Creating subfolders for test suites

allow teston to look in subfolders
create subfolders for current test suites
move tests into sub folders
create HA suite dependencies folder and moved all common files there
minor driver and test updates
standardize on the name dependencies for the directory
change from admin to sdn users


Change-Id: I849e45ab67da8b285c36c5fdf43b34323876e741
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFflowTp1g/README b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFflowTp1g/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d83fc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFflowTp1g/README
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+        This is a performance test suite to test the flow throughput
+        capabilities of ONOS with various controller cluster sizes. This
+        This test uses the null-provider to simulate a network topology
+        and tests the throughput via a python script called
+Pre-requisites: To run out-of-the box this test requires 7 NODES.
+    OC1->OC7 must be set before initiating the test. Passwordless login
+    must be set from TestStation "sdn" root user.
+***If you wish to run this test with less than 7 nodes the following
+    alterations must be made:
+NOTE: Only scale sizes 1,3,5 and 7 will be functional
+Modifying .params file:
+-- Remove any values in the comma separated list in the
+    <scale> tag that are above your desired cluster size.
+-- Remove one instance of “1,2” from the <testcases>
+    tag for each value you removed from <scale> (case 1 and 2 are each
+    called once for each scale value)
+-- Change the value in the <max> tag to your desired scale size (1,3, or 5)
+Modifying .topo file:
+-- Change the <ONOSbench/COMPONENTS/nodes> tag to your desired scale size
+-- Remove all unneeded <ONOS#cli> tags and their contents
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFflowTp1g/SCPFflowTp1g.params b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFflowTp1g/SCPFflowTp1g.params
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe10703
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFflowTp1g/SCPFflowTp1g.params
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+    <testcases>1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2</testcases>
+    <SCALE>1,3,3,5,5,7,7</SCALE>
+    <max>7</max>
+    <ENV>
+        <cellName>flowTP</cellName>
+        <cellApps>drivers,null,demo</cellApps>
+    </ENV>
+    <TEST>
+        <enableFlowRuleStoreBackup>true</enableFlowRuleStoreBackup>
+        <skipCleanInstall>yes</skipCleanInstall>
+        <warmUp>5</warmUp>                              #number of runs to warm up the system
+        <sampleSize>20</sampleSize>                     #number of runs to take data from
+        <neighbors>0,a</neighbors>                      #list of number of neighbors, a = all
+        <flows>122500</flows>
+        <switches>35</switches>
+        <cooldown>10</cooldown>
+        <testCMD0> -f</testCMD0>          #base command
+        <testCMD1> -n </testCMD1>                       #neighbors
+    </TEST>
+    <GIT>
+        <autopull>off</autopull>
+        <checkout>master</checkout>
+    </GIT>
+    <CTRL>
+        <USER>sdn</USER>
+        <ip1>OC1</ip1>
+        <port1>6653</port1>
+        <ip2>OC2</ip2>
+        <port2>6653</port2>
+        <ip3>OC3</ip3>
+        <port3>6653</port3>
+        <ip4>OC4</ip4>
+        <port4>6653</port4>
+        <ip5>OC5</ip5>
+        <port5>6653</port5>
+        <ip6>OC6</ip6>
+        <port6>6653</port6>
+        <ip7>OC7</ip7>
+        <port7>6653</port7>
+    </CTRL>
+    <MN>
+        <ip1>OCN</ip1>
+    </MN>
+    <BENCH>
+        <user>sdn</user>
+        <ip1>localhost</ip1>
+    </BENCH>
+    <JSON>
+    </JSON>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFflowTp1g/ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFflowTp1g/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddb9d7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFflowTp1g/
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+# ScaleOutTemplate -> flowTP
+# CASE1 starts number of nodes specified in param file
+import sys
+import os.path
+class SCPFflowTp1g:
+    def __init__( self ):
+        self.default = ''
+    def CASE1( self, main ):
+        import time
+        global init
+        try:
+            if type(init) is not bool:
+                init = False
+        except NameError:
+            init = False
+        #Load values from params file
+        checkoutBranch = main.params[ 'GIT' ][ 'checkout' ]
+        gitPull = main.params[ 'GIT' ][ 'autopull' ]
+        cellName = main.params[ 'ENV' ][ 'cellName' ]
+        Apps = main.params[ 'ENV' ][ 'cellApps' ]
+        BENCHUser = main.params[ 'BENCH' ][ 'user' ]
+        BENCHIp = main.params[ 'BENCH' ][ 'ip1' ]
+        main.maxNodes = int(main.params[ 'max' ])
+        skipMvn = main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'skipCleanInstall' ]
+        cellName = main.params[ 'ENV' ][ 'cellName' ]
+"==========DEBUG VERSION 3===========")
+        # -- INIT SECTION, ONLY RUNS ONCE -- #
+        if init == False:
+            init = True
+            global clusterCount             #number of nodes running
+            global ONOSIp                   #list of ONOS IP addresses
+            global scale
+            global commit
+            clusterCount = 0
+            ONOSIp = [ 0 ]
+            scale = (main.params[ 'SCALE' ]).split(",")
+            clusterCount = int(scale[0])
+            #Populate ONOSIp with ips from params
+            for i in range(1, main.maxNodes + 1):
+                ipString = 'ip' + str(i)
+                ONOSIp.append(main.params[ 'CTRL' ][ ipString ])
+            ONOSIp = [0]
+            ONOSIp.extend(main.ONOSbench.getOnosIps())
+            #mvn clean install, for debugging set param 'skipCleanInstall' to yes to speed up test
+            if skipMvn != "yes":
+                mvnResult = main.ONOSbench.cleanInstall()
+            #git
+            main.step( "Git checkout and pull " + checkoutBranch )
+            if gitPull == 'on':
+                checkoutResult = main.ONOSbench.gitCheckout( checkoutBranch )
+                pullResult = main.ONOSbench.gitPull()
+            else:
+                checkoutResult = main.TRUE
+                pullResult = main.TRUE
+       "Skipped git checkout and pull" )
+            commit = main.ONOSbench.getVersion()
+            commit = (commit.split(" "))[1]
+            resultsDB = open("/tmp/flowTP1gDB", "w+")
+            resultsDB.close()
+        # -- END OF INIT SECTION --#
+        clusterCount = int(scale[0])
+        scale.remove(scale[0])
+"CLUSTER COUNT: " + str(clusterCount))
+        #kill off all onos processes
+        main.log.step("Safety check, killing all ONOS processes")
+        main.log.step("before initiating environment setup")
+        for node in range(1, main.maxNodes + 1):
+            main.ONOSbench.onosDie(ONOSIp[node])
+        #Uninstall everywhere
+        main.log.step( "Cleaning Enviornment..." )
+        for i in range(1, main.maxNodes + 1):
+  " Uninstalling ONOS " + str(i) )
+            main.ONOSbench.onosUninstall( ONOSIp[i] )
+        #construct the cell file
+"Creating cell file")
+        cellIp = []
+        for node in range (1, clusterCount + 1):
+            cellIp.append(ONOSIp[node])
+        main.ONOSbench.createCellFile(BENCHIp,cellName,"localhost",str(Apps), cellIp)
+"Cell Ip list: " + str(cellIp))
+        main.step( "Set Cell" )
+        main.ONOSbench.setCell(cellName)
+        main.step( "Creating ONOS package" )
+        packageResult = main.ONOSbench.onosPackage()
+        main.step( "verify cells" )
+        verifyCellResult = main.ONOSbench.verifyCell()
+ "Initializeing " + str( clusterCount ) + " node cluster." )
+        for node in range(1, clusterCount + 1):
+  "Starting ONOS " + str(node) + " at IP: " + ONOSIp[node])
+            main.ONOSbench.onosInstall( ONOSIp[node])
+        for node in range(1, clusterCount + 1):
+            for i in range( 2 ):
+                isup = main.ONOSbench.isup( ONOSIp[node] )
+                if isup:
+          "ONOS " + str(node) + " is up\n")
+                    break
+            if not isup:
+       "ONOS " + str(node) + " didn't start!" )
+        for node in range(1, clusterCount + 1):
+            exec "a = main.ONOS%scli.startOnosCli" %str(node)
+            a(ONOSIp[node])
+"Startup sequence complete")
+        main.ONOSbench.logReport(ONOSIp[1], ["ERROR", "WARNING", "EXCEPT"], outputMode="d")
+    def CASE2( self, main ):
+        #
+        # This is the flow TP test
+        #
+        import os.path
+        import numpy
+        import math
+        import time
+        import datetime
+        import traceback
+        global currentNeighbors
+        try:
+            currentNeighbors
+        except:
+            currentNeighbors = (main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'neighbors' ]).split(",")[0]
+        else:
+            if currentNeighbors == "r":      #reset
+                currentNeighbors = "0"
+            else:
+                currentNeighbors = "a"
+        testCMD = [ 0,0,0,0 ]
+        warmUp = int(main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'warmUp' ])
+        sampleSize = int(main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'sampleSize' ])
+        switches = int(main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'switches' ])
+        neighborList = (main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'neighbors' ]).split(",")
+        testCMD[0] = main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'testCMD0' ]
+        testCMD[1] = main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'testCMD1' ]
+        main.maxNodes = main.params[ 'max' ]
+        cooldown = main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'cooldown' ]
+        cellName = main.params[ 'ENV' ][ 'cellName' ]
+        BENCHIp = main.params[ 'BENCH' ][ 'ip1' ]
+        BENCHUser = main.params[ 'BENCH' ][ 'user' ]
+        MN1Ip = main.params[ 'MN' ][ 'ip1' ]
+        homeDir = os.path.expanduser('~')
+        flowRuleBackup = str(main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'enableFlowRuleStoreBackup' ])
+"Flow Rule Backup is set to:" + flowRuleBackup)
+        servers = str(clusterCount)
+        if clusterCount == 1:
+            neighborList = ['0']
+            currentNeighbors = "r"
+        else:
+            if currentNeighbors == "a":
+                neighborList = [str(clusterCount-1)]
+                currentNeighbors = "r"
+            else:
+                neighborList = ['0']
+"neightborlist: " + str(neighborList))
+        ts = time.time()
+        st = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
+        for n in neighborList:
+            main.log.step("\tSTARTING TEST")
+            main.log.step("\tLOADING FROM SERVERS:  \t" + str(clusterCount) )
+            main.log.step("\tNEIGHBORS:\t" + n )
+  "=============================================================")
+  "=============================================================")
+            #write file to configure nil link
+            ipCSV = ""
+            for i in range (1, int(main.maxNodes) + 1):
+                tempstr = "ip" + str(i)
+                ipCSV += main.params[ 'CTRL' ][ tempstr ]
+                if i < int(main.maxNodes):
+                    ipCSV +=","
+            for i in range(3):
+                main.ONOSbench.onosCfgSet(ONOSIp[1], "org.onosproject.provider.nil.NullProviders", "deviceCount 35")
+                main.ONOSbench.onosCfgSet(ONOSIp[1], "org.onosproject.provider.nil.NullProviders", "topoShape linear")
+                main.ONOSbench.onosCfgSet(ONOSIp[1], "org.onosproject.provider.nil.NullProviders", "enabled true")
+                time.sleep(5)
+                main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline("onos $OC1 summary")
+                main.ONOSbench.handle.expect(":~")
+                check = main.ONOSbench.handle.before
+      "\nStart up check: \n" + check + "\n")
+                if "SCC(s)=1," in check:
+                    main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "onos $OC1 balance-masters" )
+                    main.ONOSbench.handle.expect( ":~" )
+                    time.sleep(5)
+                    main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "onos $OC1 roles ")
+                    main.ONOSbench.handle.expect ( ":~" )
+           "switch masterships:" + str( main.ONOSbench.handle.before ) )
+                    break
+                time.sleep(5)
+            #devide flows
+            flows = int(main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'flows' ])
+  "Flow Target  = " + str(flows))
+            flows = (flows *max(int(n)+1,int(servers)))/((int(n) + 1)*int(servers)*(switches))
+  "Flows per switch = " + str(flows))
+            #build list of servers in "$OC1, $OC2...." format
+            serverEnvVars = ""
+            for i in range (1,int(servers)+1):
+                serverEnvVars += ("-s " + ONOSIp[i] + " ")
+            data = [[""]*int(servers)]*int(sampleSize)
+            maxes = [""]*int(sampleSize)
+            flowCMD = "python3 " + homeDir + "/onos/tools/test/bin/"
+            flowCMD += testCMD[0] + " " + str(flows) + " " + testCMD[1]
+            flowCMD += " " + str(n) + " " + str(serverEnvVars) + "-j"
+            #time.sleep(60)
+            for test in range(0, warmUp + sampleSize):
+                if test < warmUp:
+          "Warm up " + str(test + 1) + " of " + str(warmUp))
+                else:
+           "====== Test run: " + str(test-warmUp+1) + " ======")
+                main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline(flowCMD)
+                main.ONOSbench.handle.expect(":~")
+                rawResult = main.ONOSbench.handle.before
+      "Raw results: \n" + rawResult + "\n")
+                if "failed" in rawResult:
+           " \n" + rawResult + " \n")
+                    for i in range(clusterCount):
+              "=======================================================")
+              " ONOS " + str(i) + "LOG REPORT")
+                        main.ONOSbench.logReport(ONOSIp[i], ["ERROR", "WARNING", "EXCEPT"], outputMode="d")
+                    main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline("onos $OC1 flows")
+                    main.ONOSbench.handle.expect(":~")
+                    break
+            ########################################################################################
+                result = [""]*(clusterCount)
+                #print("rawResult: " + rawResult)
+                rawResult = rawResult.splitlines()
+                for node in range(1, clusterCount + 1):
+                    for line in rawResult:
+                        #print("line: " + line)
+                        if ONOSIp[node] in line and "server" in line:
+                            temp = line.split(" ")
+                            for word in temp:
+                                #print ("word: " + word)
+                                if "elapsed" in repr(word):
+                                    index = temp.index(word) + 1
+                                    myParsed = (temp[index]).replace(",","")
+                                    myParsed = myParsed.replace("}","")
+                                    myParsed = int(myParsed)
+                                    result[node-1] = myParsed
+                           ONOSIp[node] + " : " + str(myParsed))
+                                    break
+                if test >= warmUp:
+                    for i in result:
+                        if i == "":
+                            main.log.error("Missing data point, critical failure incoming")
+                    print result
+                    maxes[test-warmUp] = max(result)
+          "Data collection iteration: " + str(test-warmUp) + " of " + str(sampleSize))
+          "Throughput time: " + str(maxes[test-warmUp]) + "(ms)")
+                    data[test-warmUp] = result
+                # wait for flows = 0
+                for checkCount in range(0,5):
+                    time.sleep(10)
+                    main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline("onos $OC1 summary")
+                    main.ONOSbench.handle.expect(":~")
+                    flowCheck = main.ONOSbench.handle.before
+                    if "flows=0," in flowCheck:
+              "Flows removed")
+                        break
+                    else:
+                        for line in flowCheck.splitlines():
+                            if "flows=" in line:
+                      "Current Summary: " + line)
+                    if checkCount == 2:
+              "Flows are stuck, moving on ")
+                time.sleep(5)
+  "raw data: " + str(data))
+  "maxes:" + str(maxes))
+            # report data
+            print("")
+  "\t Results (measurments are in milliseconds)")
+            print("")
+            nodeString = ""
+            for i in range(1, int(servers) + 1):
+                nodeString += ("\tNode " + str(i))
+            for test in range(0, sampleSize ):
+      "\t Test iteration " + str(test + 1) )
+      "\t------------------")
+                resultString = ""
+                for i in range(0, int(servers) ):
+                    resultString += ("\t" + str(data[test][i]) )
+                print("\n")
+            avgOfMaxes = numpy.mean(maxes)
+  "Average of max value from each test iteration: " + str(avgOfMaxes))
+            stdOfMaxes = numpy.std(maxes)
+  "Standard Deviation of max values: " + str(stdOfMaxes))
+            print("\n\n")
+            avgTP = int(main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'flows' ])  / avgOfMaxes #result in kflows/second
+            tp = []
+            for i in maxes:
+                tp.append((int(main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'flows' ]) / i ))
+            stdTP = numpy.std(tp)
+  "Average thoughput:  " + str(avgTP) + " Kflows/second" )
+  "Standard deviation of throughput: " + str(stdTP) + " Kflows/second")
+            resultsLog = open("/tmp/flowTP1gDB","a")
+            resultString = ("'" + commit + "',")
+            resultString += ("'1gig',")
+            resultString += ((main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'flows' ]) + ",")
+            resultString += (str(clusterCount) + ",")
+            resultString += (str(n) + ",")
+            resultString += (str(avgTP) + "," + str(stdTP) + "\n")
+            resultsLog.write(resultString)
+            resultsLog.close()
+  "Result line to file: " + resultString)
+        main.ONOSbench.logReport(ONOSIp[1], ["ERROR", "WARNING", "EXCEPT"], outputMode="d")
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFflowTp1g/SCPFflowTp1g.topo b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFflowTp1g/SCPFflowTp1g.topo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d521c3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFflowTp1g/SCPFflowTp1g.topo
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+        <ONOSbench>
+            <host>localhost</host>
+            <user>sdn</user>
+            <password>rocks</password>
+            <type>OnosDriver</type>
+            <connect_order>1</connect_order>
+            <COMPONENTS>
+                <home>~/onos</home>
+                <nodes>7</nodes> 
+            </COMPONENTS>
+        </ONOSbench>
+        <ONOS1cli>
+            <host>localhost</host>
+            <user>sdn</user>
+            <password>rocks</password>
+            <type>OnosCliDriver</type>
+            <connect_order>2</connect_order>
+        </ONOS1cli>
+        <ONOS2cli>
+            <host>localhost</host>
+            <user>sdn</user>
+            <password>rocks</password>
+            <type>OnosCliDriver</type>
+            <connect_order>3</connect_order>
+        </ONOS2cli>
+        <ONOS3cli>
+            <host>localhost</host>
+            <user>sdn</user>
+            <password>rocks</password>
+            <type>OnosCliDriver</type>
+            <connect_order>4</connect_order>
+        </ONOS3cli>
+        <ONOS4cli>
+            <host>localhost</host>
+            <user>sdn</user>
+            <password>rocks</password>
+            <type>OnosCliDriver</type>
+            <connect_order>5</connect_order>
+        </ONOS4cli>
+        <ONOS5cli>
+            <host>localhost</host>
+            <user>sdn</user>
+            <password>rocks</password>
+            <type>OnosCliDriver</type>
+            <connect_order>6</connect_order>
+        </ONOS5cli>
+        <ONOS6cli>
+            <host>localhost</host>
+            <user>sdn</user>
+            <password>rocks</password>
+            <type>OnosCliDriver</type>
+            <connect_order>7</connect_order>
+        </ONOS6cli>
+        <ONOS7cli>
+            <host>localhost</host>
+            <user>sdn</user>
+            <password>rocks</password>
+            <type>OnosCliDriver</type>
+            <connect_order>8</connect_order>
+        </ONOS7cli>
+        <ONOS1>
+            <host>OC1</host>
+            <user>sdn</user>
+            <password>rocks</password>
+            <type>OnosDriver</type>
+            <connect_order>9</connect_order>
+        </ONOS1>
+        <ONOS2>
+            <host>OC2</host>
+            <user>sdn</user>
+            <password>rocks</password>
+            <type>OnosDriver</type>
+            <connect_order>10</connect_order>
+        </ONOS2>
+        <ONOS3>
+            <host>OC3</host>
+            <user>sdn</user>
+            <password>rocks</password>
+            <type>OnosDriver</type>
+            <connect_order>11</connect_order>
+        </ONOS3>
+        <ONOS4>
+            <host>OC4</host>
+            <user>sdn</user>
+            <password>rocks</password>
+            <type>OnosDriver</type>
+            <connect_order>12</connect_order>
+        </ONOS4>
+        <ONOS5>
+            <host>OC5</host>
+            <user>sdn</user>
+            <password>rocks</password>
+            <type>OnosDriver</type>
+            <connect_order>13</connect_order>
+        </ONOS5>
+        <ONOS6>
+            <host>OC6</host>
+            <user>sdn</user>
+            <password>rocks</password>
+            <type>OnosDriver</type>
+            <connect_order>14</connect_order>
+        </ONOS6>
+        <ONOS7>
+            <host>OC7</host>
+            <user>sdn</user>
+            <password>rocks</password>
+            <type>OnosDriver</type>
+            <connect_order>15</connect_order>
+        </ONOS7>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFflowTp1g/ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFflowTp1g/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFflowTp1g/