[ONOS-7341]: Statistic Graphs Representing All System Tests

Change-Id: Ibd8a30a709c791dfc5f01b41b7cefe37ed3348e7
diff --git a/TestON/JenkinsFile/scripts/testCategoryPiePassFail.R b/TestON/JenkinsFile/scripts/testCategoryPiePassFail.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b731b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/JenkinsFile/scripts/testCategoryPiePassFail.R
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+# Copyright 2018 Open Networking Foundation (ONF)
+# Please refer questions to either the onos test mailing list at <onos-test@onosproject.org>,
+# the System Testing Plans and Results wiki page at <https://wiki.onosproject.org/x/voMg>,
+# or the System Testing Guide page at <https://wiki.onosproject.org/x/WYQg>
+#     TestON is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#     the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+#     (at your option) any later version.
+#     TestON is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#     GNU General Public License for more details.
+#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#     along with TestON.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# If you have any questions, or if you don't understand R,
+# please contact Jeremy Ronquillo: j_ronquillo@u.pacific.edu
+# **********************************************************
+# STEP 1: Data management.
+# **********************************************************
+print( "**********************************************************" )
+print( "STEP 1: Data management." )
+print( "**********************************************************" )
+# Command line arguments are read. Args include the database credentials, test name, branch name, and the directory to output files.
+print( "Reading commmand-line args." )
+args <- commandArgs( trailingOnly=TRUE )
+databaseHost <- 1
+databasePort <- 2
+databaseUserID <- 3
+databasePassword <- 4
+testSuiteName <- 5
+branchName <- 6
+testsToInclude <- 7
+buildToShow <- 8
+isDisplayingPlan <- 9
+saveDirectory <- 10
+# ----------------
+# Import Libraries
+# ----------------
+print( "Importing libraries." )
+library( ggplot2 )
+library( reshape2 )
+library( RPostgreSQL )
+# -------------------
+# Check CLI Arguments
+# -------------------
+print( "Verifying CLI args." )
+if ( is.na( args[ saveDirectory ] ) ){
+    print( paste( "Usage: Rscript testCategoryPiePassFail.R",
+                                  "<database-host>",
+                                  "<database-port>",
+                                  "<database-user-id>",
+                                  "<database-password>",
+                                  "<test-suite-name>",
+                                  "<branch-name>",
+                                  "<tests-to-include-(as-one-string)>",
+                                  "<build-to-show>",
+                                  "<is-displaying-plan>",
+                                  "<directory-to-save-graphs>",
+                                  sep=" " ) )
+    quit( status = 1 )  # basically exit(), but in R
+# ------------------
+# SQL Initialization
+# ------------------
+print( "Initializing SQL" )
+con <- dbConnect( dbDriver( "PostgreSQL" ),
+                  dbname = "onostest",
+                  host = args[ databaseHost ],
+                  port = strtoi( args[ databasePort ] ),
+                  user = args[ databaseUserID ],
+                  password = args[ databasePassword ] )
+# ---------------------
+# Test Case SQL Command
+# ---------------------
+print( "Generating Test Case SQL command." )
+tests <- "'"
+for ( test in as.list( strsplit( args[ testsToInclude ], "," )[[1]] ) ){
+    tests <- paste( tests, test, "','", sep="" )
+tests <- substr( tests, 0, nchar( tests ) - 2 )
+fileBuildToShow <- args[ buildToShow ]
+operator <- "= "
+buildTitle <- ""
+if ( args[ buildToShow ] == "latest" ){
+    buildTitle <- "\nLatest Test Results"
+    operator <- ">= "
+    args[ buildToShow ] <- "1000"
+} else {
+    buildTitle <- paste( " \n Build #", args[ buildToShow ], sep="" )
+command <- paste( "SELECT * ",
+                  "FROM executed_test_tests a ",
+                  "WHERE ( SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM executed_test_tests b ",
+                  "WHERE b.branch='",
+                  args[ branchName ],
+                  "' AND b.actual_test_name IN (",
+                  tests,
+                  ") AND a.actual_test_name = b.actual_test_name AND a.date <= b.date AND b.build ", operator,
+                  args[ buildToShow ],
+                  " ) = ",
+                  1,
+                  " AND a.branch='",
+                  args[ branchName ],
+                  "' AND a.actual_test_name IN (",
+                  tests,
+                  ") AND a.build ", operator,
+                  args[ buildToShow ],
+                  " ORDER BY a.actual_test_name DESC, a.date DESC",
+                  sep="")
+print( "Sending SQL command:" )
+print( command )
+dbResult <- dbGetQuery( con, command )
+print( "dbResult:" )
+print( dbResult )
+# -------------------------------
+# Create Title and Graph Filename
+# -------------------------------
+print( "Creating title of graph." )
+typeOfPieTitle <- "Executed Results"
+typeOfPieFile <- "_passfail"
+isPlannedPie <- FALSE
+if ( args[ isDisplayingPlan ] == "y" ){
+    typeOfPieTitle <- "Test Execution"
+    typeOfPieFile <- "_executed"
+    isPlannedPie <- TRUE
+title <- paste( args[ testSuiteName ],
+                " Tests: Summary of ",
+                typeOfPieTitle,
+                "",
+                " - ",
+                args[ branchName ],
+                buildTitle,
+                sep="" )
+print( "Creating graph filename." )
+outputFile <- paste( args[ saveDirectory ],
+                     args[ testSuiteName ],
+                     "_",
+                     args[ branchName ],
+                     "_build-",
+                     fileBuildToShow,
+                     typeOfPieFile,
+                     "_pieChart.jpg",
+                     sep="" )
+# **********************************************************
+# STEP 2: Organize data.
+# **********************************************************
+print( "**********************************************************" )
+print( "STEP 2: Organize Data." )
+print( "**********************************************************" )
+t <- subset( dbResult, select=c( "actual_test_name", "num_passed", "num_failed", "num_planned" ) )
+executedTests <- sum( t$num_passed ) + sum( t$num_failed )
+# --------------------
+# Construct Data Frame
+# --------------------
+print( "Constructing Data Frame." )
+if ( isPlannedPie ){
+    nonExecutedTests <- sum( t$num_planned ) - executedTests
+    totalTests <- sum( t$num_planned )
+    executedPercent <- round( executedTests / totalTests * 100, digits = 2 )
+    nonExecutedPercent <- 100 - executedPercent
+    dfData <- c( nonExecutedPercent, executedPercent )
+    labels <- c( "Executed Test Cases", "Skipped Test Cases" )
+    dataFrame <- data.frame(
+        rawData <- dfData,
+        displayedData <- c( paste( nonExecutedPercent, "%\n", nonExecutedTests, " / ", totalTests, " Tests", sep="" ), paste( executedPercent, "%\n", executedTests, " / ", totalTests," Tests", sep="" ) ),
+        names <- factor( rev( labels ), levels = labels ) )
+} else {
+    sumPassed <- sum( t$num_passed )
+    sumFailed <- sum( t$num_failed )
+    sumExecuted <- sumPassed + sumFailed
+    percentPassed <- sumPassed / sumExecuted
+    percentFailed <- sumFailed / sumExecuted
+    dfData <- c( percentFailed, percentPassed )
+    labels <- c( "Failed Test Cases", "Passed Test Cases" )
+    dataFrame <- data.frame(
+        rawData <- dfData,
+        displayedData <- c( paste( round( percentFailed * 100, 2 ), "%\n", sumFailed, " / ", sumExecuted, " Tests", sep="" ), paste( round( percentPassed * 100, 2 ), "%\n", sumPassed, " / ", sumExecuted, " Tests", sep="" ) ),
+        names <- factor( labels, levels = rev( labels ) ) )
+print( "Data Frame Results:" )
+print( dataFrame )
+# **********************************************************
+# STEP 3: Generate graphs.
+# **********************************************************
+print( "**********************************************************" )
+print( "STEP 3: Generate Graph." )
+print( "**********************************************************" )
+# -------------------
+# Main Plot Generated
+# -------------------
+print( "Creating main plot." )
+# Create the primary plot here.
+# ggplot contains the following arguments:
+#     - data: the data frame that the graph will be based off of
+#    - aes: the asthetics of the graph which require:
+#        - x: x-axis values (usually iterative, but it will become build # later)
+#        - y: y-axis values (usually tests)
+#        - color: the category of the colored lines (usually status of test)
+mainPlot <- ggplot( data = dataFrame,
+                    aes( x = "", y=rawData, fill = names ) )
+# -------------------
+# Main Plot Formatted
+# -------------------
+print( "Formatting main plot." )
+# ------------------------------
+# Fundamental Variables Assigned
+# ------------------------------
+print( "Generating fundamental graph data." )
+theme_set( theme_grey( base_size = 26 ) )   # set the default text size of the graph.
+imageWidth <- 12
+imageHeight <- 10
+imageDPI <- 200
+# Set other graph configurations here.
+theme <- theme( plot.title = element_text( hjust = 0.5, size = 30, face ='bold' ),
+                axis.text.x = element_blank(),
+                axis.title.x = element_blank(),
+                axis.title.y = element_blank(),
+                axis.ticks = element_blank(),
+                panel.border = element_blank(),
+                panel.grid=element_blank(),
+                legend.position = "bottom",
+                legend.text = element_text( size = 22 ),
+                legend.title = element_blank(),
+                legend.key.size = unit( 1.5, 'lines' ),
+                plot.subtitle = element_text( size=16, hjust=1.0 ) )
+subtitle <- paste( "Last Updated: ", format( Sys.time(), format = "%b %d, %Y at %I:%M %p %Z" ), sep="" )
+title <- labs( title = title, subtitle = subtitle )
+# Store plot configurations as 1 variable
+fundamentalGraphData <- mainPlot +
+                        theme +
+                        title
+# ----------------------------
+# Generating Line Graph Format
+# ----------------------------
+print( "Generating line graph." )
+if ( isPlannedPie ){
+    executedColor <- "#00A5FF"      # Blue
+    nonExecutedColor <- "#CCCCCC"   # Gray
+    pieColors <- scale_fill_manual( values = c( executedColor, nonExecutedColor ) )
+} else {
+    passColor <- "#16B645"          # Green
+    failColor <- "#E02020"          # Red
+    pieColors <- scale_fill_manual( values = c( passColor, failColor ) )
+pieFormat <- geom_bar( width = 1, stat = "identity" )
+pieLabels <- geom_text( aes( y = rawData / length( rawData ) + c( 0, cumsum( rawData )[ -length( rawData ) ] ) ),
+                             label = dataFrame$displayedData,
+                             size = 7, fontface = "bold" )
+result <- fundamentalGraphData +
+          pieFormat + coord_polar( "y" ) + pieLabels + pieColors
+# -----------------------
+# Exporting Graph to File
+# -----------------------
+print( paste( "Saving result graph to", outputFile ) )
+tryCatch( ggsave( outputFile,
+                  width = imageWidth,
+                  height = imageHeight,
+                  dpi = imageDPI ),
+          error = function( e ){
+              print( "[ERROR] There was a problem saving the graph due to a graph formatting exception.  Error dump:" )
+              print( e )
+              quit( status = 1 )
+          }
+        )
+print( paste( "[SUCCESS] Successfully wrote result graph out to", outputFile ) )
+quit( status = 0 )