ONOS-3343 Initial scapy implementation commit

scapy host discovery and re-ordering of setup cases

scapy checkConnection dependency function to check connection with specified packets from given sender(s) to given recipient(s). CASE3000 now uses checkConnection to test one way single to multi point intents.

CASE 3000 scapy implementation complete

CASE 4000, 5000, 1000 scapy implementation and breakup of dependency functions

Change-Id: I9fc277d0e5ba5dd50246f7fc1be76c15566d796c

Finished Implementation of Scapy within FUNCintent

Refactored FUNCintent for clarity and sense
-Now uses dictionaries instead of lists for function params
-separated installing and testing intents into distinct functions
-merged non-host intent testing into one function called testPointIntent

Change-Id: I8ffbe6dcc00994e3b40c9ba0fe7e4188bb2019f7
diff --git a/TestON/tests/FUNCintent/Dependency/FuncIntentFunction.py b/TestON/tests/FUNCintent/Dependency/FuncIntentFunction.py
index 9efe5d0..067ed3e 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/FUNCintent/Dependency/FuncIntentFunction.py
+++ b/TestON/tests/FUNCintent/Dependency/FuncIntentFunction.py
@@ -10,324 +10,308 @@
 def __init__( self ):
     self.default = ''
-def hostIntent( main,
-                name,
-                host1,
-                host2,
-                onosNode=0,
-                host1Id="",
-                host2Id="",
-                mac1="",
-                mac2="",
-                vlan1="-1",
-                vlan2="-1",
-                sw1="",
-                sw2="",
-                expectedLink=0 ):
+def installHostIntent( main,
+                                name,
+                                host1,
+                                host2,
+                                onosNode=0,
+                                ethType="",
+                                bandwidth="",
+                                lambdaAlloc=False,
+                                ipProto="",
+                                ipAddresses="",
+                                tcp="",
+                                sw1="",
+                                sw2=""):
+    Installs a Host Intent
-        Verify add-host-intent
+        Install a host intent using
+        add-host-intent
-        - Discover hosts
-        - Add host intents
-        - Check intents
-        - Verify flows
-        - Ping hosts
-        - Reroute
-            - Link down
-            - Verify flows
-            - Check topology
-            - Ping hosts
-            - Link up
-            - Verify flows
-            - Check topology
-            - Ping hosts
-        - Remove intents
-    Required:
-        name - Type of host intent to add eg. IPV4 | VLAN | Dualstack
-        host1 - Name of first host
-        host2 - Name of second host
-    Optional:
-        onosNode - ONOS node to install the intents in main.CLIs[ ]
-                   0 by default so that it will always use the first
-                   ONOS node
-        host1Id - ONOS id of the first host eg. 00:00:00:00:00:01/-1
-        host2Id - ONOS id of the second host
-        mac1 - Mac address of first host
-        mac2 - Mac address of the second host
-        vlan1 - Vlan tag of first host, defaults to -1
-        vlan2 - Vlan tag of second host, defaults to -1
-        sw1 - First switch to bring down & up for rerouting purpose
-        sw2 - Second switch to bring down & up for rerouting purpose
-        expectedLink - Expected link when the switches are down, it should
-                       be two links lower than the links before the two
-                       switches are down
-    Return:
-        Returns main.TRUE if all verification passed, otherwise return
-        main.FALSE; returns main.FALSE if there is a key error
-    """
-    # Assert variables
-    assert main, "There is no main variable"
-    assert name, "variable name is empty"
-    assert host1 and host2, "You must specify hosts"
-    global itemName
-    itemName = name
-    h1Id = host1Id
-    h2Id = host2Id
-    h1Mac = mac1
-    h2Mac = mac2
-    vlan1 = vlan1
-    vlan2 = vlan2
-    hostNames = [ host1 , host2 ]
-    intentsId = []
-    stepResult = main.TRUE
-    pingResult = main.TRUE
-    intentResult = main.TRUE
-    removeIntentResult = main.TRUE
-    flowResult = main.TRUE
-    topoResult = main.TRUE
-    linkDownResult = main.TRUE
-    linkUpResult = main.TRUE
-    onosNode = int( onosNode )
-    try:
-        if main.hostsData:
-            if not h1Mac:
-                h1Mac = main.hostsData[ host1 ][ 'mac' ]
-            if not h2Mac:
-                h2Mac = main.hostsData[ host2 ][ 'mac' ]
-            if main.hostsData[ host1 ].get( 'vlan' ):
-                vlan1 = main.hostsData[ host1 ][ 'vlan' ]
-            if main.hostsData[ host1 ].get( 'vlan' ):
-                vlan2 = main.hostsData[ host2 ][ 'vlan' ]
-            if not h1Id:
-                h1Id = main.hostsData[ host1 ][ 'id' ]
-            if not h2Id:
-                h2Id = main.hostsData[ host2 ][ 'id' ]
-        assert h1Id and h2Id, "You must specify host IDs"
-        if not ( h1Id and h2Id ):
-            main.log.info( "There are no host IDs" )
-            return main.FALSE
-    except KeyError:
-        main.log.error( itemName + ": Key error Exception" )
-        return main.FALSE
-    # Discover hosts using arping incase pingall discovery failed
-    main.log.info( itemName + ": Discover host using arping" )
-    main.Mininet1.arping( srcHost=host1, dstHost=host2 )
-    main.Mininet1.arping( srcHost=host2, dstHost=host1 )
-    host1 = main.CLIs[ 0 ].getHost( mac=h1Mac )
-    host2 = main.CLIs[ 0 ].getHost( mac=h2Mac )
-    # Check flows count in each node
-    checkFlowsCount( main )
-    # Adding host intents
-    main.log.info( itemName + ": Adding host intents" )
-    intent1 = main.CLIs[ onosNode ].addHostIntent( hostIdOne=h1Id,
-                                                   hostIdTwo=h2Id )
-    intentsId.append( intent1 )
-    # Check intents state
-    time.sleep( main.checkIntentSleep )
-    intentResult = checkIntentState( main, intentsId )
-    checkFlowsCount( main )
-    # Check intents state again if first check fails...
-    if not intentResult:
-        intentResult = checkIntentState( main, intentsId )
-    # Check flows count in each node
-    checkFlowsCount( main )
-    # Verify flows
-    checkFlowsState( main )
-    # Ping hosts
-    firstPingResult = pingallHosts( main, hostNames )
-    if not firstPingResult:
-        main.log.debug( "First ping failed, there must be" +
-                       " something wrong with ONOS performance" )
-    # Ping hosts again...
-    pingTemp = pingallHosts( main, hostNames )
-    pingResult = pingResult and pingTemp
-    if pingTemp:
-        main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Pingall Passed\n'
-    else:
-        main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Pingall Failed\n'
-    # Test rerouting if these variables exist
-    if sw1 and sw2 and expectedLink:
-        # Link down
-        linkDownResult = link( main, sw1, sw2, "down" )
-        if linkDownResult:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Passed\n'
-        else:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Failed\n'
-        # Check flows count in each node
-        checkFlowsCount( main )
-        # Verify flows
-        checkFlowsState( main )
-        # Check OnosTopology
-        topoResult = checkTopology( main, expectedLink )
-        if topoResult:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Topology State Passed\n'
-        else:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Topology State Failed\n'
-        # Ping hosts
-        pingTemp = pingallHosts( main, hostNames )
-        pingResult = pingResult and pingTemp
-        if pingTemp:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Pingall Passed\n'
-        else:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Pingall Failed\n'
-        # Check intent states
-        intentTemp = checkIntentState( main, intentsId )
-        intentResult = intentResult and intentTemp
-        if intentTemp:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Intent State Passed\n'
-        else:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Intent State Failed\n'
-        # Checks ONOS state in link down
-        if linkDownResult and topoResult and pingResult and intentResult:
-            main.log.info( itemName + ": Successfully brought link down" )
-        else:
-            main.log.error( itemName + ": Failed to bring link down" )
-        # Link up
-        linkUpResult = link( main, sw1, sw2, "up" )
-        time.sleep( main.rerouteSleep )
-        if linkUpResult:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Passed\n'
-        else:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Failed\n'
-        # Check flows count in each node
-        checkFlowsCount( main )
-        # Verify flows
-        checkFlowsState( main )
-        # Check OnosTopology
-        topoResult = checkTopology( main, main.numLinks )
-        if topoResult:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Topology State Passed\n'
-        else:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Topology State Failed\n'
-        # Ping hosts
-        pingTemp = pingallHosts( main, hostNames )
-        pingResult = pingResult and pingTemp
-        if pingTemp:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Pingall Passed\n'
-        else:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Pingall Failed\n'
-        intentTemp = checkIntentState( main, intentsId )
-        intentResult = intentResult and intentTemp
-        if intentTemp:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Intent State Passed\n'
-        else:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Intent State Failed\n'
-        # Checks ONOS state in link up
-        if linkUpResult and topoResult and pingResult and intentResult:
-            main.log.info( itemName + ": Successfully brought link back up" )
-        else:
-            main.log.error( itemName + ": Failed to bring link back up" )
-    # Remove all intents
-    removeIntentResult = removeAllIntents( main, intentsId )
-    if removeIntentResult:
-        main.assertReturnString += 'Remove Intents Passed'
-    else:
-        main.assertReturnString += 'Remove Intents Failed'
-    stepResult = pingResult and linkDownResult and linkUpResult \
-                 and intentResult and removeIntentResult
-    return stepResult
-def pointIntent( main,
-                 name,
-                 host1,
-                 host2,
-                 onosNode=0,
-                 deviceId1="",
-                 deviceId2="",
-                 port1="",
-                 port2="",
-                 ethType="",
-                 mac1="",
-                 mac2="",
-                 bandwidth="",
-                 lambdaAlloc=False,
-                 ipProto="",
-                 ip1="",
-                 ip2="",
-                 tcp1="",
-                 tcp2="",
-                 sw1="",
-                 sw2="",
-                 expectedLink=0 ):
-    """
-    Description:
-        Verify add-point-intent
-    Steps:
-        - Get device ids | ports
-        - Add point intents
-        - Check intents
-        - Verify flows
-        - Ping hosts
-        - Reroute
-            - Link down
-            - Verify flows
-            - Check topology
-            - Ping hosts
-            - Link up
-            - Verify flows
-            - Check topology
-            - Ping hosts
-        - Remove intents
+        - Fetch host data if not given
+        - Add host intent
+            - Ingress device is the first sender host
+            - Egress devices are the recipient devices
+            - Ports if defined in senders or recipients
+            - MAC address ethSrc loaded from Ingress device
+        - Check intent state with retry
         name - Type of point intent to add eg. IPV4 | VLAN | Dualstack
-        host1 - Name of first host
-        host2 - Name of second host
+        host1 - Dictionary for host1
+            { "name":"h8", "id":"of:0000000000000005/8" }
+        host2 - Dictionary for host2
+            { "name":"h16", "id":"of:0000000000000006/8" }
         onosNode - ONOS node to install the intents in main.CLIs[ ]
                    0 by default so that it will always use the first
                    ONOS node
-        deviceId1 - ONOS device id of the first switch, the same as the
-                    location of the first host eg. of:0000000000000001/1,
-                    located at device 1 port 1
-        deviceId2 - ONOS device id of the second switch
-        port1 - The port number where the first host is attached
-        port2 - The port number where the second host is attached
         ethType - Ethernet type eg. IPV4, IPV6
-        mac1 - Mac address of first host
-        mac2 - Mac address of the second host
         bandwidth - Bandwidth capacity
         lambdaAlloc - Allocate lambda, defaults to False
         ipProto - IP protocol
-        ip1 - IP address of first host
-        ip2 - IP address of second host
-        tcp1 - TCP port of first host
-        tcp2 - TCP port of second host
+        tcp - TCP ports in the same order as the hosts in hostNames
+    """
+    assert main, "There is no main variable"
+    assert host1, "You must specify host1"
+    assert host2, "You must specify host2"
+    global itemName  # The name of this run. Used for logs.
+    itemName = name
+    onosNode = int( onosNode )
+    main.log.info( itemName + ": Adding single point to multi point intents" )
+    if not host1.get( "id" ):
+        main.log.warn( "ID not given for host1 {0}. Loading from main.hostData".format( host1.get( "name" ) ) )
+        main.log.debug( main.hostsData.get( host1.get( "name" ) ) )
+        host1[ "id" ] = main.hostsData.get( host1.get( "name" ) ).get( "id" )
+    if not host2.get( "id" ):
+        main.log.warn( "ID not given for host2 {0}. Loading from main.h ostData".format( host2.get( "name" ) ) )
+        host2[ "id" ] = main.hostsData.get( host2.get( "name" ) ).get( "id" )
+    # Adding point intent
+    intentId = main.CLIs[ onosNode ].addHostIntent( hostIdOne=host1.get( "id" ),
+                                                    hostIdTwo=host2.get( "id" ) )
+    # Check intents state
+    if utilities.retry( f=checkIntentState, retValue=main.FALSE,
+                        args=( main, [ intentId ] ), sleep=main.checkIntentSleep ):
+        return intentId
+    else:
+        main.log.error( "Single to Multi Intent did not install correctly" )
+        return main.FALSE
+def testHostIntent( main,
+                    name,
+                    intentId,
+                    host1,
+                    host2,
+                    onosNode=0,
+                    sw1="s5",
+                    sw2="s2",
+                    expectedLink=0):
+    """
+    Test a Host Intent
+    Description:
+        Test a host intent of given ID between given hosts
+    Steps:
+        - Fetch host data if not given
+        - Check Intent State
+        - Check Flow State
+        - Check Connectivity
+        - Check Lack of Connectivity Between Hosts not in the Intent
+        - Reroute
+            - Take Expected Link Down
+            - Check Intent State
+            - Check Flow State
+            - Check Topology
+            - Check Connectivity
+            - Bring Expected Link Up
+            - Check Intent State
+            - Check Flow State
+            - Check Topology
+            - Check Connectivity
+        - Remove Topology
+    Required:
+        name - Type of point intent to add eg. IPV4 | VLAN | Dualstack
+        intentId - intent ID to be tested ( and removed )
+        host1 - Dictionary for host1
+            { "name":"h8", "id":"of:0000000000000005/8" }
+        host2 - Dictionary for host2
+            { "name":"h16", "id":"of:0000000000000006/8" }
+    Optional:
+        onosNode - ONOS node to install the intents in main.CLIs[ ]
+                   0 by default so that it will always use the first
+                   ONOS node
+        sw1 - First switch to bring down & up for rerouting purpose
+        sw2 - Second switch to bring down & up for rerouting purpose
+        expectedLink - Expected link when the switches are down, it should
+                       be two links lower than the links before the two
+                       switches are down
+    """
+    # Parameter Validity Check
+    assert main, "There is no main variable"
+    assert host1, "You must specify host1"
+    assert host2, "You must specify host2"
+    global itemName
+    itemName = name
+    tempHostsData = {}
+    onosNode = int( onosNode )
+    main.log.info( itemName + ": Testing Single to Multi Point Intent" )
+    if not host1.get( "id" ):
+        main.log.warn( "Id not given for host1 {0}. Loading from main.hostData".format( host1.get( "name" ) ) )
+        host1[ "id" ] = main.hostsData.get( host1.get( "name" ) ).get( "location" )
+    if not host2.get( "id" ):
+        main.log.warn( "Id not given for host2 {0}. Loading from main.hostData".format( host2.get( "name" ) ) )
+        host2[ "id" ] = main.hostsData.get( host2.get( "name" ) ).get( "location" )
+    senderNames = [ host1.get( "name" ), host2.get( "name" ) ]
+    recipientNames = [ host1.get( "name" ), host2.get( "name" ) ]
+    testResult = main.TRUE
+    main.log.info( itemName + ": Adding single point to multi point intents" )
+    # Check intent state
+    if utilities.retry( f=checkIntentState, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, [ intentId ] ), sleep=main.checkIntentSleep ):
+        main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Intent State Passed\n'
+    else:
+        main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Intent State Failed\n'
+        testResult = main.FALSE
+    # Check flows count in each node
+    if utilities.retry( f=checkFlowsCount, retValue=main.FALSE, args=[ main ] ) and utilities.retry( f=checkFlowsState, retValue=main.FALSE, args=[ main ] ):
+        main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Flow State Passed\n'
+    else:
+        main.assertReturnString += 'Intial Flow State Failed\n'
+        testResult = main.FALSE
+    # Check Connectivity
+    if utilities.retry( f=scapyCheckConnection, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, senderNames, recipientNames ) ):
+        main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Ping Passed\n'
+    else:
+        main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Ping Failed\n'
+        testResult = main.FALSE
+    # Test rerouting if these variables exist
+    if sw1 and sw2 and expectedLink:
+        # Take link down
+        if utilities.retry( f=link, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, sw1, sw2, "down" ) ):
+            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Passed\n'
+        else:
+            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Failed\n'
+            testResult = main.FALSE
+        # Check intent state
+        if utilities.retry( f=checkIntentState, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, [ intentId ] ), sleep=main.checkIntentSleep ):
+            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Intent State Passed\n'
+        else:
+            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Intent State Failed\n'
+            testResult = main.FALSE
+        # Check flows count in each node
+        if utilities.retry( f=checkFlowsCount, retValue=main.FALSE, args=[ main ] ) and utilities.retry( f=checkFlowsState, retValue=main.FALSE, args=[ main ] ):
+            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Flow State Passed\n'
+        else:
+            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Flow State Failed\n'
+            testResult = main.FALSE
+        # Check OnosTopology
+        if utilities.retry( f=checkTopology, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, expectedLink ) ):
+            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Topology State Passed\n'
+        else:
+            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Topology State Failed\n'
+            testResult = main.FALSE
+        # Check Connection
+        if utilities.retry( f=scapyCheckConnection, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, senderNames, recipientNames ) ):
+            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Pingall Passed\n'
+        else:
+            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Pingall Failed\n'
+            testResult = main.FALSE
+        # Bring link up
+        if utilities.retry( f=link, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, sw1, sw2, "up" ) ):
+            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Passed\n'
+        else:
+            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Failed\n'
+            testResult = main.FALSE
+        # Wait for reroute
+        time.sleep( main.rerouteSleep )
+        # Check Intents
+        if utilities.retry( f=checkIntentState, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, [ intentId ] ), sleep=main.checkIntentSleep ):
+            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Intent State Passed\n'
+        else:
+            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Intent State Failed\n'
+            testResult = main.FALSE
+        # Check flows count in each node
+        if utilities.retry( f=checkFlowsCount, retValue=main.FALSE, args=[ main ] ) and utilities.retry( f=checkFlowsState, retValue=main.FALSE, args=[ main ] ):
+            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Flow State Passed\n'
+        else:
+            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Flow State Failed\n'
+            testResult = main.FALSE
+        # Check OnosTopology
+        if utilities.retry( f=checkTopology, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, main.numLinks ) ):
+            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Topology State Passed\n'
+        else:
+            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Topology State Failed\n'
+            testResult = main.FALSE
+        # Check Connection
+        if utilities.retry( f=scapyCheckConnection, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, senderNames, recipientNames ) ):
+            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Pingall Passed\n'
+        else:
+            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Pingall Failed\n'
+            testResult = main.FALSE
+    # Remove all intents
+    if utilities.retry( f=removeAllIntents, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, [ intentId ] ) ):
+        main.assertReturnString += 'Remove Intents Passed'
+    else:
+        main.assertReturnString += 'Remove Intents Failed'
+        testResult = main.FALSE
+    return testResult
+def installPointIntent( main,
+                        name,
+                        senders,
+                        recipients,
+                        onosNode=0,
+                        ethType="",
+                        bandwidth="",
+                        lambdaAlloc=False,
+                        ipProto="",
+                        ipSrc="",
+                        ipDst="",
+                        tcpSrc="",
+                        tcpDst=""):
+    """
+    Installs a Single to Single Point Intent
+    Description:
+        Install a single to single point intent
+    Steps:
+        - Fetch host data if not given
+        - Add point intent
+            - Ingress device is the first sender device
+            - Egress device is the first recipient device
+            - Ports if defined in senders or recipients
+            - MAC address ethSrc loaded from Ingress device
+        - Check intent state with retry
+    Required:
+        name - Type of point intent to add eg. IPV4 | VLAN | Dualstack
+        senders - List of host dictionaries i.e.
+            [ { "name":"h8", "device":"of:0000000000000005/8","mac":"00:00:00:00:00:08" } ]
+        recipients - List of host dictionaries i.e.
+            [ { "name":"h16", "device":"of:0000000000000006/8", "mac":"00:00:00:00:00:10" } ]
+    Optional:
+        onosNode - ONOS node to install the intents in main.CLIs[ ]
+                   0 by default so that it will always use the first
+                   ONOS node
+        ethType - Ethernet type eg. IPV4, IPV6
+        bandwidth - Bandwidth capacity
+        lambdaAlloc - Allocate lambda, defaults to False
+        ipProto - IP protocol
+        tcp - TCP ports in the same order as the hosts in hostNames
         sw1 - First switch to bring down & up for rerouting purpose
         sw2 - Second switch to bring down & up for rerouting purpose
         expectedLink - Expected link when the switches are down, it should
@@ -336,180 +320,60 @@
     assert main, "There is no main variable"
-    assert name, "variable name is empty"
-    assert host1 and host2, "You must specify hosts"
+    assert senders, "You must specify a sender"
+    assert recipients, "You must specify a recipient"
+    # Assert devices or main.hostsData, "You must specify devices"
-    global itemName
+    global itemName  # The name of this run. Used for logs.
     itemName = name
-    host1 = host1
-    host2 = host2
-    hostNames = [ host1, host2 ]
-    intentsId = []
-    pingResult = main.TRUE
-    intentResult = main.TRUE
-    removeIntentResult = main.TRUE
-    flowResult = main.TRUE
-    topoResult = main.TRUE
-    linkDownResult = main.TRUE
-    linkUpResult = main.TRUE
     onosNode = int( onosNode )
-    # Adding bidirectional point  intents
-    main.log.info( itemName + ": Adding point intents" )
-    intent1 = main.CLIs[ onosNode ].addPointIntent( ingressDevice=deviceId1,
-                                             egressDevice=deviceId2,
-                                             portIngress=port1,
-                                             portEgress=port2,
-                                             ethType=ethType,
-                                             ethSrc=mac1,
-                                             ethDst=mac2,
-                                             bandwidth=bandwidth,
-                                             lambdaAlloc=lambdaAlloc,
-                                             ipProto=ipProto,
-                                             ipSrc=ip1,
-                                             ipDst=ip2,
-                                             tcpSrc=tcp1,
-                                             tcpDst=tcp2 )
+    main.log.info( itemName + ": Adding mutli to single point intents" )
-    intentsId.append( intent1 )
-    intent2 = main.CLIs[ onosNode ].addPointIntent( ingressDevice=deviceId2,
-                                             egressDevice=deviceId1,
-                                             portIngress=port2,
-                                             portEgress=port1,
-                                             ethType=ethType,
-                                             ethSrc=mac2,
-                                             ethDst=mac1,
-                                             bandwidth=bandwidth,
-                                             lambdaAlloc=lambdaAlloc,
-                                             ipProto=ipProto,
-                                             ipSrc=ip2,
-                                             ipDst=ip1,
-                                             tcpSrc=tcp2,
-                                             tcpDst=tcp1 )
-    intentsId.append( intent2 )
+    for sender in senders:
+        if not sender.get( "device" ):
+            main.log.warn( "Device not given for sender {0}. Loading from main.hostData".format( sender.get( "name" ) ) )
+            sender[ "device" ] = main.hostsData.get( sender.get( "name" ) ).get( "location" )
+    for recipient in recipients:
+        if not recipient.get( "device" ):
+            main.log.warn( "Device not given for recipient {0}. Loading from main.hostData".format( recipient.get( "name" ) ) )
+            recipient[ "device" ] = main.hostsData.get( recipient.get( "name" ) ).get( "location" )
+    ingressDevice = senders[ 0 ].get( "device" )
+    egressDevice = recipients[ 0 ].get( "device" )
+    portIngress = senders[ 0 ].get( "port", "" )
+    portEgress = recipients[ 0 ].get( "port", "" )
+    dstMac = recipients[ 0 ].get( "mac" )
+    ipSrc = senders[ 0 ].get( "ip" )
+    ipDst = recipients[ 0 ].get( "ip" )
+    # Adding point intent
+    intentId = main.CLIs[ onosNode ].addPointIntent(
+                                        ingressDevice=ingressDevice,
+                                        egressDevice=egressDevice,
+                                        portIngress=portIngress,
+                                        portEgress=portEgress,
+                                        ethType=ethType,
+                                        ethDst=dstMac,
+                                        bandwidth=bandwidth,
+                                        lambdaAlloc=lambdaAlloc,
+                                        ipProto=ipProto,
+                                        ipSrc=ipSrc,
+                                        ipDst=ipDst,
+                                        tcpSrc=tcpSrc,
+                                        tcpDst=tcpDst )
     # Check intents state
-    time.sleep( main.checkIntentSleep )
-    intentResult = checkIntentState( main, intentsId )
-    # Check flows count in each node
-    checkFlowsCount( main )
-    # Check intents state again if first check fails...
-    if not intentResult:
-        intentResult = checkIntentState( main, intentsId )
-    # Check flows count in each node
-    checkFlowsCount( main )
-    # Verify flows
-    checkFlowsState( main )
-    # Ping hosts
-    pingTemp = pingallHosts( main, hostNames )
-    pingResult = pingResult and pingTemp
-    if pingTemp:
-        main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Pingall Passed\n'
+    if utilities.retry( f=checkIntentState, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, [ intentId ] ), sleep=main.checkIntentSleep ):
+        return intentId
-        main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Pingall Failed\n'
-    # Test rerouting if these variables exist
-    if sw1 and sw2 and expectedLink:
-        # link down
-        linkDownResult = link( main, sw1, sw2, "down" )
-        if linkDownResult:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Passed\n'
-        else:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Failed\n'
-        # Check flows count in each node
-        checkFlowsCount( main )
-        # Verify flows
-        checkFlowsState( main )
-        # Check OnosTopology
-        topoResult = checkTopology( main, expectedLink )
-        if topoResult:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Topology State Passed\n'
-        else:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Topology State Failed\n'
-        # Ping hosts
-        pingTemp = pingallHosts( main, hostNames )
-        pingResult = pingResult and pingTemp
-        if pingTemp:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Pingall Passed\n'
-        else:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Pingall Failed\n'
-        # Check intent state
-        intentTemp = checkIntentState( main, intentsId )
-        intentResult = intentResult and intentTemp
-        if intentTemp:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Intent State Passed\n'
-        else:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Intent State Failed\n'
-        # Checks ONOS state in link down
-        if linkDownResult and topoResult and pingResult and intentResult:
-            main.log.info( itemName + ": Successfully brought link down" )
-        else:
-            main.log.error( itemName + ": Failed to bring link down" )
-        # link up
-        linkUpResult = link( main, sw1, sw2, "up" )
-        if linkUpResult:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Passed\n'
-        else:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Failed\n'
-        time.sleep( main.rerouteSleep )
-        # Check flows count in each node
-        checkFlowsCount( main )
-        # Verify flows
-        checkFlowsState( main )
-        # Check OnosTopology
-        topoResult = checkTopology( main, main.numLinks )
-        if topoResult:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Topology State Passed\n'
-        else:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Topology State Failed\n'
-        # Ping hosts
-        pingTemp = pingallHosts( main, hostNames )
-        pingResult = pingResult and pingTemp
-        if pingTemp:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Pingall Passed\n'
-        else:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Pingall Failed\n'
-        intentTemp = checkIntentState( main, intentsId )
-        intentResult = intentResult and intentTemp
-        if intentTemp:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Intent State Passed\n'
-        else:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Intent State Failed\n'
-        # Checks ONOS state in link up
-        if linkUpResult and topoResult and pingResult and intentResult:
-            main.log.info( itemName + ": Successfully brought link back up" )
-        else:
-            main.log.error( itemName + ": Failed to bring link back up" )
-    # Remove all intents
-    removeIntentResult = removeAllIntents( main, intentsId )
-    if removeIntentResult:
-        main.assertReturnString += 'Remove Intents Passed'
-    else:
-        main.assertReturnString += 'Remove Intents Failed'
-    stepResult = pingResult and linkDownResult and linkUpResult \
-                 and intentResult and removeIntentResult
-    return stepResult
+        main.log.error( "Point Intent did not install correctly" )
+        return main.FALSE
 def pointIntentTcp( main,
@@ -794,69 +658,48 @@
     return stepResult
-def singleToMultiIntent( main,
-                         name,
-                         hostNames,
-                         onosNode=0,
-                         devices="",
-                         ports=None,
-                         ethType="",
-                         macs=None,
-                         bandwidth="",
-                         lambdaAlloc=False,
-                         ipProto="",
-                         ipAddresses="",
-                         tcp="",
-                         sw1="",
-                         sw2="",
-                         expectedLink=0 ):
+def installSingleToMultiIntent( main,
+                                name,
+                                senders,
+                                recipients,
+                                onosNode=0,
+                                ethType="",
+                                bandwidth="",
+                                lambdaAlloc=False,
+                                ipProto="",
+                                ipAddresses="",
+                                tcp="",
+                                sw1="",
+                                sw2=""):
-    Verify Single to Multi Point intents
-    NOTE:If main.hostsData is not defined, variables data should be passed
-    in the same order index wise. All devices in the list should have the same
-    format, either all the devices have its port or it doesn't.
-    eg. hostName = [ 'h1', 'h2' ,..  ]
-        devices = [ 'of:0000000000000001', 'of:0000000000000002', ...]
-        ports = [ '1', '1', ..]
-        ...
+    Installs a Single to Multi Point Intent
-        Verify add-single-to-multi-intent iterates through the list of given
-        host | devices and add intents
+        Install a single to multi point intent using
+        add-single-to-multi-intent
-        - Get device ids | ports
-        - Add single to multi point intents
-        - Check intents
-        - Verify flows
-        - Ping hosts
-        - Reroute
-            - Link down
-            - Verify flows
-            - Check topology
-            - Ping hosts
-            - Link up
-            - Verify flows
-            - Check topology
-            - Ping hosts
-        - Remove intents
+        - Fetch host data if not given
+        - Add single to multi intent
+            - Ingress device is the first sender host
+            - Egress devices are the recipient devices
+            - Ports if defined in senders or recipients
+            - MAC address ethSrc loaded from Ingress device
+        - Check intent state with retry
         name - Type of point intent to add eg. IPV4 | VLAN | Dualstack
-        hostNames - List of host names
+        senders - List of host dictionaries i.e.
+            { "name":"h8", "device":"of:0000000000000005/8","mac":"00:00:00:00:00:08" }
+        recipients - List of host dictionaries i.e.
+            { "name":"h16", "device":"of:0000000000000006/8", "mac":"00:00:00:00:00:10" }
         onosNode - ONOS node to install the intents in main.CLIs[ ]
                    0 by default so that it will always use the first
                    ONOS node
-        devices - List of device ids in the same order as the hosts
-                  in hostNames
-        ports - List of port numbers in the same order as the device in
-                devices
         ethType - Ethernet type eg. IPV4, IPV6
-        macs - List of hosts mac address in the same order as the hosts in
-               hostNames
         bandwidth - Bandwidth capacity
         lambdaAlloc - Allocate lambda, defaults to False
         ipProto - IP protocol
-        ipAddresses - IP addresses of host in the same order as the hosts in
-                      hostNames
         tcp - TCP ports in the same order as the hosts in hostNames
         sw1 - First switch to bring down & up for rerouting purpose
         sw2 - Second switch to bring down & up for rerouting purpose
@@ -866,287 +709,102 @@
     assert main, "There is no main variable"
-    assert hostNames, "You must specify hosts"
-    assert devices or main.hostsData, "You must specify devices"
+    assert senders, "You must specify a sender"
+    assert recipients, "You must specify a recipient"
+    # Assert devices or main.hostsData, "You must specify devices"
-    global itemName
+    global itemName  # The name of this run. Used for logs.
     itemName = name
-    tempHostsData = {}
-    intentsId = []
     onosNode = int( onosNode )
-    macsDict = {}
-    ipDict = {}
-    if hostNames and devices:
-        if len( hostNames ) != len( devices ):
-            main.log.debug( "hosts and devices does not have the same length" )
-            #print "len hostNames = ", len( hostNames )
-            #print "len devices = ", len( devices )
-            return main.FALSE
-        if ports:
-            if len( ports ) != len( devices ):
-                main.log.error( "Ports and devices does " +
-                                "not have the same length" )
-                #print "len devices = ", len( devices )
-                #print "len ports = ", len( ports )
-                return main.FALSE
-        else:
-            main.log.info( "Device Ports are not specified" )
-        if macs:
-            for i in range( len( devices ) ):
-                macsDict[ devices[ i ] ] = macs[ i ]
-    elif hostNames and not devices and main.hostsData:
-        devices = []
-        main.log.info( "singleToMultiIntent function is using main.hostsData" )
-        for host in hostNames:
-               devices.append( main.hostsData.get( host ).get( 'location' ) )
-               macsDict[ main.hostsData.get( host ).get( 'location' ) ] = \
-                           main.hostsData.get( host ).get( 'mac' )
-               ipDict[ main.hostsData.get( host ).get( 'location' ) ] = \
-                           main.hostsData.get( host ).get( 'ipAddresses' )
-        #print main.hostsData
-    #print 'host names = ', hostNames
-    #print 'devices = ', devices
-    #print "macsDict = ", macsDict
-    pingResult = main.TRUE
-    intentResult = main.TRUE
-    removeIntentResult = main.TRUE
-    flowResult = main.TRUE
-    topoResult = main.TRUE
-    linkDownResult = main.TRUE
-    linkUpResult = main.TRUE
-    devicesCopy = copy.copy( devices )
-    if ports:
-        portsCopy = copy.copy( ports )
     main.log.info( itemName + ": Adding single point to multi point intents" )
-    # Check flows count in each node
-    checkFlowsCount( main )
+    for sender in senders:
+        if not sender.get( "device" ):
+            main.log.warn( "Device not given for sender {0}. Loading from main.hostData".format( sender.get( "name" ) ) )
+            sender[ "device" ] = main.hostsData.get( sender.get( "name" ) ).get( "location" )
-    # Adding bidirectional point  intents
-    for i in range( len( devices ) ):
-        ingressDevice = devicesCopy[ i ]
-        egressDeviceList = copy.copy( devicesCopy )
-        egressDeviceList.remove( ingressDevice )
-        if ports:
-            portIngress = portsCopy[ i ]
-            portEgressList = copy.copy( portsCopy )
-            del portEgressList[ i ]
-        else:
-            portIngress = ""
-            portEgressList = None
-        if not macsDict:
-            srcMac = ""
-        else:
-            srcMac = macsDict[ ingressDevice ]
-            if srcMac == None:
-                main.log.debug( "There is no MAC in device - " + ingressDevice )
-                srcMac = ""
+    for recipient in recipients:
+        if not recipient.get( "device" ):
+            main.log.warn( "Device not given for recipient {0}. Loading from main.hostData".format( recipient.get( "name" ) ) )
+            recipient[ "device" ] = main.hostsData.get( recipient.get( "name" ) ).get( "location" )
-        intentsId.append(
-                        main.CLIs[ onosNode ].addSinglepointToMultipointIntent(
-                                            ingressDevice=ingressDevice,
-                                            egressDeviceList=egressDeviceList,
-                                            portIngress=portIngress,
-                                            portEgressList=portEgressList,
-                                            ethType=ethType,
-                                            ethSrc=srcMac,
-                                            bandwidth=bandwidth,
-                                            lambdaAlloc=lambdaAlloc,
-                                            ipProto=ipProto,
-                                            ipSrc="",
-                                            ipDst="",
-                                            tcpSrc="",
-                                            tcpDst="" ) )
-    # Wait some time for the flow to go through when using multi instance
-    pingTemp = pingallHosts( main, hostNames )
+    ingressDevice = senders[ 0 ].get( "device" )
+    egressDeviceList = [ x.get( "device" ) for x in recipients if x.get( "device" ) ]
+    portIngress = senders[ 0 ].get( "port", "" )
+    portEgressList = [ x.get( "port" ) for x in recipients if x.get( "port" ) ]
+    if not portEgressList:
+        portEgressList = None
+    srcMac = senders[ 0 ].get( "mac" )
+    # Adding point intent
+    intentId = main.CLIs[ onosNode ].addSinglepointToMultipointIntent(
+                                        ingressDevice=ingressDevice,
+                                        egressDeviceList=egressDeviceList,
+                                        portIngress=portIngress,
+                                        portEgressList=portEgressList,
+                                        ethType=ethType,
+                                        ethSrc=srcMac,
+                                        bandwidth=bandwidth,
+                                        lambdaAlloc=lambdaAlloc,
+                                        ipProto=ipProto,
+                                        ipSrc="",
+                                        ipDst="",
+                                        tcpSrc="",
+                                        tcpDst="" )
     # Check intents state
-    time.sleep( main.checkIntentSleep )
-    intentResult = checkIntentState( main, intentsId )
-    # Check intents state again if first check fails...
-    if not intentResult:
-        intentResult = checkIntentState( main, intentsId )
-    # Check flows count in each node
-    checkFlowsCount( main )
-    # Verify flows
-    checkFlowsState( main )
-    pingTemp = pingallHosts( main, hostNames )
-    pingResult = pingResult and pingTemp
-    if pingTemp:
-        main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Pingall Passed\n'
+    if utilities.retry( f=checkIntentState, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, [ intentId ] ), sleep=main.checkIntentSleep ):
+        return intentId
-        main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Pingall Failed\n'
+        main.log.error( "Single to Multi Intent did not install correctly" )
+        return main.FALSE
-    # Test rerouting if these variables exist
-    if sw1 and sw2 and expectedLink:
-        # link down
-        linkDownResult = link( main, sw1, sw2, "down" )
-        if linkDownResult:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Passed\n'
-        else:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Failed\n'
-        # Check flows count in each node
-        checkFlowsCount( main )
-        # Verify flows
-        checkFlowsState( main )
-        # Check OnosTopology
-        topoResult = checkTopology( main, expectedLink )
-        if topoResult:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Topology State Passed\n'
-        else:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Topology State Failed\n'
-        # Ping hosts
-        pingTemp = pingallHosts( main, hostNames )
-        pingResult = pingResult and pingTemp
-        if pingTemp:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Pingall Passed\n'
-        else:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Pingall Failed\n'
-        # Check intent state
-        intentTemp = checkIntentState( main, intentsId )
-        intentResult = intentResult and intentTemp
-        if intentTemp:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Intent State Passed\n'
-        else:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Intent State Failed\n'
-        # Checks ONOS state in link down
-        if linkDownResult and topoResult and pingResult and intentResult:
-            main.log.info( itemName + ": Successfully brought link down" )
-        else:
-            main.log.error( itemName + ": Failed to bring link down" )
-        # link up
-        linkUpResult = link( main, sw1, sw2, "up" )
-        if linkUpResult:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Passed\n'
-        else:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Failed\n'
-        time.sleep( main.rerouteSleep )
-        # Check flows count in each node
-        checkFlowsCount( main )
-        # Verify flows
-        checkFlowsState( main )
-        # Check OnosTopology
-        topoResult = checkTopology( main, main.numLinks )
-        if topoResult:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Topology State Passed\n'
-        else:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Topology State Failed\n'
-        # Ping hosts
-        pingTemp = pingallHosts( main, hostNames )
-        pingResult = pingResult and pingTemp
-        if pingTemp:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Pingall Passed\n'
-        else:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Pingall Failed\n'
-        # Check Intents
-        intentTemp = checkIntentState( main, intentsId )
-        intentResult = intentResult and intentTemp
-        if intentTemp:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Intent State Passed\n'
-        else:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Intent State Failed\n'
-        # Checks ONOS state in link up
-        if linkUpResult and topoResult and pingResult and intentResult:
-            main.log.info( itemName + ": Successfully brought link back up" )
-        else:
-            main.log.error( itemName + ": Failed to bring link back up" )
-    # Remove all intents
-    removeIntentResult = removeAllIntents( main, intentsId )
-    if removeIntentResult:
-        main.assertReturnString += 'Remove Intents Passed'
-    else:
-        main.assertReturnString += 'Remove Intents Failed'
-    stepResult = pingResult and linkDownResult and linkUpResult \
-                 and intentResult and removeIntentResult
-    return stepResult
-def multiToSingleIntent( main,
-                         name,
-                         hostNames,
-                         onosNode=0,
-                         devices="",
-                         ports=None,
-                         ethType="",
-                         macs=None,
-                         bandwidth="",
-                         lambdaAlloc=False,
-                         ipProto="",
-                         ipAddresses="",
-                         tcp="",
-                         sw1="",
-                         sw2="",
-                         expectedLink=0 ):
+def installMultiToSingleIntent( main,
+                                name,
+                                senders,
+                                recipients,
+                                onosNode=0,
+                                ethType="",
+                                bandwidth="",
+                                lambdaAlloc=False,
+                                ipProto="",
+                                ipAddresses="",
+                                tcp="",
+                                sw1="",
+                                sw2=""):
-    Verify Single to Multi Point intents
-    NOTE:If main.hostsData is not defined, variables data should be passed in the
-    same order index wise. All devices in the list should have the same
-    format, either all the devices have its port or it doesn't.
-    eg. hostName = [ 'h1', 'h2' ,..  ]
-        devices = [ 'of:0000000000000001', 'of:0000000000000002', ...]
-        ports = [ '1', '1', ..]
-        ...
+    Installs a Multi to Single Point Intent
-        Verify add-multi-to-single-intent
+        Install a multi to single point intent using
+        add-multi-to-single-intent
-        - Get device ids | ports
-        - Add multi to single point intents
-        - Check intents
-        - Verify flows
-        - Ping hosts
-        - Reroute
-            - Link down
-            - Verify flows
-            - Check topology
-            - Ping hosts
-            - Link up
-            - Verify flows
-            - Check topology
-            - Ping hosts
-        - Remove intents
+        - Fetch host data if not given
+        - Add multi to single intent
+            - Ingress devices are the senders devices
+            - Egress device is the first recipient host
+            - Ports if defined in senders or recipients
+            - MAC address ethSrc loaded from Ingress device
+        - Check intent state with retry
         name - Type of point intent to add eg. IPV4 | VLAN | Dualstack
-        hostNames - List of host names
+        senders - List of host dictionaries i.e.
+            [ { "name":"h8", "device":"of:0000000000000005/8","mac":"00:00:00:00:00:08" } ]
+        recipients - List of host dictionaries i.e.
+            [ { "name":"h16", "device":"of:0000000000000006/8", "mac":"00:00:00:00:00:10" } ]
         onosNode - ONOS node to install the intents in main.CLIs[ ]
                    0 by default so that it will always use the first
                    ONOS node
-        devices - List of device ids in the same order as the hosts
-                  in hostNames
-        ports - List of port numbers in the same order as the device in
-                devices
         ethType - Ethernet type eg. IPV4, IPV6
-        macs - List of hosts mac address in the same order as the hosts in
-               hostNames
         bandwidth - Bandwidth capacity
         lambdaAlloc - Allocate lambda, defaults to False
         ipProto - IP protocol
-        ipAddresses - IP addresses of host in the same order as the hosts in
-                      hostNames
         tcp - TCP ports in the same order as the hosts in hostNames
         sw1 - First switch to bring down & up for rerouting purpose
         sw2 - Second switch to bring down & up for rerouting purpose
@@ -1156,280 +814,404 @@
     assert main, "There is no main variable"
-    assert hostNames, "You must specify hosts"
-    assert devices or main.hostsData, "You must specify devices"
+    assert senders, "You must specify a sender"
+    assert recipients, "You must specify a recipient"
+    # Assert devices or main.hostsData, "You must specify devices"
+    global itemName  # The name of this run. Used for logs.
+    itemName = name
+    onosNode = int( onosNode )
+    main.log.info( itemName + ": Adding mutli to single point intents" )
+    for sender in senders:
+        if not sender.get( "device" ):
+            main.log.warn( "Device not given for sender {0}. Loading from main.hostData".format( sender.get( "name" ) ) )
+            sender[ "device" ] = main.hostsData.get( sender.get( "name" ) ).get( "location" )
+    for recipient in recipients:
+        if not recipient.get( "device" ):
+            main.log.warn( "Device not given for recipient {0}. Loading from main.hostData".format( recipient.get( "name" ) ) )
+            recipient[ "device" ] = main.hostsData.get( recipient.get( "name" ) ).get( "location" )
+    ingressDeviceList = [ x.get( "device" ) for x in senders if x.get( "device" ) ]
+    egressDevice = recipients[ 0 ].get( "device" )
+    portIngressList = [ x.get( "port" ) for x in senders if x.get( "port" ) ]
+    portEgress = recipients[ 0 ].get( "port", "" )
+    if not portIngressList:
+        portIngressList = None
+    dstMac = recipients[ 0 ].get( "mac" )
+    # Adding point intent
+    intentId = main.CLIs[ onosNode ].addMultipointToSinglepointIntent(
+                                        ingressDeviceList=ingressDeviceList,
+                                        egressDevice=egressDevice,
+                                        portIngressList=portIngressList,
+                                        portEgress=portEgress,
+                                        ethType=ethType,
+                                        ethDst=dstMac,
+                                        bandwidth=bandwidth,
+                                        lambdaAlloc=lambdaAlloc,
+                                        ipProto=ipProto,
+                                        ipSrc="",
+                                        ipDst="",
+                                        tcpSrc="",
+                                        tcpDst="" )
+    # Check intents state
+    if utilities.retry( f=checkIntentState, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, [ intentId ] ), sleep=main.checkIntentSleep ):
+        return intentId
+    else:
+        main.log.error( "Multi to Single Intent did not install correctly" )
+        return main.FALSE
+def testPointIntent( main,
+                             name,
+                             intentId,
+                             senders,
+                             recipients,
+                             badSenders={},
+                             badRecipients={},
+                             onosNode=0,
+                             ethType="",
+                             bandwidth="",
+                             lambdaAlloc=False,
+                             ipProto="",
+                             ipAddresses="",
+                             tcp="",
+                             sw1="s5",
+                             sw2="s2",
+                             expectedLink=0):
+    """
+    Test a Point Intent
+    Description:
+        Test a point intent
+    Steps:
+        - Fetch host data if not given
+        - Check Intent State
+        - Check Flow State
+        - Check Connectivity
+        - Check Lack of Connectivity Between Hosts not in the Intent
+        - Reroute
+            - Take Expected Link Down
+            - Check Intent State
+            - Check Flow State
+            - Check Topology
+            - Check Connectivity
+            - Bring Expected Link Up
+            - Check Intent State
+            - Check Flow State
+            - Check Topology
+            - Check Connectivity
+        - Remove Topology
+    Required:
+        name - Type of point intent to add eg. IPV4 | VLAN | Dualstack
+        senders - List of host dictionaries i.e.
+            { "name":"h8", "device":"of:0000000000000005/8","mac":"00:00:00:00:00:08" }
+        recipients - List of host dictionaries i.e.
+            { "name":"h16", "device":"of:0000000000000006/8", "mac":"00:00:00:00:00:10" }
+    Optional:
+        onosNode - ONOS node to install the intents in main.CLIs[ ]
+                   0 by default so that it will always use the first
+                   ONOS node
+        ethType - Ethernet type eg. IPV4, IPV6
+        bandwidth - Bandwidth capacity
+        lambdaAlloc - Allocate lambda, defaults to False
+        ipProto - IP protocol
+        tcp - TCP ports in the same order as the hosts in hostNames
+        sw1 - First switch to bring down & up for rerouting purpose
+        sw2 - Second switch to bring down & up for rerouting purpose
+        expectedLink - Expected link when the switches are down, it should
+                       be two links lower than the links before the two
+                       switches are down
+    """
+    # Parameter Validity Check
+    assert main, "There is no main variable"
+    assert senders, "You must specify a sender"
+    assert recipients, "You must specify a recipient"
     global itemName
     itemName = name
     tempHostsData = {}
-    intentsId = []
     onosNode = int( onosNode )
-    macsDict = {}
-    ipDict = {}
-    if hostNames and devices:
-        if len( hostNames ) != len( devices ):
-            main.log.debug( "hosts and devices does not have the same length" )
-            #print "len hostNames = ", len( hostNames )
-            #print "len devices = ", len( devices )
-            return main.FALSE
-        if ports:
-            if len( ports ) != len( devices ):
-                main.log.error( "Ports and devices does " +
-                                "not have the same length" )
-                #print "len devices = ", len( devices )
-                #print "len ports = ", len( ports )
-                return main.FALSE
-        else:
-            main.log.info( "Device Ports are not specified" )
-        if macs:
-            for i in range( len( devices ) ):
-                macsDict[ devices[ i ] ] = macs[ i ]
-    elif hostNames and not devices and main.hostsData:
-        devices = []
-        main.log.info( "multiToSingleIntent function is using main.hostsData" )
-        for host in hostNames:
-               devices.append( main.hostsData.get( host ).get( 'location' ) )
-               macsDict[ main.hostsData.get( host ).get( 'location' ) ] = \
-                           main.hostsData.get( host ).get( 'mac' )
-               ipDict[ main.hostsData.get( host ).get( 'location' ) ] = \
-                           main.hostsData.get( host ).get( 'ipAddresses' )
-        #print main.hostsData
+    main.log.info( itemName + ": Testing Point Intent" )
-    #print 'host names = ', hostNames
-    #print 'devices = ', devices
-    #print "macsDict = ", macsDict
+    # Names for scapy
+    senderNames = [ x.get( "name" ) for x in senders ]
+    recipientNames = [ x.get( "name" ) for x in recipients ]
+    badSenderNames = [ x.get( "name" ) for x in badSenders ]
+    badRecipientNames = [ x.get( "name" ) for x in badRecipients ]
-    pingResult = main.TRUE
-    intentResult = main.TRUE
-    removeIntentResult = main.TRUE
-    flowResult = main.TRUE
-    topoResult = main.TRUE
-    linkDownResult = main.TRUE
-    linkUpResult = main.TRUE
+    for sender in senders:
+        if not sender.get( "device" ):
+            main.log.warn( "Device not given for sender {0}. Loading from main.hostData".format( sender.get( "name" ) ) )
+            sender[ "device" ] = main.hostsData.get( sender.get( "name" ) ).get( "location" )
-    devicesCopy = copy.copy( devices )
-    if ports:
-        portsCopy = copy.copy( ports )
-    main.log.info( itemName + ": Adding multi point to single point intents" )
+    for recipient in recipients:
+        if not recipient.get( "device" ):
+            main.log.warn( "Device not given for recipient {0}. Loading from main.hostData".format( recipient.get( "name" ) ) )
+            recipient[ "device" ] = main.hostsData.get( recipient.get( "name" ) ).get( "location" )
-    # Check flows count in each node
-    checkFlowsCount( main )
+    testResult = main.TRUE
+    main.log.info( itemName + ": Adding single point to multi point intents" )
-    # Adding bidirectional point  intents
-    for i in range( len( devices ) ):
-        egressDevice = devicesCopy[ i ]
-        ingressDeviceList = copy.copy( devicesCopy )
-        ingressDeviceList.remove( egressDevice )
-        if ports:
-            portEgress = portsCopy[ i ]
-            portIngressList = copy.copy( portsCopy )
-            del portIngressList[ i ]
-        else:
-            portEgress = ""
-            portIngressList = None
-        if not macsDict:
-            dstMac = ""
-        else:
-            dstMac = macsDict[ egressDevice ]
-            if dstMac == None:
-                main.log.debug( "There is no MAC in device - " + egressDevice )
-                dstMac = ""
-        intentsId.append(
-                        main.CLIs[ onosNode ].addMultipointToSinglepointIntent(
-                                            ingressDeviceList=ingressDeviceList,
-                                            egressDevice=egressDevice,
-                                            portIngressList=portIngressList,
-                                            portEgress=portEgress,
-                                            ethType=ethType,
-                                            ethDst=dstMac,
-                                            bandwidth=bandwidth,
-                                            lambdaAlloc=lambdaAlloc,
-                                            ipProto=ipProto,
-                                            ipSrc="",
-                                            ipDst="",
-                                            tcpSrc="",
-                                            tcpDst="" ) )
-    pingTemp = pingallHosts( main, hostNames )
-    # Check intents state
-    time.sleep( main.checkIntentSleep )
-    intentResult = checkIntentState( main, intentsId )
-    # Check intents state again if first check fails...
-    if not intentResult:
-        intentResult = checkIntentState( main, intentsId )
-    # Check flows count in each node
-    checkFlowsCount( main )
-    # Verify flows
-    checkFlowsState( main )
-    # Ping hosts
-    pingTemp = pingallHosts( main, hostNames )
-    # Ping hosts again...
-    pingTemp = pingallHosts( main, hostNames )
-    pingResult = pingResult and pingTemp
-    if pingTemp:
-        main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Pingall Passed\n'
+    # Check intent state
+    if utilities.retry( f=checkIntentState, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, [ intentId ] ), sleep=main.checkIntentSleep ):
+        main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Intent State Passed\n'
-        main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Pingall Failed\n'
+        main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Intent State Failed\n'
+        testResult = main.FALSE
+    # Check flows count in each node
+    if utilities.retry( f=checkFlowsCount, retValue=main.FALSE, args=[ main ] ) and utilities.retry( f=checkFlowsState, retValue=main.FALSE, args=[ main ] ):
+        main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Flow State Passed\n'
+    else:
+        main.assertReturnString += 'Intial Flow State Failed\n'
+        testResult = main.FALSE
+    # Check Connectivity
+    if utilities.retry( f=scapyCheckConnection, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, senderNames, recipientNames ) ):
+        main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Ping Passed\n'
+    else:
+        main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Ping Failed\n'
+        testResult = main.FALSE
+    # Check connections that shouldn't work
+    if badSenderNames:
+        main.log.info( "Checking that packets from incorrect sender do not go through" )
+        if utilities.retry( f=scapyCheckConnection, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, badSenderNames, recipientNames ), kwargs={ "expectFailure":True } ):
+            main.assertReturnString += 'Bad Sender Ping Passed\n'
+        else:
+            main.assertReturnString += 'Bad Sender Ping Failed\n'
+            testResult = main.FALSE
+    if badRecipientNames:
+        main.log.info( "Checking that packets to incorrect recipients do not go through" )
+        if utilities.retry( f=scapyCheckConnection, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, senderNames, badRecipientNames ), kwargs={ "expectFailure":True } ):
+            main.assertReturnString += 'Bad Recipient Ping Passed\n'
+        else:
+            main.assertReturnString += 'Bad Recipient Ping Failed\n'
+            testResult = main.FALSE
     # Test rerouting if these variables exist
     if sw1 and sw2 and expectedLink:
-        # link down
-        linkDownResult = link( main, sw1, sw2, "down" )
-        if linkDownResult:
+        # Take link down
+        if utilities.retry( f=link, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, sw1, sw2, "down" ) ):
             main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Passed\n'
             main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Failed\n'
-        # Check flows count in each node
-        checkFlowsCount( main )
-        # Verify flows
-        checkFlowsState( main )
-        # Check OnosTopology
-        topoResult = checkTopology( main, expectedLink )
-        if topoResult:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Topology State Passed\n'
-        else:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Topology State Failed\n'
-        # Ping hosts
-        pingTemp = pingallHosts( main, hostNames )
-        pingResult = pingResult and pingTemp
-        if pingTemp:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Pingall Passed\n'
-        else:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Pingall Failed\n'
+            testResult = main.FALSE
         # Check intent state
-        intentTemp = checkIntentState( main, intentsId )
-        intentResult = intentResult and intentTemp
-        if intentTemp:
+        if utilities.retry( f=checkIntentState, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, [ intentId ] ), sleep=main.checkIntentSleep ):
             main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Intent State Passed\n'
             main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Intent State Failed\n'
+            testResult = main.FALSE
-        # Checks ONOS state in link down
-        if linkDownResult and topoResult and pingResult and intentResult:
-            main.log.info( itemName + ": Successfully brought link down" )
+        # Check flows count in each node
+        if utilities.retry( f=checkFlowsCount, retValue=main.FALSE, args=[ main ] ) and utilities.retry( f=checkFlowsState, retValue=main.FALSE, args=[ main ] ):
+            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Flow State Passed\n'
-            main.log.error( itemName + ": Failed to bring link down" )
+            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Flow State Failed\n'
+            testResult = main.FALSE
-        # link up
-        linkUpResult = link( main, sw1, sw2, "up" )
-        if linkUpResult:
+        # Check OnosTopology
+        if utilities.retry( f=checkTopology, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, expectedLink ) ):
+            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Topology State Passed\n'
+        else:
+            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Topology State Failed\n'
+            testResult = main.FALSE
+        # Check Connection
+        if utilities.retry( f=scapyCheckConnection, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, senderNames, recipientNames ) ):
+            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Pingall Passed\n'
+        else:
+            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Pingall Failed\n'
+            testResult = main.FALSE
+        # Bring link up
+        if utilities.retry( f=link, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, sw1, sw2, "up" ) ):
             main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Passed\n'
             main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Failed\n'
+            testResult = main.FALSE
+        # Wait for reroute
         time.sleep( main.rerouteSleep )
-        # Check flows count in each node
-        checkFlowsCount( main )
-        # Verify flows
-        checkFlowsState( main )
-        # Check OnosTopology
-        topoResult = checkTopology( main, main.numLinks )
-        if topoResult:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Topology State Passed\n'
-        else:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Topology State Failed\n'
-        # Ping hosts
-        pingTemp = pingallHosts( main, hostNames )
-        pingResult = pingResult and pingTemp
-        if pingTemp:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Pingall Passed\n'
-        else:
-            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Pingall Failed\n'
         # Check Intents
-        intentTemp = checkIntentState( main, intentsId )
-        intentResult = intentResult and intentTemp
-        if intentTemp:
+        if utilities.retry( f=checkIntentState, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, [ intentId ] ), sleep=main.checkIntentSleep ):
             main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Intent State Passed\n'
             main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Intent State Failed\n'
+            testResult = main.FALSE
-        # Checks ONOS state in link up
-        if linkUpResult and topoResult and pingResult and intentResult:
-            main.log.info( itemName + ": Successfully brought link back up" )
+        # Check flows count in each node
+        if utilities.retry( f=checkFlowsCount, retValue=main.FALSE, args=[ main ] ) and utilities.retry( f=checkFlowsState, retValue=main.FALSE, args=[ main ] ):
+            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Flow State Passed\n'
-            main.log.error( itemName + ": Failed to bring link back up" )
+            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Flow State Failed\n'
+            testResult = main.FALSE
+        # Check OnosTopology
+        if utilities.retry( f=checkTopology, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, main.numLinks ) ):
+            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Topology State Passed\n'
+        else:
+            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Topology State Failed\n'
+            testResult = main.FALSE
+        # Check Connection
+        if utilities.retry( f=scapyCheckConnection, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, senderNames, recipientNames ) ):
+            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Scapy Packet Received Passed\n'
+        else:
+            main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Scapy Packet Recieved Failed\n'
+            testResult = main.FALSE
     # Remove all intents
-    removeIntentResult = removeAllIntents( main, intentsId )
-    if removeIntentResult:
+    if utilities.retry( f=removeAllIntents, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, [ intentId ] ) ):
         main.assertReturnString += 'Remove Intents Passed'
         main.assertReturnString += 'Remove Intents Failed'
+        testResult = main.FALSE
-    stepResult = pingResult and linkDownResult and linkUpResult \
-                 and intentResult and removeIntentResult
-    return stepResult
+    return testResult
 def pingallHosts( main, hostList ):
-    # Ping all host in the hosts list variable
+    """
+        Ping all host in the hosts list variable
+    """
     main.log.info( "Pinging: " + str( hostList ) )
     return main.Mininet1.pingallHosts( hostList )
-def getHostsData( main ):
+def fwdPingall( main ):
         Use fwd app and pingall to discover all the hosts
     activateResult = main.TRUE
     appCheck = main.TRUE
     getDataResult = main.TRUE
     main.log.info( "Activating reactive forwarding app " )
     activateResult = main.CLIs[ 0 ].activateApp( "org.onosproject.fwd" )
+    # Wait for forward app activation to propagate
     time.sleep( main.fwdSleep )
+    # Check that forwarding is enabled on all nodes
     for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
         appCheck = appCheck and main.CLIs[ i ].appToIDCheck()
         if appCheck != main.TRUE:
             main.log.warn( main.CLIs[ i ].apps() )
             main.log.warn( main.CLIs[ i ].appIDs() )
+    # Send pingall in mininet
+    main.log.info( "Run Pingall" )
     pingResult = main.Mininet1.pingall( timeout = 600 )
-    hostsJson = json.loads( main.CLIs[ 0 ].hosts() )
-    hosts = main.Mininet1.getHosts().keys()
-    # TODO: Make better use of new getHosts function
-    for host in hosts:
-        main.hostsData[ host ] = {}
-        main.hostsData[ host ][ 'mac' ] =  \
-            main.Mininet1.getMacAddress( host ).upper()
-        for hostj in hostsJson:
-            if main.hostsData[ host ][ 'mac' ] == hostj[ 'mac' ]:
-                main.hostsData[ host ][ 'id' ] = hostj[ 'id' ]
-                main.hostsData[ host ][ 'vlan' ] = hostj[ 'vlan' ]
-                main.hostsData[ host ][ 'location' ] = \
-                            hostj[ 'location' ][ 'elementId' ] + '/' + \
-                            hostj[ 'location' ][ 'port' ]
-                main.hostsData[ host ][ 'ipAddresses' ] = hostj[ 'ipAddresses' ]
     main.log.info( "Deactivating reactive forwarding app " )
     deactivateResult = main.CLIs[ 0 ].deactivateApp( "org.onosproject.fwd" )
-    if activateResult and deactivateResult and main.hostsData:
-        main.log.info( "Successfully used fwd app to discover hosts " )
+    if activateResult and deactivateResult:
+        main.log.info( "Successfully used fwd app to discover hosts" )
         getDataResult = main.TRUE
-        main.log.info( "Failed to use fwd app to discover hosts " )
+        main.log.info( "Failed to use fwd app to discover hosts" )
         getDataResult = main.FALSE
-    print main.hostsData
     return getDataResult
+def confirmHostDiscovery( main ):
+    """
+        Confirms that all ONOS nodes have discovered all scapy hosts
+    """
+    import collections
+    scapyHostCount = len( main.scapyHosts )
+    hosts = main.topo.getAllHosts( main )  # Get host data from each ONOS node
+    hostFails = []  # Reset for each failed attempt
+    #  Check for matching hosts on each node
+    scapyHostIPs = [ x.hostIp for x in main.scapyHosts if x.hostIp != "" ]
+    for controller in range( main.numCtrls ):
+        controllerStr = str( controller + 1 )  # ONOS node number
+        # Compare Hosts
+        # Load hosts data for controller node
+        if hosts[ controller ] and "Error" not in hosts[ controller ]:
+            try:
+                hostData = json.loads( hosts[ controller ] )
+            except ( TypeError, ValueError ):
+                main.log.error( "Could not load json:" + str( hosts[ controller ] ) )
+                hostFails.append( controllerStr )
+            else:
+                onosHostIPs = [ x.get( "ipAddresses" )[ 0 ]
+                                for x in hostData
+                                if len( x.get( "ipAddresses" ) ) > 0 ]
+                if not set( collections.Counter( scapyHostIPs ) ).issubset( set ( collections.Counter( onosHostIPs ) ) ):
+                    main.log.warn( "Controller {0} only sees nodes with {1} IPs. It should see all of the following: {2}".format( controllerStr, onosHostIPs, scapyHostIPs ) )
+                    hostFails.append( controllerStr )
+        else:
+            main.log.error( "Hosts returned nothing or an error." )
+            hostFails.append( controllerStr )
+    if hostFails:
+        main.log.error( "List of failed ONOS Nodes:" + ', '.join(map(str, hostFails )) )
+        return main.FALSE
+    else:
+        return main.TRUE
+def sendDiscoveryArp( main, hosts=None ):
+    """
+        Sends Discovery ARP packets from each host provided
+        Defaults to each host in main.scapyHosts
+    """
+    # Send an arp ping from each host
+    if not hosts:
+        hosts = main.scapyHosts
+    for host in hosts:
+        pkt = 'Ether( src="{0}")/ARP( psrc="{1}")'.format( host.hostMac ,host.hostIp )
+        # Send from the VLAN interface if there is one so ONOS discovers the VLAN correctly
+        iface = None
+        for interface in host.getIfList():
+            if '.' in interface:
+                main.log.debug( "Detected VLAN interface {0}. Sending ARP packet from {0}".format( interface ) )
+                iface = interface
+                break
+        host.sendPacket( packet=pkt, iface=iface )
+        main.log.info( "Sending ARP packet from {0}".format( host.name ) )
+def populateHostData( main ):
+    """
+        Populates hostsData
+    """
+    import json
+    try:
+        hostsJson = json.loads( main.CLIs[ 0 ].hosts() )
+        hosts = main.Mininet1.getHosts().keys()
+        # TODO: Make better use of new getHosts function
+        for host in hosts:
+            main.hostsData[ host ] = {}
+            main.hostsData[ host ][ 'mac' ] =  \
+                main.Mininet1.getMacAddress( host ).upper()
+            for hostj in hostsJson:
+                if main.hostsData[ host ][ 'mac' ] == hostj[ 'mac' ]:
+                    main.hostsData[ host ][ 'id' ] = hostj[ 'id' ]
+                    main.hostsData[ host ][ 'vlan' ] = hostj[ 'vlan' ]
+                    main.hostsData[ host ][ 'location' ] = \
+                                hostj[ 'location' ][ 'elementId' ] + '/' + \
+                                hostj[ 'location' ][ 'port' ]
+                    main.hostsData[ host ][ 'ipAddresses' ] = hostj[ 'ipAddresses' ]
+        return main.TRUE
+    except KeyError:
+        main.log.error( "KeyError while populating hostsData")
+        return main.FALSE
 def checkTopology( main, expectedLink ):
     statusResult = main.TRUE
     # Check onos topology
@@ -1500,6 +1282,73 @@
     linkResult = main.Mininet1.link( end1=sw1, end2=sw2, option=option )
     return linkResult
+def scapyCheckConnection( main, senders, recipients, packet=None, packetFilter=None, expectFailure=False ):
+    """
+        Checks the connectivity between all given sender hosts and all given recipient hosts
+        Packet may be specified. Defaults to Ether/IP packet
+        Packet Filter may be specified. Defaults to Ether/IP from current sender MAC
+            Todo: Optional packet and packet filter attributes for sender and recipients
+        Expect Failure when the sender and recipient are not supposed to have connectivity
+            Timeout of 1 second, returns main.TRUE if the filter is not triggered and kills the filter
+    """
+    connectionsFunctional = main.TRUE
+    if not packetFilter:
+        packetFilter = 'ether host {}'
+    if expectFailure:
+        timeout = 1
+    else:
+        timeout = 10
+    for sender in senders:
+        try:
+            senderComp = getattr( main, sender )
+        except AttributeError:
+            main.log.error( "main has no attribute {}".format( sender ) )
+            connectionsFunctional = main.FALSE
+            continue
+        for recipient in recipients:
+            # Do not send packets to self since recipient CLI will already be busy
+            if recipient == sender:
+                continue
+            try:
+                recipientComp = getattr( main, recipient )
+            except AttributeError:
+                main.log.error( "main has no attribute {}".format( recipient ) )
+                connectionsFunctional = main.FALSE
+                continue
+            recipientComp.startFilter( pktFilter = packetFilter.format( senderComp.hostMac ) )
+            if not packet:
+                pkt = 'Ether( src="{0}", dst="{2}" )/IP( src="{1}", dst="{3}" )'.format(
+                    senderComp.hostMac,
+                    senderComp.hostIp,
+                    recipientComp.hostMac,
+                    recipientComp.hostIp )
+            else:
+                pkt = packet
+            senderComp.sendPacket( packet = pkt )
+            if recipientComp.checkFilter( timeout ):
+                if expectFailure:
+                    main.log.error( "Packet from {0} successfully received by {1} when it should not have been".format( sender , recipient ) )
+                    connectionsFunctional = main.FALSE
+                else:
+                    main.log.info( "Packet from {0} successfully received by {1}".format( sender , recipient ) )
+            else:
+                recipientComp.killFilter()
+                if expectFailure:
+                    main.log.info( "As expected, packet from {0} was not received by {1}".format( sender , recipient ) )
+                else:
+                    main.log.error( "Packet from {0} was not received by {1}".format( sender , recipient ) )
+                    connectionsFunctional = main.FALSE
+        return connectionsFunctional
 def removeAllIntents( main, intentsId ):
         Remove all intents in the intentsId
@@ -1536,7 +1385,6 @@
         Check flows count in each node
     flowsCount = []
     main.log.info( itemName + ": Checking flows count in each ONOS node" )
     for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
@@ -1602,9 +1450,8 @@
 def report( main ):
-    Report errors/warnings/exceptions
+        Report errors/warnings/exceptions
     main.ONOSbench.logReport( main.ONOSip[ 0 ],
                               [ "INFO",