Merge branch 'ONOS-Next' of into ONOS-Next
diff --git a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/
index 875707b..575de1c 100644
--- a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/
+++ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/
@@ -1032,12 +1032,15 @@
self.handle.sendline("tshark -i "+str(interface)+
- " -t e -w "+str(dir_file))
+ " -t e -w "+str(dir_file)+ " &")
+ self.handle.sendline("\r")
self.handle.expect("Capturing on")
+ self.handle.sendline("\r")
+ self.handle.expect("\$")"Tshark started capturing files on "+
str(interface)+ " and saving to directory: "+
- str(dir_File))
+ str(dir_file))
def run_onos_topo_cfg(self):
@@ -1129,4 +1132,61 @@
+ def cp_logs_to_dir(self, log_to_copy,
+ dest_dir, copy_file_name=""):
+ '''
+ Copies logs to a desired directory.
+ Current implementation of ONOS deletes its karaf
+ logs on every iteration. For debugging purposes,
+ you may want to use this function to capture
+ certain karaf logs. (or any other logs if needed)
+ Localtime will be attached to the filename
+ Required:
+ * log_to_copy: specify directory and log name to
+ copy.
+ ex) /opt/onos/log/karaf.log.1
+ For copying multiple files, leave copy_file_name
+ empty and only specify dest_dir -
+ ex) /opt/onos/log/karaf*
+ * dest_dir: specify directory to copy to.
+ ex) /tmp/
+ Optional:
+ * copy_file_name: If you want to rename the log
+ file, specify copy_file_name. This will not work
+ with multiple file copying
+ '''
+ try:
+ localtime = time.strftime('%x %X')
+ localtime = localtime.replace("/","")
+ localtime = localtime.replace(" ","_")
+ localtime = localtime.replace(":","")
+ if dest_dir[-1:] != "/":
+ dest_dir += "/"
+ if copy_file_name:
+ self.handle.sendline("cp "+str(log_to_copy)+
+ " "+str(dest_dir)+str(copy_file_name)+
+ localtime)
+ self.handle.expect("cp")
+ self.handle.expect("\$")
+ else:
+ self.handle.sendline("cp "+str(log_to_copy)+
+ " "+str(dest_dir))
+ self.handle.expect("cp")
+ self.handle.expect("\$")
+ return self.handle.before
+ except pexpect.EOF:
+ main.log.error("Copying files failed")
+ main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found")
+ main.log.error( + ": " + self.handle.before)
+ except:
+ main.log.error("Copying files failed")
+" ::::::")
+ main.log.error( traceback.print_exc())
+" ::::::")