ONOS-2001 CASE15 now supports 1 or more nodes. Also checks that candidate lists match after confirming that the withdrawn leaderer was re added.
Fixed tabbing error
Fixed Character End of File Error
Fixed variable name mismatch error
Applied new CASE15 to HAsanity, HAminorityRestart, and HAsingleInstanceRestart. Verified cases 1,2,14,15 on each with changes.
Change-Id: I65eaf34dec3f063f86b0037f1bd49fc86197c240
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HAclusterRestart/HAclusterRestart.py b/TestON/tests/HAclusterRestart/HAclusterRestart.py
index 352009f..d1f4133 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/HAclusterRestart/HAclusterRestart.py
+++ b/TestON/tests/HAclusterRestart/HAclusterRestart.py
@@ -2845,6 +2845,9 @@
oldLeader = '' # the old leader from oldLeaders, None if not same
newLeader = '' # the new leaders fron newLoeaders, None if not same
oldLeaderCLI = None # the CLI of the old leader used for re-electing
+ expectNoLeader = False # True when there is only one leader
+ if main.numCtrls == 1:
+ expectNoLeader = True
main.step( "Run for election on each node" )
electionResult = main.TRUE
@@ -2871,8 +2874,7 @@
# Check that each node has the same leader. Defines oldLeader
if len( set( oldLeaders ) ) != 1:
sameResult = main.FALSE
- main.log.error( "Results of electionTestLeader is order of " +
- "main.CLIs:" + str( oldLeaders ) )
+ main.log.error( "More than one leader present:" + str( oldLeaders ) )
oldLeader = None
oldLeader = oldLeaders[ 0 ]
@@ -2885,7 +2887,7 @@
- actual=sameLeader,
+ actual=sameResult,
onpass="Leadership is consistent for the election topic",
onfail=failMessage )
@@ -2911,6 +2913,7 @@
onfail="Node was not withdrawn from election" )
main.step( "Check that a new node was elected leader" )
# FIXME: use threads
newLeaderResult = main.TRUE
failMessage = "Nodes have different leaders"
@@ -2918,14 +2921,16 @@
# Get new leaders and candidates
for cli in main.CLIs:
node = cli.specificLeaderCandidate( 'org.onosproject.election' )
- if node[ 0 ] == 'none': # election might no have finished yet
+ # elections might no have finished yet
+ if node[ 0 ] == 'none' and not expectNoLeader:
main.log.info( "Node has no leader, waiting 5 seconds to be " +
"sure elections are complete." )
node = cli.specificLeaderCandidate( 'org.onosproject.election' )
- if node[ 0 ] == 'none': # election still isn't done, errors
- main.log.error( "No leader was elected on at least one node" )
- newLeaderResult = main.FALSE
+ # election still isn't done or there is a problem
+ if node[ 0 ] == 'none':
+ main.log.error( "No leader was elected on at least 1 node" )
+ newLeaderResult = main.FALSE
newAllCandidates.append( node )
newLeaders.append( node[ 0 ] )
newCandidates = newAllCandidates[ 0 ]
@@ -2939,6 +2944,12 @@
newLeader = newLeaders[ 0 ]
+ # Check that each node's candidate list is the same
+ for candidates in newAllCandidates:
+ if set( candidates ) != set( newCandidates ):
+ newLeaderResult = main.FALSE
+ main.error.log( "Discrepancy in candidate lists detected" )
# Check that the new leader is not the older leader, which was withdrawn
if newLeader == oldLeader:
newLeaderResult = main.FALSE
@@ -2954,8 +2965,14 @@
main.step( "Check that that new leader was the candidate of old leader")
# candidates[ 2 ] should be come the top candidate after withdrawl
correctCandidateResult = main.TRUE
- if newLeader != oldCandidates[ 2 ]:
+ if expectNoLeader:
+ if newLeader == 'none':
+ main.log.info( "No leader expected. None found. Pass" )
+ correctCandidateResult = main.TRUE
+ else:
+ main.log.info( "Expected no leader, got: " + str( newLeader ) )
+ correctCandidateResult = main.FALSE
+ elif newLeader != oldCandidates[ 2 ]:
correctCandidateResult = main.FALSE
main.log.error( "Candidate " + newLeader + " was elected. " +
oldCandidates[ 2 ] + " should have had priority." )
@@ -2978,9 +2995,6 @@
onpass="App re-ran for election",
onfail="App failed to run for election" )
"Check that oldLeader is a candidate, and leader if only 1 node" )
# verify leader didn't just change
@@ -3015,6 +3029,12 @@
newLeader = newLeaders[ 0 ]
+ # Check that each node's candidate list is the same
+ for candidates in newAllCandidates:
+ if set( candidates ) != set( newCandidates ):
+ newLeaderResult = main.FALSE
+ main.error.log( "Discrepancy in candidate lists detected" )
# Check that the re-elected node is last on the candidate List
if oldLeader != newCandidates[ -1 ]:
main.log.error( "Old Leader (" + oldLeader + ") not in the proper position " +
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HAminorityRestart/HAminorityRestart.py b/TestON/tests/HAminorityRestart/HAminorityRestart.py
index 5fee9b1..c16fbb7 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/HAminorityRestart/HAminorityRestart.py
+++ b/TestON/tests/HAminorityRestart/HAminorityRestart.py
@@ -2757,6 +2757,17 @@
def CASE15( self, main ):
Check that Leadership Election is still functional
+ 15.1 Run election on each node
+ 15.2 Check that each node has the same leaders and candidates
+ 15.3 Find current leader and withdraw
+ 15.4 Check that a new node was elected leader
+ 15.5 Check that that new leader was the candidate of old leader
+ 15.6 Run for election on old leader
+ 15.7 Check that oldLeader is a candidate, and leader if only 1 node
+ 15.8 Make sure that the old leader was added to the candidate list
+ old and new variable prefixes refer to data from before vs after
+ withdrawl and later before withdrawl vs after re-election
import time
assert main.numCtrls, "main.numCtrls not defined"
@@ -2765,116 +2776,220 @@
assert main.CLIs, "main.CLIs not defined"
assert main.nodes, "main.nodes not defined"
- leaderResult = main.TRUE
description = "Check that Leadership Election is still functional"
main.case( description )
+ # NOTE: Need to re-run since being a canidate is not persistant
+ # TODO: add check for "Command not found:" in the driver, this
+ # means the election test app isn't loaded
- main.step( "Check that each node shows the same leader" )
- sameLeader = main.TRUE
- leaders = []
- for cli in main.CLIs:
- leader = cli.electionTestLeader()
- leaders.append( leader )
- if len( set( leaders ) ) != 1:
- sameLeader = main.FALSE
- main.log.error( "Results of electionTestLeader is order of main.CLIs:" +
- str( leaders ) )
+ oldLeaders = [] # leaders by node before withdrawl from candidates
+ newLeaders = [] # leaders by node after withdrawl from candidates
+ oldAllCandidates = [] # list of lists of each nodes' candidates before
+ newAllCandidates = [] # list of lists of each nodes' candidates after
+ oldCandidates = [] # list of candidates from node 0 before withdrawl
+ newCandidates = [] # list of candidates from node 0 after withdrawl
+ oldLeader = '' # the old leader from oldLeaders, None if not same
+ newLeader = '' # the new leaders fron newLoeaders, None if not same
+ oldLeaderCLI = None # the CLI of the old leader used for re-electing
+ expectNoLeader = False # True when there is only one leader
+ if main.numCtrls == 1:
+ expectNoLeader = True
+ main.step( "Run for election on each node" )
+ electionResult = main.TRUE
+ for cli in main.CLIs: # run test election on each node
+ if cli.electionTestRun() == main.FALSE:
+ electionResult = main.FALSE
- actual=sameLeader,
+ actual=electionResult,
+ onpass="All nodes successfully ran for leadership",
+ onfail="At least one node failed to run for leadership" )
+ main.step( "Check that each node shows the same leader and candidates" )
+ sameResult = main.TRUE
+ failMessage = "Nodes have different leaders"
+ for cli in main.CLIs:
+ node = cli.specificLeaderCandidate( 'org.onosproject.election' )
+ oldAllCandidates.append( node )
+ oldLeaders.append( node[ 0 ] )
+ oldCandidates = oldAllCandidates[ 0 ]
+ # Check that each node has the same leader. Defines oldLeader
+ if len( set( oldLeaders ) ) != 1:
+ sameResult = main.FALSE
+ main.log.error( "More than one leader present:" + str( oldLeaders ) )
+ oldLeader = None
+ else:
+ oldLeader = oldLeaders[ 0 ]
+ # Check that each node's candidate list is the same
+ for candidates in oldAllCandidates:
+ if set( candidates ) != set( oldCandidates ):
+ sameResult = main.FALSE
+ failMessage += "and candidates"
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=sameResult,
onpass="Leadership is consistent for the election topic",
- onfail="Nodes have different leaders" )
+ onfail=failMessage )
main.step( "Find current leader and withdraw" )
- leader = main.ONOScli1.electionTestLeader()
+ withdrawResult = main.TRUE
# do some sanity checking on leader before using it
- withdrawResult = main.FALSE
- if leader is None or leader == main.FALSE:
- main.log.error(
- "Leader for the election app should be an ONOS node," +
- "instead got '" + str( leader ) + "'" )
- leaderResult = main.FALSE
- oldLeader = None
+ if oldLeader is None:
+ main.log.error( "Leadership isn't consistent." )
+ withdrawResult = main.FALSE
+ # Get the CLI of the oldLeader
for i in range( len( main.CLIs ) ):
- if leader == main.nodes[ i ].ip_address:
- oldLeader = main.CLIs[ i ]
+ if oldLeader == main.nodes[ i ].ip_address:
+ oldLeaderCLI = main.CLIs[ i ]
else: # FOR/ELSE statement
main.log.error( "Leader election, could not find current leader" )
if oldLeader:
- withdrawResult = oldLeader.electionTestWithdraw()
+ withdrawResult = oldLeaderCLI.electionTestWithdraw()
onpass="Node was withdrawn from election",
onfail="Node was not withdrawn from election" )
- main.step( "Make sure new leader is elected" )
+ main.step( "Check that a new node was elected leader" )
# FIXME: use threads
- leaderList = []
+ newLeaderResult = main.TRUE
+ failMessage = "Nodes have different leaders"
+ # Get new leaders and candidates
for cli in main.CLIs:
- leaderN = cli.electionTestLeader()
- leaderList.append( leaderN )
- if leaderN == leader:
- main.log.error( cli.name + " still sees " + str( leader ) +
- " as leader after they withdrew" )
- leaderResult = main.FALSE
- elif leaderN == main.FALSE:
- # error in response
- # TODO: add check for "Command not found:" in the driver, this
- # means the app isn't loaded
- main.log.error( "Something is wrong with " +
- "electionTestLeader function, " +
- "check the error logs" )
- leaderResult = main.FALSE
- elif leaderN is None:
- # node may not have recieved the event yet
- time.sleep(7)
- leaderN = cli.electionTestLeader()
- leaderList.pop()
- leaderList.append( leaderN )
- consistentLeader = main.FALSE
- if len( set( leaderList ) ) == 1:
- main.log.info( "Each Election-app sees '" +
- str( leaderList[ 0 ] ) +
- "' as the leader" )
- consistentLeader = main.TRUE
+ node = cli.specificLeaderCandidate( 'org.onosproject.election' )
+ # elections might no have finished yet
+ if node[ 0 ] == 'none' and not expectNoLeader:
+ main.log.info( "Node has no leader, waiting 5 seconds to be " +
+ "sure elections are complete." )
+ time.sleep(5)
+ node = cli.specificLeaderCandidate( 'org.onosproject.election' )
+ # election still isn't done or there is a problem
+ if node[ 0 ] == 'none':
+ main.log.error( "No leader was elected on at least 1 node" )
+ newLeaderResult = main.FALSE
+ newAllCandidates.append( node )
+ newLeaders.append( node[ 0 ] )
+ newCandidates = newAllCandidates[ 0 ]
+ # Check that each node has the same leader. Defines newLeader
+ if len( set( newLeaders ) ) != 1:
+ newLeaderResult = main.FALSE
+ main.log.error( "Nodes have different leaders: " +
+ str( newLeaders ) )
+ newLeader = None
- main.log.error(
- "Inconsistent responses for leader of Election-app:" )
- for n in range( len( leaderList ) ):
- main.log.error( "ONOS" + str( n + 1 ) + " response: " +
- str( leaderList[ n ] ) )
- leaderResult = leaderResult and consistentLeader
+ newLeader = newLeaders[ 0 ]
+ # Check that each node's candidate list is the same
+ for candidates in newAllCandidates:
+ if set( candidates ) != set( newCandidates ):
+ newLeaderResult = main.FALSE
+ main.error.log( "Discrepancy in candidate lists detected" )
+ # Check that the new leader is not the older leader, which was withdrawn
+ if newLeader == oldLeader:
+ newLeaderResult = main.FALSE
+ main.log.error( "All nodes still see old leader: " + oldLeader +
+ " as the current leader" )
- actual=leaderResult,
+ actual=newLeaderResult,
onpass="Leadership election passed",
onfail="Something went wrong with Leadership election" )
+ main.step( "Check that that new leader was the candidate of old leader")
+ # candidates[ 2 ] should be come the top candidate after withdrawl
+ correctCandidateResult = main.TRUE
+ if expectNoLeader:
+ if newLeader == 'none':
+ main.log.info( "No leader expected. None found. Pass" )
+ correctCandidateResult = main.TRUE
+ else:
+ main.log.info( "Expected no leader, got: " + str( newLeader ) )
+ correctCandidateResult = main.FALSE
+ elif newLeader != oldCandidates[ 2 ]:
+ correctCandidateResult = main.FALSE
+ main.log.error( "Candidate " + newLeader + " was elected. " +
+ oldCandidates[ 2 ] + " should have had priority." )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=correctCandidateResult,
+ onpass="Correct Candidate Elected",
+ onfail="Incorrect Candidate Elected" )
main.step( "Run for election on old leader( just so everyone " +
"is in the hat )" )
- if oldLeader:
- runResult = oldLeader.electionTestRun()
+ if oldLeaderCLI is not None:
+ runResult = oldLeaderCLI.electionTestRun()
+ main.log.error( "No old leader to re-elect" )
runResult = main.FALSE
onpass="App re-ran for election",
onfail="App failed to run for election" )
- main.step( "Leader did not change when old leader re-ran" )
- afterRun = main.ONOScli1.electionTestLeader()
+ main.step(
+ "Check that oldLeader is a candidate, and leader if only 1 node" )
# verify leader didn't just change
- if afterRun == leaderList[ 0 ]:
- afterResult = main.TRUE
+ positionResult = main.TRUE
+ # Get new leaders and candidates, wait if oldLeader is not a candidate yet
+ # Reset and reuse the new candidate and leaders lists
+ newAllCandidates = []
+ newCandidates = []
+ newLeaders = []
+ for cli in main.CLIs:
+ node = cli.specificLeaderCandidate( 'org.onosproject.election' )
+ if oldLeader not in node: # election might no have finished yet
+ main.log.info( "Old Leader not elected, waiting 5 seconds to " +
+ "be sure elections are complete" )
+ time.sleep(5)
+ node = cli.specificLeaderCandidate( 'org.onosproject.election' )
+ if oldLeader not in node: # election still isn't done, errors
+ main.log.error(
+ "Old leader was not elected on at least one node" )
+ positionResult = main.FALSE
+ newAllCandidates.append( node )
+ newLeaders.append( node[ 0 ] )
+ newCandidates = newAllCandidates[ 0 ]
+ # Check that each node has the same leader. Defines newLeader
+ if len( set( newLeaders ) ) != 1:
+ positionResult = main.FALSE
+ main.log.error( "Nodes have different leaders: " +
+ str( newLeaders ) )
+ newLeader = None
- afterResult = main.FALSE
+ newLeader = newLeaders[ 0 ]
+ # Check that each node's candidate list is the same
+ for candidates in newAllCandidates:
+ if set( candidates ) != set( newCandidates ):
+ newLeaderResult = main.FALSE
+ main.error.log( "Discrepancy in candidate lists detected" )
+ # Check that the re-elected node is last on the candidate List
+ if oldLeader != newCandidates[ -1 ]:
+ main.log.error( "Old Leader (" + oldLeader + ") not in the proper position " +
+ str( newCandidates ) )
+ positionResult = main.FALSE
- actual=afterResult,
+ actual=positionResult,
onpass="Old leader successfully re-ran for election",
onfail="Something went wrong with Leadership election after " +
"the old leader re-ran for election" )
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HAsanity/HAsanity.py b/TestON/tests/HAsanity/HAsanity.py
index e404da4..72381ae 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/HAsanity/HAsanity.py
+++ b/TestON/tests/HAsanity/HAsanity.py
@@ -2720,6 +2720,17 @@
def CASE15( self, main ):
Check that Leadership Election is still functional
+ 15.1 Run election on each node
+ 15.2 Check that each node has the same leaders and candidates
+ 15.3 Find current leader and withdraw
+ 15.4 Check that a new node was elected leader
+ 15.5 Check that that new leader was the candidate of old leader
+ 15.6 Run for election on old leader
+ 15.7 Check that oldLeader is a candidate, and leader if only 1 node
+ 15.8 Make sure that the old leader was added to the candidate list
+ old and new variable prefixes refer to data from before vs after
+ withdrawl and later before withdrawl vs after re-election
import time
assert main.numCtrls, "main.numCtrls not defined"
@@ -2728,116 +2739,220 @@
assert main.CLIs, "main.CLIs not defined"
assert main.nodes, "main.nodes not defined"
- leaderResult = main.TRUE
description = "Check that Leadership Election is still functional"
main.case( description )
+ # NOTE: Need to re-run since being a canidate is not persistant
+ # TODO: add check for "Command not found:" in the driver, this
+ # means the election test app isn't loaded
- main.step( "Check that each node shows the same leader" )
- sameLeader = main.TRUE
- leaders = []
- for cli in main.CLIs:
- leader = cli.electionTestLeader()
- leaders.append( leader )
- if len( set( leaders ) ) != 1:
- sameLeader = main.FALSE
- main.log.error( "Results of electionTestLeader is order of main.CLIs:" +
- str( leaders ) )
+ oldLeaders = [] # leaders by node before withdrawl from candidates
+ newLeaders = [] # leaders by node after withdrawl from candidates
+ oldAllCandidates = [] # list of lists of each nodes' candidates before
+ newAllCandidates = [] # list of lists of each nodes' candidates after
+ oldCandidates = [] # list of candidates from node 0 before withdrawl
+ newCandidates = [] # list of candidates from node 0 after withdrawl
+ oldLeader = '' # the old leader from oldLeaders, None if not same
+ newLeader = '' # the new leaders fron newLoeaders, None if not same
+ oldLeaderCLI = None # the CLI of the old leader used for re-electing
+ expectNoLeader = False # True when there is only one leader
+ if main.numCtrls == 1:
+ expectNoLeader = True
+ main.step( "Run for election on each node" )
+ electionResult = main.TRUE
+ for cli in main.CLIs: # run test election on each node
+ if cli.electionTestRun() == main.FALSE:
+ electionResult = main.FALSE
- actual=sameLeader,
+ actual=electionResult,
+ onpass="All nodes successfully ran for leadership",
+ onfail="At least one node failed to run for leadership" )
+ main.step( "Check that each node shows the same leader and candidates" )
+ sameResult = main.TRUE
+ failMessage = "Nodes have different leaders"
+ for cli in main.CLIs:
+ node = cli.specificLeaderCandidate( 'org.onosproject.election' )
+ oldAllCandidates.append( node )
+ oldLeaders.append( node[ 0 ] )
+ oldCandidates = oldAllCandidates[ 0 ]
+ # Check that each node has the same leader. Defines oldLeader
+ if len( set( oldLeaders ) ) != 1:
+ sameResult = main.FALSE
+ main.log.error( "More than one leader present:" + str( oldLeaders ) )
+ oldLeader = None
+ else:
+ oldLeader = oldLeaders[ 0 ]
+ # Check that each node's candidate list is the same
+ for candidates in oldAllCandidates:
+ if set( candidates ) != set( oldCandidates ):
+ sameResult = main.FALSE
+ failMessage += "and candidates"
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=sameResult,
onpass="Leadership is consistent for the election topic",
- onfail="Nodes have different leaders" )
+ onfail=failMessage )
main.step( "Find current leader and withdraw" )
- leader = main.ONOScli1.electionTestLeader()
+ withdrawResult = main.TRUE
# do some sanity checking on leader before using it
- withdrawResult = main.FALSE
- if leader is None or leader == main.FALSE:
- main.log.error(
- "Leader for the election app should be an ONOS node," +
- "instead got '" + str( leader ) + "'" )
- leaderResult = main.FALSE
- oldLeader = None
+ if oldLeader is None:
+ main.log.error( "Leadership isn't consistent." )
+ withdrawResult = main.FALSE
+ # Get the CLI of the oldLeader
for i in range( len( main.CLIs ) ):
- if leader == main.nodes[ i ].ip_address:
- oldLeader = main.CLIs[ i ]
+ if oldLeader == main.nodes[ i ].ip_address:
+ oldLeaderCLI = main.CLIs[ i ]
else: # FOR/ELSE statement
main.log.error( "Leader election, could not find current leader" )
if oldLeader:
- withdrawResult = oldLeader.electionTestWithdraw()
+ withdrawResult = oldLeaderCLI.electionTestWithdraw()
onpass="Node was withdrawn from election",
onfail="Node was not withdrawn from election" )
- main.step( "Make sure new leader is elected" )
+ main.step( "Check that a new node was elected leader" )
# FIXME: use threads
- leaderList = []
+ newLeaderResult = main.TRUE
+ failMessage = "Nodes have different leaders"
+ # Get new leaders and candidates
for cli in main.CLIs:
- leaderN = cli.electionTestLeader()
- leaderList.append( leaderN )
- if leaderN == leader:
- main.log.error( cli.name + " still sees " + str( leader ) +
- " as leader after they withdrew" )
- leaderResult = main.FALSE
- elif leaderN == main.FALSE:
- # error in response
- # TODO: add check for "Command not found:" in the driver, this
- # means the app isn't loaded
- main.log.error( "Something is wrong with " +
- "electionTestLeader function, " +
- "check the error logs" )
- leaderResult = main.FALSE
- elif leaderN is None:
- # node may not have recieved the event yet
- time.sleep(7)
- leaderN = cli.electionTestLeader()
- leaderList.pop()
- leaderList.append( leaderN )
- consistentLeader = main.FALSE
- if len( set( leaderList ) ) == 1:
- main.log.info( "Each Election-app sees '" +
- str( leaderList[ 0 ] ) +
- "' as the leader" )
- consistentLeader = main.TRUE
+ node = cli.specificLeaderCandidate( 'org.onosproject.election' )
+ # elections might no have finished yet
+ if node[ 0 ] == 'none' and not expectNoLeader:
+ main.log.info( "Node has no leader, waiting 5 seconds to be " +
+ "sure elections are complete." )
+ time.sleep(5)
+ node = cli.specificLeaderCandidate( 'org.onosproject.election' )
+ # election still isn't done or there is a problem
+ if node[ 0 ] == 'none':
+ main.log.error( "No leader was elected on at least 1 node" )
+ newLeaderResult = main.FALSE
+ newAllCandidates.append( node )
+ newLeaders.append( node[ 0 ] )
+ newCandidates = newAllCandidates[ 0 ]
+ # Check that each node has the same leader. Defines newLeader
+ if len( set( newLeaders ) ) != 1:
+ newLeaderResult = main.FALSE
+ main.log.error( "Nodes have different leaders: " +
+ str( newLeaders ) )
+ newLeader = None
- main.log.error(
- "Inconsistent responses for leader of Election-app:" )
- for n in range( len( leaderList ) ):
- main.log.error( "ONOS" + str( n + 1 ) + " response: " +
- str( leaderList[ n ] ) )
- leaderResult = leaderResult and consistentLeader
+ newLeader = newLeaders[ 0 ]
+ # Check that each node's candidate list is the same
+ for candidates in newAllCandidates:
+ if set( candidates ) != set( newCandidates ):
+ newLeaderResult = main.FALSE
+ main.error.log( "Discrepancy in candidate lists detected" )
+ # Check that the new leader is not the older leader, which was withdrawn
+ if newLeader == oldLeader:
+ newLeaderResult = main.FALSE
+ main.log.error( "All nodes still see old leader: " + oldLeader +
+ " as the current leader" )
- actual=leaderResult,
+ actual=newLeaderResult,
onpass="Leadership election passed",
onfail="Something went wrong with Leadership election" )
+ main.step( "Check that that new leader was the candidate of old leader")
+ # candidates[ 2 ] should be come the top candidate after withdrawl
+ correctCandidateResult = main.TRUE
+ if expectNoLeader:
+ if newLeader == 'none':
+ main.log.info( "No leader expected. None found. Pass" )
+ correctCandidateResult = main.TRUE
+ else:
+ main.log.info( "Expected no leader, got: " + str( newLeader ) )
+ correctCandidateResult = main.FALSE
+ elif newLeader != oldCandidates[ 2 ]:
+ correctCandidateResult = main.FALSE
+ main.log.error( "Candidate " + newLeader + " was elected. " +
+ oldCandidates[ 2 ] + " should have had priority." )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=correctCandidateResult,
+ onpass="Correct Candidate Elected",
+ onfail="Incorrect Candidate Elected" )
main.step( "Run for election on old leader( just so everyone " +
"is in the hat )" )
- if oldLeader:
- runResult = oldLeader.electionTestRun()
+ if oldLeaderCLI is not None:
+ runResult = oldLeaderCLI.electionTestRun()
+ main.log.error( "No old leader to re-elect" )
runResult = main.FALSE
onpass="App re-ran for election",
onfail="App failed to run for election" )
- main.step( "Leader did not change when old leader re-ran" )
- afterRun = main.ONOScli1.electionTestLeader()
+ main.step(
+ "Check that oldLeader is a candidate, and leader if only 1 node" )
# verify leader didn't just change
- if afterRun == leaderList[ 0 ]:
- afterResult = main.TRUE
+ positionResult = main.TRUE
+ # Get new leaders and candidates, wait if oldLeader is not a candidate yet
+ # Reset and reuse the new candidate and leaders lists
+ newAllCandidates = []
+ newCandidates = []
+ newLeaders = []
+ for cli in main.CLIs:
+ node = cli.specificLeaderCandidate( 'org.onosproject.election' )
+ if oldLeader not in node: # election might no have finished yet
+ main.log.info( "Old Leader not elected, waiting 5 seconds to " +
+ "be sure elections are complete" )
+ time.sleep(5)
+ node = cli.specificLeaderCandidate( 'org.onosproject.election' )
+ if oldLeader not in node: # election still isn't done, errors
+ main.log.error(
+ "Old leader was not elected on at least one node" )
+ positionResult = main.FALSE
+ newAllCandidates.append( node )
+ newLeaders.append( node[ 0 ] )
+ newCandidates = newAllCandidates[ 0 ]
+ # Check that each node has the same leader. Defines newLeader
+ if len( set( newLeaders ) ) != 1:
+ positionResult = main.FALSE
+ main.log.error( "Nodes have different leaders: " +
+ str( newLeaders ) )
+ newLeader = None
- afterResult = main.FALSE
+ newLeader = newLeaders[ 0 ]
+ # Check that each node's candidate list is the same
+ for candidates in newAllCandidates:
+ if set( candidates ) != set( newCandidates ):
+ newLeaderResult = main.FALSE
+ main.error.log( "Discrepancy in candidate lists detected" )
+ # Check that the re-elected node is last on the candidate List
+ if oldLeader != newCandidates[ -1 ]:
+ main.log.error( "Old Leader (" + oldLeader + ") not in the proper position " +
+ str( newCandidates ) )
+ positionResult = main.FALSE
- actual=afterResult,
+ actual=positionResult,
onpass="Old leader successfully re-ran for election",
onfail="Something went wrong with Leadership election after " +
"the old leader re-ran for election" )
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HAsingleInstanceRestart/HAsingleInstanceRestart.py b/TestON/tests/HAsingleInstanceRestart/HAsingleInstanceRestart.py
index 2b81175..b5fa9dc 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/HAsingleInstanceRestart/HAsingleInstanceRestart.py
+++ b/TestON/tests/HAsingleInstanceRestart/HAsingleInstanceRestart.py
@@ -1878,107 +1878,239 @@
def CASE15( self, main ):
Check that Leadership Election is still functional
+ 15.1 Run election on each node
+ 15.2 Check that each node has the same leaders and candidates
+ 15.3 Find current leader and withdraw
+ 15.4 Check that a new node was elected leader
+ 15.5 Check that that new leader was the candidate of old leader
+ 15.6 Run for election on old leader
+ 15.7 Check that oldLeader is a candidate, and leader if only 1 node
+ 15.8 Make sure that the old leader was added to the candidate list
+ old and new variable prefixes refer to data from before vs after
+ withdrawl and later before withdrawl vs after re-election
+ import time
assert main.numCtrls, "main.numCtrls not defined"
assert main, "main not defined"
assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
- electionResult = main.TRUE
- candidateElected = main.TRUE
+ assert main.CLIs, "main.CLIs not defined"
+ assert main.nodes, "main.nodes not defined"
description = "Check that Leadership Election is still functional"
main.case( description )
- main.step( "Find current leader and withdraw" )
- leader = main.ONOScli1.electionTestLeader()
+ # NOTE: Need to re-run since being a canidate is not persistant
+ # TODO: add check for "Command not found:" in the driver, this
+ # means the election test app isn't loaded
- # save candidate status before leader withdraw
- candidateList = main.ONOScli1.specificLeaderCandidate(
- 'org.onosproject.election' )
- # if there is only one leader available
- onlyOneLeader = False
- if len( candidateList ) == 2:
- main.log.info( "Leader and Candidate are the same, " +
- "assuming only 1 leader exists" )
- onlyOneLeader = True
+ oldLeaders = [] # leaders by node before withdrawl from candidates
+ newLeaders = [] # leaders by node after withdrawl from candidates
+ oldAllCandidates = [] # list of lists of each nodes' candidates before
+ newAllCandidates = [] # list of lists of each nodes' candidates after
+ oldCandidates = [] # list of candidates from node 0 before withdrawl
+ newCandidates = [] # list of candidates from node 0 after withdrawl
+ oldLeader = '' # the old leader from oldLeaders, None if not same
+ newLeader = '' # the new leaders fron newLoeaders, None if not same
+ oldLeaderCLI = None # the CLI of the old leader used for re-electing
+ expectNoLeader = False # True when there is only one leader
+ if main.numCtrls == 1:
+ expectNoLeader = True
- # withdraw the current leader
- withdrawResult = main.FALSE
- if leader == main.nodes[0].ip_address:
- oldLeader = getattr( main, "ONOScli1" )
- elif leader is None or leader == main.FALSE:
- main.log.error(
- "Leader for the election app should be an ONOS node," +
- "instead got '" + str( leader ) + "'" )
- leaderResult = main.FALSE
+ main.step( "Run for election on each node" )
+ electionResult = main.TRUE
+ for cli in main.CLIs: # run test election on each node
+ if cli.electionTestRun() == main.FALSE:
+ electionResult = main.FALSE
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=electionResult,
+ onpass="All nodes successfully ran for leadership",
+ onfail="At least one node failed to run for leadership" )
+ main.step( "Check that each node shows the same leader and candidates" )
+ sameResult = main.TRUE
+ failMessage = "Nodes have different leaders"
+ for cli in main.CLIs:
+ node = cli.specificLeaderCandidate( 'org.onosproject.election' )
+ oldAllCandidates.append( node )
+ oldLeaders.append( node[ 0 ] )
+ oldCandidates = oldAllCandidates[ 0 ]
+ # Check that each node has the same leader. Defines oldLeader
+ if len( set( oldLeaders ) ) != 1:
+ sameResult = main.FALSE
+ main.log.error( "More than one leader present:" + str( oldLeaders ) )
oldLeader = None
- main.log.error( "Leader election --- why am I HERE?!?")
- leaderResult = main.FALSE
- oldLeader = None
+ oldLeader = oldLeaders[ 0 ]
+ # Check that each node's candidate list is the same
+ for candidates in oldAllCandidates:
+ if set( candidates ) != set( oldCandidates ):
+ sameResult = main.FALSE
+ failMessage += "and candidates"
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=sameResult,
+ onpass="Leadership is consistent for the election topic",
+ onfail=failMessage )
+ main.step( "Find current leader and withdraw" )
+ withdrawResult = main.TRUE
+ # do some sanity checking on leader before using it
+ if oldLeader is None:
+ main.log.error( "Leadership isn't consistent." )
+ withdrawResult = main.FALSE
+ # Get the CLI of the oldLeader
+ for i in range( len( main.CLIs ) ):
+ if oldLeader == main.nodes[ i ].ip_address:
+ oldLeaderCLI = main.CLIs[ i ]
+ break
+ else: # FOR/ELSE statement
+ main.log.error( "Leader election, could not find current leader" )
if oldLeader:
- withdrawResult = oldLeader.electionTestWithdraw()
+ withdrawResult = oldLeaderCLI.electionTestWithdraw()
onpass="Node was withdrawn from election",
onfail="Node was not withdrawn from election" )
- main.step( "Checking Leadership Withdrawl and Election Result" )
- leaderN = main.ONOScli1.electionTestLeader() # Get new leader
- candidatePassMessage = ""
- # Check that the candidate was elected (if there was one)
- if leaderN == leader: # Case Fails
- main.log.error( "ONOS still sees " + str( leaderN ) +
- " as leader after they withdrew" )
- electionResult = main.FALSE
- elif onlyOneLeader and ( leaderN == None ): # Case Passes
- candidateElected = main.TRUE
- candidatePassMessage = ( "No leader after only leader was " +
- "withdrawn. Election passed." )
- elif leaderN == candidateList[ 1 ]:
- # Case Passes
- candidateElected = main.TRUE
- candidatePassMessage = "Old leader's candidate elected to leader"
- elif leaderN == main.FALSE: # Case Fails
- # error in response
- # TODO: add check for "Command not found:" in the driver, this
- # means the app isn't loaded
- main.log.error( "Something is wrong with electionTestLeader " +
- "function, check the error logs" )
- electionResult = main.FALSE
- else: # Case Fails
- # Catches weird cases like
- # leaderN = None when there was multiple leaders
- candidateElected = main.FALSE
+ main.step( "Check that a new node was elected leader" )
+ # FIXME: use threads
+ newLeaderResult = main.TRUE
+ failMessage = "Nodes have different leaders"
+ # Get new leaders and candidates
+ for cli in main.CLIs:
+ node = cli.specificLeaderCandidate( 'org.onosproject.election' )
+ # elections might no have finished yet
+ if node[ 0 ] == 'none' and not expectNoLeader:
+ main.log.info( "Node has no leader, waiting 5 seconds to be " +
+ "sure elections are complete." )
+ time.sleep(5)
+ node = cli.specificLeaderCandidate( 'org.onosproject.election' )
+ # election still isn't done or there is a problem
+ if node[ 0 ] == 'none':
+ main.log.error( "No leader was elected on at least 1 node" )
+ newLeaderResult = main.FALSE
+ newAllCandidates.append( node )
+ newLeaders.append( node[ 0 ] )
+ newCandidates = newAllCandidates[ 0 ]
+ # Check that each node has the same leader. Defines newLeader
+ if len( set( newLeaders ) ) != 1:
+ newLeaderResult = main.FALSE
+ main.log.error( "Nodes have different leaders: " +
+ str( newLeaders ) )
+ newLeader = None
+ else:
+ newLeader = newLeaders[ 0 ]
+ # Check that each node's candidate list is the same
+ for candidates in newAllCandidates:
+ if set( candidates ) != set( newCandidates ):
+ newLeaderResult = main.FALSE
+ main.error.log( "Discrepancy in candidate lists detected" )
+ # Check that the new leader is not the older leader, which was withdrawn
+ if newLeader == oldLeader:
+ newLeaderResult = main.FALSE
+ main.log.error( "All nodes still see old leader: " + oldLeader +
+ " as the current leader" )
- actual=electionResult and candidateElected,
- onpass=candidatePassMessage,
- onfail="The new leader was not the old leader election candidate"
- )
+ actual=newLeaderResult,
+ onpass="Leadership election passed",
+ onfail="Something went wrong with Leadership election" )
- # Elect oldLeader back
+ main.step( "Check that that new leader was the candidate of old leader")
+ # candidates[ 2 ] should be come the top candidate after withdrawl
+ correctCandidateResult = main.TRUE
+ if expectNoLeader:
+ if newLeader == 'none':
+ main.log.info( "No leader expected. None found. Pass" )
+ correctCandidateResult = main.TRUE
+ else:
+ main.log.info( "Expected no leader, got: " + str( newLeader ) )
+ correctCandidateResult = main.FALSE
+ elif newLeader != oldCandidates[ 2 ]:
+ correctCandidateResult = main.FALSE
+ main.log.error( "Candidate " + newLeader + " was elected. " +
+ oldCandidates[ 2 ] + " should have had priority." )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=correctCandidateResult,
+ onpass="Correct Candidate Elected",
+ onfail="Incorrect Candidate Elected" )
main.step( "Run for election on old leader( just so everyone " +
"is in the hat )" )
- if oldLeader:
- runResult = oldLeader.electionTestRun()
+ if oldLeaderCLI is not None:
+ runResult = oldLeaderCLI.electionTestRun()
+ main.log.error( "No old leader to re-elect" )
runResult = main.FALSE
onpass="App re-ran for election",
onfail="App failed to run for election" )
+ main.step(
+ "Check that oldLeader is a candidate, and leader if only 1 node" )
+ # verify leader didn't just change
+ positionResult = main.TRUE
+ # Get new leaders and candidates, wait if oldLeader is not a candidate yet
- main.step( "Node became leader when it ran for election" )
- afterRun = main.ONOScli1.electionTestLeader()
- # verify leader is ONOS1
- if afterRun == main.nodes[0].ip_address:
- afterResult = main.TRUE
+ # Reset and reuse the new candidate and leaders lists
+ newAllCandidates = []
+ newCandidates = []
+ newLeaders = []
+ for cli in main.CLIs:
+ node = cli.specificLeaderCandidate( 'org.onosproject.election' )
+ if oldLeader not in node: # election might no have finished yet
+ main.log.info( "Old Leader not elected, waiting 5 seconds to " +
+ "be sure elections are complete" )
+ time.sleep(5)
+ node = cli.specificLeaderCandidate( 'org.onosproject.election' )
+ if oldLeader not in node: # election still isn't done, errors
+ main.log.error(
+ "Old leader was not elected on at least one node" )
+ positionResult = main.FALSE
+ newAllCandidates.append( node )
+ newLeaders.append( node[ 0 ] )
+ newCandidates = newAllCandidates[ 0 ]
+ # Check that each node has the same leader. Defines newLeader
+ if len( set( newLeaders ) ) != 1:
+ positionResult = main.FALSE
+ main.log.error( "Nodes have different leaders: " +
+ str( newLeaders ) )
+ newLeader = None
- afterResult = main.FALSE
+ newLeader = newLeaders[ 0 ]
+ # Check that each node's candidate list is the same
+ for candidates in newAllCandidates:
+ if set( candidates ) != set( newCandidates ):
+ newLeaderResult = main.FALSE
+ main.error.log( "Discrepancy in candidate lists detected" )
+ # Check that the re-elected node is last on the candidate List
+ if oldLeader != newCandidates[ -1 ]:
+ main.log.error( "Old Leader (" + oldLeader + ") not in the proper position " +
+ str( newCandidates ) )
+ positionResult = main.FALSE
- actual=afterResult,
+ actual=positionResult,
onpass="Old leader successfully re-ran for election",
onfail="Something went wrong with Leadership election after " +
"the old leader re-ran for election" )