ONOS-2508 FUNCovsdbtest flows install and vm go-online scripts

Change-Id: I9ba54e5432908316141cb59b6645973d8419665f
diff --git a/TestON/tests/FUNCovsdbtest/dependencies/Nbdata.py b/TestON/tests/FUNCovsdbtest/dependencies/Nbdata.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fde20d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/FUNCovsdbtest/dependencies/Nbdata.py
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+This file provide the data
+import json
+class NetworkData:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.id = ''
+        self.state = 'ACTIVE'
+        self.name = 'onosfw-1'
+        self.physicalNetwork = 'none'
+        self.admin_state_up = True
+        self.tenant_id = ''
+        self.routerExternal = False
+        self.type ='LOCAL'
+        self.segmentationID = '6'
+        self.shared = False
+    def DictoJson(self):
+        if self.id =='' or self.tenant_id == '':
+            print 'Id and tenant id is necessary!'
+        Dicdata = {}
+        if self.id !='':
+            Dicdata['id'] = self.id
+        if self.state != '':
+            Dicdata['status'] = self.state
+        if self.name !='':
+            Dicdata['name'] = self.name
+        if self.physicalNetwork !='':
+            Dicdata['provider:physical_network'] = self.physicalNetwork
+        if self.admin_state_up !='':
+            Dicdata['admin_state_up'] = self.admin_state_up
+        if self.tenant_id !='':
+            Dicdata['tenant_id'] = self.tenant_id
+        if self.routerExternal !='':
+            Dicdata['router:external'] = self.routerExternal
+        if self.type !='':
+            Dicdata['provider:network_type'] = self.type
+        if self.segmentationID !='':
+            Dicdata['provider:segmentation_id'] = self.segmentationID
+        if self.shared !='':
+            Dicdata['shared'] = self.shared
+        Dicdata = {'network': Dicdata}
+        return json.dumps(Dicdata,indent=4)
+    def Ordered(self,obj):
+        if isinstance(obj, dict):
+            return sorted((k,self.Ordered(v)) for k,  v in obj.items())
+        if isinstance(obj, list):
+            return sorted(self.Ordered(x) for x in obj )
+        else:
+            return obj
+    def JsonCompare(self,SourceData,DestiData,FirstPara,SecondPara):
+        try:
+            SourceCompareDataDic = json.loads(SourceData)
+            DestiCompareDataDic = json.loads(DestiData)
+        except ValueError:
+            print "SourceData or DestData is not JSON Type!"
+            return False
+        try:
+            Socom = SourceCompareDataDic[FirstPara][SecondPara]
+            Decom = DestiCompareDataDic[FirstPara][SecondPara]
+        except KeyError,error:
+            print "Key error ,This key is not found:%s"%error
+            return False
+        if str(Socom).lower()== str(Decom).lower():
+            return True
+        else:
+            print "Source Compare data:"+FirstPara+"."+SecondPara+"="+str(Socom)
+            print "Dest Compare data: "+FirstPara+"."+SecondPara+"="+str(Decom)
+            return False
+class SubnetData(NetworkData):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.id = ''
+        self.tenant_id = ''
+        self.network_id = ''
+        self.nexthop = ''
+        self.destination = ''
+        self.start = ''
+        self.end = ''
+        self.ipv6_address_mode = 'DHCPV6_STATELESS'
+        self.ipv6_ra_mode = 'DHCPV6_STATELESS'
+        self.cidr = ''
+        self.enable_dhcp = True
+        self.dns_nameservers = 'aaa'
+        self.gateway_ip = ''
+        self.ip_version = '4'
+        self.shared = False
+        self.name = 'demo-subnet'
+    def DictoJson(self):
+        if self.id =='' or self.tenant_id == '':
+            print 'Id and tenant id is necessary!'
+        Dicdata = {}
+        host_routesdata = []
+        host_routesdata.append({'nexthop': self.nexthop,'destination': self.destination})
+        allocation_pools = []
+        allocation_pools.append({'start': self.start,'end':self.end})
+        if self.id != '':
+            Dicdata['id'] = self.id
+        if self.network_id != '':
+            Dicdata['network_id'] = self.network_id
+        if self.name != '':
+            Dicdata['name'] = self.name
+        if self.nexthop != '':
+            Dicdata['host_routes'] = host_routesdata
+        if self.tenant_id != '':
+            Dicdata['tenant_id'] = self.tenant_id
+        if self.start != '':
+            Dicdata['allocation_pools'] = allocation_pools
+        if self.shared != '':
+            Dicdata['shared'] = self.shared
+        if self.ipv6_address_mode != '':
+            Dicdata['ipv6_address_mode'] = self.ipv6_address_mode
+        if self.ipv6_ra_mode != '':
+            Dicdata['ipv6_ra_mode'] = self.ipv6_ra_mode
+        if self.cidr != '':
+            Dicdata['cidr'] = self.cidr
+        if self.enable_dhcp != '':
+            Dicdata['enable_dhcp'] = self.enable_dhcp
+        if self.dns_nameservers != '':
+            Dicdata['dns_nameservers'] = self.dns_nameservers
+        if self.gateway_ip != '':
+            Dicdata['gateway_ip'] = self.gateway_ip
+        if self.ip_version != '':
+            Dicdata['ip_version'] = self.ip_version
+        Dicdata = {'subnet': Dicdata}
+        return json.dumps(Dicdata,indent=4)
+class VirtualPortData(NetworkData):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.id = ''
+        self.state = 'ACTIVE'
+        self.bindingHostId = 'fa:16:3e:76:8e:88'
+        self.allowedAddressPairs = [{'mac_address':'fa:16:3e:76:8e:88','ip_address':''}]
+        self.deviceOwner = 'none'
+        self.fixedIp = []
+        self.securityGroups = [{'securityGroup':'asd'}]
+        self.adminStateUp = True
+        self.network_id = ''
+        self.tenant_id = ''
+        self.subnet_id = ''
+        self.bindingvifDetails = 'port_filter'
+        self.bindingvnicType = 'normal'
+        self.bindingvifType = 'ovs'
+        self.macAddress = 'fa:16:3e:76:8e:88'
+        self.deviceId = 'a08aa'
+        self.name = 'u'
+    def DictoJson(self):
+        if self.id == '' or self.tenant_id == ' ' or \
+           self.network_id == '' or self.subnet_id == '':
+            print 'Id/tenant id/networkid/subnetId is necessary!'
+        Dicdata = {}
+        fixedIp =[]
+        fixedIp.append({'subnet_id':self.subnet_id,'ip_address':''})
+        allocation_pools = []
+        if self.id != '':
+            Dicdata['id'] = self.id
+        if self.state != '':
+            Dicdata['status'] = self.state
+        if self.bindingHostId != '':
+            Dicdata['binding:host_id'] = self.bindingHostId
+        if self.allowedAddressPairs != '':
+            Dicdata['allowed_address_pairs'] = self.allowedAddressPairs
+        if self.deviceOwner != '':
+            Dicdata['device_owner'] = self.deviceOwner
+        if self.securityGroups != '':
+            Dicdata['security_groups'] = self.securityGroups
+        if self.adminStateUp != '':
+            Dicdata['admin_state_up'] = self.adminStateUp
+        if self.network_id != '':
+            Dicdata['network_id'] = self.network_id
+        if self.tenant_id != '':
+            Dicdata['tenant_id'] = self.tenant_id
+        if self.bindingvifDetails != '':
+            Dicdata['binding:vif_details'] = self.bindingvifDetails
+        if self.bindingvnicType != '':
+            Dicdata['binding:vnic_type'] = self.bindingvnicType
+        if self.bindingvifType != '':
+            Dicdata['binding:vif_type'] = self.bindingvifType
+        if self.macAddress != '':
+            Dicdata['mac_address'] = self.macAddress
+        if self.deviceId != '':
+            Dicdata['device_id'] = self.deviceId
+        if self.name != '':
+            Dicdata['name'] = self.name
+        Dicdata['fixed_ips'] = fixedIp
+        Dicdata = {'port': Dicdata}
+        return json.dumps(Dicdata,indent=4)