Enforce code style for groovy files

Change-Id: I7d8bd721c0e5b744777a5ad92386d36a524f93ec
diff --git a/TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/GeneralFuncs.groovy b/TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/GeneralFuncs.groovy
index cae7f6f..4c6f021 100644
--- a/TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/GeneralFuncs.groovy
+++ b/TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/GeneralFuncs.groovy
@@ -23,19 +23,21 @@
 // make the init part of the database command
 def database_command_create( pass, host, port, user ){
-  return pass + "|psql --host=" + host + " --port=" + port + " --username=" + user + " --password --dbname onostest -c "
+    return pass + "|psql --host=" + host + " --port=" + port + " --username=" + user + " --password --dbname onostest -c "
 // make the basic graph part for the Rscript
 def basicGraphPart( rFileName, host, port, user, pass, subject, branchName ){
-  return " Rscript " + rFileName + " " + host + " " + port + " " + user + " " + pass + " " + subject + " " + branchName
+    return " Rscript " + rFileName + " " + host + " " + port + " " + user + " " + pass + " " + subject + " " + branchName
 // get the list of the test as dictionary then return as a string
 def getTestList( tests ){
-    list = ""
-    for( String test : tests.keySet() )
+    def list = ""
+    for ( String test : tests.keySet() ){
         list += test + ","
+    }
     return list[ 0..-2 ]
-return this;
+return this
diff --git a/TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/JenkinsCommonFuncs.groovy b/TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/JenkinsCommonFuncs.groovy
index b7c9c2e..9cf5e7b 100644
--- a/TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/JenkinsCommonFuncs.groovy
+++ b/TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/JenkinsCommonFuncs.groovy
@@ -21,138 +21,158 @@
 // This is the dependency Jenkins script.
 // it has some common functions that runs test and generate graph.
-import groovy.time.*
+import groovy.time.TimeCategory
+import groovy.time.TimeDuration
 generalFuncs = evaluate readTrusted( 'TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/GeneralFuncs.groovy' )
 fileRelated = evaluate readTrusted( 'TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/JenkinsPathAndFiles.groovy' )
 def initializeTrend( machine ){
-  // For initializing any trend graph jobs
-  // machine : Either VM,BM, or Fabric#
+    // For initializing any trend graph jobs
+    // machine : Either VM,BM, or Fabric#
-  table_name = "executed_test_tests"
-  result_name = "executed_test_results"
-  testMachine = "TestStation-" + machine + "s";
-  this.machine = machine
-  isSCPF = false
-  isTrend = true
+    table_name = "executed_test_tests"
+    result_name = "executed_test_results"
+    testMachine = "TestStation-" + machine + "s"
+    this.machine = machine
+    isSCPF = false
+    isTrend = true
 def initialize( type, SCPFfuncs ){
-  // Initializing for SCPF tests
-  // type : type of the test ( SR,FUNC,SCPF... )
-  // Passing the SCPFfunction which will be PerformanceFuncs.groovy
+    // Initializing for SCPF tests
+    // type : type of the test ( SR,FUNC,SCPF... )
+    // Passing the SCPFfunction which will be PerformanceFuncs.groovy
-  init( type )
-  SCPFfunc = SCPFfuncs
-  isSCPF = true
-  machine = machineType[ type ]
+    init( type )
+    SCPFfunc = SCPFfuncs
+    isSCPF = true
+    machine = machineType[ type ]
 def initialize( type ){
-  // initializing for FUNC,HA,SR, and USECASE
-  // type : type of the test ( SR,FUNC,SCPF... )
+    // initializing for FUNC,HA,SR, and USECASE
+    // type : type of the test ( SR,FUNC,SCPF... )
-  init( type )
-  SCPFfunc = null
-  table_name = "executed_test_tests"
-  result_name = "executed_test_results"
-  trend_generator_file = fileRelated.trendMultiple
-  build_stats_generator_file = fileRelated.histogramMultiple
-  isSCPF = false
+    init( type )
+    SCPFfunc = null
+    table_name = "executed_test_tests"
+    result_name = "executed_test_results"
+    trend_generator_file = fileRelated.trendMultiple
+    build_stats_generator_file = fileRelated.histogramMultiple
+    isSCPF = false
 def init( type ){
-  // type : type of the test ( SR,FUNC,SCPF... )
+    // type : type of the test ( SR,FUNC,SCPF... )
-  machineType = [ "FUNC"    : "VM",
-                  "HA"      : "VM",
-                  "SR"      : "Fabric",
-                  "SCPF"    : "BM",
-                  "USECASE" : "BM" ]
-  testType = type;
-  testMachine = "TestStation-" + machineType[ type ] + "s";
-  isTrend = false
+    machineType = [ "FUNC": "VM",
+                    "HA": "VM",
+                    "SR": "Fabric",
+                    "SCPF": "BM",
+                    "USECASE": "BM" ]
+    testType = type
+    testMachine = "TestStation-" + machineType[ type ] + "s"
+    isTrend = false
 def additionalInitForSR( branch ){
-  // additional setup for SegmentRouting tests to determine the machine depends on the branch it is running.
-  // branch : branch of the onos. ( master, 1.12, 1.13... )
+    // additional setup for SegmentRouting tests to determine the machine depends on the branch it is running.
+    // branch : branch of the onos. ( master, 1.12, 1.13... )
-  testMachine = ( ( new StringBuilder( testMachine ) ).insert( testMachine.size()-1, fabricOn( branch ) ) ).toString()
-  if( isTrend )
-    machine += fabricOn( branch )
-  else
-    machineType[ testType ] += fabricOn( branch )
-  print testMachine
-def fabricOn( branch ){
-  // gets the fabric machines with the branch of onos.
-  // branch : master, 1.12, 1.13...
-  // branch.reverse().take(4).reverse() will get last 4 characters of the string.
-  switch( branch.reverse().take(4).reverse() ) {
-    case "ster": return "4"
-    case "1.13": return "2"
-    case "1.12": return "3"
-    default: return "4"
-  }
-def printType(){
-  // print the test type and test machine that was initialized.
-  echo testType;
-  echo testMachine;
-def getProperties(){
-  // get the properties of the test by reading the TestONOS.property
-  node( testMachine ){
-    return readProperties( file:'/var/jenkins/TestONOS.property' );
-  }
-def getTestsToRun( testList ){
-  // get test to run by tokenizing the list.
-  testList.tokenize("\n;, ")
-def getCurrentTime(){
-  // get time of the PST zone.
-  TimeZone.setDefault( TimeZone.getTimeZone('PST') )
-  return new Date();
-def getTotalTime( start, end ){
-  // get total time of the test using start and end time.
-  return TimeCategory.minus( end, start );
-def printTestToRun( testList ){
-  // printout the list of the test in the list.
-  for ( String test : testList ) {
-      println test;
-  }
-def sendResultToSlack( start, isManualRun, branch ){
-  // send the result of the test to the slack when it is not manually running.
-  // start : start time of the test
-  // isManualRun : string that is whether "false" or "true"
-  // branch : branch of the onos.
-  try{
-    if( isManualRun == "false" ){
-        end = getCurrentTime();
-        TimeDuration duration = TimeCategory.minus( end , start );
-        slackSend( color:"#5816EE",
-                   message: testType + "-" + branch + " tests ended at: " + end.toString() + "\nTime took : " + duration )
+    testMachine = ( ( new StringBuilder( testMachine ) ).insert( testMachine.size() - 1, fabricOn( branch ) ) ).
+            toString()
+    if ( isTrend ){
+        machine += fabricOn( branch )
-  }
-  catch( all ){}
+    else {
+        machineType[ testType ] += fabricOn( branch )
+    }
+    print testMachine
-def initAndRunTest( testName, testCategory ){
-  // Bash script that will
-  // Initialize the environment to the machine and run the test.
-  // testName : name of the test
-  // testCategory : (SR,FUNC ... )
-  return '''#!/bin/bash -l
+def fabricOn( branch ){
+    // gets the fabric machines with the branch of onos.
+    // branch : master, 1.12, 1.13...
+    // branch.reverse().take(4).reverse() will get last 4 characters of the string.
+    switch ( branch.reverse().take( 4 ).reverse() ){
+        case "ster": return "4"
+        case "1.13": return "2"
+        case "1.12": return "3"
+        default: return "4"
+    }
+def printType(){
+    // print the test type and test machine that was initialized.
+    echo testType
+    echo testMachine
+def getProperties(){
+    // get the properties of the test by reading the TestONOS.property
+    node( testMachine ) {
+        return readProperties( file: '/var/jenkins/TestONOS.property' )
+    }
+def getTestsToRun( testList ){
+    // get test to run by tokenizing the list.
+    testList.tokenize( "\n;, " )
+def getCurrentTime(){
+    // get time of the PST zone.
+    TimeZone.setDefault( TimeZone.getTimeZone( 'PST' ) )
+    return new Date()
+def getTotalTime( start, end ){
+    // get total time of the test using start and end time.
+    return TimeCategory.minus( end, start )
+def printTestToRun( testList ){
+    // printout the list of the test in the list.
+    for ( String test : testList ){
+        println test
+    }
+def sendResultToSlack( start, isManualRun, branch ){
+    // send the result of the test to the slack when it is not manually running.
+    // start : start time of the test
+    // isManualRun : string that is whether "false" or "true"
+    // branch : branch of the onos.
+    try {
+        if ( isManualRun == "false" ){
+            end = getCurrentTime()
+            TimeDuration duration = TimeCategory.minus( end, start )
+            slackSend( color: "#5816EE",
+                       message: testType + "-" + branch + " tests ended at: " + end.toString() +
+                                "\nTime took : " + duration )
+        }
+    }
+    catch ( all ){
+    }
+def initAndRunTest( testName, testCategory ){
+    // Bash script that will
+    // Initialize the environment to the machine and run the test.
+    // testName : name of the test
+    // testCategory : (SR,FUNC ... )
+    return '''#!/bin/bash -l
         set -i # interactive
         set +e
         shopt -s expand_aliases # expand alias in non-interactive mode
@@ -170,19 +190,22 @@
         cd ~/OnosSystemTest/TestON/bin
         git log |head
         ./cleanup.sh -f
-        ''' + "./cli.py run " + ( !isSCPF ? testName : testCategory[ testName ][ 'test' ] )  + " --params GRAPH/nodeCluster=" + machineType[ testType ]  + '''
+        ''' + "./cli.py run " +
+           ( !isSCPF ? testName : testCategory[ testName ][ 'test' ] ) +
+           " --params GRAPH/nodeCluster=" + machineType[ testType ] + '''
         ./cleanup.sh -f
         # cleanup config changes
         cd ~/onos/tools/package/config
         git clean -df'''
-def copyLogs( testName ){
-  // bash script part for copy the logs and other neccessary element for SR tests.
-  // testName : name of the test.
-  result = ""
-    if( testType == "SR" ){
-      result = '''
+def copyLogs( testName ){
+    // bash script part for copy the logs and other neccessary element for SR tests.
+    // testName : name of the test.
+    result = ""
+    if ( testType == "SR" ){
+        result = '''
       sudo rm /var/jenkins/workspace/SR-log-${WikiPrefix}/*
       sudo cp *karaf.log.* /var/jenkins/workspace/SR-log-${WikiPrefix}/
       sudo cp *Flows* /var/jenkins/workspace/SR-log-${WikiPrefix}/
@@ -190,14 +213,15 @@
       sudo cp *.tar.gz /var/jenkins/workspace/SR-log-${WikiPrefix}/
       sudo cp t3-* /var/jenkins/workspace/SR-log-${WikiPrefix}/
-  }
-  return result
+    }
+    return result
-def cleanAndCopyFiles( testName ){
-  // clean up some files that were in the folder and copy the new files from the log
-  // testName : name of the test
-  return '''#!/bin/bash -i
+def cleanAndCopyFiles( testName ){
+    // clean up some files that were in the folder and copy the new files from the log
+    // testName : name of the test
+    return '''#!/bin/bash -i
         set +e
         echo "ONOS Branch is: ${ONOSBranch}"
         echo "TestON Branch is: ${TestONBranch}"
@@ -221,11 +245,12 @@
         ls -al
         cd '''
-def fetchLogs( testName ){
-  // fetch the logs of onos from onos nodes to onos System Test logs
-  // testName: name of the test
-  return '''#!/bin/bash
+def fetchLogs( testName ){
+    // fetch the logs of onos from onos nodes to onos System Test logs
+    // testName: name of the test
+    return '''#!/bin/bash
   set +e
   cd ~/OnosSystemTest/TestON/logs
   echo "Job Name is: " + ''' + testName + '''
@@ -243,252 +268,291 @@
 def isPostingResult( manual, postresult ){
-  // check if it is posting the result.
-  // posting when it is automatically running or has postResult condition from the manual run
+    // check if it is posting the result.
+    // posting when it is automatically running or has postResult condition from the manual run
-  return manual == "false" || postresult == "true"
+    return manual == "false" || postresult == "true"
 def postResult( prop, graphOnly ){
-  // post the result by triggering postjob.
-  // prop : property dictionary that was read from the machine.
-  // graphOnly : if it is graph generating job
+    // post the result by triggering postjob.
+    // prop : property dictionary that was read from the machine.
+    // graphOnly : if it is graph generating job
-  if( graphOnly || isPostingResult( prop[ "manualRun" ], prop[ "postResult" ] ) ){
-    def post = build job: "postjob-" + ( graphOnly ? machine : machineType[ testType ] ), propagate: false
-  }
-def postLogs( testName, prefix ){
-  // posting logs of the onos jobs specifically SR tests
-  // testName : name of the test
-  // prefix : branch prefix ( master, 1.12, 1.13 ... )
-  resultURL = ""
-  if( testType == "SR" ){
-    def post = build job: "SR-log-" + prefix, propagate: false
-    resultURL = post.getAbsoluteUrl()
-  }
-  return resultURL
-def getSlackChannel(){
-  // get name of the slack channel.
-  // if the test is SR, it will return sr-failures
-  return "#" + ( testType == "SR" ? "sr-failures" : "jenkins-related" )
-def analyzeResult( prop, workSpace, testName, otherTestName, resultURL, wikiLink, isSCPF ){
-  // analyzing the result of the test and send to slack if the test was failed.
-  // prop : property dictionary
-  // workSpace : workSpace where the result file is saved
-  // testName : real name of the test
-  // otherTestName : other name of the test for SCPF tests ( SCPFflowTPFobj )
-  // resultURL : url for the logs for SR tests. Will not be posted if it is empty
-  // wikiLink : link of the wiki page where the result was posted
-  // isSCPF : Check if it is SCPF. If so, it won't post the wiki link.
-  node( testMachine ){
-    resultContents = readFile workSpace + "/" + testName + "Result.txt"
-    resultContents = resultContents.split("\n")
-    if( resultContents[ 0 ] == "1" ){
-        print "All passed"
-    }else{
-        print "Failed"
-      if( prop[ "manualRun" ] == "false" ){
-        slackSend( channel:getSlackChannel(), color:"FF0000", message: "[" + prop[ "ONOSBranch" ] + "]"
-                                            + otherTestName + " : Failed!\n" + resultContents[ 1 ] + "\n"
-                                            + "[TestON log] : \n"
-                                            + "https://jenkins.onosproject.org/blue/organizations/jenkins/${env.JOB_NAME}/detail/${env.JOB_NAME}/${env.BUILD_NUMBER}/pipeline"
-                                            + ( isSCPF ? "" : ( "\n[Result on Wiki] : \n" + "https://wiki.onosproject.org/display/ONOS/" + wikiLink.replaceAll( "\\s","+" ) ) )
-                                            + ( resultURL != "" ? ( "\n[Karaf log] : \n" + resultURL + "artifact/" ) : "" ),
-                   teamDomain: 'onosproject' )
-      }
-        Failed
+    if ( graphOnly || isPostingResult( prop[ "manualRun" ], prop[ "postResult" ] ) ){
+        def post = build job: "postjob-" + ( graphOnly ? machine : machineType[ testType ] ), propagate: false
-  }
+def postLogs( testName, prefix ){
+    // posting logs of the onos jobs specifically SR tests
+    // testName : name of the test
+    // prefix : branch prefix ( master, 1.12, 1.13 ... )
+    resultURL = ""
+    if ( testType == "SR" ){
+        def post = build job: "SR-log-" + prefix, propagate: false
+        resultURL = post.getAbsoluteUrl()
+    }
+    return resultURL
+def getSlackChannel(){
+    // get name of the slack channel.
+    // if the test is SR, it will return sr-failures
+    return "#" + ( testType == "SR" ? "sr-failures" : "jenkins-related" )
+def analyzeResult( prop, workSpace, testName, otherTestName, resultURL, wikiLink, isSCPF ){
+    // analyzing the result of the test and send to slack if the test was failed.
+    // prop : property dictionary
+    // workSpace : workSpace where the result file is saved
+    // testName : real name of the test
+    // otherTestName : other name of the test for SCPF tests ( SCPFflowTPFobj )
+    // resultURL : url for the logs for SR tests. Will not be posted if it is empty
+    // wikiLink : link of the wiki page where the result was posted
+    // isSCPF : Check if it is SCPF. If so, it won't post the wiki link.
+    node( testMachine ) {
+        def resultContents = readFile( workSpace + "/" + testName + "Result.txt" )
+        resultContents = resultContents.split( "\n" )
+        if ( resultContents[ 0 ] == "1" ){
+            print "All passed"
+        }
+        else {
+            print "Failed"
+            if ( prop[ "manualRun" ] == "false" ){
+                slackSend( channel: getSlackChannel(),
+                           color: "FF0000",
+                           message: "[" + prop[ "ONOSBranch" ] + "]" + otherTestName + " : Failed!\n" +
+                                    resultContents[ 1 ] + "\n" +
+                                    "[TestON log] : \n" +
+                                    "https://jenkins.onosproject.org/blue/organizations/jenkins/${ env.JOB_NAME }/detail/${ env.JOB_NAME }/${ env.BUILD_NUMBER }/pipeline" +
+                                    ( isSCPF ? "" : ( "\n[Result on Wiki] : \n" +
+                                                      "https://wiki.onosproject.org/display/ONOS/" +
+                                                      wikiLink.replaceAll( "\\s", "+" ) ) ) +
+                                    ( resultURL != "" ? ( "\n[Karaf log] : \n" +
+                                                          resultURL + "artifact/" ) : "" ),
+                           teamDomain: 'onosproject' )
+            }
+            Failed
+        }
+    }
 def publishToConfluence( isManualRun, isPostResult, wikiLink, file ){
-  // publish HTML script to wiki confluence
-  // isManualRun : string "true" "false"
-  // isPostResult : string "true" "false"
-  // wikiLink : link of the wiki page to publish
-  // file : name of the file to be published
+    // publish HTML script to wiki confluence
+    // isManualRun : string "true" "false"
+    // isPostResult : string "true" "false"
+    // wikiLink : link of the wiki page to publish
+    // file : name of the file to be published
-  if( isPostingResult( isManualRun, isPostResult ) ){
-    publishConfluence siteName: 'wiki.onosproject.org', pageName: wikiLink, spaceName: 'ONOS',
-                  attachArchivedArtifacts: true, buildIfUnstable: true,
-                  editorList: [
-                      confluenceWritePage( confluenceFile( file ) )
-                  ]
-  }
+    if ( isPostingResult( isManualRun, isPostResult ) ){
+        publishConfluence siteName: 'wiki.onosproject.org', pageName: wikiLink, spaceName: 'ONOS',
+                          attachArchivedArtifacts: true, buildIfUnstable: true,
+                          editorList: [ confluenceWritePage( confluenceFile( file ) ) ]
+    }
-def runTest( testName, toBeRun, prop, pureTestName, graphOnly, testCategory, graph_generator_file, graph_saved_directory ) {
-  // run the test on the machine that contains all the steps : init and run test, copy files, publish result ...
-  // testName : name of the test
-  // toBeRun : boolean value whether the test will be run or not. If not, it won't be run but shows up with empty result on pipeline view
-  // prop : dictionary property on the machine
-  // pureTestName : Pure name of the test. ( ex. pureTestName of SCPFflowTpFobj will be SCPFflowTp )
-  // graphOnly : check if it is generating graph job. If so, it will only generate the generating graph part
-  // testCategory : category of the test ( SCPF, SR, FUNC ... )
-  // graph_generator_file : Rscript file with the full path.
-  // graph_saved_directory : where the generated graph will be saved to.
-  return {
-      catchError{
-          stage( testName ) {
-              if ( toBeRun ){
-                  workSpace = "/var/jenkins/workspace/" + testName
-                  def fileContents = ""
-                  node( testMachine ){
-                      withEnv( [ 'ONOSBranch=' + prop[ "ONOSBranch" ],
-                                 'ONOSJVMHeap=' + prop[ "ONOSJVMHeap" ],
-                                 'TestONBranch=' + prop[ "TestONBranch" ],
-                                 'ONOSTag=' + prop[ "ONOSTag" ],
-                                 'WikiPrefix=' + prop[ "WikiPrefix" ],
-                                 'WORKSPACE=' + workSpace ] ){
-                        if( ! graphOnly ){
-                          sh initAndRunTest( testName, testCategory )
-                          // For the Wiki page
-                          sh cleanAndCopyFiles( pureTestName )
+def runTest( testName, toBeRun, prop, pureTestName, graphOnly, testCategory, graph_generator_file,
+             graph_saved_directory ){
+    // run the test on the machine that contains all the steps : init and run test, copy files, publish result ...
+    // testName : name of the test
+    // toBeRun : boolean value whether the test will be run or not. If not, it won't be run but shows up with empty
+    //           result on pipeline view
+    // prop : dictionary property on the machine
+    // pureTestName : Pure name of the test. ( ex. pureTestName of SCPFflowTpFobj will be SCPFflowTp )
+    // graphOnly : check if it is generating graph job. If so, it will only generate the generating graph part
+    // testCategory : category of the test ( SCPF, SR, FUNC ... )
+    // graph_generator_file : Rscript file with the full path.
+    // graph_saved_directory : where the generated graph will be saved to.
+    return {
+        catchError {
+            stage( testName ) {
+                if ( toBeRun ){
+                    def workSpace = "/var/jenkins/workspace/" + testName
+                    def fileContents = ""
+                    node( testMachine ) {
+                        withEnv( [ 'ONOSBranch=' + prop[ "ONOSBranch" ],
+                                   'ONOSJVMHeap=' + prop[ "ONOSJVMHeap" ],
+                                   'TestONBranch=' + prop[ "TestONBranch" ],
+                                   'ONOSTag=' + prop[ "ONOSTag" ],
+                                   'WikiPrefix=' + prop[ "WikiPrefix" ],
+                                   'WORKSPACE=' + workSpace ] ) {
+                            if ( !graphOnly ){
+                                sh initAndRunTest( testName, testCategory )
+                                // For the Wiki page
+                                sh cleanAndCopyFiles( pureTestName )
+                            }
+                            databaseAndGraph( prop, testName, graphOnly, graph_generator_file, graph_saved_directory )
+                            if ( !graphOnly ){
+                                sh fetchLogs( pureTestName )
+                                if ( !isSCPF ){
+                                    publishToConfluence( prop[ "manualRun" ], prop[ "postResult" ],
+                                                         testCategory[ testName ][ 'wiki_link' ],
+                                                         workSpace + "/" + testCategory[ testName ][ 'wiki_file' ] )
+                                }
+                            }
-                          databaseAndGraph( prop, testName, graphOnly, graph_generator_file, graph_saved_directory )
-                        if( ! graphOnly ){
-                          sh fetchLogs( pureTestName )
-                          if( !isSCPF )
-                            publishToConfluence( prop[ "manualRun" ], prop[ "postResult" ],
-                                                 testCategory[ testName ][ 'wiki_link' ],
-                                                 workSpace + "/" + testCategory[ testName ][ 'wiki_file' ] )
-                        }
-                      }
-                  }
+                    }
                     postResult( prop, graphOnly )
-                  if( ! graphOnly ){
-                    resultURL = postLogs( testName, prop[ "WikiPrefix" ] )
-                    analyzeResult( prop, workSpace, pureTestName, testName, resultURL, isSCPF ? "" : testCategory[ testName ][ 'wiki_link' ], isSCPF )
-                  }
-              }
-          }
-      }
-  }
+                    if ( !graphOnly ){
+                        resultURL = postLogs( testName, prop[ "WikiPrefix" ] )
+                        analyzeResult( prop, workSpace, pureTestName, testName, resultURL,
+                                       isSCPF ? "" : testCategory[ testName ][ 'wiki_link' ],
+                                       isSCPF )
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
-def databaseAndGraph( prop, testName, graphOnly, graph_generator_file, graph_saved_directory ){
-  // part where it insert the data into the database.
-  // It will use the predefined encrypted variables from the Jenkins.
-  // prop : property dictionary that was read from the machine
-  // testName : name of the test
-  // graphOnly : boolean whether it is graph only or not
-  // graph_generator_file : Rscript file with the full path.
-  // graph_saved_directory : where the generated graph will be saved to.
-  if( graphOnly || isPostingResult( prop[ "manualRun" ], prop[ "postResult" ] ) ){
-      // Post Results
-      withCredentials( [
-          string( credentialsId: 'db_pass', variable: 'pass' ),
-          string( credentialsId: 'db_user', variable: 'user' ),
-          string( credentialsId: 'db_host', variable: 'host' ),
-          string( credentialsId: 'db_port', variable: 'port' ) ] ) {
-              def database_command =  generalFuncs.database_command_create( pass, host, port, user ) + ( !isSCPF ? sqlCommand( testName ) : SCPFfunc.sqlCommand( testName ) )
-              sh '''#!/bin/bash
+def databaseAndGraph( prop, testName, graphOnly, graph_generator_file, graph_saved_directory ){
+    // part where it insert the data into the database.
+    // It will use the predefined encrypted variables from the Jenkins.
+    // prop : property dictionary that was read from the machine
+    // testName : name of the test
+    // graphOnly : boolean whether it is graph only or not
+    // graph_generator_file : Rscript file with the full path.
+    // graph_saved_directory : where the generated graph will be saved to.
+    if ( graphOnly || isPostingResult( prop[ "manualRun" ], prop[ "postResult" ] ) ){
+        // Post Results
+        withCredentials( [
+                string( credentialsId: 'db_pass', variable: 'pass' ),
+                string( credentialsId: 'db_user', variable: 'user' ),
+                string( credentialsId: 'db_host', variable: 'host' ),
+                string( credentialsId: 'db_port', variable: 'port' ) ] ) {
+            def database_command = generalFuncs.database_command_create( pass, host, port, user ) +
+                                   ( !isSCPF ? sqlCommand( testName ) : SCPFfunc.sqlCommand( testName ) )
+            sh '''#!/bin/bash
               export DATE=\$(date +%F_%T)
               cd ~
-              pwd ''' + ( graphOnly ? "" : ( !isSCPF ? databasePart( prop[ "WikiPrefix" ], testName, database_command )  :
-                         SCPFfunc.databasePart( testName, database_command ) ) ) + '''
-              ''' + ( !isSCPF ? graphGenerating( host, port, user, pass, testName, prop, graph_saved_directory, graph_generator_file ) : SCPFfunc.getGraphGeneratingCommand( host, port, user, pass, testName, prop ) )
-      }
-  }
-def generateCategoryStatsGraph( testMachineOn, manualRun, postresult, stat_file, pie_file, type, branch, testListPart, save_path, pieTestListPart ){
-  // function that will generate the category stat graphs for the overall test.
-  // testMachineOn : the machine the graph will be generated. It will be TestStation-VMs for the most cases
-  // manualRun : string of "true" or "false"
-  // postresult : string of "true" or "false"
-  // stat_file : file name with full path for Rscript for the stat graph
-  // pie_file : file name with full path for Rscript for the pie graph
-  // type : type of the test ( USECASE, FUNC, HA )
-  // branch : branch of the test ( master, onos-1.12, onos-1.13 )
-  // testListPart : list of the test to be included
-  // save_path : path that will save the graphs to
-  // pieTestListPart : list of the test for pie graph
-  if( isPostingResult( manualRun, postresult ) ){
-    node( testMachineOn ){
-      withCredentials( [
-          string( credentialsId: 'db_pass', variable: 'pass' ),
-          string( credentialsId: 'db_user', variable: 'user' ),
-          string( credentialsId: 'db_host', variable: 'host' ),
-          string( credentialsId: 'db_port', variable: 'port' ) ] ) {
-              sh '''#!/bin/bash
-              ''' + generalFuncs.basicGraphPart( stat_file, host, port, user, pass, type, branch ) + " \"" + testListPart + "\" latest " + save_path + '''
-              ''' + getOverallPieGraph( pie_file, host, port, user, pass, branch, type, pieTestListPart, 'y', save_path ) + '''
-              ''' + getOverallPieGraph( pie_file, host, port, user, pass, branch, type, pieTestListPart, 'n', save_path )
-          }
+              pwd ''' + ( graphOnly ? "" :
+                          ( !isSCPF ? databasePart( prop[ "WikiPrefix" ], testName, database_command ) :
+                            SCPFfunc.databasePart( testName, database_command ) ) ) + '''
+              ''' + ( !isSCPF ? graphGenerating( host, port, user, pass, testName, prop, graph_saved_directory,
+                                                 graph_generator_file ) :
+                      SCPFfunc.getGraphGeneratingCommand( host, port, user, pass, testName, prop ) )
-      postResult( [], true )
+def generateCategoryStatsGraph( testMachineOn, manualRun, postresult, stat_file, pie_file, type, branch, testListPart,
+                                save_path, pieTestListPart ){
+    // function that will generate the category stat graphs for the overall test.
+    // testMachineOn : the machine the graph will be generated. It will be TestStation-VMs for the most cases
+    // manualRun : string of "true" or "false"
+    // postresult : string of "true" or "false"
+    // stat_file : file name with full path for Rscript for the stat graph
+    // pie_file : file name with full path for Rscript for the pie graph
+    // type : type of the test ( USECASE, FUNC, HA )
+    // branch : branch of the test ( master, onos-1.12, onos-1.13 )
+    // testListPart : list of the test to be included
+    // save_path : path that will save the graphs to
+    // pieTestListPart : list of the test for pie graph
+    if ( isPostingResult( manualRun, postresult ) ){
+        node( testMachineOn ) {
+            withCredentials( [
+                    string( credentialsId: 'db_pass', variable: 'pass' ),
+                    string( credentialsId: 'db_user', variable: 'user' ),
+                    string( credentialsId: 'db_host', variable: 'host' ),
+                    string( credentialsId: 'db_port', variable: 'port' ) ] ) {
+                sh '''#!/bin/bash
+              ''' + generalFuncs.basicGraphPart( stat_file, host, port, user, pass, type,
+                                                 branch ) + " \"" + testListPart + "\" latest " + save_path + '''
+              ''' + getOverallPieGraph( pie_file, host, port, user, pass, branch, type, pieTestListPart, 'y',
+                                        save_path ) + '''
+              ''' +
+                   getOverallPieGraph( pie_file, host, port, user, pass, branch, type, pieTestListPart, 'n', save_path )
+            }
+        }
+        postResult( [ ], true )
+    }
 def makeTestList( list, commaNeeded ){
-  // make the list of the test in to a string.
-  // list : list of the test
-  // commaNeeded : if comma is needed for the string
+    // make the list of the test in to a string.
+    // list : list of the test
+    // commaNeeded : if comma is needed for the string
-  return generalFuncs.getTestList( list ) + ( commaNeeded ? "," : "" )
+    return generalFuncs.getTestList( list ) + ( commaNeeded ? "," : "" )
 def createStatsList( testCategory, list, semiNeeded ){
-  // make the list for stats
-  // testCategory : category of the test
-  // list : list of the test
-  // semiNeeded: if semi colon is needed
+    // make the list for stats
+    // testCategory : category of the test
+    // list : list of the test
+    // semiNeeded: if semi colon is needed
-  return testCategory + "-" + generalFuncs.getTestList( list ) + ( semiNeeded ? ";" : "" )
+    return testCategory + "-" + generalFuncs.getTestList( list ) + ( semiNeeded ? ";" : "" )
 def generateOverallGraph( prop, testCategory, graph_saved_directory ){
-  // generate the overall graph for the test
+    // generate the overall graph for the test
-  if( isPostingResult( prop[ "manualRun" ], prop[ "postResult" ] ) ){
-    node( testMachine ){
+    if ( isPostingResult( prop[ "manualRun" ], prop[ "postResult" ] ) ){
+        node( testMachine ) {
-      withCredentials( [
-          string( credentialsId: 'db_pass', variable: 'pass' ),
-          string( credentialsId: 'db_user', variable: 'user' ),
-          string( credentialsId: 'db_host', variable: 'host' ),
-          string( credentialsId: 'db_port', variable: 'port' ) ] ) {
-              testList = generalFuncs.getTestList( testCategory )
-              sh '''#!/bin/bash
-              ''' + generalFuncs.basicGraphPart( trend_generator_file, host, port, user, pass, testType, prop[ "ONOSBranch" ] ) + " " + testList + " 20 " + graph_saved_directory
-          }
+            withCredentials( [
+                    string( credentialsId: 'db_pass', variable: 'pass' ),
+                    string( credentialsId: 'db_user', variable: 'user' ),
+                    string( credentialsId: 'db_host', variable: 'host' ),
+                    string( credentialsId: 'db_port', variable: 'port' ) ] ) {
+                testList = generalFuncs.getTestList( testCategory )
+                sh '''#!/bin/bash
+                   ''' +
+                   generalFuncs.basicGraphPart( trend_generator_file, host, port,
+                                                user, pass, testType,
+                                                prop[ "ONOSBranch" ] ) + " " + testList + " 20 " + graph_saved_directory
+            }
-      postResult( prop, false )
+        postResult( prop, false )
 def getOverallPieGraph( file, host, port, user, pass, branch, type, testList, yOrN, path ){
-   // Rcommand for the pie graph
+    // Rcommand for the pie graph
-   return generalFuncs.basicGraphPart( file, host, port, user, pass, type, branch ) + " \"" + testList + "\" latest " + yOrN + " " + path
+    return generalFuncs.basicGraphPart( file, host, port, user, pass, type, branch ) +
+           " \"" + testList + "\" latest " + yOrN + " " + path
 def sqlCommand( testName ){
-  // get the inserting sqlCommand for non-SCPF tests.
+    // get the inserting sqlCommand for non-SCPF tests.
-  return "\"INSERT INTO " + table_name + " VALUES('\$DATE','" + result_name + "','" + testName + "',\$BUILD_NUMBER, '\$ONOSBranch', \$line);\" "
+    return "\"INSERT INTO " + table_name + " VALUES('\$DATE','" + result_name + "','" +
+           testName + "',\$BUILD_NUMBER, '\$ONOSBranch', \$line);\" "
 def graphGenerating( host, port, user, pass, testName, prop, graph_saved_directory, graph_generator_file ){
-  // get the graphGenerating R command for non-SCPF tests
+    // get the graphGenerating R command for non-SCPF tests
-  return generalFuncs.basicGraphPart( graph_generator_file, host, port, user, pass, testName, prop[ "ONOSBranch" ] ) + " 20 " + graph_saved_directory
+    return generalFuncs.basicGraphPart( graph_generator_file, host, port, user, pass, testName,
+                                        prop[ "ONOSBranch" ] ) + " 20 " + graph_saved_directory
-def databasePart( wikiPrefix, testName, database_command ){
-  // to read and insert the data from .csv to the database
-  return '''
+def databasePart( wikiPrefix, testName, database_command ){
+    // to read and insert the data from .csv to the database
+    return '''
     sed 1d ''' + workSpace + "/" + wikiPrefix + "-" + testName + '''.csv | while read line
     echo \$line
     echo ''' + database_command + '''
     done '''
-def generateStatGraph( testMachineOn, onos_branch, AllTheTests, stat_graph_generator_file, pie_graph_generator_file, graph_saved_directory ){
+def generateStatGraph( testMachineOn, onos_branch, AllTheTests, stat_graph_generator_file, pie_graph_generator_file,
+                       graph_saved_directory ){
     // Will generate the stats graph.
     testListPart = createStatsList( "FUNC", AllTheTests[ "FUNC" ], true ) +
@@ -497,10 +561,13 @@
     pieTestList = makeTestList( AllTheTests[ "FUNC" ], true ) +
                   makeTestList( AllTheTests[ "HA" ], true ) +
                   makeTestList( AllTheTests[ "USECASE" ], false )
-    generateCategoryStatsGraph( testMachineOn, "false", "true", stat_graph_generator_file, pie_graph_generator_file, "ALL", onos_branch, testListPart, graph_saved_directory, pieTestList )
+    generateCategoryStatsGraph( testMachineOn, "false", "true", stat_graph_generator_file, pie_graph_generator_file,
+                                "ALL", onos_branch, testListPart, graph_saved_directory, pieTestList )
 def branchWithPrefix( branch ){
     // get the branch with the prefix ( "onos-" )
     return ( ( branch != "master" ) ? "onos-" : "" ) + branch
-return this;
+return this
diff --git a/TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/JenkinsPathAndFiles.groovy b/TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/JenkinsPathAndFiles.groovy
index f8700c9..6eb1061 100644
--- a/TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/JenkinsPathAndFiles.groovy
+++ b/TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/JenkinsPathAndFiles.groovy
@@ -46,5 +46,6 @@
-return this;
+return this
diff --git a/TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/JenkinsTestONTests.groovy b/TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/JenkinsTestONTests.groovy
index b23591b..d5c5166 100644
--- a/TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/JenkinsTestONTests.groovy
+++ b/TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/JenkinsTestONTests.groovy
@@ -34,74 +34,473 @@
     // wiki_link : link of the wiki page that will be used to publish to confluence later on. SCPF tests don't need one.
     return [
-        "FUNC":[
-                "FUNCipv6Intent" : [ "basic":true, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":false, "new_Test":false, "day":"", wiki_link:wikiPrefix + "-" + "FUNCipv6Intent", wiki_file:"FUNCipv6IntentWiki.txt" ],
-                "FUNCoptical" :    [ "basic":true, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":false, "new_Test":false, "day":"", wiki_link:wikiPrefix + "-" + "FUNCoptical", wiki_file:"FUNCopticalWiki.txt" ],
-                "FUNCflow" :       [ "basic":true, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":false, "new_Test":false, "day":"", wiki_link:wikiPrefix + "-" + "FUNCflow", wiki_file:"FUNCflowWiki.txt" ],
-                "FUNCnetCfg":      [ "basic":true, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":false, "new_Test":false, "day":"", wiki_link:wikiPrefix + "-" + "FUNCnetCfg", wiki_file:"FUNCnetCfgWiki.txt" ],
-                "FUNCovsdbtest" :  [ "basic":true, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":false, "new_Test":false, "day":"", wiki_link:wikiPrefix + "-" + "FUNCovsdbtest", wiki_file:"FUNCovsdbtestWiki.txt" ],
-                "FUNCnetconf" :    [ "basic":true, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":false, "new_Test":false, "day":"", wiki_link:wikiPrefix + "-" + "FUNCnetconf", wiki_file:"FUNCnetconfWiki.txt" ],
-                "FUNCgroup" :      [ "basic":true, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":false, "new_Test":false, "day":"", wiki_link:wikiPrefix + "-" + "FUNCgroup", wiki_file:"FUNCgroupWiki.txt" ],
-                "FUNCintent" :     [ "basic":false, "extra_A":true, "extra_B":false, "new_Test":false, "day":"", wiki_link:wikiPrefix + "-" + "FUNCintent", wiki_file:"FUNCintentWiki.txt" ],
-                "FUNCintentRest" : [ "basic":false, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":true, "new_Test":false, "day":"", wiki_link:wikiPrefix + "-" + "FUNCintentRest", wiki_file:"FUNCintentRestWiki.txt" ],
-                "FUNCformCluster" :[ "basic":true, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":false, "new_Test":false, "day":"", wiki_link:wikiPrefix + "-" + "FUNCformCluster", wiki_file:"FUNCformClusterWiki.txt" ]
-        ],
-        "HA":[
-                "HAsanity" :                [ "basic":true, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":false, "new_Test":false, "day":"", wiki_link:wikiPrefix + "-" + "HA Sanity", wiki_file:"HAsanityWiki.txt"  ],
-                "HAclusterRestart" :        [ "basic":true, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":false, "new_Test":false, "day":"", wiki_link:wikiPrefix + "-" + "HA Cluster Restart", wiki_file:"HAclusterRestartWiki.txt"  ],
-                "HAsingleInstanceRestart" : [ "basic":true, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":false, "new_Test":false, "day":"", wiki_link:wikiPrefix + "-" + "HA Single Instance Restart", wiki_file:"HAsingleInstanceRestartWiki.txt"  ],
-                "HAstopNodes" :             [ "basic":false, "extra_A":true, "extra_B":false, "new_Test":false, "day":"", wiki_link:wikiPrefix + "-" + "HA Stop Nodes", wiki_file:"HAstopNodes.txt"  ],
-                "HAfullNetPartition" :      [ "basic":false, "extra_A":true, "extra_B":false, "new_Test":false, "day":"", wiki_link:wikiPrefix + "-" + "HA Full Network Partition", wiki_file:"HAfullNetPartitionWiki.txt"  ],
-                "HAswapNodes" :             [ "basic":false, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":true, "new_Test":false, "day":"", wiki_link:wikiPrefix + "-" + "HA Swap Nodes", wiki_file:"HAswapNodesWiki.txt"  ],
-                "HAscaling" :               [ "basic":false, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":true, "new_Test":false, "day":"", wiki_link:wikiPrefix + "-" + "HA Scaling", wiki_file:"HAscalingWiki.txt"  ],
-                "HAkillNodes" :             [ "basic":false, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":true, "new_Test":false, "day":"", wiki_link:wikiPrefix + "-" + "HA Kill Nodes", wiki_file:"HAkillNodes.txt" ],
-                "HAbackupRecover" :         [ "basic":false, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":true, "new_Test":false, "day":"", wiki_link:wikiPrefix + "-" + "HA Backup Recover", wiki_file:"HAbackupRecoverWiki.txt"  ],
-                "HAupgrade" :               [ "basic":false, "extra_A":true, "extra_B":false, "new_Test":false, "day":"", wiki_link:wikiPrefix + "-" + "HA Upgrade", wiki_file:"HAupgradeWiki.txt"  ],
-                "HAupgradeRollback" :       [ "basic":false, "extra_A":true, "extra_B":false, "new_Test":false, "day":"", wiki_link:wikiPrefix + "-" + "HA Upgrade Rollback", wiki_file:"HAupgradeRollbackWiki.txt" ]
-        ],
-        "SCPF":[
-                "SCPFswitchLat":                           [ "basic":true, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":false, "extra_C":false, "extra_D":false, "new_Test":false, day:"" ],
-                "SCPFcbench":                              [ "basic":true, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":false, "extra_C":false, "extra_D":false, "new_Test":false, day:"" ],
-                "SCPFportLat":                             [ "basic":true, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":false, "extra_C":false, "extra_D":false, "new_Test":false, day:"" ],
-                "SCPFflowTp1g":                            [ "basic":true, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":false, "extra_C":false, "extra_D":false, "new_Test":false, day:"" ],
-                "SCPFintentEventTp":                       [ "basic":true, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":false, "extra_C":false, "extra_D":false, "new_Test":false, day:"" ],
-                "SCPFhostLat":                             [ "basic":false, "extra_A":true, "extra_B":false, "extra_C":false, "extra_D":false, "new_Test":false, day:"" ],
-                "SCPFbatchFlowResp":                       [ "basic":false, "extra_A":true, "extra_B":false, "extra_C":false, "extra_D":false, "new_Test":false, day:"" ],
-                "SCPFintentRerouteLat":                    [ "basic":false, "extra_A":true, "extra_B":false, "extra_C":false, "extra_D":false, "new_Test":false, day:"" ],
-                "SCPFintentInstallWithdrawLat":            [ "basic":false, "extra_A":true, "extra_B":false, "extra_C":false, "extra_D":false, "new_Test":false, day:"" ],
-                "SCPFflowTp1gWithFlowObj":                 [ "basic":false, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":true, "extra_C":false, "extra_D":false, "new_Test":false, day:"" ],
-                "SCPFintentEventTpWithFlowObj":            [ "basic":false, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":true, "extra_C":false, "extra_D":false, "new_Test":false, day:"" ],
-                "SCPFintentRerouteLatWithFlowObj":         [ "basic":false, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":true, "extra_C":false, "extra_D":false, "new_Test":false, day:"" ],
-                "SCPFscalingMaxIntentsWithFlowObj":        [ "basic":false, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":true, "extra_C":false, "extra_D":false, "new_Test":false, day:"" ],
-                "SCPFintentInstallWithdrawLatWithFlowObj": [ "basic":false, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":true, "extra_C":false, "extra_D":false, "new_Test":false, day:"" ],
-                "SCPFscaleTopo":                           [ "basic":false, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":false, "extra_C":true, "extra_D":false, "new_Test":false, day:"" ],
-                "SCPFscalingMaxIntents":                   [ "basic":false, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":false, "extra_C":false, "extra_D":true, "new_Test":false, day:"" ],
-                "SCPFmastershipFailoverLat":               [ "basic":false, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":false, "extra_C":false, "extra_D":true, "new_Test":false, day:"" ]
-        ],
-        "USECASE":[
-                "FUNCvirNetNB" :                [ "basic":true, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":false, "new_Test":false, "day":"", wiki_link:wikiPrefix + "-" + "FUNCvirNetNB", wiki_file:"FUNCvirNetNBWiki.txt"  ],
-                "FUNCbgpls" :                   [ "basic":true, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":false, "new_Test":false, "day":"", wiki_link:wikiPrefix + "-" + "FUNCbgpls", wiki_file:"FUNCbgplsWiki.txt"  ],
-                "VPLSBasic" :                   [ "basic":true, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":false, "new_Test":false, "day":"", wiki_link:wikiPrefix + "-" + "VPLSBasic", wiki_file:"VPLSBasicWiki.txt"  ],
-                "VPLSfailsafe" :                [ "basic":true, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":false, "new_Test":false, "day":"", wiki_link:wikiPrefix + "-" + "VPLSfailsafe", wiki_file:"VPLSfailsafeWiki.txt"  ],
-                "USECASE_SdnipFunction":        [ "basic":true, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":false, "new_Test":false, "day":"", wiki_link:wikiPrefix + "-" + "SDNIP Function", wiki_file:"USECASE_SdnipFunctionWiki.txt"  ],
-                "USECASE_SdnipFunctionCluster": [ "basic":true, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":false, "new_Test":false, "day":"", wiki_link:wikiPrefix + "-" + "SDNIP Function Cluster", wiki_file:"USECASE_SdnipFunctionClusterWiki.txt" ],
-                "PLATdockertest":               [ "basic":false, "extra_A":true, "extra_B":false, "new_Test":false, "day":"", wiki_link:"Docker Images sanity test", wiki_file:"PLATdockertestTableWiki.txt"  ]
-        ],
-        "SR":[
-                "SRBridging":                   [ "basic":true, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":false, "new_Test":false, "day":"", wiki_link:wikiPrefix + "-" + "SR Bridging", wiki_file:"SRBridgingWiki.txt" ],
-                "SRRouting":                    [ "basic":true, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":false, "new_Test":false, "day":"", wiki_link:wikiPrefix + "-" + "SR Routing", wiki_file:"SRRoutingWiki.txt" ],
-                "SRDhcprelay":                  [ "basic":true, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":false, "new_Test":false, "day":"", wiki_link:wikiPrefix + "-" + "SR Dhcp Relay", wiki_file:"SRDhcprelayWiki.txt" ],
-                "SRDynamicConf":                [ "basic":true, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":false, "new_Test":false, "day":"", wiki_link:wikiPrefix + "-" + "SR Dynamic Config", wiki_file:"SRDynamicConfWiki.txt" ],
-                "SRMulticast":                  [ "basic":true, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":false, "new_Test":false, "day":"", wiki_link:wikiPrefix + "-" + "SR Multi Cast", wiki_file:"SRMulticastWiki.txt" ],
-                "SRSanity":                     [ "basic":false, "extra_A":true, "extra_B":false, "new_Test":false, "day":"", wiki_link:wikiPrefix + "-" + "SR Sanity", wiki_file:"SRSanityWiki.txt"  ],
-                "SRSwitchFailure":              [ "basic":false, "extra_A":true, "extra_B":false, "new_Test":false, "day":"", wiki_link:wikiPrefix + "-" + "SR Switch Failure", wiki_file:"SRSwitchFailureWiki.txt"  ],
-                "SRLinkFailure":                [ "basic":false, "extra_A":true, "extra_B":false, "new_Test":false, "day":"", wiki_link:wikiPrefix + "-" + "SR Link Failure", wiki_file:"SRLinkFailureWiki.txt"  ],
-                "SROnosFailure":                [ "basic":false, "extra_A":true, "extra_B":false, "new_Test":false, "day":"", wiki_link:wikiPrefix + "-" + "SR Onos node Failure", wiki_file:"SROnosFailureWiki.txt"  ],
-                "SRClusterRestart":             [ "basic":false, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":true, "new_Test":false, "day":"", wiki_link:wikiPrefix + "-" + "SR Cluster Restart", wiki_file:"SRClusterRestartWiki.txt"  ],
-                "SRDynamic":                    [ "basic":false, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":true, "new_Test":false, "day":"", wiki_link:wikiPrefix + "-" + "SR Dynamic", wiki_file:"SRDynamicWiki.txt"  ],
-                "SRHighAvailability":           [ "basic":false, "extra_A":false, "extra_B":true, "new_Test":false, "day":"", wiki_link:wikiPrefix + "-" + "SR High Availability", wiki_file:"SRHighAvailabilityWiki.txt"  ]
-        ]
-    ];
+            "FUNC": [
+                    "FUNCipv6Intent": [
+                            "basic": true,
+                            "extra_A": false,
+                            "extra_B": false,
+                            "new_Test": false,
+                            "day": "",
+                            wiki_link: wikiPrefix + "-" + "FUNCipv6Intent",
+                            wiki_file: "FUNCipv6IntentWiki.txt" ],
+                    "FUNCoptical": [
+                            "basic": true,
+                            "extra_A": false,
+                            "extra_B": false,
+                            "new_Test": false,
+                            "day": "",
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+                            "extra_A": false,
+                            "extra_B": false,
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+                            "day": " " ],
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+                            "extra_C": false,
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+                            "extra_B": false,
+                            "extra_C": false,
+                            "extra_D": false,
+                            "new_Test": false,
+                            "day": " " ],
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+                            "basic": false,
+                            "extra_A": false,
+                            "extra_B": true,
+                            "extra_C": false,
+                            "extra_D": false,
+                            "new_Test": false,
+                            "day": " " ],
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+                            "basic": false,
+                            "extra_A": false,
+                            "extra_B": true,
+                            "extra_C": false,
+                            "extra_D": false,
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+                            "day": " " ],
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+                            "extra_A": false,
+                            "extra_B": true,
+                            "extra_C": false,
+                            "extra_D": false,
+                            "new_Test": false,
+                            "day": " " ],
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+                            "basic": false,
+                            "extra_A": false,
+                            "extra_B": true,
+                            "extra_C": false,
+                            "extra_D": false,
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+                            "day": " " ],
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+                            "extra_B": true,
+                            "extra_C": false,
+                            "extra_D": false,
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+                            "day": " " ],
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+                            "extra_B": false,
+                            "extra_C": true,
+                            "extra_D": false,
+                            "new_Test": false,
+                            "day": " " ],
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+                            "extra_B": false,
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+                            "day": " " ],
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+                            "extra_A": false,
+                            "extra_B": false,
+                            "extra_C": false,
+                            "extra_D": true,
+                            "new_Test": false,
+                            "day": " " ]
+            ],
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+                            "extra_B": false,
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+                            wiki_file: " SROnosFailureWiki.txt " ],
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+                            "new_Test": false,
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+                            wiki_file: " SRClusterRestartWiki.txt " ],
+                    "SRDynamic": [
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+                            "basic": false,
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+                            "extra_B": true,
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+                            "day": "",
+                            wiki_link: wikiPrefix + " - " + " SR High Availability ",
+                            wiki_file: " SRHighAvailabilityWiki.txt " ]
+            ]
+    ]
-return this;
+return this
diff --git a/TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/PerformanceFuncs.groovy b/TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/PerformanceFuncs.groovy
index c2dfc5d..2c86f43 100644
--- a/TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/PerformanceFuncs.groovy
+++ b/TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/PerformanceFuncs.groovy
@@ -25,14 +25,15 @@
 fileRelated = evaluate readTrusted( 'TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/JenkinsPathAndFiles.groovy' )
 def init(){
-    // init step for SCPFfunctions. It has some mandatory init steps
+    // init step for SCPF functions. It has some mandatory init steps
     // none, batches, neighbors, times : to be used for extra parameters for generating graphs.
-    none = [ "" ]
-    batches = [ 1, 100, 1000 ]
-    neighbors = [ 'y', 'n' ]
-    times = [ 'y', 'n' ]
+    def none = [ "" ]
+    def batches = [ 1, 100, 1000 ]
+    def neighbors = [ 'y', 'n' ]
+    def times = [ 'y', 'n' ]
     //flows : whether the test is affected by oldFlow or newFlow
     // test : command of the test to be executed when running the test
@@ -51,91 +52,293 @@
     // y_axis : title of the y_axis to be shown for 50 data overall graph if there is one.
     SCPF = [
-        SCPFcbench:                              [ flows:false, test:'SCPFcbench', table:'cbench_bm_tests', results:'cbench_bm_results', file:'CbenchDB', rFile:'SCPFcbench.R', extra:none, finalResult:1, graphTitle:[ 'Cbench Test' ], dbCols:'avg', dbWhere:'', y_axis:'Throughput (Responses/sec)' ],
-        SCPFhostLat:                             [ flows:false, test:'SCPFhostLat', table:'host_latency_tests', results:'host_latency_results', file:'HostAddLatency', rFile:'SCPFhostLat.R', extra:none,finalResult:1, graphTitle:[ 'Host Latency Test' ], dbCols:'avg', dbWhere:'AND scale=5', y_axis:'Latency (ms)' ],
-        SCPFportLat:                             [ flows:false, test:'SCPFportLat', table:'port_latency_details', results:'port_latency_results', file:'/tmp/portEventResultDb', rFile:'SCPFportLat.R', extra:none, finalResult:1, graphTitle:[ 'Port Latency Test - Port Up','Port Latency Test - Port Down' ], dbCols:[ 'up_ofp_to_dev_avg, up_dev_to_link_avg, up_link_to_graph_avg', 'down_ofp_to_dev_avg, down_dev_to_link_avg, down_link_to_graph_avg' ], dbWhere:'AND scale=5', y_axis:'Latency (ms)' ],
-        SCPFflowTp1g:                            [ flows:true, test:'SCPFflowTp1g', table:'flow_tp_tests', results:'flow_tp_results', file:'flowTP1gDB', rFile:'SCPFflowTp1g.R n', extra:neighbors, finalResult:1, graphTitle:[ 'Flow Throughput Test - neighbors=0', 'Flow Throughput Test - neighbors=4' ], dbCols:'avg', dbWhere:[ 'AND scale=5 AND neighbors=0 ','AND scale=5 AND NOT neighbors=0' ],  y_axis:'Throughput (,000 Flows/sec)' ],
-        SCPFflowTp1gWithFlowObj:                 [ flows:true, test:'SCPFflowTp1g --params TEST/flowObj=True', table:'flow_tp_fobj_tests', results:'flow_tp_fobj_results', file:'flowTP1gDBFlowObj', rFile:'SCPFflowTp1g.R y', extra:neighbors, finalResult:0 ],
-        SCPFscaleTopo:                           [ flows:false, test:'SCPFscaleTopo', table:'scale_topo_latency_details', results:'scale_topo_latency_results', file:'/tmp/scaleTopoResultDb', rFile:'SCPFscaleTopo.R', extra:none, finalResult:1, graphTitle:[ 'Scale Topology Test' ], dbCols:[ 'first_connection_to_last_connection, last_connection_to_last_role_request, last_role_request_to_last_topology' ], dbWhere:'AND scale=20' , y_axis:'Latency (s)' ],
-        SCPFswitchLat:                           [ flows:false, test:'SCPFswitchLat', table:'switch_latency_details', results:'switch_latency_results', file:'/tmp/switchEventResultDb', rFile:'SCPFswitchLat.R', extra:none, finalResult:1, graphTitle:[ 'Switch Latency Test - Switch Up','Switch Latency Test - Switch Down' ], dbCols:[ 'tcp_to_feature_reply_avg,feature_reply_to_device_avg,up_device_to_graph_avg', 'fin_ack_to_ack_avg,ack_to_device_avg,down_device_to_graph_avg' ], dbWhere:'AND scale=5', y_axis:'Latency (ms)' ],
-        SCPFbatchFlowResp:                       [ flows:true, test:'SCPFbatchFlowResp', table:'batch_flow_tests', results:'batch_flow_results', file:'SCPFbatchFlowRespData', rFile:'SCPFbatchFlowResp.R', extra:none, finalResult:1, graphTitle:[ 'Batch Flow Test - Post', 'Batch Flow Test - Del' ], dbCols:[ 'elapsepost, posttoconfrm', 'elapsedel, deltoconfrm' ], dbWhere:'', y_axis:'Latency (s)' ],
-        SCPFintentEventTp:                       [ flows:true, test:'SCPFintentEventTp', table:'intent_tp_tests', results:'intent_tp_results', file:'IntentEventTPDB', rFile:'SCPFintentEventTp.R n', extra:neighbors, finalResult:1, graphTitle:[ 'Intent Throughput Test - neighbors=0','Intent Throughput Test - neighbors=4' ], dbCols:'SUM( avg ) as avg', dbWhere:[ 'AND scale=5 AND neighbors=0 GROUP BY date,build','AND scale=5 AND NOT neighbors=0 GROUP BY date,build' ], y_axis:'Throughput (Ops/sec)' ],
-        SCPFintentRerouteLat:                    [ flows:true, test:'SCPFintentRerouteLat', table:'intent_reroute_latency_tests', results:'intent_reroute_latency_results', file:'IntentRerouteLatDB', rFile:'SCPFIntentInstallWithdrawRerouteLat.R n', extra:batches, finalResult:1, graphTitle:[ 'Intent Reroute Test' ], dbCols:'avg', dbWhere:'AND scale=5 AND batch_size=100', y_axis:'Latency (ms)' ],
-        SCPFscalingMaxIntents:                   [ flows:true, test:'SCPFscalingMaxIntents', table:'max_intents_tests', results:'max_intents_results', file:'ScalingMaxIntentDB', rFile:'SCPFscalingMaxIntents.R n', extra:none, finalResult:0 ],
-        SCPFintentEventTpWithFlowObj:            [ flows:true, test:'SCPFintentEventTp --params TEST/flowObj=True', table:'intent_tp_fobj_tests', results:'intent_tp_fobj_results', file:'IntentEventTPflowObjDB', rFile:'SCPFintentEventTp.R y', extra:neighbors,finalResult:0 ],
-        SCPFintentInstallWithdrawLat:            [ flows:true, test:'SCPFintentInstallWithdrawLat', table:'intent_latency_tests', results:'intent_latency_results', file:'IntentInstallWithdrawLatDB', rFile:'SCPFIntentInstallWithdrawRerouteLat.R n', extra:batches,finalResult:1, graphTitle:[ 'Intent Installation Test','Intent Withdrawal Test' ], dbCols:[ 'install_avg','withdraw_avg' ], dbWhere:'AND scale=5 AND batch_size=100', y_axis:'Latency (ms)' ],
-        SCPFintentRerouteLatWithFlowObj:         [ flows:true, test:'SCPFintentRerouteLat --params TEST/flowObj=True', table:'intent_reroute_latency_fobj_tests', results:'intent_reroute_latency_fobj_results', file:'IntentRerouteLatDBWithFlowObj', rFile:'SCPFIntentInstallWithdrawRerouteLat.R y', extra:batches, finalResult:0 ],
-        SCPFscalingMaxIntentsWithFlowObj:        [ flows:true, test:'SCPFscalingMaxIntents --params TEST/flowObj=True', table:'max_intents_fobj_tests', results:'max_intents_fobj_results', file:'ScalingMaxIntentDBWFO', rFile:'SCPFscalingMaxIntents.R y', extra:none, finalResult:0 ],
-        SCPFintentInstallWithdrawLatWithFlowObj: [ flows:true, test:'SCPFintentInstallWithdrawLat --params TEST/flowObj=True', table:'intent_latency_fobj_tests', results:'intent_latency_fobj_results', file:'IntentInstallWithdrawLatDBWFO', rFile:'SCPFIntentInstallWithdrawRerouteLat.R y', extra:batches, finalResult:0 ],
-        SCPFmastershipFailoverLat:               [ flows:false, test:'SCPFmastershipFailoverLat', table:'mastership_failover_tests', results:'mastership_failover_results', file:'mastershipFailoverLatDB', rFile:'SCPFmastershipFailoverLat.R', extra:none, finalResult:1, graphTitle:[ 'Mastership Failover Test' ], dbCols:[ 'kill_deact_avg,deact_role_avg' ], dbWhere:'AND scale=5', y_axis:'Latency (ms)' ]
+            SCPFcbench: [ flows: false,
+                          test: 'SCPFcbench',
+                          table: 'cbench_bm_tests',
+                          results: 'cbench_bm_results',
+                          file: 'CbenchDB',
+                          rFile: 'SCPFcbench.R',
+                          extra: none,
+                          finalResult: 1,
+                          graphTitle: [ 'Cbench Test' ],
+                          dbCols: 'avg',
+                          dbWhere: '',
+                          y_axis: 'Throughput (Responses/sec)' ],
+            SCPFhostLat: [ flows: false,
+                           test: 'SCPFhostLat',
+                           table: 'host_latency_tests',
+                           results: 'host_latency_results',
+                           file: 'HostAddLatency',
+                           rFile: 'SCPFhostLat.R',
+                           extra: none,
+                           finalResult: 1,
+                           graphTitle: [ 'Host Latency Test' ],
+                           dbCols: 'avg',
+                           dbWhere: 'AND scale=5',
+                           y_axis: 'Latency (ms)' ],
+            SCPFportLat: [ flows: false,
+                           test: 'SCPFportLat',
+                           table: 'port_latency_details',
+                           results: 'port_latency_results',
+                           file: '/tmp/portEventResultDb',
+                           rFile: 'SCPFportLat.R',
+                           extra: none,
+                           finalResult: 1,
+                           graphTitle: [ 'Port Latency Test - Port Up', 'Port Latency Test - Port Down' ],
+                           dbCols: [ 'up_ofp_to_dev_avg, up_dev_to_link_avg, up_link_to_graph_avg',
+                                     'down_ofp_to_dev_avg, down_dev_to_link_avg, down_link_to_graph_avg' ],
+                           dbWhere: 'AND scale=5', y_axis: 'Latency (ms)' ],
+            SCPFflowTp1g: [ flows: true,
+                            test: 'SCPFflowTp1g',
+                            table: 'flow_tp_tests',
+                            results: 'flow_tp_results',
+                            file: 'flowTP1gDB',
+                            rFile: 'SCPFflowTp1g.R n',
+                            extra: neighbors,
+                            finalResult: 1,
+                            graphTitle: [ 'Flow Throughput Test - neighbors=0',
+                                          'Flow Throughput Test - neighbors=4' ],
+                            dbCols: 'avg',
+                            dbWhere: [ 'AND scale=5 AND neighbors=0 ',
+                                       'AND scale=5 AND NOT neighbors=0' ],
+                            y_axis: 'Throughput (,000 Flows/sec)' ],
+            SCPFflowTp1gWithFlowObj: [ flows: true,
+                                       test: 'SCPFflowTp1g --params TEST/flowObj=True',
+                                       table: 'flow_tp_fobj_tests',
+                                       results: 'flow_tp_fobj_results',
+                                       file: 'flowTP1gDBFlowObj',
+                                       rFile: 'SCPFflowTp1g.R y',
+                                       extra: neighbors,
+                                       finalResult: 0 ],
+            SCPFscaleTopo: [ flows: false,
+                             test: 'SCPFscaleTopo',
+                             table: 'scale_topo_latency_details',
+                             results: 'scale_topo_latency_results',
+                             file: '/tmp/scaleTopoResultDb',
+                             rFile: 'SCPFscaleTopo.R',
+                             extra: none,
+                             finalResult: 1,
+                             graphTitle: [ 'Scale Topology Test' ],
+                             dbCols: [ 'first_connection_to_last_connection, last_connection_to_last_role_request, last_role_request_to_last_topology' ],
+                             dbWhere: 'AND scale=20',
+                             y_axis: 'Latency (s)' ],
+            SCPFswitchLat: [ flows: false,
+                             test: 'SCPFswitchLat',
+                             table: 'switch_latency_details',
+                             results: 'switch_latency_results',
+                             file: '/tmp/switchEventResultDb',
+                             rFile: 'SCPFswitchLat.R',
+                             extra: none,
+                             finalResult: 1,
+                             graphTitle: [ 'Switch Latency Test - Switch Up',
+                                           'Switch Latency Test - Switch Down' ],
+                             dbCols: [ 'tcp_to_feature_reply_avg,feature_reply_to_device_avg,up_device_to_graph_avg',
+                                       'fin_ack_to_ack_avg,ack_to_device_avg,down_device_to_graph_avg' ],
+                             dbWhere: 'AND scale=5',
+                             y_axis: 'Latency (ms)' ],
+            SCPFbatchFlowResp: [ flows: true,
+                                 test: 'SCPFbatchFlowResp',
+                                 table: 'batch_flow_tests',
+                                 results: 'batch_flow_results',
+                                 file: 'SCPFbatchFlowRespData',
+                                 rFile: 'SCPFbatchFlowResp.R',
+                                 extra: none,
+                                 finalResult: 1,
+                                 graphTitle: [ 'Batch Flow Test - Post',
+                                               'Batch Flow Test - Del' ],
+                                 dbCols: [ 'elapsepost, posttoconfrm',
+                                           'elapsedel, deltoconfrm' ],
+                                 dbWhere: '',
+                                 y_axis: 'Latency (s)' ],
+            SCPFintentEventTp: [ flows: true,
+                                 test: 'SCPFintentEventTp',
+                                 table: 'intent_tp_tests',
+                                 results: 'intent_tp_results',
+                                 file: 'IntentEventTPDB',
+                                 rFile: 'SCPFintentEventTp.R n',
+                                 extra: neighbors,
+                                 finalResult: 1,
+                                 graphTitle: [ 'Intent Throughput Test - neighbors=0',
+                                               'Intent Throughput Test - neighbors=4' ],
+                                 dbCols: 'SUM( avg ) as avg',
+                                 dbWhere: [ 'AND scale=5 AND neighbors=0 GROUP BY date,build',
+                                            'AND scale=5 AND NOT neighbors=0 GROUP BY date,build' ],
+                                 y_axis: 'Throughput (Ops/sec)' ],
+            SCPFintentRerouteLat: [ flows: true,
+                                    test: 'SCPFintentRerouteLat',
+                                    table: 'intent_reroute_latency_tests',
+                                    results: 'intent_reroute_latency_results',
+                                    file: 'IntentRerouteLatDB',
+                                    rFile: 'SCPFIntentInstallWithdrawRerouteLat.R n',
+                                    extra: batches,
+                                    finalResult: 1,
+                                    graphTitle: [ 'Intent Reroute Test' ],
+                                    dbCols: 'avg',
+                                    dbWhere: 'AND scale=5 AND batch_size=100',
+                                    y_axis: 'Latency (ms)' ],
+            SCPFscalingMaxIntents: [ flows: true,
+                                     test: 'SCPFscalingMaxIntents',
+                                     table: 'max_intents_tests',
+                                     results: 'max_intents_results',
+                                     file: 'ScalingMaxIntentDB',
+                                     rFile: 'SCPFscalingMaxIntents.R n',
+                                     extra: none,
+                                     finalResult: 0 ],
+            SCPFintentEventTpWithFlowObj: [ flows: true,
+                                            test: 'SCPFintentEventTp --params TEST/flowObj=True',
+                                            table: 'intent_tp_fobj_tests',
+                                            results: 'intent_tp_fobj_results',
+                                            file: 'IntentEventTPflowObjDB',
+                                            rFile: 'SCPFintentEventTp.R y',
+                                            extra: neighbors,
+                                            finalResult: 0 ],
+            SCPFintentInstallWithdrawLat: [ flows: true,
+                                            test: 'SCPFintentInstallWithdrawLat',
+                                            table: 'intent_latency_tests',
+                                            results: 'intent_latency_results',
+                                            file: 'IntentInstallWithdrawLatDB',
+                                            rFile: 'SCPFIntentInstallWithdrawRerouteLat.R n',
+                                            extra: batches,
+                                            finalResult: 1,
+                                            graphTitle: [ 'Intent Installation Test',
+                                                          'Intent Withdrawal Test' ],
+                                            dbCols: [ 'install_avg', 'withdraw_avg' ],
+                                            dbWhere: 'AND scale=5 AND batch_size=100',
+                                            y_axis: 'Latency (ms)' ],
+            SCPFintentRerouteLatWithFlowObj: [ flows: true,
+                                               test: 'SCPFintentRerouteLat --params TEST/flowObj=True',
+                                               table: 'intent_reroute_latency_fobj_tests',
+                                               results: 'intent_reroute_latency_fobj_results',
+                                               file: 'IntentRerouteLatDBWithFlowObj',
+                                               rFile: 'SCPFIntentInstallWithdrawRerouteLat.R y',
+                                               extra: batches,
+                                               finalResult: 0 ],
+            SCPFscalingMaxIntentsWithFlowObj: [ flows: true,
+                                                test: 'SCPFscalingMaxIntents --params TEST/flowObj=True',
+                                                table: 'max_intents_fobj_tests',
+                                                results: 'max_intents_fobj_results',
+                                                file: 'ScalingMaxIntentDBWFO',
+                                                rFile: 'SCPFscalingMaxIntents.R y',
+                                                extra: none,
+                                                finalResult: 0 ],
+            SCPFintentInstallWithdrawLatWithFlowObj: [ flows: true,
+                                                       test: 'SCPFintentInstallWithdrawLat --params TEST/flowObj=True',
+                                                       table: 'intent_latency_fobj_tests',
+                                                       results: 'intent_latency_fobj_results',
+                                                       file: 'IntentInstallWithdrawLatDBWFO',
+                                                       rFile: 'SCPFIntentInstallWithdrawRerouteLat.R y',
+                                                       extra: batches,
+                                                       finalResult: 0 ],
+            SCPFmastershipFailoverLat: [ flows: false,
+                                         test: 'SCPFmastershipFailoverLat',
+                                         table: 'mastership_failover_tests',
+                                         results: 'mastership_failover_results',
+                                         file: 'mastershipFailoverLatDB',
+                                         rFile: 'SCPFmastershipFailoverLat.R',
+                                         extra: none,
+                                         finalResult: 1,
+                                         graphTitle: [ 'Mastership Failover Test' ],
+                                         dbCols: [ 'kill_deact_avg,deact_role_avg' ],
+                                         dbWhere: 'AND scale=5',
+                                         y_axis: 'Latency (ms)' ]
     graph_saved_directory = fileRelated.jenkinsWorkspace + "postjob-BM/"
 def getGraphCommand( rFileName, extras, host, port, user, pass, testName, branchName, isOldFlow ){
     // generate the list of Rscript command for individual graphs
     result = ""
-    for( extra in extras ){
+    for ( extra in extras ){
         result += generateGraph( rFileName, " " + extra, host, port, user, pass, testName, branchName, isOldFlow ) + ";"
     return result
 def generateGraph( rFileName, batch, host, port, user, pass, testName, branchName, isOldFlow ){
     //  generate the Rscript command for individual graphs
-    return generalFuncs.basicGraphPart( fileRelated.SCPFSpecificLocation + rFileName, host, port, user, pass, testName, branchName ) +
+    return generalFuncs.basicGraphPart( fileRelated.SCPFSpecificLocation + rFileName,
+                                        host, port, user, pass, testName, branchName ) +
            " " + batch + " " + usingOldFlow( isOldFlow, testName ) + graph_saved_directory
 def generateCombinedResultGraph( host, port, user, pass, testName, branchName, isOldFlow ){
     // generate Rscript for overall graph for the front page.
-    result = ""
+    def result = ""
-    for ( int i=0; i< SCPF[ testName ][ 'graphTitle' ].size(); i++ ){
-        result += generalFuncs.basicGraphPart(  fileRelated.trendSCPF, host, port, user, pass, "\"" + SCPF[ testName ][ 'graphTitle' ][ i ] + "\"", branchName ) +
-        " " + 50 + " \"SELECT " + checkIfList( testName, 'dbCols', i ) + ", build FROM " + SCPF[ testName ][ 'table' ] + " WHERE  branch=\'" + branchName + "\' " + sqlOldFlow( isOldFlow, testName ) +
-        checkIfList( testName, 'dbWhere', i ) + " ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 50\" \"" + SCPF[ testName ][ 'y_axis' ] + "\" " + hasOldFlow( isOldFlow, testName ) + graph_saved_directory + ";"
+    for ( int i = 0; i < SCPF[ testName ][ 'graphTitle' ].size(); i++ ){
+        result += generalFuncs.basicGraphPart( fileRelated.trendSCPF,
+                                               host,
+                                               port,
+                                               user,
+                                               pass,
+                                               "\"" + SCPF[ testName ][ 'graphTitle' ][ i ] + "\"",
+                                               branchName ) +
+                  " " + 50 + " \"SELECT " +
+                  checkIfList( testName, 'dbCols', i ) +
+                  ", build FROM " + SCPF[ testName ][ 'table' ] + " WHERE  branch=\'" + branchName + "\' " +
+                  sqlOldFlow( isOldFlow, testName ) +
+                  checkIfList( testName, 'dbWhere', i ) +
+                  " ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 50\" \"" +
+                  SCPF[ testName ][ 'y_axis' ] + "\" " +
+                  hasOldFlow( isOldFlow, testName ) +
+                  graph_saved_directory + ";"
     return result
 def checkIfList( testName, forWhich, pos ){
     // check if some dictionary has list or string.
-    return SCPF[ testName ][ forWhich ].getClass().getName() != "java.lang.String" ? SCPF[ testName ][ forWhich ][ pos ] :  SCPF[ testName ][ forWhich ]
+    return SCPF[ testName ][ forWhich ].getClass().getName() != "java.lang.String" ?
+           SCPF[ testName ][ forWhich ][ pos ] :
+           SCPF[ testName ][ forWhich ]
 def sqlOldFlow( isOldFlow, testName ){
     // sql where command part for checking old flows.
     return SCPF[ testName ][ 'flows' ] ? " AND " + ( isOldFlow ? "" : "NOT " ) + "is_old_flow " : ""
 def oldFlowRuleCheck( isOldFlow, branch ){
     // checking if it is old flow
     this.isOldFlow = isOldFlow
-    if( !isOldFlow ){
+    if ( !isOldFlow ){
         SCPF[ 'SCPFflowTp1g' ][ 'test' ] += " --params TEST/flows=" + ( branch == "onos-1.11" ? "4000" : "3500" )
 def affectedByOldFlow( isOldFlow, testName ){
     // For sql command :  if the test is affect by old flow, it will return parameters for old flow
     return SCPF[ testName ][ 'flows' ] ? "" + isOldFlow + ", " : ""
 def usingOldFlow( isOldFlow, testName ){
     // For Rscript command : if it is using old flow.
     return SCPF[ testName ][ 'flows' ] ? ( isOldFlow ? "y" : "n" ) + " " : ""
 def hasOldFlow( isOldFlow, testName ){
     // For Rscript command for 50 data
     return ( SCPF[ testName ][ 'flows' ] && isOldFlow ? "y" : "n" ) + " "
 def sqlCommand( testName ){
     // sql command for inserting data into the database
-    if ( testName == "SCPFscaleTopo" || testName == "SCPFswitchLat" || testName == "SCPFportLat" )
-        return "\"INSERT INTO " + SCPF[ testName ][ 'table' ] + " VALUES( '\$DATE','" + SCPF[ testName ][ 'results' ] + "','\$BUILD_NUMBER', \$line, '\$ONOSBranch');\""
-    return "\"INSERT INTO " + SCPF[ testName ][ 'table' ] + " VALUES( '\$DATE','" + SCPF[ testName ][ 'results' ] + "','\$BUILD_NUMBER', '\$ONOSBranch', " + affectedByOldFlow( isOldFlow, testName ) + "\$line);\""
+    if ( testName == "SCPFscaleTopo" || testName == "SCPFswitchLat" || testName == "SCPFportLat" ){
+        return "\"INSERT INTO " + SCPF[ testName ][ 'table' ] + " VALUES( '\$DATE','" +
+               SCPF[ testName ][ 'results' ] + "','\$BUILD_NUMBER', \$line, '\$ONOSBranch');\""
+    }
+    return "\"INSERT INTO " + SCPF[ testName ][ 'table' ] + " VALUES( '\$DATE','" + SCPF[ testName ][ 'results' ] +
+           "','\$BUILD_NUMBER', '\$ONOSBranch', " + affectedByOldFlow( isOldFlow, testName ) + "\$line);\""
 def databasePart( testName, database_command ){
     // read the file from the machine and insert it to the database
@@ -147,10 +350,16 @@
     echo ''' + database_command + '''
     done< ''' + SCPF[ testName ][ 'file' ]
 def getGraphGeneratingCommand( host, port, user, pass, testName, prop ){
     // returns the combined Rscript command for each test.
-    return getGraphCommand( SCPF[ testName ][ 'rFile' ], SCPF[ testName ][ 'extra' ], host, port, user, pass, testName, prop[ "ONOSBranch" ], isOldFlow ) + '''
-    ''' + ( SCPF[ testName ][ 'finalResult' ] ? generateCombinedResultGraph( host, port, user, pass, testName, prop[ "ONOSBranch" ], , isOldFlow ) : "" )
+    return getGraphCommand( SCPF[ testName ][ 'rFile' ],
+                            SCPF[ testName ][ 'extra' ],
+                            host, port, user, pass, testName,
+                            prop[ "ONOSBranch" ], isOldFlow ) + '''
+    ''' + ( SCPF[ testName ][ 'finalResult' ] ?
+            generateCombinedResultGraph( host, port, user, pass, testName, prop[ "ONOSBranch" ], isOldFlow ) : "" )
-return this;
+return this
diff --git a/TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/TriggerFuncs.groovy b/TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/TriggerFuncs.groovy
index 238d7bc..07ea98b 100644
--- a/TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/TriggerFuncs.groovy
+++ b/TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/TriggerFuncs.groovy
@@ -23,24 +23,27 @@
 // This will provide the portion that will set up the environment of the machine
 //      and trigger the corresponding jobs.
 def init( commonFuncs ){
     funcs = commonFuncs
 def lastCommaRemover( str ){
     // function that will remove the last comma from the string
     if ( str.size() > 0 && str[ str.size() - 1 ] == ',' ){
-        str = str.substring( 0,str.size() - 1 )
+        str = str.substring( 0, str.size() - 1 )
     return str
 def printDaysForTest( AllTheTests ){
     // Print the days for what test has.
     result = ""
     for ( String test in AllTheTests.keySet() ){
         result += test + " : \n"
-        for( String each in AllTheTests[ test ].keySet() ){
+        for ( String each in AllTheTests[ test ].keySet() ){
             AllTheTests[ test ][ each ][ "day" ] = lastCommaRemover( AllTheTests[ test ][ each ][ "day" ] )
             result += "    " + each + ":[" + AllTheTests[ test ][ each ][ "day" ] + "]\n"
@@ -48,34 +51,52 @@
     return result
 def runTestSeq( testList ){
     // Running the test sequentially
-    return{
+    return {
         for ( test in testList.keySet() ){
             testList[ test ].call()
 def print_tests( tests ){
     // print the list of the tsets to be run
-    for( String test in tests.keySet() ){
-        if( tests[ test ][ "tests" ] != "" ){
+    for ( String test in tests.keySet() ){
+        if ( tests[ test ][ "tests" ] != "" ){
             println test + ":"
             println tests[ test ][ "tests" ]
 def organize_tests( tests, testcases ){
     // organize the test to its category using its name.
     // most of the time it will use the first two character of the test name
     // but there are some exceptions like FUNCbgpls or FUNCvirNetNB since they are now under USECASE
-    testList = tests.tokenize( "\n;, " )
-    for( String test in testList )
-        testcases [ Prefix_organizer[ ( test == "FUNCbgpls" || test == "FUNCvirNetNB" ? "US" : ( test[ 0 ] + test[ 1 ] ) ) ] ][ "tests" ] += test + ","
+    // depends on the first two letters of the test name, it will decide which category to put the test into.
+    def prefixes = [
+            "FU": "FUNC",
+            "HA": "HA",
+            "PL": "USECASE",
+            "SA": "USECASE",
+            "SC": "SCPF",
+            "SR": "SR",
+            "US": "USECASE",
+            "VP": "USECASE"
+    ]
+    def testList = tests.tokenize( "\n;, " )
+    for ( String test in testList ){
+        String prefix = ( test == "FUNCbgpls" || test == "FUNCvirNetNB" ) ? "US" : ( test[ 0..1 ] )
+        testcases[ prefixes[ prefix ] ][ "tests" ] += test + ","
+    }
     return testcases
 def trigger( branch, tests, nodeName, jobOn, manuallyRun, onosTag ){
     // triggering function that will setup the environment and determine which pipeline to trigger
@@ -83,7 +104,7 @@
     def wiki = branch
     branch = funcs.branchWithPrefix( branch )
     test_branch = "master"
-    node( "TestStation-" + nodeName + "s" ){
+    node( "TestStation-" + nodeName + "s" ) {
         envSetup( branch, test_branch, onosTag, jobOn, manuallyRun )
         exportEnvProperty( branch, test_branch, wiki, tests, post_result, manuallyRun, onosTag, isOldFlow )
@@ -92,33 +113,36 @@
     jobToRun = jobOn + "-pipeline-" + ( manuallyRun ? "manually" : wiki )
     build job: jobToRun, propagate: false
 def trigger_pipeline( branch, tests, nodeName, jobOn, manuallyRun, onosTag ){
     // nodeName : "BM" or "VM"
     // jobOn : "SCPF" or "USECASE" or "FUNC" or "HA"
     // this will return the function by wrapping them up with return{} to prevent them to be
     // executed once this function is called to assign to specific variable.
-    return{
+    return {
         trigger( branch, tests, nodeName, jobOn, manuallyRun, onosTag )
 // export Environment properties.
 def exportEnvProperty( onos_branch, test_branch, wiki, tests, postResult, manually_run, onosTag, isOldFlow ){
     // export environment properties to the machine.
-    stage( "export Property" ){
+    stage( "export Property" ) {
         sh '''
-            echo "ONOSBranch=''' + onos_branch +'''" > /var/jenkins/TestONOS.property
-            echo "TestONBranch=''' + test_branch +'''" >> /var/jenkins/TestONOS.property
-            echo "ONOSTag='''+ onosTag +'''" >> /var/jenkins/TestONOS.property
-            echo "WikiPrefix=''' + wiki +'''" >> /var/jenkins/TestONOS.property
-            echo "ONOSJVMHeap='''+ env.ONOSJVMHeap +'''" >> /var/jenkins/TestONOS.property
-            echo "Tests=''' + tests +'''" >> /var/jenkins/TestONOS.property
-            echo "postResult=''' + postResult +'''" >> /var/jenkins/TestONOS.property
-            echo "manualRun=''' + manually_run +'''" >> /var/jenkins/TestONOS.property
-            echo "isOldFlow=''' + isOldFlow +'''" >> /var/jenkins/TestONOS.property
+            echo "ONOSBranch=''' + onos_branch + '''" > /var/jenkins/TestONOS.property
+            echo "TestONBranch=''' + test_branch + '''" >> /var/jenkins/TestONOS.property
+            echo "ONOSTag=''' + onosTag + '''" >> /var/jenkins/TestONOS.property
+            echo "WikiPrefix=''' + wiki + '''" >> /var/jenkins/TestONOS.property
+            echo "ONOSJVMHeap=''' + env.ONOSJVMHeap + '''" >> /var/jenkins/TestONOS.property
+            echo "Tests=''' + tests + '''" >> /var/jenkins/TestONOS.property
+            echo "postResult=''' + postResult + '''" >> /var/jenkins/TestONOS.property
+            echo "manualRun=''' + manually_run + '''" >> /var/jenkins/TestONOS.property
+            echo "isOldFlow=''' + isOldFlow + '''" >> /var/jenkins/TestONOS.property
 // Initialize the environment Setup for the onos and OnosSystemTest
 def envSetup( onos_branch, test_branch, onos_tag, jobOn, manuallyRun ){
     // to setup the environment using the bash script
@@ -135,30 +159,36 @@
 def tagCheck( onos_tag, onos_branch ){
     // check the tag for onos if it is not empty
     result = "git checkout "
-    if ( onos_tag == "" )
-        result += onos_branch //create new local branch
-    else
-        result += onos_tag //checkout the tag
+    if ( onos_tag == "" ){
+        //create new local branch
+        result += onos_branch
+    }
+    else {
+        //checkout the tag
+        result += onos_tag
+    }
     return result
 def preSetup( onos_branch, test_branch, onos_tag, isManual ){
     // pre setup part which will clean up and checkout to corresponding branch.
     result = ""
-    if( !isManual ){
+    if ( !isManual ){
         result = '''echo -e "\n#####  Set TestON Branch #####"
         echo "TestON Branch is set on: ''' + test_branch + '''"
         cd ~/OnosSystemTest/
         git checkout HEAD~1      # Make sure you aren't pn a branch
         git branch | grep -v "detached from" | xargs git branch -d # delete all local branches merged with remote
-        git branch -D ''' + test_branch + ''' # just incase there are local changes. This will normally result in a branch not found error
+        git branch -D ''' + test_branch + ''' # just in case there are local changes. This will normally result in a branch not found error
         git clean -df # clean any local files
         git fetch --all # update all caches from remotes
-        git reset --hard origin/''' + test_branch +'''  # force local index to match remote branch
+        git reset --hard origin/''' + test_branch + '''  # force local index to match remote branch
         git clean -df # clean any local files
         git checkout ''' + test_branch + ''' #create new local branch
         git branch
@@ -190,20 +220,22 @@
     return result
 def oldFlowCheck( jobOn, onos_branch ){
     // part that will check if it is oldFlow. If so, it will switch to use old flow. Only affected with SCPF.
     result = ""
-    if( jobOn == "SCPF" && ( onos_branch== "master" || onos_branch=="onos-1.12" ) )
+    if ( jobOn == "SCPF" && ( onos_branch == "master" || onos_branch == "onos-1.12" ) )
         result = '''sed -i -e 's/@Component(immediate = true)/@Component(enabled = false)/g' ~/onos/core/store/dist/src/main/java/org/onosproject/store/flow/impl/''' + ( isOldFlow ? "DistributedFlowRuleStore" : "ECFlowRuleStore" ) + '''.java
         sed -i -e 's/@Component(enabled = false)/@Component(immediate = true)/g' ~/onos/core/store/dist/src/main/java/org/onosproject/store/flow/impl/''' + ( isOldFlow ? "ECFlowRuleStore" : "DistributedFlowRuleStore" ) + ".java"
     return result
 def postSetup( onos_branch, test_branch, onos_tag, isManual ){
     // setup that will build the onos using buck.
     result = ""
-    if( !isManual ){
+    if ( !isManual ){
         result = '''echo -e "\n##### build ONOS skip unit tests ######"
         #mvn clean install -DskipTests
         # Force buck update
@@ -218,10 +250,11 @@
     return result
 def generateKey(){
     // generate cluster-key of the onos
-    try{
+    try {
         sh '''
         #!/bin/bash -l
         set +e
@@ -230,7 +263,8 @@
         onos-gen-cluster-key -f
-    }catch( all ){}
+    } catch ( all ){
+    }
-return this;
+return this