Clean up exception handling in TestON core

    - Catch more specific exceptions
    - Clearer Style
    - Allow CTRL-C to exit the test cleanly whether from the TestON
      cli or ruinning as a script

Change-Id: I7f2e8eeba5229f97c87e06b49a585933a61fa4ad
diff --git a/TestON/core/ b/TestON/core/
index 24b1ca2..aab4388 100644
--- a/TestON/core/
+++ b/TestON/core/
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
                 try :
                     while not re.match('^\s*(\'\'\')|^\s*(\"\"\")',testFileList[index],0) :
                         index = index + 1
-                except IndexError,e:
+                except IndexError:
                     print ''
             # skip empty lines and single line comments
@@ -58,11 +58,9 @@
         index = 0
         statementsList = self.statementsList
         while index < len(statementsList):
-            #print statementsList[index]
             m= re.match('def\s+CASE(\d+)',statementsList[index],0)
             self.caseBlock = []
             if m:
-                #print
                 index = index + 1
                 try :
                     while not re.match('\s*def\s+CASE(\d+)',statementsList[index],0) :
@@ -72,11 +70,9 @@
                         else :
                     index = index - 1
-                except IndexError,e:
-                    #print 'IndexError'
+                except IndexError:
                     print ''
                 self.caseCode [str(] = self.caseBlock
-                #print "Case CODE "+self.caseCode [str(]
             index = index + 1
         return self.caseCode
@@ -108,8 +104,7 @@
                         else :
                     index = index - 1
-                except IndexError,e:
-                    #print 'IndexError'
+                except IndexError:
                     print ''
                 stepCode[step] = stepBlock
                 step = step + 1