[ONOS-6593]Review and Refactor ONOS startup procedures in TestON

Change-Id: I509a8ee7a26c198957bebf59da5c85a0edb8b995
diff --git a/TestON/tests/dependencies/topology.py b/TestON/tests/dependencies/topology.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9ce3ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/dependencies/topology.py
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+import time
+import re
+import imp
+import json
+class Topology:
+    def __init__( self ):
+        self.default = ''
+    """
+        These functions can be used for topology comparisons
+    """
+    def getAllDevices( self, numNode, needRetry, kwargs={} ):
+        """
+            Return a list containing the devices output from each ONOS node
+        """
+        devices = []
+        threads = []
+        for i in ( range ( numNode ) if isinstance( numNode, int ) else numNode ):
+            t = main.Thread( target=utilities.retry if needRetry else main.CLIs[ i ].devices,
+                             name="devices-" + str( i ),
+                             args=[main.CLIs[ i ].devices, [ None ] ] if needRetry else [],
+                             kwargs=kwargs )
+            threads.append( t )
+            t.start()
+        for t in threads:
+            t.join()
+            devices.append( t.result )
+        return devices
+    def getAllHosts( self, numNode, needRetry, kwargs={}, inJson=False ):
+        """
+            Return a list containing the hosts output from each ONOS node
+        """
+        hosts = []
+        ipResult = main.TRUE
+        threads = []
+        for i in ( range ( numNode ) if isinstance( numNode, int ) else numNode ):
+            t = main.Thread( target=utilities.retry if needRetry else main.CLIs[ i ].hosts,
+                             name="hosts-" + str( i ),
+                             args=[main.CLIs[ i ].hosts, [ None ] ] if needRetry else [],
+                             kwargs=kwargs )
+            threads.append( t )
+            t.start()
+        for t in threads:
+            t.join()
+            if inJson:
+                try:
+                    hosts.append( json.loads( t.result ) )
+                except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+                    main.log.exception( "Error parsing hosts results" )
+                    main.log.error( repr( t.result ) )
+                    hosts.append( None )
+            else:
+                hosts.append( t.result )
+        return hosts
+    def getAllPorts( self, numNode, needRetry, kwargs={} ):
+        """
+            Return a list containing the ports output from each ONOS node
+        """
+        ports = []
+        threads = []
+        for i in ( range ( numNode ) if isinstance( numNode, int ) else numNode ):
+            t = main.Thread( target=utilities.retry if needRetry else main.CLIs[ i ].ports,
+                             name="ports-" + str( i ),
+                             args=[ main.CLIs[ i ].ports, [ None ] ] if needRetry else [],
+                             kwargs=kwargs )
+            threads.append( t )
+            t.start()
+        for t in threads:
+            t.join()
+            ports.append( t.result )
+        return ports
+    def getAllLinks( self, numNode, needRetry, kwargs={} ):
+        """
+            Return a list containing the links output from each ONOS node
+        """
+        links = []
+        threads = []
+        print numNode
+        for i in ( range ( numNode ) if isinstance( numNode, int ) else numNode ):
+            t = main.Thread( target=utilities.retry if needRetry else main.CLIs[ i ].links,
+                             name="links-" + str( i ),
+                             args=[main.CLIs[ i ].links, [ None ] ] if needRetry else [],
+                             kwargs=kwargs )
+            threads.append( t )
+            t.start()
+        for t in threads:
+            t.join()
+            links.append( t.result )
+        print links
+        return links
+    def getAllClusters( self, numNode, needRetry, kwargs={} ):
+        """
+            Return a list containing the clusters output from each ONOS node
+        """
+        clusters = []
+        threads = []
+        for i in ( range ( numNode ) if isinstance( numNode, int ) else numNode ):
+            t = main.Thread( target=utilities.retry if needRetry else main.CLIs[ i ].clusters,
+                             name="clusters-" + str( i ),
+                             args=[main.CLIs[ i ].clusters, [ None ] ] if needRetry else [],
+                             kwargs=kwargs )
+            threads.append( t )
+            t.start()
+        for t in threads:
+            t.join()
+            clusters.append( t.result )
+        return clusters
+    def compareDevicePort( self, Mininet, controller, mnSwitches, devices, ports ):
+        if devices[ controller ] and ports[ controller ] and \
+                        "Error" not in devices[ controller ] and \
+                        "Error" not in ports[ controller ]:
+            try:
+                currentDevicesResult = Mininet.compareSwitches(
+                    mnSwitches,
+                    json.loads( devices[ controller ] ),
+                    json.loads( ports[ controller ] ) )
+            except(TypeError, ValueError):
+                main.log.error(
+                    "Could not load json: {0} or {1}".format( str( devices[ controller ] )
+                                                            , str( ports[ controller ] ) ) )
+                currentDevicesResult = main.FALSE
+        else:
+            currentDevicesResult = main.FALSE
+        return currentDevicesResult
+    def compareBase( self, compareElem, controller, compareF, compareArg ):
+        if compareElem[ controller ] and "Error" not in compareElem[ controller ]:
+            try:
+                if isinstance( compareArg, list ):
+                    compareArg.append( json.loads( compareElem[ controller ] ) )
+                else:
+                    compareArg = [compareArg, json.loads( compareElem[ controller ] ) ]
+                currentCompareResult = compareF( *compareArg )
+            except(TypeError, ValueError):
+                main.log.error(
+                    "Could not load json: {0} or {1}".format( str( compareElem[ controller ] ) ) )
+                currentCompareResult = main.FALSE
+        else:
+            currentCompareResult = main.FALSE
+        return currentCompareResult
+    def compareTopos( self, Mininet, attempts=1 ):
+        main.case( "Compare ONOS Topology view to Mininet topology" )
+        main.caseExplanation = "Compare topology elements between Mininet" +\
+                                " and ONOS"
+        main.log.info( "Gathering topology information from Mininet" )
+        devicesResults = main.FALSE  # Overall Boolean for device correctness
+        linksResults = main.FALSE  # Overall Boolean for link correctness
+        hostsResults = main.FALSE  # Overall Boolean for host correctness
+        deviceFails = []  # Nodes where devices are incorrect
+        linkFails = []  # Nodes where links are incorrect
+        hostFails = []  # Nodes where hosts are incorrect
+        mnSwitches = Mininet.getSwitches()
+        mnLinks = Mininet.getLinks()
+        mnHosts = Mininet.getHosts()
+        main.step( "Comparing Mininet topology to ONOS topology" )
+        while ( attempts >= 0 ) and\
+                ( not devicesResults or not linksResults or not hostsResults ):
+            main.log.info( "Sleeping {} seconds".format( 2 ) )
+            time.sleep( 2 )
+            if not devicesResults:
+                devices = self.getAllDevices( main.numCtrls, False )
+                ports = self.getAllPorts( main.numCtrls, False )
+                devicesResults = main.TRUE
+                deviceFails = []  # Reset for each failed attempt
+            if not linksResults:
+                links = self.getAllLinks( main.numCtrls, False )
+                linksResults = main.TRUE
+                linkFails = []  # Reset for each failed attempt
+            if not hostsResults:
+                hosts = self.getAllHosts( main.numCtrls, False )
+                hostsResults = main.TRUE
+                hostFails = []  # Reset for each failed attempt
+            #  Check for matching topology on each node
+            for controller in range( main.numCtrls ):
+                controllerStr = str( controller + 1 )  # ONOS node number
+                # Compare Devices
+                currentDevicesResult = self.compareDevicePort( Mininet, controller,
+                                                          mnSwitches,
+                                                          devices, ports )
+                if not currentDevicesResult:
+                    deviceFails.append( controllerStr )
+                devicesResults = devicesResults and currentDevicesResult
+                # Compare Links
+                currentLinksResult = self.compareBase( links, controller,
+                                                        Mininet.compareLinks,
+                                                        [ mnSwitches, mnLinks ] )
+                if not currentLinksResult:
+                    linkFails.append( controllerStr )
+                linksResults = linksResults and currentLinksResult
+                # Compare Hosts
+                currentHostsResult = self.compareBase( hosts, controller,
+                                                           Mininet.compareHosts,
+                                                           mnHosts )
+                if not currentHostsResult:
+                    hostFails.append( controllerStr )
+                hostsResults = hostsResults and currentHostsResult
+            # Decrement Attempts Remaining
+            attempts -= 1
+        utilities.assert_equals( expect=[],
+                                 actual=deviceFails,
+                                 onpass="ONOS correctly discovered all devices",
+                                 onfail="ONOS incorrectly discovered devices on nodes: " +
+                                 str( deviceFails ) )
+        utilities.assert_equals( expect=[],
+                                 actual=linkFails,
+                                 onpass="ONOS correctly discovered all links",
+                                 onfail="ONOS incorrectly discovered links on nodes: " +
+                                 str( linkFails ) )
+        utilities.assert_equals( expect=[],
+                                 actual=hostFails,
+                                 onpass="ONOS correctly discovered all hosts",
+                                 onfail="ONOS incorrectly discovered hosts on nodes: " +
+                                 str( hostFails ) )
+        topoResults = hostsResults and linksResults and devicesResults
+        utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+                                 actual=topoResults,
+                                 onpass="ONOS correctly discovered the topology",
+                                 onfail="ONOS incorrectly discovered the topology" )