Creating subfolders for test suites

allow teston to look in subfolders
create subfolders for current test suites
move tests into sub folders
create HA suite dependencies folder and moved all common files there
minor driver and test updates
standardize on the name dependencies for the directory
change from admin to sdn users


Change-Id: I849e45ab67da8b285c36c5fdf43b34323876e741
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/Dependency/ b/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/Dependency/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7fe68c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/Dependency/
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+Custom topology for Mininet
+from mininet.topo import Topo
+from import Mininet
+from mininet.node import Host, RemoteController
+from mininet.node import Node
+from mininet.node import CPULimitedHost
+from import TCLink
+from mininet.cli import CLI
+from mininet.log import setLogLevel
+from mininet.util import dumpNodeConnections
+from mininet.node import ( UserSwitch, OVSSwitch, IVSSwitch )
+class VLANHost( Host ):
+    def config( self, vlan=100, **params ):
+        r = super( Host, self ).config( **params )
+        intf = self.defaultIntf()
+        self.cmd( 'ifconfig %s inet 0' % intf )
+        self.cmd( 'vconfig add %s %d' % ( intf, vlan ) )
+        self.cmd( 'ifconfig %s.%d inet %s' % ( intf, vlan, params['ip'] ) )
+        newName = '%s.%d' % ( intf, vlan )
+ = newName
+        self.nameToIntf[ newName ] = intf
+        return r
+class IPv6Host( Host ):
+    def config( self, v6Addr='1000:1/64', **params ):
+        r = super( Host, self ).config( **params )
+        intf = self.defaultIntf()
+        self.cmd( 'ifconfig %s inet 0' % intf )
+        self.cmd( 'ip -6 addr add %s dev %s' % ( v6Addr, intf ) )
+        return r
+class dualStackHost( Host ):
+    def config( self, v6Addr='2000:1/64', **params ):
+        r = super( Host, self ).config( **params )
+        intf = self.defaultIntf()
+        self.cmd( 'ip -6 addr add %s dev %s' % ( v6Addr, intf ) )
+        return r
+class MyTopo( Topo ):
+    def __init__( self ):
+        # Initialize topology
+        Topo.__init__( self )
+        # Switch S5 Hosts
+        host1=self.addHost( 'h1', ip='' )
+        host2=self.addHost( 'h2', cls=IPv6Host, v6Addr='1000::2/64' )
+        host3=self.addHost( 'h3', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='2000::2/64' )
+        #VLAN hosts
+        host4=self.addHost( 'h4', ip='', cls=VLANHost, vlan=100 )
+        host5=self.addHost( 'h5', ip='', cls=VLANHost, vlan=200 )
+        #VPN-1 and VPN-2 Hosts
+        host6=self.addHost( 'h6', ip='' )
+        host7=self.addHost( 'h7', ip='' )
+        #Multicast Sender
+        host8=self.addHost( 'h8', ip='' )
+        # Switch S6 Hosts
+        host9=self.addHost( 'h9', ip='' )
+        host10=self.addHost( 'h10', cls=IPv6Host, v6Addr='1000::3/64' )
+        host11=self.addHost( 'h11', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='2000::3/64' )
+        #VLAN hosts
+        host12=self.addHost( 'h12', ip='', cls=VLANHost, vlan=100 )
+        host13=self.addHost( 'h13', ip='', cls=VLANHost, vlan=200 )
+        #VPN-1 and VPN-2 Hosts
+        host14=self.addHost( 'h14', ip='' )
+        host15=self.addHost( 'h15', ip='' )
+        #Multicast Receiver
+        host16=self.addHost( 'h16', ip='' )
+        # Switch S7 Hosts
+        host17=self.addHost( 'h17', ip='' )
+        host18=self.addHost( 'h18', cls=IPv6Host, v6Addr='1000::4/64' )
+        host19=self.addHost( 'h19', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='2000::4/64' )
+        #VLAN hosts
+        host20=self.addHost( 'h20', ip='', cls=VLANHost, vlan=100 )
+        host21=self.addHost( 'h21', ip='', cls=VLANHost, vlan=200 )
+        #VPN-1 and VPN-2 Hosts
+        host22=self.addHost( 'h22', ip='' )
+        host23=self.addHost( 'h23', ip='' )
+        #Multicast Receiver
+        host24=self.addHost( 'h24', ip='' )
+        s1 = self.addSwitch( 's1' )
+        s2 = self.addSwitch( 's2' )
+        s3 = self.addSwitch( 's3' )
+        s4 = self.addSwitch( 's4' )
+        s5 = self.addSwitch( 's5' )
+        s6 = self.addSwitch( 's6' )
+        s7 = self.addSwitch( 's7' )
+        self.addLink(s5,host1)
+        self.addLink(s5,host2)
+        self.addLink(s5,host3)
+        self.addLink(s5,host4)
+        self.addLink(s5,host5)
+        self.addLink(s5,host6)
+        self.addLink(s5,host7)
+        self.addLink(s5,host8)
+        self.addLink(s6,host9)
+        self.addLink(s6,host10)
+        self.addLink(s6,host11)
+        self.addLink(s6,host12)
+        self.addLink(s6,host13)
+        self.addLink(s6,host14)
+        self.addLink(s6,host15)
+        self.addLink(s6,host16)
+        self.addLink(s7,host17)
+        self.addLink(s7,host18)
+        self.addLink(s7,host19)
+        self.addLink(s7,host20)
+        self.addLink(s7,host21)
+        self.addLink(s7,host22)
+        self.addLink(s7,host23)
+        self.addLink(s7,host24)
+        self.addLink(s1,s2)
+        self.addLink(s1,s3)
+        self.addLink(s1,s4)
+        self.addLink(s1,s5)
+        self.addLink(s2,s3)
+        self.addLink(s2,s5)
+        self.addLink(s2,s6)
+        self.addLink(s3,s4)
+        self.addLink(s3,s6)
+        self.addLink(s4,s7)
+        topos = { 'mytopo': ( lambda: MyTopo() ) }
+def setupNetwork():
+    "Create network"
+    topo = MyTopo()
+    network = Mininet(topo=topo, autoSetMacs=True, controller=None)
+    network.start()
+    CLI( network )
+    network.stop()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    setLogLevel('info')
+    #setLogLevel('debug')
+    setupNetwork()
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/Dependency/ b/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/Dependency/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf2a2b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/Dependency/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+    This wrapper function is use for starting up onos instance
+import time
+import os
+import json
+def onosBuild( main, gitBranch ):
+    """
+        This includes pulling ONOS and building it using maven install
+    """
+    buildResult = main.FALSE
+    # Git checkout a branch of ONOS
+    checkOutResult = main.ONOSbench.gitCheckout( gitBranch )
+    # Does the git pull on the branch that was checked out
+    if not checkOutResult:
+        main.log.warn( "Failed to checked out " + gitBranch +
+                                           " branch")
+    else:
+ "Successfully checked out " + gitBranch +
+                                           " branch")
+    gitPullResult = main.ONOSbench.gitPull()
+    if gitPullResult == main.ERROR:
+        main.log.error( "Error pulling git branch" )
+    else:
+ "Successfully pulled " + gitBranch + " branch" )
+    # Maven clean install
+    buildResult = main.ONOSbench.cleanInstall()
+    return buildResult
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/README b/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..359943e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/README
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+        This is a Sample test suite that demonstrates starting up ONOS
+        and scalling to multiple instances. It also has extra
+        functionalilty that allows the tester to bypass the ONOS
+        package and install case (case 2) to save time.
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/SAMPstartTemplate.params b/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/SAMPstartTemplate.params
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9120c6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/SAMPstartTemplate.params
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+    <testcases>1,2,2,2</testcases>
+    <SCALE>
+        <size>1,2,3</size>
+        <max>3</max>
+    </SCALE>
+        <path>/tests/SAMPstartTemplate/dependencies/</path>
+        <wrapper1>startUp</wrapper1>
+        <topology></topology>
+    <ENV>
+        <cellName>productionCell</cellName>
+        <cellApps>drivers,openflow,proxyarp,mobility</cellApps>
+    </ENV>
+    <GIT>
+        <pull>False</pull>
+        <branch>master</branch>
+    </GIT>
+    <CTRL>
+        <port>6653</port>
+    </CTRL>
+    <SLEEP>
+        <startup>15</startup>
+    </SLEEP>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/ b/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6184da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+# This is a sample template that starts up ONOS cluster, this template
+# is used as a starting script for creating functionality and performance test
+class SAMPstartTemplate:
+    def __init__( self ):
+        self.default = ''
+    def CASE1( self, main ):
+        import time
+        import os
+        import imp
+        import re
+        """
+        - Construct tests variables
+        - GIT ( optional )
+            - Checkout ONOS master branch
+            - Pull latest ONOS code
+        - Building ONOS ( optional )
+            - Install ONOS package
+            - Build ONOS package
+        """
+ "Constructing test variables and building ONOS package" )
+        main.step( "Constructing test variables" )
+        stepResult = main.FALSE
+        # Test variables
+        main.testOnDirectory = re.sub( "(/tests)$", "", main.testDir )
+        main.cellName = main.params[ 'ENV' ][ 'cellName' ]
+        main.apps = main.params[ 'ENV' ][ 'cellApps' ]
+        gitBranch = main.params[ 'GIT' ][ 'branch' ]
+        main.dependencyPath = main.testOnDirectory + \
+                              main.params[ 'DEPENDENCY' ][ 'path' ]
+        main.topology = main.params[ 'DEPENDENCY' ][ 'topology' ]
+        main.scale = ( main.params[ 'SCALE' ][ 'size' ] ).split( "," )
+        main.maxNodes = int( main.params[ 'SCALE' ][ 'max' ] )
+        main.ONOSport = main.params[ 'CTRL' ][ 'port' ]
+        wrapperFile1 = main.params[ 'DEPENDENCY' ][ 'wrapper1' ]
+        main.startUpSleep = int( main.params[ 'SLEEP' ][ 'startup' ] )
+        gitPull = main.params[ 'GIT' ][ 'pull' ]
+        main.cellData = {} # for creating cell file
+        main.CLIs = []
+        main.ONOSip = []
+        main.ONOSip = main.ONOSbench.getOnosIps()
+        print main.ONOSip
+        # Assigning ONOS cli handles to a list
+        for i in range( 1,  main.maxNodes + 1 ):
+            main.CLIs.append( getattr( main, 'ONOScli' + str( i ) ) )
+        # -- INIT SECTION, ONLY RUNS ONCE -- #
+        main.startUp = imp.load_source( wrapperFile1,
+                                        main.dependencyPath +
+                                        wrapperFile1 +
+                                        ".py" )
+        copyResult1 = main.ONOSbench.scp( main.Mininet1,
+                                          main.dependencyPath +
+                                          main.topology,
+                                          main.Mininet1.home,
+                                          direction="to" )
+        if main.CLIs:
+            stepResult = main.TRUE
+        else:
+            main.log.error( "Did not properly created list of ONOS CLI handle" )
+            stepResult = main.FALSE
+        utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+                                 actual=stepResult,
+                                 onpass="Successfully construct " +
+                                        "test variables ",
+                                 onfail="Failed to construct test variables" )
+        if gitPull == 'True':
+            main.step( "Building ONOS in " + gitBranch + " branch" )
+            onosBuildResult = main.startUp.onosBuild( main, gitBranch )
+            stepResult = onosBuildResult
+            utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+                                     actual=stepResult,
+                                     onpass="Successfully compiled " +
+                                            "latest ONOS",
+                                     onfail="Failed to compile " +
+                                            "latest ONOS" )
+        else:
+            main.log.warn( "Did not pull new code so skipping mvn " +
+                           "clean install" )
+    def CASE2( self, main ):
+        """
+        - Set up cell
+            - Create cell file
+            - Set cell file
+            - Verify cell file
+        - Kill ONOS process
+        - Uninstall ONOS cluster
+        - Verify ONOS start up
+        - Install ONOS cluster
+        - Connect to cli
+        """
+        # main.scale[ 0 ] determines the current number of ONOS controller
+        main.numCtrls = int( main.scale[ 0 ] )
+ "Starting up " + str( main.numCtrls ) +
+                   " node(s) ONOS cluster" )
+        #kill off all onos processes
+ "Safety check, killing all ONOS processes" +
+                       " before initiating environment setup" )
+        for i in range( main.maxNodes ):
+            main.ONOSbench.onosDie( main.ONOSip[ i ] )
+        print "NODE COUNT = ", main.numCtrls
+        tempOnosIp = []
+        for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
+            tempOnosIp.append( main.ONOSip[i] )
+        main.ONOSbench.createCellFile( main.ONOSbench.ip_address,
+                                       "temp",
+                                       main.Mininet1.ip_address,
+                                       main.apps,
+                                       tempOnosIp )
+        main.step( "Apply cell to environment" )
+        cellResult = main.ONOSbench.setCell( "temp" )
+        verifyResult = main.ONOSbench.verifyCell()
+        stepResult = cellResult and verifyResult
+        utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+                                 actual=stepResult,
+                                 onpass="Successfully applied cell to " + \
+                                        "environment",
+                                 onfail="Failed to apply cell to environment " )
+        main.step( "Creating ONOS package" )
+        packageResult = main.ONOSbench.onosPackage()
+        stepResult = packageResult
+        utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+                                 actual=stepResult,
+                                 onpass="Successfully created ONOS package",
+                                 onfail="Failed to create ONOS package" )
+        time.sleep( main.startUpSleep )
+        main.step( "Uninstalling ONOS package" )
+        onosUninstallResult = main.TRUE
+        for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
+            onosUninstallResult = onosUninstallResult and \
+                    main.ONOSbench.onosUninstall( nodeIp=main.ONOSip[ i ] )
+        stepResult = onosUninstallResult
+        utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+                                 actual=stepResult,
+                                 onpass="Successfully uninstalled ONOS package",
+                                 onfail="Failed to uninstall ONOS package" )
+        time.sleep( main.startUpSleep )
+        main.step( "Installing ONOS package" )
+        onosInstallResult = main.TRUE
+        for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
+            onosInstallResult = onosInstallResult and \
+                    main.ONOSbench.onosInstall( node=main.ONOSip[ i ] )
+        stepResult = onosInstallResult
+        utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+                                 actual=stepResult,
+                                 onpass="Successfully installed ONOS package",
+                                 onfail="Failed to install ONOS package" )
+        time.sleep( main.startUpSleep )
+        main.step( "Starting ONOS service" )
+        stopResult = main.TRUE
+        startResult = main.TRUE
+        onosIsUp = main.TRUE
+        for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
+            onosIsUp = onosIsUp and main.ONOSbench.isup( main.ONOSip[ i ] )
+        if onosIsUp == main.TRUE:
+   "ONOS instance is up and ready" )
+        else:
+   "ONOS instance may not be up, stop and " +
+                             "start ONOS again " )
+            for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
+                stopResult = stopResult and \
+                        main.ONOSbench.onosStop( main.ONOSip[ i ] )
+            for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
+                startResult = startResult and \
+                        main.ONOSbench.onosStart( main.ONOSip[ i ] )
+        stepResult = onosIsUp and stopResult and startResult
+        utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+                                 actual=stepResult,
+                                 onpass="ONOS service is ready",
+                                 onfail="ONOS service did not start properly" )
+        main.step( "Start ONOS cli" )
+        cliResult = main.TRUE
+        for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
+            cliResult = cliResult and \
+                        main.CLIs[ i ].startOnosCli( main.ONOSip[ i ] )
+        stepResult = cliResult
+        utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+                                 actual=stepResult,
+                                 onpass="Successfully start ONOS cli",
+                                 onfail="Failed to start ONOS cli" )
+        # Remove the first element in main.scale list
+        main.scale.remove( main.scale[ 0 ] )
+    def CASE9( self, main ):
+        '''
+            Report errors/warnings/exceptions
+        '''
+"Error report: \n" )
+        main.ONOSbench.logReport( main.ONOSip[ 0 ],
+                                  [ "INFO",
+                                    "FOLLOWER",
+                                    "WARN",
+                                    "flow",
+                                    "ERROR",
+                                    "Except" ],
+                                  "s" )
+    def CASE11( self, main ):
+        """
+            Start mininet
+        """
+ "Start Mininet topology" )
+ "Start Mininet topology" )
+        main.step( "Starting Mininet Topology" )
+        topoResult = main.Mininet1.startNet( topoFile=main.dependencyPath + main.topology )
+        stepResult = topoResult
+        utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+                                 actual=stepResult,
+                                 onpass="Successfully loaded topology",
+                                 onfail="Failed to load topology" )
+        # Exit if topology did not load properly
+        if not topoResult:
+            main.cleanup()
+            main.exit()
+    def CASE12( self, main ):
+        """
+            Test random ONOS command
+        """
+        main.CLIs[ 0 ].startOnosCli( main.ONOSip[ 0 ] )
+        print main.CLIs[ 0 ].leaders()
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/SAMPstartTemplate.topo b/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/SAMPstartTemplate.topo
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..068bfdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/SAMPstartTemplate.topo
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+        <ONOSbench>
+            <host>localhost</host>
+            <user>sdn</user>
+            <password>rocks</password>
+            <type>OnosDriver</type>
+            <connect_order>1</connect_order>
+            <COMPONENTS>
+            </COMPONENTS>
+        </ONOSbench>
+        <ONOScli1>
+            <host>localhost</host>
+            <user>sdn</user>
+            <password>rocks</password>
+            <type>OnosCliDriver</type>
+            <connect_order>2</connect_order>
+            <COMPONENTS>
+            </COMPONENTS>
+        </ONOScli1>
+        <ONOScli2>
+            <host>localhost</host>
+            <user>sdn</user>
+            <password>rocks</password>
+            <type>OnosCliDriver</type>
+            <connect_order>3</connect_order>
+            <COMPONENTS>
+            </COMPONENTS>
+        </ONOScli2>
+         <ONOScli3>
+            <host>localhost</host>
+            <user>sdn</user>
+            <password>rocks</password>
+            <type>OnosCliDriver</type>
+            <connect_order>4</connect_order>
+            <COMPONENTS>
+            </COMPONENTS>
+        </ONOScli3>
+        <Mininet1>
+            <host>OCN</host>
+            <user>sdn</user>
+            <password>rocks</password>
+            <type>MininetCliDriver</type>
+            <connect_order>5</connect_order>
+            <COMPONENTS>
+                <home>~/mininet/custom/</home>
+            </COMPONENTS>
+        </Mininet1>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/ b/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/