
+        tsharkFinAckSequence = main.params[ 'TSHARK' ][ 'finAckSequence' ]
+        tsharkOfOutput = '/tmp/tshark_of_topo.txt'
+        tsharkTcpOutput = '/tmp/tshark_tcp_topo.txt'
+        tsharkRoleOutput = '/tmp/tshark_role_request.txt'
+        tsharkFeatureOutput = '/tmp/tshark_feature_reply.txt'
+        tsharkFinAckOutput = '/tmp/tshark_fin_ack.txt'
+        # Switch connect measurement list
+        # TCP Syn/Ack -> Feature Reply latency collection for each node
+        tcpToFeatureLatNodeIter = numpy.zeros((clusterCount, int(numIter)))
+        # Feature Reply -> Role Request latency collection for each node
+        featureToRoleRequestLatNodeIter = numpy.zeros((clusterCount, 
+            int(numIter)))
+        # Role Request -> Role Reply latency collection for each node
+        roleRequestToRoleReplyLatNodeIter = numpy.zeros((clusterCount,
+            int(numIter)))
+        # Role Reply -> Device Update latency collection for each node
+        roleReplyToDeviceLatNodeIter = numpy.zeros((clusterCount,
+            int(numIter)))
+        # Device Update -> Graph Update latency collection for each node
+        deviceToGraphLatNodeIter = numpy.zeros((clusterCount,
+            int(numIter)))
+        endToEndLatNodeIter = numpy.zeros((clusterCount, int(numIter)))
+        # Switch disconnect measurement lists
+        # Mininet Fin / Ack -> Mininet Ack
+        finAckTransactionLatNodeIter = numpy.zeros((clusterCount,
+            int(numIter)))
+        # Mininet Ack -> Device Event
+        ackToDeviceLatNodeIter = numpy.zeros((clusterCount,
+            int(numIter)))
+        # Device event -> Graph event
+        deviceToGraphDiscLatNodeIter = numpy.zeros((clusterCount,
+            int(numIter)))
+        endToEndDiscLatNodeIter = numpy.zeros((clusterCount, int(numIter)))
+        assertion = main.TRUE
+        localTime = time.strftime('%x %X')
+        localTime = localTime.replace('/', '')
+        localTime = localTime.replace(' ', '_')
+        localTime = localTime.replace(':', '')
+        if debugMode == 'on':
+            main.ONOS1.tsharkPcap('eth0',
+                    '/tmp/single_sw_lat_pcap_' + localTime)
+            main.log.info('Debug mode is on')
+        main.log.report('Latency of adding one switch to controller')
+        main.log.report('First ' + str(iterIgnore) +
+                ' iterations ignored' + ' for jvm warmup time')
+        main.log.report('Total iterations of test: ' + str(numIter))
+        for i in range(0, int(numIter)):
+            main.log.info('Starting tshark capture')
+            main.ONOS1.tsharkGrep(tsharkTcpString, tsharkTcpOutput)
+            main.ONOS1.tsharkGrep(tsharkOfString, tsharkOfOutput)
+            main.ONOS1.tsharkGrep(tsharkRoleRequest, tsharkRoleOutput)
+            main.ONOS1.tsharkGrep(tsharkFeatureReply, tsharkFeatureOutput)
+            time.sleep(10)
+            main.log.info('Assigning s3 to controller')
+            main.Mininet1.assignSwController(sw='3',
+                    ip1=nodeIpList[0], port1=defaultSwPort)
+            jsonStr = []
+            for node in range (0, clusterCount): 
+                metricsSwUp = CLIs[node].topologyEventsMetrics()
+                jsonStr.append(metricsSwUp)
+            main.log.info('Stopping all Tshark processes')
+            main.ONOS1.tsharkStop()
+            time.sleep(5)
+            main.log.info('Copying over tshark files')
+            os.system('scp ' + ONOSUser + '@' + nodeIpList[0] +
+                    ':' + tsharkTcpOutput + ' /tmp/')
+            os.system('scp ' + ONOSUser + '@' + nodeIpList[0] +
+                    ':' + tsharkRoleOutput + ' /tmp/')
+            os.system('scp ' + ONOSUser + '@' + nodeIpList[0] +
+                    ':' + tsharkFeatureOutput + ' /tmp/')
+            os.system('scp ' + ONOSUser + '@' +
+                      nodeIpList[0] + ':' + tsharkOfOutput + ' /tmp/')
+            # Get tcp syn / ack output
+            time.sleep(1)
+            tcpFile = open(tsharkTcpOutput, 'r')
+            tempText = tcpFile.readline()
+            tempText = tempText.split(' ')
+            main.log.info('Object read in from TCP capture: ' +
+                    str(tempText))
+            if len(tempText) > 1:
+                t0Tcp = float(tempText[1]) * 1000.0
+            else:
+                main.log.error('Tshark output file for TCP' +
+                        ' returned unexpected results')
+                t0Tcp = 0
+                assertion = main.FALSE
+            tcpFile.close()
+            # Get Role reply output
+            ofFile = open(tsharkOfOutput, 'r')
+            lineOfp = ''
+            while True:
+                tempText = ofFile.readline()
+                if tempText != '':
+                    lineOfp = tempText
+                else:
+                    break
+            obj = lineOfp.split(' ')
+            main.log.info('Object read in from OFP capture: ' +
+                    str(lineOfp))
+            if len(obj) > 1:
+                t0Ofp = float(obj[1]) * 1000.0
+            else:
+                main.log.error('Tshark output file for OFP' +
+                        ' returned unexpected results')
+                t0Ofp = 0
+                assertion = main.FALSE
+            ofFile.close()
+            # Get role request output
+            roleFile = open(tsharkRoleOutput, 'r')
+            tempText = roleFile.readline()
+            tempText = tempText.split(' ')
+            if len(tempText) > 1:
+                main.log.info('Object read in from role request capture:' +
+                        str(tempText))
+                roleTimestamp = float(tempText[1]) * 1000.0
+            else:
+                main.log.error('Tshark output file for role request' +
+                        ' returned unexpected results')
+                timeRoleRequest = 0
+                assertion = main.FALSE
+            roleFile.close()
+            # Get feature reply output
+            featureFile = open(tsharkFeatureOutput, 'r')
+            tempText = featureFile.readline()
+            tempText = tempText.split(' ')
+            if len(tempText) > 1:
+                main.log.info('Object read in from feature reply capture: '+
+                        str(tempText))
+                if tempText[1] != ' ' and float(tempText[1]) > 1400000000.0:
+                    temp = tempText[1]
+                elif tempText[2] != ' ' and float(tempText[2]) > 1400000000.0:
+                    temp = tempText[2]
+                else:
+                    temp = 0 
+                featureTimestamp = float(temp) * 1000.0
+            else:
+                main.log.error('Tshark output file for feature reply' +
+                        ' returned unexpected results')
+                timeFeatureReply = 0
+                assertion = main.FALSE
+            featureFile.close()
+            for node in range(0, clusterCount):
+                nodeNum = node+1
+                #metricsSwUp = CLIs[node].topologyEventsMetrics
+                #jsonStr = metricsSwUp()
+                jsonObj = json.loads(jsonStr[node])
+                if jsonObj:
+                    graphTimestamp = jsonObj[graphTimestampKey]['value']
+                    deviceTimestamp = jsonObj[deviceTimestampKey]['value']
+                else:
+                    main.log.error( "Unexpected JSON object" )
+                    # If we could not obtain the JSON object, 
+                    # set the timestamps to 0, which will be
+                    # excluded from the measurement later on
+                    # (realized as invalid)
+                    graphTimestamp = 0
+                    deviceTimestamp = 0
+                endToEnd = int(graphTimestamp) - int(t0Tcp)
+                # Below are measurement breakdowns of the end-to-end
+                # measurement. 
+                tcpToFeature = int(featureTimestamp) - int(t0Tcp)
+                featureToRole = int(roleTimestamp) - int(featureTimestamp)
+                roleToOfp = float(t0Ofp) - float(roleTimestamp)
+                ofpToDevice = float(deviceTimestamp) - float(t0Ofp)
+                # Timestamps gathered from ONOS are millisecond 
+                # precision. They are returned as integers, thus no
+                # need to be more precise than 'int'. However,
+                # the processing seems to be mostly under 1 ms, 
+                # thus this may be a problem point to handle any 
+                # submillisecond output that we are unsure of.
+                # For now, this will be treated as 0 ms if less than 1 ms
+                deviceToGraph = int(graphTimestamp) - int(deviceTimestamp)
+                if endToEnd >= thresholdMin and\
+                   endToEnd < thresholdMax and i >= iterIgnore:
+                    endToEndLatNodeIter[node][i] = endToEnd 
+                    main.log.info("ONOS "+str(nodeNum)+ " end-to-end: "+
+                            str(endToEnd) + " ms")
+                else:
+                    main.log.info("ONOS "+str(nodeNum)+ " end-to-end "+
+                            "measurement ignored due to excess in "+
+                            "threshold or premature iteration: ")
+                    main.log.info(str(endToEnd))
+                if tcpToFeature >= thresholdMin and\
+                   tcpToFeature < thresholdMax and i >= iterIgnore:
+                    tcpToFeatureLatNodeIter[node][i] = tcpToFeature 
+                    main.log.info("ONOS "+str(nodeNum)+ " tcp-to-feature: "+
+                            str(tcpToFeature) + " ms")
+                else:
+                    main.log.info("ONOS "+str(nodeNum)+ " tcp-to-feature "+
+                            "measurement ignored due to excess in "+
+                            "threshold or premature iteration: ")
+                    main.log.info(str(tcpToFeature))
+                if featureToRole >= thresholdMin and\
+                   featureToRole < thresholdMax and i >= iterIgnore:
+                    featureToRoleRequestLatNodeIter[node][i] = featureToRole 
+                    main.log.info("ONOS "+str(nodeNum)+ " feature-to-role: "+
+                            str(featureToRole) + " ms")
+                else:
+                    main.log.info("ONOS "+str(nodeNum)+ " feature-to-role "+
+                            "measurement ignored due to excess in "+
+                            "threshold or premature iteration: ")
+                    main.log.info(str(featureToRole))
+                if roleToOfp >= thresholdMin and\
+                   roleToOfp < thresholdMax and i >= iterIgnore:
+                    roleRequestToRoleReplyLatNodeIter[node][i] = roleToOfp
+                    main.log.info("ONOS "+str(nodeNum)+ " role-to-reply: "+
+                            str(roleToOfp) + " ms")
+                else:
+                    main.log.info("ONOS "+str(nodeNum)+ " role-to-reply "+
+                            "measurement ignored due to excess in "+
+                            "threshold or premature iteration: ")
+                    main.log.info(str(roleToOfp))
+                if ofpToDevice >= thresholdMin and\
+                   ofpToDevice < thresholdMax and i >= iterIgnore:
+                    roleReplyToDeviceLatNodeIter[node][i] = ofpToDevice 
+                    main.log.info("ONOS "+str(nodeNum)+ " reply-to-device: "+
+                            str(ofpToDevice) + " ms")
+                else:
+                    main.log.info("ONOS "+str(nodeNum)+ " reply-to-device "+
+                            "measurement ignored due to excess in "+
+                            "threshold or premature iteration: ")
+                    main.log.info(str(ofpToDevice))
+                if deviceToGraph >= thresholdMin and\
+                   deviceToGraph < thresholdMax and i >= iterIgnore:
+                    deviceToGraphLatNodeIter[node][i] = deviceToGraph
+                    main.log.info("ONOS "+str(nodeNum)+ " device-to-graph: "+
+                            str(deviceToGraph) + " ms")
+                else:
+                    if deviceToGraph == 0:
+                        deviceToGraphLatNodeIter[node][i] = 0
+                        main.log.info("ONOS "+str(nodeNum) +
+                            " device-to-graph measurement "+
+                            "was set to 0 ms because of precision "+
+                            "uncertainty. ")
+                    else:
+                        main.log.info("ONOS "+str(nodeNum)+ 
+                            " device-to-graph "+
+                            "measurement ignored due to excess in "+
+                            "threshold or premature iteration: ")
+                        main.log.info(str(deviceToGraph))   
+            # ********************
+            time.sleep(5)
+            # Get device id to remove
+            deviceIdJsonStr = main.ONOS1cli.devices()
+            main.log.info( "Device obj obtained: " + str(deviceIdJsonStr) )
+            deviceId = json.loads(deviceIdJsonStr)
+            deviceList = []
+            for device in deviceId:
+                deviceList.append(device['id'])
+            # Measure switch down metrics 
+            # TCP FIN/ACK -> TCP FIN
+            # TCP FIN -> Device Event
+            # Device Event -> Graph Event
+            # Capture switch down FIN / ACK packets
+            # The -A 1 grep option allows us to grab 1 extra line after the
+            # last tshark output grepped originally
+            main.ONOS1.tsharkGrep( tsharkFinAckSequence, tsharkFinAckOutput, 
+                    grepOptions = '-A 1' )
+            time.sleep( 5 )
+            removeJsonList = []
+            main.step('Remove switch from controller')
+            main.Mininet1.deleteSwController('s3')
+            firstDevice = deviceList[0] 
+            # We need to get metrics before removing
+            # device from the store below.
+            for node in range(0, clusterCount):
+                metricsSwDown = CLIs[node].topologyEventsMetrics
+                jsonStr = metricsSwDown()
+                removeJsonList.append( json.loads(jsonStr) ) 
+            main.ONOS1.tsharkStop()
+            main.log.info( "Removing device " +str(firstDevice)+
+                    " from ONOS" )
+            #if deviceId:
+            main.ONOS1cli.deviceRemove(firstDevice)
+            main.log.info('Copying over tshark files')
+            os.system('scp ' + ONOSUser + '@' + nodeIpList[0] +
+                    ':' + tsharkFinAckOutput + ' /tmp/')
+            time.sleep( 10 )
+            finAckOutputList = []
+            with open(tsharkFinAckOutput, 'r') as f:
+                tempLine = f.readlines()
+                main.log.info('Object read in from FinAck capture: ' +
+                    "\n".join(tempLine))
+                index = 1
+                for line in tempLine:
+                    obj = line.split(' ')
+                    # There are at least 3 objects in field (valid 
+                    # tshark output is lengthy)
+                    if len(obj) > 2:
+                        # If first index of object is like an epoch time
+                        if obj[1] != ' ' and float(obj[1]) > 1400000000.0:
+                            temp = obj[1] 
+                        elif obj[2] != ' 'and float(obj[2]) > 1400000000.0:
+                            temp = obj[2]
+                        elif obj[3] != ' 'and float(obj[3]) > 1400000000.0:
+                            temp = obj[3]
+                        else:
+                            temp = 0
+                        if index == 1:
+                            tFinAck = float(temp) * 1000.0
+                        elif index == 2:
+                            continue
+                        elif index == 3:
+                            tAck = float(temp) * 1000.0
+                        else:
+                            tFinAck = 0
+                            tAck = 0
+                    else:
+                        main.log.error('Tshark output file for OFP' +
+                            ' returned unexpected results')
+                        tFinAck = 0
+                        tAck = 0
+                        assertion = main.FALSE
+                    index = index+1
+            # with open() as f takes care of closing file
+            time.sleep(5)
+            for node in range(0, clusterCount):
+                nodeNum = node+1
+                jsonObj = removeJsonList[node]
+                if jsonObj:
+                    graphTimestamp = jsonObj[graphTimestampKey]['value']
+                    deviceTimestamp = jsonObj[deviceTimestampKey]['value']
+                    main.log.info("Graph timestamp: "+str(graphTimestamp))
+                    main.log.info("Device timestamp: "+str(deviceTimestamp))
+                else:
+                    main.log.error( "Unexpected JSON object" )
+                    # If we could not obtain the JSON object, 
+                    # set the timestamps to 0, which will be
+                    # excluded from the measurement later on
+                    # (realized as invalid)
+                    graphTimestamp = 0
+                    deviceTimestamp = 0
+                finAckTransaction = float(tAck) - float(tFinAck)
+                ackToDevice = float(deviceTimestamp) - float(tAck)
+                deviceToGraph = float(graphTimestamp) - float(deviceTimestamp)
+                endToEndDisc = int(graphTimestamp) - int(tFinAck)
+                if endToEndDisc >= thresholdMin and\
+                   endToEndDisc < thresholdMax and i >= iterIgnore:
+                    endToEndDiscLatNodeIter[node][i] = endToEndDisc
+                    main.log.info("ONOS "+str(nodeNum) + 
+                            "end-to-end disconnection: "+
+                            str(endToEndDisc) + " ms" )
+                else:
+                    main.log.info("ONOS " + str(nodeNum) + 
+                            " end-to-end disconnection "+
+                            "measurement ignored due to excess in "+
+                            "threshold or premature iteration: ")
+                    main.log.info(str(endToEndDisc))
+                if finAckTransaction >= thresholdMin and\
+                   finAckTransaction < thresholdMax and i >= iterIgnore:
+                    finAckTransactionLatNodeIter[node][i] = finAckTransaction 
+                    main.log.info("ONOS "+str(nodeNum)+
+                            " fin/ack transaction: "+
+                            str(finAckTransaction) + " ms")
+                else:
+                    main.log.info("ONOS "+str(nodeNum)+
+                            " fin/ack transaction "+
+                            "measurement ignored due to excess in "+
+                            "threshold or premature iteration: ")
+                    main.log.info(str(finAckTransaction))
+                if ackToDevice >= thresholdMin and\
+                   ackToDevice < thresholdMax and i >= iterIgnore:
+                    ackToDeviceLatNodeIter[node][i] = ackToDevice
+                    main.log.info("ONOS "+str(nodeNum)+
+                            " ack-to-device: "+
+                            str(ackToDevice) + " ms")
+                else:
+                    main.log.info("ONOS "+str(nodeNum)+
+                            " ack-to-device "+
+                            "measurement ignored due to excess in "+
+                            "threshold or premature iteration: ")
+                    main.log.info(str(ackToDevice))
+                if deviceToGraph >= thresholdMin and\
+                   deviceToGraph < thresholdMax and i >= iterIgnore:
+                    deviceToGraphDiscLatNodeIter[node][i] = deviceToGraph
+                    main.log.info("ONOS "+str(nodeNum)+
+                            " device-to-graph disconnect: "+
+                            str(deviceToGraph) + " ms")
+                else:
+                    main.log.info("ONOS "+str(nodeNum)+
+                            " device-to-graph disconnect "+
+                            "measurement ignored due to excess in "+
+                            "threshold or premature iteration: ")
+                    main.log.info(str(deviceToGraph))
+        endToEndAvg = 0
+        ofpToGraphAvg = 0
+        dbCmdList = []
+        for node in range(0, clusterCount):
+            # List of latency for each node
+            endToEndList = []
+            tcpToFeatureList = []
+            featureToRoleList = []
+            roleToOfpList = []
+            ofpToDeviceList = []
+            deviceToGraphList = []
+            finAckTransactionList = []
+            ackToDeviceList = []
+            deviceToGraphDiscList = []
+            endToEndDiscList = []
+            # LatNodeIter 2d arrays contain all iteration latency
+            # for each node of the current scale cluster size
+            # Switch connection measurements
+            # Set further acceptance criteria for measurements
+            # here if you would like to filter reporting results
+            for item in endToEndLatNodeIter[node]:
+                if item > 0.0:
+                    endToEndList.append(item)
+            for item in tcpToFeatureLatNodeIter[node]:
+                if item > 0.0:
+                    tcpToFeatureList.append(item)
+            for item in featureToRoleRequestLatNodeIter[node]:
+                if item > 0.0:
+                    featureToRoleList.append(item)
+            for item in roleRequestToRoleReplyLatNodeIter[node]:
+                if item > 0.0:
+                    roleToOfpList.append(item)
+            for item in roleReplyToDeviceLatNodeIter[node]:
+                if item >= 0.0:
+                    ofpToDeviceList.append(item)
+            for item in featureToRoleRequestLatNodeIter[node]:
+                if item > 0.0:
+                    featureToRoleList.append(item)
+            for item in deviceToGraphLatNodeIter[node]:
+                if item >= 0.0:
+                    deviceToGraphList.append(item)
+            # Switch disconnect measurements
+            for item in endToEndDiscLatNodeIter[node]:
+                if item > 0.0:
+                    endToEndDiscList.append(item)
+            for item in finAckTransactionLatNodeIter[node]:
+                if item > 0.0:
+                    finAckTransactionList.append(item)
+            for item in ackToDeviceLatNodeIter[node]:
+                if item > 0.0:
+                    ackToDeviceList.append(item)
+            for item in deviceToGraphDiscLatNodeIter[node]:
+                if item >= 0.0:
+                    deviceToGraphDiscList.append(item)
+            endToEndAvg = round(numpy.mean(endToEndList), 2)
+            endToEndStdDev = round(numpy.std(endToEndList), 2)
+            tcpToFeatureAvg = round(numpy.mean(tcpToFeatureList), 2)
+            tcpToFeatureStdDev = round(numpy.std(tcpToFeatureList), 2)
+            featureToRoleAvg = round(numpy.mean(featureToRoleList), 2)
+            featureToRoleStdDev = round(numpy.std(featureToRoleList), 2)
+            roleToOfpAvg = round(numpy.mean(roleToOfpList), 2)
+            roleToOfpStdDev = round(numpy.std(roleToOfpList), 2)
+            ofpToDeviceAvg = round(numpy.mean(ofpToDeviceList), 2)
+            ofpToDeviceStdDev = round(numpy.std(ofpToDeviceList), 2)
+            deviceToGraphAvg = round(numpy.mean(deviceToGraphList), 2)
+            deviceToGraphStdDev = round(numpy.std(deviceToGraphList), 2)
+            endToEndDiscAvg = round(numpy.mean(endToEndDiscList), 2)
+            endToEndDiscStdDev = round(numpy.std(endToEndDiscList), 2)
+            finAckAvg = round(numpy.mean(finAckTransactionList), 2)
+            finAckStdDev = round(numpy.std(finAckTransactionList), 2)
+            ackToDeviceAvg = round(numpy.mean(ackToDeviceList), 2)
+            ackToDeviceStdDev = round(numpy.std(ackToDeviceList), 2)
+            deviceToGraphDiscAvg = round(numpy.mean(deviceToGraphDiscList), 2)
+            deviceToGraphDiscStdDev = round(numpy.std(deviceToGraphDiscList), 2)
+            main.log.report(' - Node ' + str(node + 1) + ' Summary - ')
+            main.log.report(' - Switch Connection Statistics - ')
+            main.log.report(' End-to-end Avg: ' + str(endToEndAvg) +
+                    ' ms' + ' End-to-end Std dev: ' +
+                    str(endToEndStdDev) + ' ms')
+            main.log.report(' Tcp-to-feature-reply Avg: ' +
+                    str(tcpToFeatureAvg) + ' ms')
+            main.log.report(' Tcp-to-feature-reply Std dev: '+
+                    str(tcpToFeatureStdDev) + ' ms')
+            main.log.report(' Feature-reply-to-role-request Avg: ' +
+                    str(featureToRoleAvg) + ' ms')
+            main.log.report(' Feature-reply-to-role-request Std Dev: ' +
+                    str(featureToRoleStdDev) + ' ms')
+            main.log.report(' Role-request-to-role-reply Avg: ' +
+                    str(roleToOfpAvg) +' ms')
+            main.log.report(' Role-request-to-role-reply Std dev: ' +
+                    str(roleToOfpStdDev) + ' ms')
+            main.log.report(' Role-reply-to-device Avg: ' +
+                    str(ofpToDeviceAvg) +' ms')
+            main.log.report(' Role-reply-to-device Std dev: ' +
+                    str(ofpToDeviceStdDev) + ' ms')
+            main.log.report(' Device-to-graph Avg: ' +
+                    str(deviceToGraphAvg) + ' ms')
+            main.log.report( 'Device-to-graph Std dev: ' +
+                    str(deviceToGraphStdDev) + ' ms')
+            main.log.report(' - Switch Disconnection Statistics - ')
+            main.log.report(' End-to-end switch disconnect Avg: ' + 
+                    str(endToEndDiscAvg) + ' ms')
+            main.log.report(' End-to-end switch disconnect Std dev: ' +
+                    str(endToEndDiscStdDev) + ' ms')
+            main.log.report(' Fin/Ack-to-Ack Avg: ' + str(finAckAvg) + ' ms')
+            main.log.report(' Fin/Ack-to-Ack Std dev: ' +
+                    str(finAckStdDev) + ' ms')
+            main.log.report(' Ack-to-device Avg: ' + str(ackToDeviceAvg) + 
+                    ' ms')
+            main.log.report(' Ack-to-device Std dev: ' + str(ackToDeviceStdDev) +
+                    ' ms')
+            main.log.report(' Device-to-graph (disconnect) Avg: ' +
+                    str(deviceToGraphDiscAvg) + ' ms')
+            main.log.report(' Device-to-graph (disconnect) Std dev: ' +
+                    str(deviceToGraphDiscStdDev) + ' ms')
+            # For database schema, refer to Amazon web services
+            dbCmdList.append(
+                    "INSERT INTO switch_latency_details VALUES('" +
+                    timeToPost + "','switch_latency_results'," +
+                    jenkinsBuildNumber + ',' + str(clusterCount) + ",'baremetal" + 
+                    str(node + 1) + "'," + 
+                    str(endToEndAvg) + ',' +
+                    str(tcpToFeatureAvg) + ',' +
+                    str(featureToRoleAvg) + ',' +
+                    str(roleToOfpAvg) + ',' +
+                    str(ofpToDeviceAvg) + ',' +
+                    str(deviceToGraphAvg) + ',' +
+                    str(endToEndDiscAvg) + ',' +
+                    str(finAckAvg) + ',' +
+                    str(ackToDeviceAvg) + ',' +
+                    str(deviceToGraphDiscAvg) + 
+                    ');')
+        if debugMode == 'on':
+            main.ONOS1.cpLogsToDir('/opt/onos/log/karaf.log',
+                    '/tmp/', copyFileName='sw_lat_karaf')
+        fResult = open(resultPath, 'a')
+        for line in dbCmdList:
+            if line:
+                fResult.write(line + '\n')
+        fResult.close()
+        assertion = main.TRUE
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=assertion,
+                onpass='Switch latency test successful', 
+                onfail='Switch latency test failed')
+    def CASE3(self, main):
+        """
+        Bring port up / down and measure latency.
+        Port enable / disable is simulated by ifconfig up / down
+        In ONOS-next, we must ensure that the port we are
+        manipulating is connected to another switch with a valid
+        connection. Otherwise, graph view will not be updated.
+        """
+        import time
+        import subprocess
+        import os
+        import requests
+        import json
+        import numpy
+        ONOS1Ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip1']
+        ONOS2Ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip2']
+        ONOS3Ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip3']
+        ONOSUser = main.params['CTRL']['user']
+        defaultSwPort = main.params['CTRL']['port1']
+        assertion = main.TRUE
+        numIter = main.params['TEST']['numIter']
+        iterIgnore = int(main.params['TEST']['iterIgnore'])
+        deviceTimestampKey = main.params['JSON']['deviceTimestamp']
+        graphTimestampKey = main.params['JSON']['graphTimestamp']
+        linkTimestampKey = main.params['JSON']['linkTimestamp']
+        tsharkPortUp = '/tmp/tshark_port_up.txt'
+        tsharkPortDown = '/tmp/tshark_port_down.txt'
+        tsharkPortStatus = main.params[ 'TSHARK' ][ 'ofpPortStatus' ]
+        debugMode = main.params['TEST']['debugMode']
+        postToDB = main.params['DB']['postToDB']
+        resultPath = main.params['DB']['portEventResultPath']
+        localTime = time.strftime('%x %X')
+        localTime = localTime.replace('/', '')
+        localTime = localTime.replace(' ', '_')
+        localTime = localTime.replace(':', '')
+        if debugMode == 'on':
+            main.ONOS1.tsharkPcap('eth0', '/tmp/port_lat_pcap_' + localTime)
+        upThresholdStr = main.params['TEST']['portUpThreshold']
+        downThresholdStr = main.params['TEST']['portDownThreshold']
+        upThresholdObj = upThresholdStr.split(',')
+        downThresholdObj = downThresholdStr.split(',')
+        upThresholdMin = int(upThresholdObj[0])
+        upThresholdMax = int(upThresholdObj[1])
+        downThresholdMin = int(downThresholdObj[0])
+        downThresholdMax = int(downThresholdObj[1])
+        interfaceConfig = 's1-eth1'
+        main.log.report('Port enable / disable latency')
+        main.log.report('Simulated by ifconfig up / down')
+        main.log.report('Total iterations of test: ' + str(numIter))
+        main.step('Assign switches s1 and s2 to controller 1')
+        main.Mininet1.assignSwController(sw='1',
+                ip1=ONOS1Ip, port1=defaultSwPort)
+        main.Mininet1.assignSwController(sw='2',
+                ip1=ONOS1Ip, port1=defaultSwPort)
+        time.sleep(15)
+        portUpEndToEndNodeIter = numpy.zeros((clusterCount, int(numIter)))
+        portUpOfpToDevNodeIter = numpy.zeros((clusterCount, int(numIter)))
+        portUpDevToLinkNodeIter = numpy.zeros((clusterCount, int(numIter)))
+        portUpLinkToGraphNodeIter = numpy.zeros((clusterCount, int(numIter)))
+        portDownEndToEndNodeIter = numpy.zeros((clusterCount, int(numIter)))
+        portDownOfpToDevNodeIter = numpy.zeros((clusterCount, int(numIter)))
+        portDownDevToLinkNodeIter = numpy.zeros((clusterCount, int(numIter)))
+        portDownLinkToGraphNodeIter = numpy.zeros((clusterCount, int(numIter)))
+        for i in range(0, int(numIter)):
+            main.step('Starting wireshark capture for port status down')
+            main.ONOS1.tsharkGrep(tsharkPortStatus, tsharkPortDown)
+            time.sleep(5)
+            main.step('Disable port: ' + interfaceConfig)
+            main.Mininet1.handle.sendline('sh ifconfig ' +
+                    interfaceConfig + ' down')
+            main.Mininet1.handle.expect('mininet>')
+            jsonStrPtDown = []
+            for node in range (0, clusterCount): 
+                metricsPortDown = CLIs[node].topologyEventsMetrics()
+                jsonStrPtDown.append(metricsPortDown)
+            time.sleep(3)
+            main.ONOS1.tsharkStop()
+            os.system('scp ' + ONOSUser + '@' + ONOS1Ip + ':' +
+                    tsharkPortDown + ' /tmp/')
+            fPortDown = open(tsharkPortDown, 'r')
+            fLine = fPortDown.readline()
+            objDown = fLine.split(' ')
+            if len(fLine) > 0:
+                timestampBeginPtDown = int(float(objDown[1]) * 1000)
+                # At times, tshark reports timestamp at the 3rd 
+                # index of the array. If initial readings were 
+                # unlike the epoch timestamp, then check the 3rd
+                # index and set that as a timestamp
+                if timestampBeginPtDown < 1400000000000:
+                    timestampBeginPtDown = int(float(objDown[2]) * 1000)
+                # If there are any suspicion of invalid results
+                # check this reported value
+                main.log.info('Port down begin timestamp: ' +
+                        str(timestampBeginPtDown))
+            else:
+                main.log.info('Tshark output file returned unexpected' +
+                        ' results: ' + str(objDown))
+                timestampBeginPtDown = 0
+            fPortDown.close()
+            for node in range(0, clusterCount):
+                nodeNum = node+1
+                # metricsDown = CLIs[node].topologyEventsMetrics
+                #jsonStrPtDown[node] = metricsDown()
+                jsonObj = json.loads(jsonStrPtDown[node])
+                if jsonObj:
+                    graphTimestamp = jsonObj[graphTimestampKey]['value']
+                    deviceTimestamp = jsonObj[deviceTimestampKey]['value']
+                    linkTimestamp = jsonObj[linkTimestampKey]['value']
+                else:
+                    main.log.error( "Unexpected json object" )
+                    graphTimestamp = 0
+                    deviceTimestamp = 0
+                    linkTimestamp = 0
+                ptDownEndToEnd = int(graphTimestamp) - int(timestampBeginPtDown)
+                ptDownOfpToDevice = float(deviceTimestamp) - float(timestampBeginPtDown)
+                ptDownDeviceToLink = float(linkTimestamp) - float(deviceTimestamp)
+                ptDownLinkToGraph = float(graphTimestamp) - float(linkTimestamp)
+                if ptDownEndToEnd >= downThresholdMin and\
+                   ptDownEndToEnd < downThresholdMax and i >= iterIgnore:
+                    portDownEndToEndNodeIter[node][i] = ptDownEndToEnd
+                    main.log.info("ONOS "+str(nodeNum)+ 
+                            " port down End-to-end: "+
+                            str(ptDownEndToEnd) + " ms") 
+                else:
+                    main.log.info("ONOS "+str(nodeNum)+
+                            " port down End-to-end ignored"+
+                            " due to excess in threshold or premature iteration")
+                if ptDownOfpToDevice >= downThresholdMin and\
+                   ptDownOfpToDevice < downThresholdMax and i >= iterIgnore:
+                    portDownOfpToDevNodeIter[node][i] = ptDownOfpToDevice
+                    main.log.info("ONOS "+str(nodeNum)+ 
+                            " port down Ofp-to-device: "+
+                            str(ptDownOfpToDevice) + " ms") 
+                else:
+                    main.log.info("ONOS "+str(nodeNum)+
+                            " port down Ofp-to-device ignored"+
+                            " due to excess in threshold or premature iteration")
+                if ptDownDeviceToLink >= downThresholdMin and\
+                   ptDownDeviceToLink < downThresholdMax and i >= iterIgnore:
+                    portDownDevToLinkNodeIter[node][i] = ptDownDeviceToLink
+                    main.log.info("ONOS "+str(nodeNum)+
+                            " port down Device-to-link "+
+                            str(ptDownDeviceToLink) + " ms")
+                else:
+                    main.log.info("ONOS "+str(nodeNum)+
+                            " port down Device-to-link ignored"+
+                            " due to excess in threshold or premature iteration")
+                if ptDownLinkToGraph >= downThresholdMin and\
+                   ptDownLinkToGraph < downThresholdMax and i >= iterIgnore:
+                    portDownLinkToGraphNodeIter[node][i] = ptDownLinkToGraph
+                    main.log.info("ONOS "+str(nodeNum)+
+                            " port down Link-to-graph "+
+                            str(ptDownLinkToGraph) + " ms")
+                else:
+                    main.log.info("ONOS "+str(nodeNum)+
+                            " port down Link-to-graph ignored"+
+                            " due to excess in threshold or premature iteration")
+            time.sleep(3)
+            main.step('Starting wireshark capture for port status up')
+            main.ONOS1.tsharkGrep(tsharkPortStatus, tsharkPortUp)
+            time.sleep(5)
+            main.step('Enable port and obtain timestamp')
+            main.Mininet1.handle.sendline('sh ifconfig ' + interfaceConfig + ' up')
+            main.Mininet1.handle.expect('mininet>')
+            jsonStrPtUp = []
+            for node in range (0, clusterCount): 
+                metricsPortUp = CLIs[node].topologyEventsMetrics()
+                jsonStrPtUp.append(metricsPortUp)
+            time.sleep(5)
+            main.ONOS1.tsharkStop()
+            time.sleep(3)
+            os.system('scp ' + ONOSUser + '@' +
+                    ONOS1Ip + ':' + tsharkPortUp + ' /tmp/')
+            fPortUp = open(tsharkPortUp, 'r')
+            fLine = fPortUp.readline()
+            objUp = fLine.split(' ')
+            if len(fLine) > 0:
+                timestampBeginPtUp = int(float(objUp[1]) * 1000)
+                if timestampBeginPtUp < 1400000000000:
+                    timestampBeginPtUp = int(float(objUp[2]) * 1000)
+                main.log.info('Port up begin timestamp: ' + str(timestampBeginPtUp))
+            else:
+                main.log.info('Tshark output file returned unexpected' + ' results.')
+                timestampBeginPtUp = 0
+            fPortUp.close()
+            for node in range(0, clusterCount):
+                nodeNum = node+1
+                #metricsUp = CLIs[node].topologyEventsMetrics
+                #jsonStrUp = metricsUp()
+                jsonObj = json.loads(jsonStrPtUp[node])
+                if jsonObj:
+                    graphTimestamp = jsonObj[graphTimestampKey]['value']
+                    deviceTimestamp = jsonObj[deviceTimestampKey]['value']
+                    linkTimestamp = jsonObj[linkTimestampKey]['value']
+                else:
+                    main.log.error( "Unexpected json object" )
+                    graphTimestamp = 0
+                    deviceTimestamp = 0
+                    linkTimestamp = 0
+                ptUpEndToEnd = int(graphTimestamp) - int(timestampBeginPtUp)
+                ptUpOfpToDevice = float(deviceTimestamp) - float(timestampBeginPtUp)
+                ptUpDeviceToLink = float(linkTimestamp) - float(deviceTimestamp)
+                ptUpLinkToGraph = float(graphTimestamp) - float(linkTimestamp)
+                if ptUpEndToEnd >= upThresholdMin and\
+                   ptUpEndToEnd < upThresholdMax and i > iterIgnore:
+                    portUpEndToEndNodeIter[node][i] = ptUpEndToEnd
+                    main.log.info("ONOS "+str(nodeNum)+ 
+                            " port up End-to-end: "+
+                            str(ptUpEndToEnd) + " ms") 
+                else:
+                    main.log.info("ONOS "+str(nodeNum)+
+                            " port up End-to-end ignored"+
+                            " due to excess in threshold or premature iteration")
+                if ptUpOfpToDevice >= upThresholdMin and\
+                   ptUpOfpToDevice < upThresholdMax and i > iterIgnore:
+                    portUpOfpToDevNodeIter[node][i] = ptUpOfpToDevice
+                    main.log.info("ONOS "+str(nodeNum)+ 
+                            " port up Ofp-to-device: "+
+                            str(ptUpOfpToDevice) + " ms") 
+                else:
+                    main.log.info("ONOS "+str(nodeNum)+
+                            " port up Ofp-to-device ignored"+
+                            " due to excess in threshold or premature iteration")
+                if ptUpDeviceToLink >= upThresholdMin and\
+                   ptUpDeviceToLink < upThresholdMax and i > iterIgnore:
+                    portUpDevToLinkNodeIter[node][i] = ptUpDeviceToLink
+                    main.log.info("ONOS "+str(nodeNum)+
+                            " port up Device-to-link: "+
+                            str(ptUpDeviceToLink) + " ms")
+                else:
+                    main.log.info("ONOS "+str(nodeNum)+
+                            " port up Device-to-link ignored"+
+                            " due to excess in threshold or premature iteration")
+                if ptUpLinkToGraph >= upThresholdMin and\
+                   ptUpLinkToGraph < upThresholdMax and i > iterIgnore:
+                    portUpLinkToGraphNodeIter[node][i] = ptUpLinkToGraph
+                    main.log.info("ONOS "+str(nodeNum)+
+                            " port up Link-to-graph: "+
+                            str(ptUpLinkToGraph) + " ms")
+                else:
+                    main.log.info("ONOS "+str(nodeNum)+
+                            " port up Link-to-graph ignored"+
+                            " due to excess in threshold or premature iteration")
+        dbCmdList = []
+        for node in range(0, clusterCount):
+            portUpEndToEndList = []
+            portUpOfpToDevList = []
+            portUpDevToLinkList = []
+            portUpLinkToGraphList = []
+            portDownEndToEndList = []
+            portDownOfpToDevList = []
+            portDownDevToLinkList = []
+            portDownLinkToGraphList = []
+            portUpEndToEndAvg = 0
+            portUpOfpToDevAvg = 0
+            portUpDevToLinkAvg = 0
+            portUpLinkToGraphAvg = 0
+            portDownEndToEndAvg = 0
+            portDownOfpToDevAvg = 0
+            portDownDevToLinkAvg = 0
+            portDownLinkToGraphAvg = 0
+            # TODO: Update for more pythonic way to get list
+            # portUpDevList = [item for item in portUpDevNodeIter[node] 
+            #        if item > 0.0] 
+            for item in portUpEndToEndNodeIter[node]:
+                if item > 0.0:
+                    portUpEndToEndList.append(item)
+            for item in portUpOfpToDevNodeIter[node]:
+                if item > 0.0:
+                    portUpOfpToDevList.append(item)
+            for item in portUpDevToLinkNodeIter[node]:
+                if item > 0.0:
+                    portUpDevToLinkList.append(item)
+            for item in portUpLinkToGraphNodeIter[node]:
+                if item >= 0.0:
+                    portUpLinkToGraphList.append(item)
+            for item in portDownEndToEndNodeIter[node]:
+                if item > 0.0:
+                    portDownEndToEndList.append(item)
+            for item in portDownOfpToDevNodeIter[node]:
+                if item > 0.0:
+                    portDownOfpToDevList.append(item)
+            for item in portDownDevToLinkNodeIter[node]:
+                if item >= 0.0:
+                    portDownDevToLinkList.append(item)
+            for item in portDownLinkToGraphNodeIter[node]:
+                if item >= 0.0:
+                    portDownLinkToGraphList.append(item)
+            portUpEndToEndAvg = round(numpy.mean(portUpEndToEndList), 2)
+            portUpOfpToDevAvg = round(numpy.mean(portUpOfpToDevList), 2)
+            portUpDevToLinkAvg = round(numpy.mean(portUpDevToLinkList), 2)
+            portUpLinkToGraphAvg = round(numpy.mean(portUpLinkToGraphList), 2)
+            portDownEndToEndAvg = round(numpy.mean(portDownEndToEndList), 2)
+            portDownOfpToDevAvg = round(numpy.mean(portDownOfpToDevList), 2)
+            portDownDevToLinkAvg = round(numpy.mean(portDownDevToLinkList), 2)
+            portDownLinkToGraphAvg = round(numpy.mean(portDownLinkToGraphList), 2)
+            portUpStdDev = round(numpy.std(portUpEndToEndList), 2)
+            portDownStdDev = round(numpy.std(portDownEndToEndList), 2)
+            main.log.report(' - Node ' + str(node + 1) + ' Summary - ')
+            main.log.report(' Port up End-to-end ' +
+                    str(portUpEndToEndAvg) + ' ms')
+            main.log.report(' Port up Ofp-to-device ' +
+                    str(portUpOfpToDevAvg) + ' ms')
+            main.log.report(' Port up Device-to-link ' +
+                    str(portUpDevToLinkAvg) + ' ms')
+            main.log.report(' Port up Link-to-graph ' +
+                    str(portUpLinkToGraphAvg) + ' ms')
+            main.log.report(' Port down End-to-end ' +
+                    str(round(portDownEndToEndAvg, 2)) + ' ms')
+            main.log.report(' Port down Ofp-to-device ' +
+                    str(portDownOfpToDevAvg) + ' ms')
+            main.log.report(' Port down Device-to-link ' +
+                    str(portDownDevToLinkAvg) + ' ms')
+            main.log.report(' Port down Link-to-graph' +
+                    str(portDownLinkToGraphAvg) + ' ms')
+            dbCmdList.append("INSERT INTO port_latency_details VALUES('" + 
+                    timeToPost + "','port_latency_results'," + jenkinsBuildNumber +
+                    ',' + str(clusterCount) + ",'baremetal" + str(node + 1) +
+                    "'," +
+                    str(portUpEndToEndAvg) +',' +
+                    str(portUpOfpToDevAvg) + ',' +
+                    str(portUpDevToLinkAvg) + ',' +
+                    str(portUpLinkToGraphAvg) + ',' + 
+                    str(portDownEndToEndAvg) + ',' +
+                    str(portDownOfpToDevAvg) + ',' +
+                    str(portDownDevToLinkAvg) + ',' +
+                    str(portDownLinkToGraphAvg) +
+                    ');')
+        fResult = open(resultPath, 'a')
+        for line in dbCmdList:
+            if line:
+                fResult.write(line + '\n')
+        fResult.close()
+        # Delete switches from controller to prepare for next
+        # set of tests
+        main.Mininet1.deleteSwController('s1')
+        main.Mininet1.deleteSwController('s2')
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE,
+                actual=assertion,
+                onpass='Port discovery latency calculation successful',
+                onfail='Port discovery test failed')
+    def CASE4(self, main):
+        """
+        Increase number of nodes and initiate CLI
+        With the most recent implementation, we need a method to
+        ensure all ONOS nodes are killed, as well as redefine
+        the cell files to ensure all nodes that will be used
+        is in the cell file. Otherwise, exceptions will
+        prohibit test from running successfully.
+        3/12/15
+        """
+        global clusterCount
+        import time
+        import os
+        clusterCount += 2
+        benchIp = main.params[ 'BENCH' ][ 'ip' ]
+        features = main.params[ 'ENV' ][ 'cellFeatures' ]
+        cellName = main.params[ 'ENV' ][ 'cellName' ]
+        mininetIp = main.params[ 'MN' ][ 'ip1' ]
+        main.log.report('Increasing cluster size to ' + str(clusterCount))
+        main.log.step( "Killing all ONOS processes before scale-out" )
+        for i in range( 1, 8 ):
+            main.ONOSbench.onosDie(
+                    main.params[ 'CTRL' ][ 'ip'+str(i) ] )
+            main.ONOSbench.onosUninstall(
+                    main.params[ 'CTRL' ][ 'ip'+str(i) ] )
+        main.step( "Creating scale-out cell file" )
+        cellIp = []
+        for node in range( 1, clusterCount + 1 ):
+            cellIp.append( main.params[ 'CTRL' ][ 'ip'+str(node) ] )
+        main.log.info( "Cell Ip list: " + str(cellIp) )
+        main.ONOSbench.createCellFile( benchIp, cellName, mininetIp,
+                                       str(features), *cellIp )
+        main.step( "Setting cell definition" )
+        main.ONOSbench.setCell(cellName)
+        main.step( "Packaging cell definition" )
+        main.ONOSbench.onosPackage()
+        for node in range( 1, clusterCount + 1 ):
+            main.ONOSbench.onosInstall(
+                    node = main.params[ 'CTRL' ][ 'ip'+str(node) ])
+        time.sleep( 20 )
+        for node in range( 1, clusterCount + 1):
+            for i in range( 2 ):
+                isup = main.ONOSbench.isup( 
+                        main.params[ 'CTRL' ][ 'ip'+str(node) ] )
+                if isup:
+                    main.log.info( "ONOS "+str(node) + " is up\n")
+                    break
+            if not isup:
+                main.log.error( "ONOS "+str(node) + " did not start" )
+        for node in range( 0, clusterCount ):
+            CLIs[node].startOnosCli( cellIp[node] )
+        main.step( 'Setting configurations for metrics' )
+        configParam = 'maxEvents 1'
+        main.ONOSbench.onosCfgSet( nodeIpList[0], configName, configParam )
+        configParam = 'maxBatchMs 0'
+        main.ONOSbench.onosCfgSet( nodeIpList[0], configName, configParam )
+        configParam = 'maxIdleMs 0'
+        main.ONOSbench.onosCfgSet( nodeIpList[0], configName, configParam )
+        main.step( 'Activating essential applications' )
+        CLIs[0].activateApp( 'org.onosproject.metrics' )
+        CLIs[0].activateApp( 'org.onosproject.openflow' )