update code style
diff --git a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/quaggaclidriver.py b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/quaggaclidriver.py
index ecd1c52..98f83d2 100644
--- a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/quaggaclidriver.py
+++ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/quaggaclidriver.py
@@ -28,19 +28,14 @@
# self.handle = super( QuaggaCliDriver,self ).connect(
# user_name=self.user_name, ip_address=self.ip_address,port=self.port,
# pwd=self.pwd )
- self.handle = super(
- QuaggaCliDriver,
- self ).connect(
+ self.handle = super( QuaggaCliDriver, self ).connect(
pwd=self.pwd )
- main.log.info(
- "connect parameters:" + str(
- self.user_name ) + ";" + str(
- self.ip_address ) + ";" + str(
- self.port ) + ";" + str(
- self.pwd ) )
+ main.log.info( "connect parameters:" + str( self.user_name ) + ";"
+ + str( self.ip_address ) + ";" + str( self.port )
+ + ";" + str(self.pwd ) )
if self.handle:
# self.handle.expect( "",timeout=10 )
@@ -65,7 +60,8 @@
user_name=self.user_name, ip_address=ip_address,
port=self.port, pwd=self.pwd )
main.log.info( "connect parameters:" + str( self.user_name ) + ";"
- + str( self.ip_address ) + ";" + str( self.port ) + ";" + str( self.pwd ) )
+ + str( self.ip_address ) + ";" + str( self.port )
+ + ";" + str( self.pwd ) )
if self.handle:
# self.handle.expect( "" )
@@ -108,7 +104,7 @@
def generatePrefixes( self, net, numRoutes ):
main.log.info( "I am in generate_prefixes method!" )
- # each IP prefix will be composed by "net" + "." + m + "." + n + "." + x
+ # each IP prefix is composed by "net" + "." + m + "." + n + "." + x
# the length of each IP prefix is 24
routes = []
routesGen = 0
@@ -117,10 +113,8 @@
for i in range( 0, m ):
for j in range( 0, 256 ):
- network = str(
- net ) + "." + str(
- i ) + "." + str(
- j ) + ".0/24"
+ network = str( net ) + "." + str( i ) + "." + str( j ) \
+ + ".0/24"
routes.append( network )
routesGen = routesGen + 1
@@ -137,25 +131,21 @@
# This method generates a multiple to single point intent(
# MultiPointToSinglePointIntent ) for a given route
- def generateExpectedSingleRouteIntent(
- self,
- prefix,
- nextHop,
- nextHopMac,
- sdnipData ):
+ def generateExpectedSingleRouteIntent( self, prefix, nextHop, nextHopMac,
+ sdnipData ):
ingresses = []
egress = ""
for peer in sdnipData[ 'bgpPeers' ]:
if peer[ 'ipAddress' ] == nextHop:
egress = "of:" + str(
- peer[ 'attachmentDpid' ] ).replace( ":",
- "" ) + ":" + str( peer[ 'attachmentPort' ] )
+ peer[ 'attachmentDpid' ] ).replace( ":", "" ) + ":" \
+ + str( peer[ 'attachmentPort' ] )
for peer in sdnipData[ 'bgpPeers' ]:
if not peer[ 'ipAddress' ] == nextHop:
ingress = "of:" + str(
- peer[ 'attachmentDpid' ] ).replace( ":",
- "" ) + ":" + str( peer[ 'attachmentPort' ] )
+ peer[ 'attachmentDpid' ] ).replace( ":", "" ) + ":" \
+ + str( peer[ 'attachmentPort' ] )
if not ingress == egress and ingress not in ingresses:
ingresses.append( ingress )
# ingresses.append( "of:" + str( peer[ 'attachmentDpid' ]
@@ -165,16 +155,12 @@
selector = "ETH_TYPE{ethType=800},IPV4_DST{ip=" + prefix + "}"
treatment = "[ETH_DST{mac=" + str( nextHopMac ) + "}]"
- intent = egress + "/" + \
- str( sorted( ingresses ) ) + "/" + selector + "/" + treatment
+ intent = egress + "/" + str( sorted( ingresses ) ) + "/" + \
+ selector + "/" + treatment
return intent
- def generateExpectedOnePeerRouteIntents(
- self,
- prefixes,
- nextHop,
- nextHopMac,
- sdnipJsonFilePath ):
+ def generateExpectedOnePeerRouteIntents( self, prefixes, nextHop,
+ nextHopMac, sdnipJsonFilePath ):
intents = []
sdnipJsonFile = open( sdnipJsonFilePath ).read()
@@ -183,10 +169,7 @@
for prefix in prefixes:
- prefix,
- nextHop,
- nextHopMac,
- sdnipData ) )
+ prefix, nextHop, nextHopMac, sdnipData ) )
return sorted( intents )
@@ -218,13 +201,15 @@
for intent in intentsJsonObj:
if intent[ 'appId' ] != "org.onosproject.sdnip":
- if intent[ 'type' ] == "MultiPointToSinglePointIntent" and intent[ 'state' ] == 'INSTALLED':
- egress = str( intent[ 'egress' ][ 'device' ] ) + ":" + str(
- intent[ 'egress' ][ 'port' ] )
+ if intent[ 'type' ] == "MultiPointToSinglePointIntent" \
+ and intent[ 'state' ] == 'INSTALLED':
+ egress = str( intent[ 'egress' ][ 'device' ] ) + ":" \
+ + str( intent[ 'egress' ][ 'port' ] )
ingress = []
for attachmentPoint in intent[ 'ingress' ]:
- str( attachmentPoint[ 'device' ] ) + ":" + str( attachmentPoint[ 'port' ] ) )
+ str( attachmentPoint[ 'device' ] ) + ":"
+ + str( attachmentPoint[ 'port' ] ) )
selector = intent[ 'selector' ].replace(
"[", "" ).replace( "]", "" ).replace( " ", "" )
@@ -232,9 +217,8 @@
str1, str2 = str( selector ).split( "," )
selector = str2 + "," + str1
- intent = egress + "/" + \
- str( sorted( ingress ) ) + "/" + \
- selector + "/" + intent[ 'treatment' ]
+ intent = egress + "/" + str( sorted( ingress ) ) + "/" + \
+ selector + "/" + intent[ 'treatment' ]
intents.append( intent )
return sorted( intents )
@@ -248,18 +232,16 @@
for intent in intentsJsonObj:
if intent[ 'appId' ] != "org.onosproject.sdnip":
- if intent[ 'type' ] == "PointToPointIntent" and "protocol=6" in str( intent[ 'selector' ] ):
- ingress = str( intent[ 'ingress' ][ 'device' ] ) + ":" + str(
- intent[ 'ingress' ][ 'port' ] )
- egress = str( intent[ 'egress' ][ 'device' ] ) + ":" + str(
- intent[ 'egress' ][ 'port' ] )
- selector = str(
- intent[ 'selector' ] ).replace( " ",
- "" ).replace( "[",
- "" ).replace( "]",
- "" ).split( "," )
- intent = ingress + "/" + egress + \
- "/" + str( sorted( selector ) )
+ if intent[ 'type' ] == "PointToPointIntent" \
+ and "protocol=6" in str( intent[ 'selector' ] ):
+ ingress = str( intent[ 'ingress' ][ 'device' ] ) + ":" \
+ + str( intent[ 'ingress' ][ 'port' ] )
+ egress = str( intent[ 'egress' ][ 'device' ] ) + ":" + \
+ str( intent[ 'egress' ][ 'port' ] )
+ selector = str( intent[ 'selector' ] ).replace( " ", "" )\
+ .replace( "[", "" ).replace( "]", "" ).split( "," )
+ intent = ingress + "/" + egress + "/" + \
+ str( sorted( selector ) )
intents.append( intent )
return sorted( intents )
@@ -275,20 +257,25 @@
intents = []
bgpPeerAttachmentPoint = ""
bgpSpeakerAttachmentPoint = "of:" + str(
- sdnipData[ 'bgpSpeakers' ][ 0 ][ 'attachmentDpid' ] ).replace( ":",
- "" ) + ":" + str( sdnipData[ 'bgpSpeakers' ][ 0 ][ 'attachmentPort' ] )
+ sdnipData[ 'bgpSpeakers' ][ 0 ][ 'attachmentDpid' ] )\
+ .replace( ":", "" ) + ":" \
+ + str( sdnipData[ 'bgpSpeakers' ][ 0 ][ 'attachmentPort' ] )
for peer in sdnipData[ 'bgpPeers' ]:
- bgpPeerAttachmentPoint = "of:" + str(
- peer[ 'attachmentDpid' ] ).replace( ":",
- "" ) + ":" + str( peer[ 'attachmentPort' ] )
+ bgpPeerAttachmentPoint = "of:" \
+ + str( peer[ 'attachmentDpid' ] ).replace( ":", "" ) \
+ + ":" + str( peer[ 'attachmentPort' ] )
# find out the BGP speaker IP address for this BGP peer
bgpSpeakerIpAddress = ""
- for interfaceAddress in sdnipData[ 'bgpSpeakers' ][ 0 ][ 'interfaceAddresses' ]:
+ for interfaceAddress in \
+ sdnipData[ 'bgpSpeakers' ][ 0 ][ 'interfaceAddresses' ]:
# if eq( interfaceAddress[ 'interfaceDpid' ],sdnipData[
# 'bgpSpeakers' ][ 0 ][ 'attachmentDpid' ] ) and eq(
# interfaceAddress[ 'interfacePort' ], sdnipData[ 'bgpSpeakers'
# ][ 0 ][ 'attachmentPort' ] ):
- if eq( interfaceAddress[ 'interfaceDpid' ], peer[ 'attachmentDpid' ] ) and eq( interfaceAddress[ 'interfacePort' ], peer[ 'attachmentPort' ] ):
+ if eq( interfaceAddress[ 'interfaceDpid' ],
+ peer[ 'attachmentDpid' ] ) \
+ and eq( interfaceAddress[ 'interfacePort' ],
+ peer[ 'attachmentPort' ] ):
bgpSpeakerIpAddress = interfaceAddress[ 'ipAddress' ]
@@ -296,38 +283,46 @@
# from bgpSpeakerAttachmentPoint to bgpPeerAttachmentPoint
# direction
- selectorStr = "IPV4_SRC{ip=" + bgpSpeakerIpAddress + "/32}," + "IPV4_DST{ip=" + peer[
- 'ipAddress' ] + "/32}," + "IP_PROTO{protocol=6}, ETH_TYPE{ethType=800}, TCP_DST{tcpPort=179}"
- selector = selectorStr.replace( " ", "" ).replace(
- "[", "" ).replace( "]", "" ).split( "," )
+ selectorStr = "IPV4_SRC{ip=" + bgpSpeakerIpAddress + "/32}," \
+ + "IPV4_DST{ip=" + peer[ 'ipAddress' ] + "/32}," \
+ + "IP_PROTO{protocol=6}, ETH_TYPE{ethType=800}, \
+ TCP_DST{tcpPort=179}"
+ selector = selectorStr.replace( " ", "" ).replace("[", "" )\
+ .replace( "]", "" ).split( "," )
intent = bgpSpeakerAttachmentPoint + "/" + \
bgpPeerAttachmentPoint + "/" + str( sorted( selector ) )
intents.append( intent )
- selectorStr = "IPV4_SRC{ip=" + bgpSpeakerIpAddress + "/32}," + "IPV4_DST{ip=" + peer[
- 'ipAddress' ] + "/32}," + "IP_PROTO{protocol=6}, ETH_TYPE{ethType=800}, TCP_SRC{tcpPort=179}"
- selector = selectorStr.replace( " ", "" ).replace(
- "[", "" ).replace( "]", "" ).split( "," )
- intent = bgpSpeakerAttachmentPoint + "/" + \
- bgpPeerAttachmentPoint + "/" + str( sorted( selector ) )
+ selectorStr = "IPV4_SRC{ip=" + bgpSpeakerIpAddress + "/32}," \
+ + "IPV4_DST{ip=" + peer[ 'ipAddress' ] + "/32}," \
+ + "IP_PROTO{protocol=6}, ETH_TYPE{ethType=800}, \
+ TCP_SRC{tcpPort=179}"
+ selector = selectorStr.replace( " ", "" ).replace("[", "" )\
+ .replace( "]", "" ).split( "," )
+ intent = bgpSpeakerAttachmentPoint + "/" \
+ + bgpPeerAttachmentPoint + "/" + str( sorted( selector ) )
intents.append( intent )
# from bgpPeerAttachmentPoint to bgpSpeakerAttachmentPoint
# direction
- selectorStr = "IPV4_SRC{ip=" + peer[ 'ipAddress' ] + "/32}," + "IPV4_DST{ip=" + bgpSpeakerIpAddress + "/32}," + \
- "IP_PROTO{protocol=6}, ETH_TYPE{ethType=800}, TCP_DST{tcpPort=179}"
- selector = selectorStr.replace( " ", "" ).replace(
- "[", "" ).replace( "]", "" ).split( "," )
- intent = bgpPeerAttachmentPoint + "/" + \
- bgpSpeakerAttachmentPoint + "/" + str( sorted( selector ) )
+ selectorStr = "IPV4_SRC{ip=" + peer[ 'ipAddress' ] + "/32}," \
+ + "IPV4_DST{ip=" + bgpSpeakerIpAddress + "/32}," \
+ + "IP_PROTO{protocol=6}, ETH_TYPE{ethType=800}, \
+ TCP_DST{tcpPort=179}"
+ selector = selectorStr.replace( " ", "" ).replace("[", "" )\
+ .replace( "]", "" ).split( "," )
+ intent = bgpPeerAttachmentPoint + "/" \
+ + bgpSpeakerAttachmentPoint + "/" + str( sorted( selector ) )
intents.append( intent )
- selectorStr = "IPV4_SRC{ip=" + peer[ 'ipAddress' ] + "/32}," + "IPV4_DST{ip=" + bgpSpeakerIpAddress + "/32}," + \
- "IP_PROTO{protocol=6}, ETH_TYPE{ethType=800}, TCP_SRC{tcpPort=179}"
- selector = selectorStr.replace( " ", "" ).replace(
- "[", "" ).replace( "]", "" ).split( "," )
- intent = bgpPeerAttachmentPoint + "/" + \
- bgpSpeakerAttachmentPoint + "/" + str( sorted( selector ) )
+ selectorStr = "IPV4_SRC{ip=" + peer[ 'ipAddress' ] + "/32}," \
+ + "IPV4_DST{ip=" + bgpSpeakerIpAddress + "/32}," \
+ + "IP_PROTO{protocol=6}, ETH_TYPE{ethType=800}, \
+ TCP_SRC{tcpPort=179}"
+ selector = selectorStr.replace( " ", "" ).replace( "[", "" )\
+ .replace( "]", "" ).split( "," )
+ intent = bgpPeerAttachmentPoint + "/" \
+ + bgpSpeakerAttachmentPoint + "/" + str( sorted( selector ) )
intents.append( intent )
return sorted( intents )
@@ -379,7 +374,7 @@
self.handle.sendline( routeCmd )
self.handle.expect( "bgpd", timeout=5 )
- main.log.warn( "Failed to add route" )
+ main.log.warn( "Failed to delete route" )
# waitTimer = 1.00 / routeRate
# time.sleep( waitTimer )
@@ -396,7 +391,8 @@
user_name=self.user_name, ip_address=ip_address,
port=self.port, pwd=self.pwd )
main.log.info( "connect parameters:" + str( self.user_name ) + ";"
- + str( self.ip_address ) + ";" + str( self.port ) + ";" + str( self.pwd ) )
+ + str( self.ip_address ) + ";" + str( self.port )
+ + ";" + str( self.pwd ) )
if self.handle:
# self.handle.expect( "" )
@@ -416,7 +412,7 @@
main.log.info( "NO HANDLE" )
return main.FALSE
- # Please use the generateRoutes plus addRoutes instead of this one
+ # Please use the generateRoutes plus addRoutes instead of this one!
def addRoute( self, net, numRoutes, routeRate ):
self.handle.sendline( "" )
@@ -436,10 +432,8 @@
numRoutes = 255
for m in range( 1, j + 1 ):
for n in range( 1, numRoutes + 1 ):
- network = str(
- net ) + "." + str(
- m ) + "." + str(
- n ) + ".0/24"
+ network = str( net ) + "." + str( m ) + "." + str( n ) \
+ + ".0/24"
routeCmd = "network " + network
self.handle.sendline( routeCmd )
@@ -452,10 +446,8 @@
routesAdded = routesAdded + 1
for d in range( j + 1, j + 2 ):
for e in range( 1, k + 1 ):
- network = str(
- net ) + "." + str(
- d ) + "." + str(
- e ) + ".0/24"
+ network = str( net ) + "." + str( d ) + "." + str( e ) \
+ + ".0/24"
routeCmd = "network " + network
self.handle.sendline( routeCmd )
@@ -469,7 +461,8 @@
if routesAdded == numRoutes:
return main.TRUE
return main.FALSE
+ # Please use deleteRoutes method instead of this one!
def delRoute( self, net, numRoutes, routeRate ):
self.handle.sendline( "" )
@@ -489,10 +482,8 @@
numRoutes = 255
for m in range( 1, j + 1 ):
for n in range( 1, numRoutes + 1 ):
- network = str(
- net ) + "." + str(
- m ) + "." + str(
- n ) + ".0/24"
+ network = str( net ) + "." + str( m ) + "." + str( n ) \
+ + ".0/24"
routeCmd = "no network " + network
self.handle.sendline( routeCmd )
@@ -505,10 +496,8 @@
routesDeleted = routesDeleted + 1
for d in range( j + 1, j + 2 ):
for e in range( 1, k + 1 ):
- network = str(
- net ) + "." + str(
- d ) + "." + str(
- e ) + ".0/24"
+ network = str( net ) + "." + str( d ) + "." + str( e ) \
+ + ".0/24"
routeCmd = "no network " + network
self.handle.sendline( routeCmd )
@@ -545,10 +534,8 @@
child.expect( "Flow table show" )
count = 0
while True:
- i = child.expect(
- [ '17\d\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}',
- 'CLI#',
- pexpect.TIMEOUT ] )
+ i = child.expect( [ '17\d\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}',
+ 'CLI#', pexpect.TIMEOUT ] )
if i == 0:
count = count + 1
elif i == 1: