[SDFAB-1024] Modify TestON to verify persistence mastership
Additionally, improve ONOS cli driver
Change-Id: I92a6908fc5e76cdc6538dccf5845ee5a6e99662a
diff --git a/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/PMastership/PMastership.py b/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/PMastership/PMastership.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..886806e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/PMastership/PMastership.py
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+class PMastership:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.default = ''
+ def CASE1(self, main):
+ main.case("PMastership Test")
+ """
+ Verify there are no pending flows and groups
+ Get flows and group counts
+ Verify that are not 0
+ Get the master of leaf2 (look at the params file for the config)
+ Verify that has the master
+ Kill switch leaf2
+ Set label on switch K8S node to prevent K8S to redeploy stratum
+ Verify there are no pending flows and groups related to segment routing
+ Verify that the master of leaf2 is still the same as before
+ Wait for the switch to be up again
+ Verify there are no pending flows and groups
+ """
+ try:
+ from tests.USECASE.SegmentRouting.dependencies.Testcaselib import \
+ Testcaselib as run
+ from tests.USECASE.SegmentRouting.SRStaging.dependencies.SRStagingTest import \
+ SRStagingTest
+ import time
+ except ImportError as e:
+ main.log.error("Import not found. Exiting the test")
+ main.log.error(e)
+ main.cleanAndExit()
+ # Retrieves the params of the test
+ n_switches = int(main.params["TOPO"]["switchNum"])
+ switch_to_kill = main.params["PMastership"]["PMastership_dataplane_fail"]["switch_to_kill"]
+ k8s_switch_node = main.params["PMastership"]["PMastership_dataplane_fail"]["k8s_switch_node"]
+ k8s_label = main.params["PMastership"]["PMastership_dataplane_fail"]["k8s_label"]
+ k8s_label_value_test = main.params["PMastership"]["PMastership_dataplane_fail"]["k8s_label_value_test"]
+ k8s_label_value_normal = main.params["PMastership"]["PMastership_dataplane_fail"]["k8s_label_value_normal"]
+ # Init the main components and variables
+ run.initTest(main)
+ main.log.info(main.Cluster.numCtrls)
+ main.Cluster.setRunningNode(3)
+ run.installOnos(main, skipPackage=True, cliSleep=5)
+ onos_cli = main.Cluster.active(0).CLI
+ kubectl = main.Cluster.active(0).Bench
+ kubeconfig = main.Cluster.active(0).k8s.kubeConfig
+ namespace = main.params['kubernetes']['namespace']
+ main.step("Verify there are added flows")
+ initial_flows_count = onos_cli.checkFlowCount()
+ empty = main.TRUE if ( initial_flows_count == 0 ) else main.FALSE
+ utilities.assert_equal(
+ expect=main.FALSE,
+ actual=empty,
+ onpass="There are " + str(initial_flows_count) + " added flows",
+ onfail="There are no added flows",
+ )
+ main.step("Verify there are added groups")
+ initial_groups_count = onos_cli.checkGroupCount()
+ empty = main.TRUE if ( initial_groups_count == 0 ) else main.FALSE
+ utilities.assert_equal(
+ expect=main.FALSE,
+ actual=empty,
+ onpass="There are " + str(initial_groups_count) + " added groups",
+ onfail="There are no added groups",
+ )
+ no_pending_flows = utilities.retry(onos_cli.checkFlowsState,
+ [False, None],
+ kwargs={"isPENDING": False},
+ attempts=20,
+ getRetryingTime=True)
+ main.step("Verify there are no pending flows")
+ utilities.assert_equal(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=no_pending_flows,
+ onpass="There are no pending flows",
+ onfail="There are pending flows",
+ )
+ no_pending_groups = utilities.retry(onos_cli.checkGroupsState,
+ [False, None],
+ kwargs={"isPENDING": False},
+ attempts=20,
+ getRetryingTime=True)
+ main.step("Verify there are no pending groups")
+ utilities.assert_equal(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=no_pending_groups,
+ onpass="There are no pending groups",
+ onfail="There are pending groups",
+ )
+ main.step("Retrieving " + switch_to_kill + " master")
+ initial_master = onos_cli.getMaster("device:" + k8s_switch_node)
+ no_master = main.TRUE if ( initial_master is None ) else main.FALSE
+ utilities.assert_equal(
+ expect=main.FALSE,
+ actual=no_master,
+ onpass=initial_master + " is the master of " + switch_to_kill,
+ onfail="There is no master for " + switch_to_kill,
+ )
+ main.step("Set label to switch k8s node and kill Stratum")
+ # K8s node name correspond to the switch name in lowercase
+ utilities.assert_equal(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=kubectl.kubectlSetLabel(
+ nodeName=k8s_switch_node,
+ label=k8s_label,
+ value=k8s_label_value_test,
+ kubeconfig=kubeconfig,
+ namespace=namespace,
+ ),
+ onpass="Label has been set correctly on node %s" % k8s_switch_node,
+ onfail="Label has not been set on node %s" % k8s_switch_node
+ )
+ try:
+ def checkNumberStratumPods(n_value):
+ pods = kubectl.kubectlGetPodNames(
+ kubeconfig=kubeconfig,
+ namespace=namespace,
+ name="stratum"
+ )
+ main.log.info("PODS: " + str(pods))
+ return n_value == len(pods) if pods is not main.FALSE else False
+ # Execute the following in try/except/finally to be sure to restore the
+ # k8s label even in case of unhandled exception.
+ # Wait for stratum pod to be removed from the switch
+ removed = utilities.retry(checkNumberStratumPods,
+ False,
+ args=[n_switches - 1],
+ attempts=50)
+ main.log.info("Stratum has been removed from the switch? %s" % removed)
+ sleepTime = 20
+ switch_component = getattr(main, switch_to_kill)
+ main.log.info("Sleeping %s seconds for ONOS to react" % sleepTime)
+ time.sleep(sleepTime)
+ available = utilities.retry(SRStagingTest.switchIsConnected,
+ True,
+ args=[switch_component],
+ attempts=300,
+ getRetryingTime=True)
+ main.log.info("Switch %s is available in ONOS? %s" % (
+ switch_to_kill, available))
+ utilities.assert_equal(
+ expect=True,
+ actual=not available and removed,
+ onpass="Stratum was removed from switch k8s node",
+ onfail="Stratum was not removed from switch k8s node"
+ )
+ main.step("Verify there are no segmentrouting flows after the failure")
+ raw_flows = onos_cli.flows(device="device:" + k8s_switch_node)
+ sr_flows = main.TRUE if "segmentrouting" in raw_flows else main.FALSE
+ utilities.assert_equal(
+ expect=main.FALSE,
+ actual=sr_flows,
+ onpass="There are no segmentrouting flows",
+ onfail="There are segmentrouting flows",
+ )
+ main.step("Verify there are no segmentrouting groups after the failure")
+ raw_groups = onos_cli.groups(device="device:" + k8s_switch_node)
+ sr_groups = main.TRUE if "segmentrouting" in raw_groups else main.FALSE
+ utilities.assert_equal(
+ expect=main.FALSE,
+ actual=sr_groups,
+ onpass="There are no segmentrouting groups",
+ onfail="There are segmentrouting groups",
+ )
+ main.step("Verify " + initial_master + " is still the master of " + switch_to_kill)
+ after_master = onos_cli.getMaster("device:" + k8s_switch_node)
+ no_master = main.TRUE if ( initial_master is None ) else main.FALSE
+ utilities.assert_equal(
+ expect=main.FALSE,
+ actual=no_master,
+ onpass=initial_master + " is the master of " + switch_to_kill,
+ onfail="There is no master for " + switch_to_kill,
+ )
+ same_master = main.TRUE if ( initial_master == after_master ) else main.FALSE
+ utilities.assert_equal(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=same_master,
+ onpass=initial_master + " is still the master of " + switch_to_kill,
+ onfail="Master for " + switch_to_kill + " is " + after_master,
+ )
+ except Exception as e:
+ main.log.error("Unhandled exception!")
+ main.log.error(e)
+ finally:
+ utilities.assert_equal(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=kubectl.kubectlSetLabel(
+ nodeName=k8s_switch_node,
+ label=k8s_label,
+ value=k8s_label_value_normal,
+ kubeconfig=kubeconfig,
+ namespace=namespace,
+ ),
+ onpass="Label has been set correctly on node %s" % k8s_switch_node,
+ onfail="Label has not been set on node %s" % k8s_switch_node
+ )
+ # Wait for stratum pod to be re-deployed on the switch
+ deployed = utilities.retry(checkNumberStratumPods,
+ False,
+ args=[n_switches],
+ attempts=50)
+ main.log.info("Stratum has been redeployed on the switch? %s" % deployed)
+ # Wait switch to be back in ONOS
+ available = utilities.retry(SRStagingTest.switchIsConnected,
+ False,
+ args=[switch_component],
+ sleep=2,
+ attempts=300,
+ getRetryingTime=True)
+ main.log.info("Switch %s is available in ONOS? %s" % (
+ switch_to_kill, available))
+ utilities.assert_equal(
+ expect=True,
+ actual=available and deployed,
+ onpass="Switch is back available in ONOS and stratum has been redeployed",
+ onfail="Switch is not available in ONOS, may influence subsequent tests!"
+ )
+ sleepTime = 10
+ main.log.info("Sleeping %s seconds for ONOS to react and assure flows/groups are ADDED" % sleepTime)
+ time.sleep(sleepTime)
+ main.step("Verify there are added flows after reboot")
+ after_flows_count = onos_cli.checkFlowCount()
+ empty = main.TRUE if ( after_flows_count == 0 ) else main.FALSE
+ utilities.assert_equal(
+ expect=main.FALSE,
+ actual=empty,
+ onpass="There are " + str(after_flows_count) + " added flows",
+ onfail="There are no added flows",
+ )
+ main.step("Verify there are added groups after reboot")
+ after_groups_count = onos_cli.checkGroupCount()
+ empty = main.TRUE if ( after_groups_count == 0 ) else main.FALSE
+ utilities.assert_equal(
+ expect=main.FALSE,
+ actual=empty,
+ onpass="There are " + str(after_groups_count) + " added groups",
+ onfail="There are no added groups",
+ )
+ no_pending_flows = utilities.retry(onos_cli.checkFlowsState,
+ [False, None],
+ kwargs={"isPENDING": False},
+ attempts=20,
+ getRetryingTime=True)
+ main.step("Verify there are no pending flows after reboot")
+ utilities.assert_equal(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=no_pending_flows,
+ onpass="There are no pending flows",
+ onfail="There are pending flows",
+ )
+ no_pending_groups = utilities.retry(onos_cli.checkGroupsState,
+ [False, None],
+ kwargs={"isPENDING": False},
+ attempts=20,
+ getRetryingTime=True)
+ main.step("Verify there are no pending groups after reboot")
+ utilities.assert_equal(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=no_pending_groups,
+ onpass="There are no pending groups",
+ onfail="There are pending groups",
+ )