[ONOS-7635][ONOS-7636] Support for complex scenarios in SRRouting test
- New ping function to execute pings in parallel
- Collect t3 output on ping failures
- Allow expected ping failures

Change-Id: I4492a89bc4c0a581ff2e35bcc1896ddd5ea64a18
diff --git a/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/SRRouting/SRRouting.params b/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/SRRouting/SRRouting.params
index e8199bd..e19bd34 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/SRRouting/SRRouting.params
+++ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/SRRouting/SRRouting.params
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
-        <cellApps>drivers,openflow,segmentrouting,fpm,dhcprelay,netcfghostprovider,routeradvertisement</cellApps>
+        <cellApps>drivers,openflow,segmentrouting,fpm,dhcprelay,netcfghostprovider,routeradvertisement,t3</cellApps>
@@ -39,8 +39,17 @@
-        <dhcpSleep>60</dhcpSleep>
+        <dhcpSleep>30</dhcpSleep>
+    <TOPO>
+        <internalIpv4Hosts>h1v4,h2v4,h3v4,h4v4,h5v4,h6v4,h7v4,h8v4,h9v4,h10v4,h11v4,h12v4,h13v4</internalIpv4Hosts>
+        <internalIpv6Hosts>h1v6,h2v6,h3v6,h4v6,h5v6,h6v6,h7v6,h8v6,h9v6,h10v6,h11v6,h12v6,h13v6</internalIpv6Hosts>
+        <externalIpv4Hosts>rh1v4,rh2v4</externalIpv4Hosts>
+        <externalIpv6Hosts>rh1v6,rh11v6,rh2v6,rh22v6</externalIpv6Hosts>
+        <switchNum>10</switchNum>
+        <linkNum>48</linkNum>
+    </TOPO>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/SRRouting/SRRouting.py b/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/SRRouting/SRRouting.py
index 07f1260..5f4157f 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/SRRouting/SRRouting.py
+++ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/SRRouting/SRRouting.py
@@ -738,3 +738,34 @@
                                nodeFailure=True )
+    def CASE606( self, main ):
+        """
+        Drop SPINE-1 and test connectivity
+        Drop paired leaf and test connectivity (expect some failures)
+        Bring up SPINE-1 and test connectivity (still expect some failures)
+        Bring up the paired leaf and test connectivity
+        Repeat above with SPINE-2 and a different paired leaf
+        """
+        import time
+        from tests.USECASE.SegmentRouting.SRRouting.dependencies.SRRoutingTest import *
+        from tests.USECASE.SegmentRouting.dependencies.Testcaselib import Testcaselib as lib
+        main.case( "Drop spine and paired leaf" )
+        setupTest( main, test_idx=606, onosNodes=3 )
+        main.disconnectedIpv4Hosts = []
+        main.disconnectedIpv6Hosts = []
+        verifyPing( main )
+        lib.killSwitch( main, "spine101", int( main.params[ "TOPO" ][ "switchNum" ] ) - 1, int( main.params[ "TOPO" ][ "linkNum" ] ) - 18 )
+        verifyPing( main )
+        lib.killSwitch( main, "leaf2", int( main.params[ "TOPO" ][ "switchNum" ] ) - 2, int( main.params[ "TOPO" ][ "linkNum" ] ) - 24 )
+        lib.killSwitch( main, "leaf3", int( main.params[ "TOPO" ][ "switchNum" ] ) - 3, int( main.params[ "TOPO" ][ "linkNum" ] ) - 28 )
+        main.disconnectedIpv4Hosts = [ "h3v4", "h4v4", "h5v4", "h6v4", "h7v4" ]
+        main.disconnectedIpv6Hosts = [ "h3v6", "h4v6", "h5v6", "h6v6", "h7v6" ]
+        verifyPing( main )
+        lib.recoverSwitch( main, "spine101", int( main.params[ "TOPO" ][ "switchNum" ] ) - 2, int( main.params[ "TOPO" ][ "linkNum" ] ) - 18 )
+        verifyPing( main )
+        lib.recoverSwitch( main, "leaf3", int( main.params[ "TOPO" ][ "switchNum" ] ) - 1, int( main.params[ "TOPO" ][ "linkNum" ] ) - 10 )
+        lib.recoverSwitch( main, "leaf2", int( main.params[ "TOPO" ][ "switchNum" ] ), int( main.params[ "TOPO" ][ "linkNum" ] ) )
+        main.disconnectedIpv4Hosts = []
+        main.disconnectedIpv6Hosts = []
+        verifyPing( main )
+        lib.cleanup( main, copyKarafLog=False, removeHostComponent=True )
diff --git a/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/SRRouting/SRRouting.topo b/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/SRRouting/SRRouting.topo
index 01316b6..dbb415d 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/SRRouting/SRRouting.topo
+++ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/SRRouting/SRRouting.topo
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
-                <home>~/mininet/custom/</home>
+                <home>~/mininet/</home>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/SRRouting/dependencies/SRRoutingTest.py b/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/SRRouting/dependencies/SRRoutingTest.py
index 68533bb..a9a24bb 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/SRRouting/dependencies/SRRoutingTest.py
+++ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/SRRouting/dependencies/SRRoutingTest.py
@@ -154,3 +154,97 @@
             run.checkFlowsGroupsFromFile( main )
         # ping hosts
         run.pingAll( main, 'CASE%03d' % test_idx, False, acceptableFailed=5, basedOnIp=True, skipOnFail=True )
+def setupTest( main, test_idx, onosNodes ):
+    """
+    SRRouting test setup
+    """
+    from tests.USECASE.SegmentRouting.dependencies.Testcaselib import Testcaselib as lib
+    skipPackage = False
+    init = False
+    if not hasattr( main, 'apps' ):
+        init = True
+        run.initTest( main )
+    # Skip onos packaging if the cluster size stays the same
+    if not init and onosNodes == main.Cluster.numCtrls:
+        skipPackage = True
+    main.internalIpv4Hosts = main.params[ 'TOPO' ][ 'internalIpv4Hosts' ].split( ',' )
+    main.internalIpv6Hosts = main.params[ 'TOPO' ][ 'internalIpv6Hosts' ].split( ',' )
+    main.externalIpv4Hosts = main.params[ 'TOPO' ][ 'externalIpv4Hosts' ].split( ',' )
+    main.externalIpv6Hosts = main.params[ 'TOPO' ][ 'externalIpv6Hosts' ].split( ',' )
+    main.resultFileName = "CASE%03d" % test_idx
+    main.Cluster.setRunningNode( onosNodes )
+    lib.installOnos( main, skipPackage=skipPackage, cliSleep=5 )
+    # Load configuration files
+    main.step( "Load configurations" )
+    main.cfgName = "TEST_CONFIG_ipv4=1_ipv6=1_dhcp=1_routers=1_external=1"
+    lib.loadJson( main )
+    time.sleep( float( main.params[ "timers" ][ "loadNetcfgSleep" ] ) )
+    if hasattr( main, "Mininet1" ):
+        # Run the test with Mininet
+        mininet_args = " --dhcp=1 --routers=1 --ipv6=1 --ipv4=1"
+        lib.startMininet( main, main.params[ "DEPENDENCY" ][ "topology" ], args=mininet_args )
+        time.sleep( float( main.params[ "timers" ][ "startMininetSleep" ] ) )
+    else:
+        # Run the test with physical devices
+        lib.connectToPhysicalNetwork( main, self.switchNames )
+        # Check if the devices are up
+        lib.checkDevices( main, switches=len( self.switchNames ) )
+    # wait some time for onos to install the rules!
+    time.sleep( float( main.params[ "timers" ][ "startMininetSleep" ] ) )
+    time.sleep( float( main.params[ "timers" ][ "dhcpSleep" ] ) )
+def verifyPingInternal( main, verifyDisconnected=True ):
+    """
+    Verify all connected internal hosts are able to reach each other,
+    and disconnected internal hosts cannot reach any other internal host
+    """
+    from tests.USECASE.SegmentRouting.dependencies.Testcaselib import Testcaselib as lib
+    # Verify connected hosts
+    main.step("Verify reachability of connected internal hosts")
+    lib.verifyPing( main,
+                    [ h for h in main.internalIpv4Hosts if h not in main.disconnectedIpv4Hosts ],
+                    [ h for h in main.internalIpv4Hosts if h not in main.disconnectedIpv4Hosts ] )
+    lib.verifyPing( main,
+                    [ h for h in main.internalIpv6Hosts if h not in main.disconnectedIpv6Hosts ],
+                    [ h for h in main.internalIpv6Hosts if h not in main.disconnectedIpv6Hosts ],
+                    ipv6=True, acceptableFailed=7 )
+    # Verify disconnected hosts
+    if verifyDisconnected and ( main.disconnectedIpv4Hosts or main.disconnectedIpv6Hosts ):
+        main.step("Verify unreachability of disconnected internal hosts")
+        lib.verifyPing( main, main.internalIpv4Hosts, main.disconnectedIpv4Hosts, expect=False )
+        lib.verifyPing( main, main.internalIpv6Hosts, main.disconnectedIpv6Hosts, ipv6=True, expect=False )
+def verifyPingExternal( main, verifyDisconnected=True ):
+    """
+    Verify all connected internal hosts are able to reach external hosts,
+    and disconnected internal hosts cannot reach any external host
+    """
+    from tests.USECASE.SegmentRouting.dependencies.Testcaselib import Testcaselib as lib
+    # Verify connected hosts
+    main.step("Verify reachability of from connected internal hosts to external hosts")
+    lib.verifyPing( main,
+                    [ h for h in main.internalIpv4Hosts if h not in main.disconnectedIpv4Hosts ],
+                    main.externalIpv4Hosts )
+    lib.verifyPing( main,
+                    [ h for h in main.internalIpv6Hosts if h not in main.disconnectedIpv6Hosts ],
+                    main.externalIpv6Hosts,
+                    ipv6=True, acceptableFailed=7 )
+    # Verify disconnected hosts
+    '''
+    if verifyDisconnected and ( main.disconnectedIpv4Hosts or main.disconnectedIpv6Hosts ):
+        main.step("Verify unreachability of disconnected internal hosts to external hosts")
+        lib.verifyPing( main, main.disconnectedIpv4Hosts, main.externalIpv4Hosts, expect=False )
+        lib.verifyPing( main, main.disconnectedIpv6Hosts, main.externalIpv6Hosts, ipv6=True, expect=False )
+    '''
+def verifyPing( main ):
+    """
+    Verify reachability and unreachability of connected/disconnected hosts
+    """
+    verifyPingInternal( main )
+    verifyPingExternal( main )