[CORD-2862] TestON drivers for OFDPA and Host
Change-Id: I5a0005c128c091aadee567a144c0acef55235184
diff --git a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/ofdpa/__init__.py b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/ofdpa/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/ofdpa/__init__.py
diff --git a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/ofdpa/ofagent.conf.template b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/ofdpa/ofagent.conf.template
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9dccbcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/ofdpa/ofagent.conf.template
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# Controller
+# Datapath ID
+#DPID=`cat /sys/class/net/ma1/address | sed 's/://g'`
+# In-band management
+# Debug options
+#OPT_ARGS="-a2 -d4 -c1 -c2 -c3 -c4 -c5"
+# Maximu number of log files (valid: 0-10; 0:disble logging)
+# Controllers:
+# -i, --dpid=DATAPATHID The Datapath ID for this switch.
+# -l, --listen=IP[:PORT] A local IP address on which to listen for
+# controllers (may use this option multiple times)
+# -t, --controller=IP[:PORT] A Controller IP address (may use this option
+# multiple times)
+# TLS:
+# --cacert=CACERTIFICATE The Certificate Authority certficate
+# --cert=CERTIFICATE The SSL public certificate file for the switch
+# --cipher=CIPHER The list of ciphers to use
+# --key=KEYFILE The SSL private key file for the switch
+# Management VLAN:
+# -p, --port=MGMTPORT A port in the mgmt VLAN (may use this option
+# multiple times)
+# -v, --vlan=MGMTVLAN The VLAN to be reserved for management.
+# Debugging:
+# -a, --agentdebuglvl=AGENTDEBUGLVL
+# The verbosity of OF Agent debug messages.
+# -c, --ofdpadebugcomp=OFPDACOMPONENT
+# The OF-DPA component for which debug messages are
+# enabled.
+# -d, --ofdpadebuglvl=OFDPADEBUGLVL
+# The verbosity of OF-DPA debug messages.
+# Note:
+# IPv6 address parameters are specified following RFC3986.
+# To include a port number, enclose the IPv6 address in square brackets:
+# Example: -t [2001:db8:1f70::999:de8:7648:6e8]:6653
+# To use TLS when connecting to a controller, prefix the IP address with "tls:".
+# Example: -t tls:[2001:db8:1f70::999:de8:7648:6e8]:6653
+# Note: it is necessary to have a private key and public certificate to use TLS.
+# If the CA certificate is not provided, then the switch does not validate
+# certificates. This can be helpful if self-signed certificates are being used.
+# Default values:
+# No controllers connections
+# Note: may listen on mutiple IP addresses. E.g., IPv4 and IPv6.
+# Valid OF Agent debug levels are 0 - 2.
+# Valid OF-DPA debug levels are 0 - 4.
+# No components enabled for debug:
+# Valid OF-DPA components are:
+# 1 = API
+# 2 = Mapping
+# 3 = RPC
+# 4 = OFDB
+# 5 = Datapath
+# 6 = G8131
+# 7 = Y1731
+# 8 = sFlow
+# 9 = SDK
+# DATAPATHID = 0xda7a
+# No defaults for the management VLAN and port(s). The management VLAN feature
+# is disabled by default.
+# KEYFILE = /etc/ssl/private/switch.key
+# CERTIFICATE = /etc/ssl/certs/switch.crt
diff --git a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/ofdpa/ofdpaswitchdriver.py b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/ofdpa/ofdpaswitchdriver.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b080c96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/ofdpa/ofdpaswitchdriver.py
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Copyright 2018 Open Networking Foundation (ONF)
+Please refer questions to either the onos test mailing list at <onos-test@onosproject.org>,
+the System Testing Plans and Results wiki page at <https://wiki.onosproject.org/x/voMg>,
+or the System Testing Guide page at <https://wiki.onosproject.org/x/WYQg>
+TestON is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+( at your option ) any later version.
+TestON is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with TestON. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import pexpect
+import re
+import json
+import types
+import time
+import os
+from drivers.common.clidriver import CLI
+from core import utilities
+from shutil import copyfile
+class OFDPASwitchDriver( CLI ):
+ def __init__( self ):
+ """
+ Initialize client
+ """
+ super( CLI, self ).__init__()
+ self.name = None
+ self.handle = None
+ self.prompt = "~#"
+ # Respect to bin folder
+ self.home = "../drivers/common/cli/ofdpa/"
+ # Local home for functions using scp
+ self.tempDirectory = "/tmp/"
+ self.conf = "ofagent.conf"
+ self.switchDirectory = "/etc/ofagent/"
+ def connect( self, **connectargs ):
+ """
+ Creates ssh handle for Accton cli.
+ """
+ try:
+ # Parse keys in xml object
+ for key in connectargs:
+ vars( self )[ key ] = connectargs[ key ]
+ # Get the name
+ self.name = self.options['name']
+ # Get the dpid
+ self.dpid = self.options[ 'dpid' ]
+ # Parse the IP address
+ try:
+ if os.getenv( str( self.ip_address ) ) is not None:
+ self.ip_address = os.getenv( str( self.ip_address ) )
+ # Otherwise is an ip address
+ else:
+ main.log.info( self.name + ": Trying to connect to " + self.ip_address )
+ # Error handling
+ except KeyError:
+ main.log.info( "Invalid host name," + " connecting to local host instead" )
+ self.ip_address = 'localhost'
+ except Exception as inst:
+ main.log.error( "Uncaught exception: " + str( inst ) )
+ # Build the handle using the above information
+ self.handle = super(OFDPASwitchDriver, self ).connect(
+ user_name=self.user_name,
+ ip_address=self.ip_address,
+ port=None,
+ pwd=self.pwd)
+ # Successful connection
+ if self.handle:
+ main.log.info( "Connection successful to the host " + self.user_name + "@" + self.ip_address )
+ self.handle.sendline( "" )
+ self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
+ return main.TRUE
+ # Connection failed
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "Connection failed to the host " + self.user_name + "@" + self.ip_address )
+ main.log.error( "Failed to connect to the OFDPA CLI" )
+ return main.FALSE
+ # Error handling
+ except TypeError:
+ main.log.exception( self.name + ": Object not as expected" )
+ return None
+ except pexpect.EOF:
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": EOF exception found" )
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": " + self.handle.before )
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
+ except Exception:
+ main.log.exception( self.name + ": Uncaught exception!" )
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
+ def disconnect( self ):
+ """
+ Called when Test is complete to disconnect the OFDPASwitchDriver handle.
+ """
+ response = main.TRUE
+ try:
+ if self.handle:
+ # Stop the ofagent
+ self.stopOfAgent()
+ # Disconnect from the device
+ self.handle.sendline( "" )
+ self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
+ self.handle.sendline( "exit" )
+ self.handle.expect( "closed" )
+ # Errors handling
+ except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": pexpect.TIMEOUT found" )
+ return main.FALSE
+ except TypeError:
+ main.log.exception( self.name + ": Object not as expected" )
+ response = main.FALSE
+ except pexpect.EOF:
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": EOF exception found" )
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": " + self.handle.before )
+ except ValueError:
+ main.log.exception( "Exception in disconnect of " + self.name )
+ response = main.TRUE
+ except Exception:
+ main.log.exception( self.name + ": Connection failed to the host" )
+ response = main.FALSE
+ return response
+ def assignSwController( self, ip, port="6653", ptcp=""):
+ """
+ Description:
+ The assignment is realized properly creating the agent.conf
+ for each switch and then pushing it into the device.
+ Required:
+ ip - Ip addresses of controllers. This can be a list or a string.
+ Optional:
+ port - controller port is ignored
+ ptcp - ptcp information is ignored
+ Return:
+ Returns main.TRUE if the switch is correctly assigned to controllers,
+ otherwise it will return main.FALSE or an appropriate exception(s)
+ """
+ assignResult = main.TRUE
+ # Initial arguments for OFDPA
+ opt_args = 'OPT_ARGS="-d 2 -c 2 -c 4 '
+ onosIp = ""
+ # Parses the controller option
+ try:
+ if isinstance( ip, types.StringType ):
+ onosIp = "-t " + str( ip )
+ elif isinstance( ip, types.ListType ):
+ for ipAddress in ip:
+ onosIp += "-t " + str( ipAddress ) + " "
+ else:
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": Invalid ip address" )
+ return main.FALSE
+ # Complete the arguments adding the dpid
+ opt_args += onosIp + '-i %s' % self.dpid + '"'
+ # Create a copy of the cfg file using the template
+ self.createCfg()
+ # Load the cfg file and adds the missing option
+ self.updateCfg( opt_args )
+ # Backup the cfg on the switch
+ self.backupCfg()
+ # Push the new cfg on the device
+ self.pushCfg()
+ # Start the ofagent on the device
+ self.startOfAgent()
+ # Enable all the ports
+ assignResult = utilities.retry(
+ self.enablePorts,
+ main.FALSE,
+ kwargs={},
+ attempts=5,
+ sleep=10)
+ # Done return true
+ return assignResult
+ # Errors handling
+ except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": pexpect.TIMEOUT found" )
+ return main.FALSE
+ except pexpect.EOF:
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": EOF exception found" )
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": " + self.handle.before )
+ main.cleanAndExit()
+ except Exception:
+ main.log.exception( self.name + ": Uncaught exception!" )
+ main.cleanAndExit()
+ def createCfg( self ):
+ """
+ Create in bench context a new config file starting from the template
+ """
+ copyfile(self.home + self.conf + ".template", self.tempDirectory + self.conf)
+ def updateCfg( self, opt_args):
+ """
+ Add the arguments related to the current switch (self)
+ """
+ with open(self.tempDirectory + self.conf, "a") as cfg:
+ cfg.write(opt_args + "\n")
+ cfg.close()
+ def backupCfg( self ):
+ """
+ Create a backup file of the old configuration on the switch
+ """
+ self.handle.sendline( "" )
+ self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
+ self.handle.sendline( "cp %s%s %s%s.backup" % (self.switchDirectory, self.conf, self.switchDirectory, self.conf) )
+ self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
+ def pushCfg( self ):
+ """
+ Push the new configuration from the network bench
+ """
+ # We use os.system to send the command from TestON cluster
+ # to the switches. This means that passwordless access is
+ # necessary in order to push the configuration file
+ os.system( "scp " + self.tempDirectory + self.conf + " " +
+ self.user_name + "@" + self.ip_address + ":" + self.switchDirectory)
+ def startOfAgent( self ):
+ """
+ Start the ofagent on the device
+ """
+ self.handle.sendline( "" )
+ self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
+ self.handle.sendline( "service ofagentd start" )
+ self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
+ def stopOfAgent( self ):
+ """
+ Stop the ofagent on the device
+ """
+ self.handle.sendline( "" )
+ self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
+ self.handle.sendline( "service ofagentd stop" )
+ self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
+ def dumpFlows( self ):
+ """
+ Dump the flows from the devices
+ FIXME need changes in the workflow in order to be used
+ """
+ try:
+ self.handle.sendline( "" )
+ self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
+ # Create the dump of the flows locally on the switches
+ self.handle.sendline( "client_flowtable_dump" )
+ self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
+ response = self.handle.before
+ # Write back in the tmp folder - needs to be changed in future
+ with open(self.tempDirectory + "flows_%s.txt" % self.dpid, "w") as flows:
+ flows.write(response + "\n")
+ flows.close()
+ # Done return for further processing
+ return response
+ # Errors handling
+ except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": pexpect.TIMEOUT found" )
+ return main.FALSE
+ except pexpect.EOF:
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": EOF exception found" )
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": " + self.handle.before )
+ main.cleanAndExit()
+ except Exception:
+ main.log.exception( self.name + ": Uncaught exception!" )
+ main.cleanAndExit()
+ def dumpGroups( self ):
+ """
+ Dump the groups from the devices
+ FIXME need changes in the workflow in order to be used
+ """
+ try:
+ self.handle.sendline( "" )
+ self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
+ self.handle.sendline( "client_grouptable_dump > groups.txt" )
+ self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
+ response = self.handle.before
+ # Write back in the tmp folder - needs to be changed in future
+ with open(self.tempDirectory + "groups_%s.txt" % self.dpid, "w") as groups:
+ groups.write(response + "\n")
+ groups.close()
+ # Done return for further processing
+ return response
+ # Errors handling
+ except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": pexpect.TIMEOUT found" )
+ return main.FALSE
+ except pexpect.EOF:
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": EOF exception found" )
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": " + self.handle.before )
+ main.cleanAndExit()
+ except Exception:
+ main.log.exception( self.name + ": Uncaught exception!" )
+ main.cleanAndExit()
+ def enablePorts( self ):
+ """
+ Enable all the ports on the devices
+ It needs to wait for the boot
+ """
+ self.handle.sendline( "" )
+ self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
+ self.handle.sendline( "client_port_table_dump" )
+ self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
+ response = self.handle.before
+ if "Error from ofdpaClientInitialize()" in response:
+ main.log.warn(
+ self.name +
+ ": Not yet started" )
+ return main.FALSE
+ main.log.info( self.name + ": started" )
+ self.handle.sendline( "sh portspeed.sh" )
+ self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
+ return main.TRUE