Add Basic Connectivity tests for paire leaf pod

Change-Id: Ie2c7529629893462e9567700354368380188ef8b
diff --git a/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/SRStaging/SRpairedLeaves/ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/SRStaging/SRpairedLeaves/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f46f0a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/SRStaging/SRpairedLeaves/
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+class SRpairedLeaves:
+    def __init__( self ):
+        self.default = ''
+    def CASE1( self, main ):
+        """
+        Connect to Pod
+        Check host dataplane connectivity
+        Collect logs and analyze results
+        """
+        try:
+            from tests.USECASE.SegmentRouting.SRStaging.dependencies.SRStagingTest import SRStagingTest
+            from tests.USECASE.SegmentRouting.dependencies.Testcaselib import Testcaselib as run
+            import datetime
+            import json
+        except ImportError as e:
+            main.log.exception( "SRStagingTest not found. Exiting the test" )
+            main.cleanAndExit()
+        try:
+            main.funcs
+        except ( NameError, AttributeError ):
+            main.funcs = SRStagingTest()
+        try:
+            main.log.debug( "loading parser script" )
+            import tests.USECASE.SegmentRouting.SRStaging.dependencies.log_breakdown as logParser
+        except ImportError as e:
+            main.log.exception( "Error running script" )
+        descPrefix = "Host Connectivity"
+        pod = main.params['GRAPH'].get( 'nodeCluster', "hardware" )
+        main.cfgName = 'CASE001'
+        main.funcs.setupTest( main,
+                              topology='0x2',
+                              onosNodes=3,
+                              description="%s tests on the %s pod" % ( descPrefix, pod ) )
+        switches = int( main.params[ 'TOPO' ][ 'switchNum' ] )
+        links = int( main.params[ 'TOPO' ][ 'linkNum' ] )
+        hosts = [ 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'mgmt' ]
+        run.verifyTopology( main, switches, links, main.Cluster.numCtrls )
+        #run.loadChart( main )  # stores hosts to ping and expected results
+        #run.pingAll( main, useScapy=False )
+        run.verifyPing( main, hosts, hosts )
+        #main.funcs.cleanup( main )
+        # run.verifyTraffic
+    def CASE2( self, main ):
+        """
+        Connect to Pod
+        Check host to gateway connectivity
+        Collect logs and analyze results
+        """
+        try:
+            from tests.USECASE.SegmentRouting.SRStaging.dependencies.SRStagingTest import SRStagingTest
+            import json
+        except ImportError:
+            main.log.error( "SRStagingTest not found. Exiting the test" )
+            main.cleanAndExit()
+        try:
+            main.funcs
+        except ( NameError, AttributeError ):
+            main.funcs = SRStagingTest()
+        descPrefix = "Host to gateway connectivity"
+        pod = main.params['GRAPH'].get( 'nodeCluster', "hardware" )
+        main.funcs.setupTest( main,
+                              topology='0x2',
+                              onosNodes=3,
+                              description="%s tests on the %s pod" % ( descPrefix, pod ) )
+        run.pingAllFabricIntfs( main, hosts, dumpFlows=False )
+        #main.funcs.cleanup( main )