Initial commit for test of dynamic swapping of ONOS nodes
Change-Id: I1f05a66177563dcc94112fd276ee721d8c3315d3
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HA/HAswapNodes/dependencies/ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAswapNodes/dependencies/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bff976f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAswapNodes/dependencies/
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+"Functions for using the SimpleHTTPServer python module"
+import re
+class Server():
+ def __init__( self ):
+ self.default = ''
+ self.PID = -1
+ self.component = None
+ self.rootDir = None
+ def __del__( self ):
+ self.stop()
+ def start( self, component, rootDir, port=8000, logDir=None ):
+ """
+ Start SimpleHTTPServer as a background process from rootDir on the
+ given component. The webserver will listen on port and if specified,
+ output will be redirected to logDir.
+ Arguments:
+ - component = The TestON component handle to start the webserver on
+ - rootDir = The root directory for the web content
+ - port = The port number for the webserver to listen on. Defaults to 8000
+ - logDir = If specified, the output of the webserver will be redirected
+ to this file. Note that this should be either an absolute path
+ or relative to rootDir.
+ Returns:
+ main.TRUE if the command succedes or main.FALSE if there is an error.
+ """
+ retValue = main.TRUE
+ self.rootDir = rootDir
+ try:
+ # Save component for this instance so other functions can use it
+ self.component = component
+ "Starting SimpleHTTPServer on " + )
+ if component.handle:
+ handle = component.handle
+ # cd to rootDir
+ handle.sendline( "cd " + str( rootDir ) )
+ handle.expect( "\$" )
+ # Start server
+ cmd = "python -m SimpleHTTPServer {}".format( port )
+ if logDir:
+ cmd += " &> {}".format( logDir ) # pipe all output to a file
+ else:
+ cmd += "&> {dev/null}" # Throw away all output
+ cmd += " &"
+ handle.sendline( cmd )
+ handle.expect( "\$" )
+ response = handle.before
+ # Return to home dir
+ handle.sendline( "cd " + component.home )
+ handle.expect( "\$" )
+ response += handle.before
+ if "Exit" in response:
+ main.log.error( "Error starting server. Check server log for details" )
+ main.log.debug( handle.before )
+ retValue = main.FALSE
+ # capture PID for later use
+ # EX: [1] 67987
+ match = "\[\d\] (?P<PID>\d+)", response )
+ if match:
+ self.PID = "PID" )
+ else:
+ main.log.warn( "Could not find PID" )
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "Component handle is not set" )
+ retValue = main.FALSE
+ except Exception:
+ main.log.exception( "Error starting web server" )
+ retValue = main.FALSE
+ return retValue
+ def stop( self ):
+ """
+ Kills the process of the server. Note that this function must be run
+ from the same instance of the server class that the server was started
+ on.
+ """
+ retValue = main.TRUE
+ try:
+ "Stopping Server." )
+ assert self.component, "Component not specified"
+ assert self.PID, "PID not found"
+ if self.component.handle:
+ handle = self.component.handle
+ cmd = "sudo kill {}".format( self.PID )
+ handle.sendline( cmd )
+ handle.expect( "\$" )
+ # TODO: What is bad output? cannot sudo?
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "Component handle is not set" )
+ retValue = main.FALSE
+ except Exception:
+ main.log.exception( "Error stopping web server" )
+ retValue = main.FALSE
+ return retValue
+ def generateFile( self, nodes, equal=False, filename="cluster.json" ):
+ """
+ Generate custom metadata file in the root directory using the custom
+ onos-gen-partitions file which should also be located in the root
+ directory.
+ Note that this function needs to be run after the start function has
+ been called for this instance.
+ Arguments:
+ - nodes = The number of ONOS nodes to include in the cluster. Will
+ include nodes in ascending order, I.E. OC1, OC2, etc
+ Optional Arguments:
+ - equal = Specifies whether all nodes should participate in every
+ partition. Defaults to False.
+ - filename = The name of the file to save the cluster metadata to.
+ Defaults to "cluster.json".
+ Returns:
+ main.TRUE if the command succedes or main.FALSE if there is an error.
+ """
+ retValue = main.TRUE
+ try:
+ if self.component.handle:
+ assert self.component, "Component not specified. Please start the server first"
+ assert self.rootDir, "Root directory not found"
+ handle = self.component.handle
+ # cd to rootDir
+ handle.sendline( "cd " + str( self.rootDir ) )
+ handle.expect( "\$" )
+ cmd = "./onos-gen-partitions {} {} ".format( filename, nodes )
+ if equal:
+ cmd += "-e"
+ handle.sendline( cmd )
+ handle.expect( "\$" )
+ response = handle.before
+ # Return to home dir
+ handle.sendline( "cd " + self.component.home )
+ handle.expect( "\$" )
+ response += handle.before
+ if "Traceback" in response:
+ main.log.error( handle.before )
+ retValue = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "Component handle is not set" )
+ retValue = main.FALSE
+ except Exception:
+ main.log.exception( "Error generating metadata file" )
+ return retValue
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HA/HAswapNodes/dependencies/ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAswapNodes/dependencies/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAswapNodes/dependencies/
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HA/HAswapNodes/dependencies/onos-gen-partitions b/TestON/tests/HA/HAswapNodes/dependencies/onos-gen-partitions
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ae7da6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAswapNodes/dependencies/onos-gen-partitions
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+ Generate the partitions json file from the $OC* environment variables
+ Usage: onos-gen-partitions output_file [num_nodes] [-e]
+ If output file is not provided, the json is written to stdout.
+from os import environ
+from collections import deque, OrderedDict
+import re
+import json
+import sys
+import hashlib
+convert = lambda text: int(text) if text.isdigit() else text.lower()
+alphanum_key = lambda key: [convert(c) for c in re.split('([0-9]+)', key)]
+def get_OC_vars():
+ vars = []
+ for var in environ:
+ if re.match(r"OC[0-9]+", var):
+ vars.append(var)
+ return sorted(vars, key=alphanum_key)
+def get_nodes(vars, port=9876):
+ node = lambda k: { 'id': k, 'ip': k, 'port': port }
+ return [ node(environ[v]) for v in vars ]
+def generate_base_partition(nodes):
+ return {
+ 'id': 0,
+ 'members': nodes
+ }
+def generate_extended_partitions_scaling(nodes, k, partitions=3, equal=False):
+ l = deque(nodes)
+ perms = []
+ for i in range(1, partitions + 1):
+ if equal:
+ members = list(l)
+ else:
+ members = list(l)[:k]
+ part = {
+ 'id': i,
+ 'members': members
+ }
+ perms.append(part)
+ l.rotate(-2)
+ return perms
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ vars = get_OC_vars()
+ # NOTE: likely prone to errors
+ nodes = get_nodes(vars)
+ num = None
+ equal = False
+ if len(sys.argv) >= 3:
+ num = int(sys.argv[2])
+ try:
+ equal = "-e" in sys.argv[3]
+ except:
+ equal = False
+ if num:
+ nodes = nodes[:num]
+ base_partition = generate_base_partition([v.get('id') for v in nodes])
+ extended_partitions = generate_extended_partitions_scaling([v.get('id') for v in nodes],
+ 3, equal=equal)
+ partitions = []
+ partitions.append(base_partition)
+ partitions.extend(extended_partitions)
+ name = hash("HAScaling")
+ data = {
+ 'name': name,
+ 'nodes': nodes,
+ 'partitions': partitions
+ }
+ output = json.dumps(data, indent=4)
+ if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
+ filename = sys.argv[1]
+ with open(filename, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(output)
+ else:
+ print output