Fixed minor error in and some conflict issues with master
diff --git a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/
index 6432e88..eafe00f 100644
--- a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/
+++ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/
@@ -508,13 +508,18 @@
             for line in lines:
                 print line
             if report:
+       "<blockquote>" )
                 for line in lines[ 2:-1 ]:
                     # Bracket replacement is for Wiki-compliant
                     # formatting. '<' or '>' are interpreted
                     # as xml specific tags that cause errors
                     line = line.replace( "<", "[" )
                     line = line.replace( ">", "]" )
-           "\t" + line )
+           "\t" + line )
+           line + "<br /> " )
+                    main.log.summary( line )
+       "</blockquote>" )
+                main.log.summary("\n")
             return lines[ 2 ]
         except pexpect.EOF:
             main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found" )
@@ -1898,11 +1903,10 @@
     def getOnosIps(self):
         import os
         # reads env for OC variables, also saves file with OC variables. If file and env conflict 
         # priority goes to env. If file has OCs that are not in the env, the file OCs are used. 
         # In other words, if the env is set, the test will use those values. 
@@ -1938,8 +1942,12 @@
         order = [ "OC1", "OC2", "OC3","OC4","OC5","OC6","OC7","OCN","OCI" ]
         ONOSIps = []
-        try: 
-            ipFile = open("myIps","r+")
+        try:
+            if os.path.exists("myIps"):
+                ipFile = open("myIps","r+")
+            else:
+                ipFile = open("myIps","w+")
             fileONOSIps = ipFile.readlines()
@@ -1986,7 +1994,7 @@
         except IOError as a:
-        except Exception: 
+        except Exception as a:
@@ -2045,5 +2053,146 @@
+    def getOnosIpFromEnv(self):
+        import string  
+        # returns a list of ip addresses for the onos nodes, will work with up to 7 nodes + OCN and OCI
+        # returns in format [ 'x', OC1 ip, OC2 i... ect. ... , ONN ip ]
+        self.handle.sendline("env| grep OC") 
+        self.handle.expect(":~")
+        rawOutput = self.handle.before
+        print rawOutput
+        print "-----------------------------"
+        print repr(rawOutput)
+        mpa = dict.fromkeys(range(32))
+        translated = rawOutput.translate(mpa)
+        print translated
+        # create list with only the lines that have the needed IPs 
+        unparsedIps = []
+        # remove preceeding or trailing lines
+        for line in rawOutput: 
+            if "OC" in line and "=" in line: 
+                unparsedIps.append(str(line)) 
+        # determine cluster size
+        clusterCount = 0
+        for line in unparsedIps:
+            line = str(line)
+            print line
+            temp = line.replace("OC","")
+            print("line index " + str(line.index("="))) 
+            OCindex = temp[0]
+            for i in range(0, 7):
+                if OCindex == str(i) and i > clusterCount:
+                    clusterCount == i
+                    print(clusterCount)
+        # create list to hold ips such that OC1 is at list[1] and OCN and OCI are at the end (in that order)
+        ONOSIps = ["x"] * (clusterCount + 3) 
+        # populate list 
+        for line in unparsedIps:
+            temp = str(line.replace("OC",""))
+            OCindex = temp[0]
+            if OCindex == "N":
+                ONOSIps[ clusterCount + 1 ] = temp.replace("N=","")
+            if OCindex == "I":
+                ONOSIps[ clusterCount + 2 ] = temp.replace("I=","")
+            else:
+                ONOSIps[ int(OCindex) ] = temp.replace((OCindex + "=") ,"")
+        # validate 
+        for x in ONOSIps: 
+            if ONOSIps.index(x) != 0 and x == "x": 
+                main.log.error("ENV READ FAILURE, MISSING DATA: \n\n" + str(ONOSIps) + "\n\n") 
+        return ONOSIps
+    def onosErrorLog(self, nodeIp): 
+        cmd = "onos-ssh " + nodeIp + " cat /opt/onos/log/karaf.log | grep WARN"
+        self.handle.sendline(cmd) 
+        self.handle.expect(":~")
+        before = (self.handle.before).splitlines() 
+        warnings = []
+        for line in before: 
+            if "WARN" in line and "grep" not in line: 
+                warnings.append(line) 
+                main.warnings[main.warnings[0]+1] = line
+                main.warnings[0] += 1
+                if main.warnings[0] >= 10: 
+                    main.warnings[0] = 0 
+        cmd = "onos-ssh " + nodeIp + " cat /opt/onos/log/karaf.log | grep ERROR"
+        self.handle.sendline(cmd)
+        self.handle.expect(":~")
+        before = (self.handle.before).splitlines()
+        errors = []
+        for line in before:
+            if "ERROR" in line and "grep" not in line:
+                errors.append(line)
+                main.errors[main.errors[0]+1] = line
+                main.errors[0] += 1
+                if main.errors[0] >= 10:
+                    main.errors[0] = 0
+        cmd = "onos-ssh " + nodeIp + " cat /opt/onos/log/karaf.log | grep Exept"
+        self.handle.sendline(cmd)
+        self.handle.expect(":~")
+        before = (self.handle.before).splitlines()
+        exceptions = []
+        for line in before:
+            if "Except" in line and "grep" not in line:
+                exceptions.append(line)
+                main.exceptions[main.errors[0]+1] = line
+                main.exceptions[0] += 1
+                if main.exceptions[0] >= 10:
+                    main.exceptions[0] = 0
+        ################################################################
+        msg1 = "WARNINGS: \n"
+        for i in main.warnings: 
+            if type(i) is not int: 
+                msg1 += ( i + "\n")
+        msg2 = "ERRORS: \n"
+        for i in main.errors:
+            if type(i) is not int:
+                msg2 += ( i + "\n")
+        msg3 = "EXCEPTIONS: \n"
+        for i in main.exceptions: 
+            if type(i) is not int:
+                msg3 += ( i + "\n")
+ "Warnings: " + str(len(warnings))) 
+ "Errors: " + str(len(errors))) 
+ "Exceptions: " + str(len(exceptions)))
+        if len(warnings) > 0:
+        if len(errors) > 0: 
+        if len(exceptions) > 0: 