Updated test scripts and drivers; New ONOS test for ARP and reactive flows
diff --git a/TestON/tests/OnosSanity4ARP/OnosSanity4ARP.py b/TestON/tests/OnosSanity4ARP/OnosSanity4ARP.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d33f1b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/OnosSanity4ARP/OnosSanity4ARP.py
@@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
+class OnosSanity4ARP :
+    def __init__(self) :
+        self.default = ''
+#Test startup
+#Tests the startup of Zookeeper1, Cassandra1, and ONOS1 to be certain that all started up successfully
+    def CASE1(self,main) :  #Check to be sure ZK, Cass, and ONOS are up, then get ONOS version
+        import time
+        main.log.report("Pulling latest code from github to all nodes")
+        main.ONOS1.git_pull()
+        main.ONOS2.git_pull()
+        main.ONOS3.git_pull()
+        main.ONOS4.git_pull()
+        main.Cassandra1.start()
+        main.Cassandra2.start()
+        main.Cassandra3.start()
+        main.Cassandra4.start()
+        time.sleep(20)
+        main.ONOS1.drop_keyspace()
+        main.ONOS1.start()
+        time.sleep(10)
+        main.ONOS2.start()
+        main.ONOS3.start()
+        main.ONOS4.start()
+        main.ONOS1.start_rest()
+        time.sleep(5)
+        main.ONOS1.get_version()
+        main.log.report("Startup check Zookeeper1, Cassandra1, and ONOS1 connections")
+        main.case("Checking if the startup was clean...")
+        main.step("Testing startup Zookeeper")   
+        data =  main.Zookeeper1.isup()
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE,actual=data,onpass="Zookeeper is up!",onfail="Zookeeper is down...")
+        main.step("Testing startup Cassandra")   
+        data =  main.Cassandra1.isup() 
+        if data == main.FALSE:
+            main.Cassandra1.stop()
+            main.Cassandra2.stop()
+            main.Cassandra3.stop()
+            main.Cassandra4.stop()
+            time.sleep(5)
+            main.Cassandra1.start()
+            main.Cassandra2.start()
+            main.Cassandra3.start()
+            main.Cassandra4.start()
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE,actual=data,onpass="Cassandra is up!",onfail="Cassandra is down...")
+        main.step("Testing startup ONOS")   
+        data = main.ONOS1.isup()
+        if data == main.FALSE: 
+            main.log.report("Something is funny... restarting ONOS")
+            main.ONOS1.stop()
+            time.sleep(3)
+            main.ONOS1.start()
+            time.sleep(5) 
+            data = main.ONOS1.isup()
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE,actual=data,onpass="ONOS is up and running!",onfail="ONOS didn't start...")
+#Assign Controllers
+#This test first checks the ip of a mininet host, to be certain that the mininet exists(Host is defined in Params as <CASE1><destination>).
+#Then the program assignes each ONOS instance a single controller to a switch(To be the initial master), then assigns all controllers.
+#NOTE: The reason why all four controllers are assigned although one was already assigned as the master is due to the 'ovs-vsctl set-controller' command erases all present controllers if
+#      the controllers already assigned to the switch are not specified.
+    def CASE2(self,main) :    #Make sure mininet exists, then assign controllers to switches
+        import time
+        main.log.report("Check if mininet started properly, then assign controllers ONOS 1,2,3 and 4")
+        main.case("Checking if one MN host exists")
+        main.step("Host IP Checking using checkIP")
+        result = main.Mininet1.checkIP(main.params['CASE1']['destination'])
+        main.step("Verifying the result")
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE,actual=result,onpass="Host IP address configured",onfail="Host IP address not configured")
+        main.step("assigning ONOS controllers to switches")
+        for i in range(25): 
+            if i < 3:
+                j=i+1
+                main.Mininet1.assign_sw_controller(sw=str(j),ip1=main.params['CTRL']['ip1'],port1=main.params['CTRL']['port1'])
+                time.sleep(1)
+                main.Mininet1.assign_sw_controller(sw=str(j),ip1=main.params['CTRL']['ip1'],port1=main.params['CTRL']['port1'],ip2=main.params['CTRL']['ip2'],port2=main.params['CTRL']['port2'],ip3=main.params['CTRL']['ip3'],port3=main.params['CTRL']['port3'],ip4=main.params['CTRL']['ip4'],port4=main.params['CTRL']['port4'])
+            elif i >= 3 and i < 5:
+                j=i+1
+                main.Mininet1.assign_sw_controller(sw=str(j),ip1=main.params['CTRL']['ip2'],port1=main.params['CTRL']['port2'])
+                time.sleep(1)
+                main.Mininet1.assign_sw_controller(sw=str(j),ip1=main.params['CTRL']['ip1'],port1=main.params['CTRL']['port1'],ip2=main.params['CTRL']['ip2'],port2=main.params['CTRL']['port2'],ip3=main.params['CTRL']['ip3'],port3=main.params['CTRL']['port3'],ip4=main.params['CTRL']['ip4'],port4=main.params['CTRL']['port4'])
+            elif i >= 5 and i < 15:
+                j=i+1
+                main.Mininet1.assign_sw_controller(sw=str(j),ip1=main.params['CTRL']['ip3'],port1=main.params['CTRL']['port3'])
+                time.sleep(1)
+                main.Mininet1.assign_sw_controller(sw=str(j),ip1=main.params['CTRL']['ip1'],port1=main.params['CTRL']['port1'],ip2=main.params['CTRL']['ip2'],port2=main.params['CTRL']['port2'],ip3=main.params['CTRL']['ip3'],port3=main.params['CTRL']['port3'],ip4=main.params['CTRL']['ip4'],port4=main.params['CTRL']['port4'])
+            else:
+                j=i+16
+                main.Mininet1.assign_sw_controller(sw=str(j),ip1=main.params['CTRL']['ip4'],port1=main.params['CTRL']['port4'])
+                time.sleep(1)
+                main.Mininet1.assign_sw_controller(sw=str(j),ip1=main.params['CTRL']['ip1'],port1=main.params['CTRL']['port1'],ip2=main.params['CTRL']['ip2'],port2=main.params['CTRL']['port2'],ip3=main.params['CTRL']['ip3'],port3=main.params['CTRL']['port3'],ip4=main.params['CTRL']['ip4'],port4=main.params['CTRL']['port4'])
+        main.Mininet1.get_sw_controller("s1")       
+        for i in range(9):
+            if result == main.FALSE:
+                time.sleep(3)
+                result = main.ONOS1.check_status_report(main.params['RestIP'],main.params['NR_Switches'],main.params['NR_Links'])
+            else:
+                break 
+# **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
+#Add Flows
+#Deletes any remnant flows from any previous test, add flows from the file labeled <FLOWDEF>, then runs the check flow test
+#NOTE: THE FLOWDEF FILE MUST BE PRESENT ON TESTON VM!!! TestON will copy the file from its home machine into /tmp/flowtmp on the machine the ONOS instance is present on
+    def CASE3(self,main) :    #Delete any remnant flows, then add flows, and time how long it takes flow tables to update
+        main.log.report("Delete any flows from previous tests, then add flows from FLOWDEF file, then wait for switch flow tables to update")
+        import time
+        result = main.ONOS1.check_status_report(main.params['RestIP'],main.params['NR_Switches'],main.params['NR_Links'])
+        for i in range(9):
+            if result == main.FALSE:
+                time.sleep(3)
+                result = main.ONOS1.check_status_report(main.params['RestIP'],main.params['NR_Switches'],main.params['NR_Links'])
+            else:
+                break
+        main.case("Taking care of these flows!") 
+        main.step("Cleaning out any leftover flows...")
+        main.ONOS1.delete_flow("all")
+        time.sleep(5)
+        strtTime = time.time()
+        main.ONOS1.add_flow(main.params['FLOWDEF'])
+        main.case("Checking flows")
+        tmp = main.FALSE
+        count = 1
+        main.log.info("Wait for flows to be pushed to the switches, then check")
+        while tmp == main.FALSE:
+            main.step("Waiting")
+            time.sleep(5)
+            main.step("Checking")
+            tmp = main.ONOS1.check_flow()
+            if tmp == main.FALSE and count < 6:
+                count = count + 1
+                main.log.report("Flow failed, waiting 10 seconds then making attempt number "+str(count))
+            elif tmp == main.FALSE and count == 6:
+                result1 = main.FALSE
+                break
+            else:
+                result1 = main.TRUE
+                break
+        endTime = time.time()
+        if result1 == main.TRUE:
+            main.log.report("\n\t\t\t\tTime to add flows: "+str(round(endTime-strtTime,2))+" seconds")
+        else:
+            main.log.report("\tFlows failed check")
+        count = 1
+        i = 6
+        while i < 16 :
+            main.log.info("\n\t\t\t\th"+str(i)+" IS PINGING h"+str(i+25) )
+            ping = main.Mininet1.pingHost(src="h"+str(i),target="h"+str(i+25))
+            if ping == main.FALSE and count < 3:
+                count = count + 1
+                i = 6
+                main.log.info("Ping failed, making attempt number "+str(count)+" in 10 seconds")
+                time.sleep(10)
+            elif ping == main.FALSE and count ==3:
+                main.log.error("Ping test failed")
+                i = 17
+                result2 = main.FALSE
+            elif ping == main.TRUE:
+                i = i + 1
+                result2 = main.TRUE
+        if result2 == main.TRUE:
+            main.log.info("Flows successfully added")
+        else:
+            main.log.report("\tPING TEST FAIL")
+        main.step("Verifying the result")
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE,actual=result1 and result2,onpass="Flow check PASS",onfail="Flow check FAIL")
+#This test case removes Controllers 2,3, and 4 then performs a ping test.
+#The assign controller is used because the ovs-vsctl module deletes all current controllers when a new controller is assigned.
+#The ping test performs single pings on hosts from opposite sides of the topology. If one ping fails, the test waits 5 seconds before trying again.
+#If the ping test fails 6 times, then the test case will return false
+    def CASE4(self,main) :
+        main.log.report("Remove ONOS 2,3,4 then ping until all hosts are reachable or fail after 6 attempts")
+        import time
+        for i in range(25):
+            if i < 15:
+                j=i+1
+                main.Mininet1.assign_sw_controller(sw=str(j),ip1=main.params['CTRL']['ip1'],port1=main.params['CTRL']['port1'])  #Assigning a single controller removes all other controllers
+            else:
+                j=i+16
+                main.Mininet1.assign_sw_controller(sw=str(j),ip1=main.params['CTRL']['ip1'],port1=main.params['CTRL']['port1'])
+        strtTime = time.time() 
+        result = main.ONOS1.check_status_report(main.params['RestIP'],main.params['NR_Switches'],main.params['NR_Links'])
+        for i in range(9):
+            if result == main.FALSE:
+                time.sleep(3)
+                result = main.ONOS1.check_status_report(main.params['RestIP'],main.params['NR_Switches'],main.params['NR_Links'])
+            else:
+                break
+        count = 1
+        i = 6
+        while i < 16 :
+            main.log.info("\n\t\t\t\th"+str(i)+" IS PINGING h"+str(i+25) )
+            ping = main.Mininet1.pingHost(src="h"+str(i),target="h"+str(i+25))
+            if ping == main.FALSE and count < 6:
+                count = count + 1
+                i = 6
+                main.log.info("Ping failed, making attempt number "+str(count)+" in 5 seconds")
+                time.sleep(5)
+            elif ping == main.FALSE and count ==6:
+                main.log.error("Ping test failed")
+                i = 17
+                result = main.FALSE
+            elif ping == main.TRUE:
+                i = i + 1
+                result = main.TRUE
+        endTime = time.time() 
+        if result == main.TRUE:
+            main.log.report("\tTime to complete ping test: "+str(round(endTime-strtTime,2))+" seconds")
+        else:
+            main.log.report("\tPING TEST FAIL")
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE,actual=result,onpass="NO PACKET LOSS, HOST IS REACHABLE",onfail="PACKET LOST, HOST IS NOT REACHABLE")
+# **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
+#This test case restores the controllers removed by Case 4 then performs a ping test.
+    def CASE5(self,main) :
+        main.log.report("Restore ONOS 2,3,4 then ping until all hosts are reachable or fail after 6 attempts")
+        import time
+        for i in range(25):
+            if i < 15:
+                j=i+1
+                main.Mininet1.assign_sw_controller(sw=str(j),ip1=main.params['CTRL']['ip1'],port1=main.params['CTRL']['port1'],ip2=main.params['CTRL']['ip2'],port2=main.params['CTRL']['port2'],ip3=main.params['CTRL']['ip3'],port3=main.params['CTRL']['port3'],ip4=main.params['CTRL']['ip4'],port4=main.params['CTRL']['port4'])
+            else:
+                j=i+16
+                main.Mininet1.assign_sw_controller(sw=str(j),ip1=main.params['CTRL']['ip1'],port1=main.params['CTRL']['port1'],ip2=main.params['CTRL']['ip2'],port2=main.params['CTRL']['port2'],ip3=main.params['CTRL']['ip3'],port3=main.params['CTRL']['port3'],ip4=main.params['CTRL']['ip4'],port4=main.params['CTRL']['port4'])
+        strtTime = time.time() 
+        result = main.ONOS1.check_status_report(main.params['RestIP'],main.params['NR_Switches'],main.params['NR_Links'])
+        for i in range(9):
+            if result == main.FALSE:
+                time.sleep(3)
+                result = main.ONOS1.check_status_report(main.params['RestIP'],main.params['NR_Switches'],main.params['NR_Links'])
+            else:
+                break
+        count = 1
+        i = 6
+        while i < 16 :
+            main.log.info("\n\t\t\t\th"+str(i)+" IS PINGING h"+str(i+25) )
+            ping = main.Mininet1.pingHost(src="h"+str(i),target="h"+str(i+25))
+            if ping == main.FALSE and count < 6:
+                count = count + 1
+                i = 6
+                main.log.info("Ping failed, making attempt number "+str(count)+" in 5 seconds")
+                time.sleep(5)
+            elif ping == main.FALSE and count ==6:
+                main.log.error("Ping test failed")
+                i = 17
+                result = main.FALSE
+            elif ping == main.TRUE:
+                i = i + 1
+                result = main.TRUE
+        endTime = time.time()
+        if result == main.TRUE:
+            main.log.report("\tTime to complete ping test: "+str(round(endTime-strtTime,2))+" seconds")
+        else:
+            main.log.report("\tPING TEST FAILED")
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE,actual=result,onpass="NO PACKET LOSS, HOST IS REACHABLE",onfail="PACKET LOST, HOST IS NOT REACHABLE")
+# **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
+#Brings a link that all flows pass through in the mininet down, then runs a ping test to view reroute time
+    def CASE6(self,main) :
+        main.log.report("Bring Link between s1 and s2 down, then ping until all hosts are reachable or fail after 10 attempts")
+        import time
+        main.case("Bringing Link down... ")
+        result = main.Mininet1.link(END1=main.params['LINK']['begin'],END2=main.params['LINK']['end'],OPTION="down")
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE,actual=result,onpass="Link DOWN!",onfail="Link not brought down...")
+        strtTime = time.time() 
+        result = main.ONOS1.check_status_report(main.params['RestIP'],main.params['NR_Switches'],str(int(main.params['NR_Links'])-2))
+        for i in range(9):
+            if result == main.FALSE:
+                time.sleep(3)
+                result = main.ONOS1.check_status_report(main.params['RestIP'],main.params['NR_Switches'],str(int(main.params['NR_Links'])-2))
+            else:
+                break
+        count = 1
+        i = 6
+        while i < 16 :
+            main.log.info("\n\t\t\t\th"+str(i)+" IS PINGING h"+str(i+25) )
+            ping = main.Mininet1.pingHost(src="h"+str(i),target="h"+str(i+25))
+            if ping == main.FALSE and count < 10:
+                count = count + 1
+                main.log.info("Ping failed, making attempt number "+str(count)+" in 5 seconds")
+                i = 6
+                time.sleep(5)
+            elif ping == main.FALSE and count == 10:
+                main.log.error("Ping test failed")
+                i = 17
+                result = main.FALSE
+            elif ping == main.TRUE:
+                i = i + 1
+                result = main.TRUE
+        endTime = time.time()
+        if result == main.TRUE:
+            main.log.report("\tTime to complete ping test: "+str(round(endTime-strtTime,2))+" seconds")
+        else:
+            main.log.report("\tPING TEST FAILED")
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE,actual=result,onpass="NO PACKET LOSS, HOST IS REACHABLE",onfail="PACKET LOST, HOST IS NOT REACHABLE")
+# **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
+#Brings the link that Case 6 took down  back up, then runs a ping test to view reroute time
+    def CASE7(self,main) :
+        main.log.report("Bring Link between s1 and s2 up, then ping until all hosts are reachable or fail after 10 attempts")
+        import time
+        main.case("Bringing Link up... ")
+        result = main.Mininet1.link(END1=main.params['LINK']['begin'],END2=main.params['LINK']['end'],OPTION="up")
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE,actual=result,onpass="Link UP!",onfail="Link not brought up...")
+        strtTime = time.time() 
+        result = main.ONOS1.check_status_report(main.params['RestIP'],main.params['NR_Switches'],main.params['NR_Links'])
+        for i in range(9):
+            if result == main.FALSE:
+                time.sleep(3)
+                result = main.ONOS1.check_status_report(main.params['RestIP'],main.params['NR_Switches'],main.params['NR_Links'])
+            else:
+                break
+        strtTime = time.time()
+        count = 1
+        i = 6
+        while i < 16 :
+            main.log.info("\n\t\t\t\th"+str(i)+" IS PINGING h"+str(i+25) )
+            ping = main.Mininet1.pingHost(src="h"+str(i),target="h"+str(i+25))
+            if ping == main.FALSE and count < 10:
+                count = count + 1
+                main.log.info("Ping failed, making attempt number "+str(count)+" in 5 seconds")
+                i = 6
+                time.sleep(5)
+            elif ping == main.FALSE and count ==10:
+                main.log.error("Ping test failed")
+                i = 17
+                result = main.FALSE
+            elif ping == main.TRUE:
+                i = i + 1
+                result = main.TRUE
+        endTime = time.time()
+        if result == main.TRUE:
+            main.log.report("\tTime to complete ping test: "+str(round(endTime-strtTime,2))+" seconds")
+        else:
+            main.log.report("\tPING TESTS FAILED")
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE,actual=result,onpass="NO PACKET LOSS, HOST IS REACHABLE",onfail="PACKET LOST, HOST IS NOT REACHABLE")
+# ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************
+# Test Device Discovery function by yanking s6:s6-eth0 interface and re-plug it into a switch
+    def CASE21(self,main) :
+        import json
+        from drivers.common.api.onosrestapidriver import *
+        main.log.report("Test device discovery function, by attach/detach/move host h1 from s1->s6->s1.")
+        main.log.report("Check initially hostMAC exist on the mininet...")
+        host = main.params['YANK']['hostname']
+        mac = main.params['YANK']['hostmac']
+        RestIP1 = main.params['RESTCALL']['restIP1']
+        RestIP2 = main.params['RESTCALL']['restIP2']
+        RestPort = main.params['RESTCALL']['restPort']
+        url = main.params['RESTCALL']['restURL']
+        #print "host=" + host + ";  RestIP=" + RestIP1 + ";  RestPort=" + str(RestPort)
+        main.log.info("\n\t\t\t\t ping issue one ping from" + str(host) + "to generate arp to switch. Ping result is not important" )
+        ping = main.Mininet1.pingHost(src = str(host),target = "")
+        restcall = OnosRestApiDriver()
+        Reststatus, Hoststatus = restcall.find_host(RestIP1,RestPort,url,mac)
+        try:
+            attachedSW = Hoststatus[0]['attachmentPoint'][0]['switchDPID']
+            ip_found = Hoststatus[0]['ipv4'][0]
+        except:
+            Reststatus = 0
+        if Reststatus == 1:
+            main.log.report("\tFound host " + host + " attached to switchDPID = " + attachedSW)
+            if ip_found != None:
+                main.log.report("\t IP discovered is ip_found ( " + ip_found + " ).")
+                result = main.TRUE
+            else:
+                main.log.report("\t Found host attached to switch, but no IP address discovered.")
+                result = main.FALSE
+        else:
+            main.log.report("\t Host " + host + " with MAC:" + str(mac) + " does not exist. FAILED")
+            result = main.FALSE
+        ##### Step to yank out "s1-eth1" from s1, which is on autoONOS1 #####
+        main.log.report("Yank out s1-eth1")
+        main.case("Yankout s6-eth1 (link to h1) from s1")
+        result = main.Mininet1.yank(SW=main.params['YANK']['sw1'],INTF=main.params['YANK']['intf'])
+        time.sleep(3)
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE,actual=result,onpass="Yank command suceeded",onfail="Yank command failed...")
+        ping = main.Mininet1.pingHost(src = str(host),target = "")
+        Reststatus, Hoststatus = restcall.find_host(RestIP1,RestPort,url,mac)
+        try:
+            attachedSW = Hoststatus[0]['attachmentPoint'][0]['switchDPID']
+        except:
+            Reststatus = 0
+        if Reststatus == 0:
+            main.log.report("Attempt to yank out s1-eth1 from s1 sucessfully")
+            result = main.TRUE
+        else:
+            main.log.report("Attempt to yank out s1-eht1 from s1 failed.")
+            result = main.FALSE
+        ##### Step to plug "s1-eth1" to s6, which is on autoONOS3  ######
+        main.log.report("Plug s1-eth1 into s6")
+        main.case("Plug s1-eth1 to s6")
+        result = main.Mininet1.plug(SW=main.params['PLUG']['sw6'],INTF=main.params['PLUG']['intf'])
+        time.sleep(3)
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE,actual=result,onpass="Plug command suceeded",onfail="Plug command failed...")
+        ping = main.Mininet1.pingHost(src = str(host),target = "")
+        Reststatus, Hoststatus = restcall.find_host(RestIP2,RestPort,url,mac)
+        try:
+            attachedSW = Hoststatus[0]['attachmentPoint'][0]['switchDPID']
+            ip_found = Hoststatus[0]['ipv4'][0]
+        except:
+            Reststatus = 0
+        if Reststatus == 0:
+            main.log.report("Attempt to plug s1-eth1 to s6 FAILED")
+            result = main.FALSE
+        elif attachedSW == "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:06":
+            main.log.report("Attempt to plug s1-eht1 to s6 succeded.")
+            if ip_found != None:
+                main.log.report("\t IP discovered is ip_found ( " + ip_found + " ).")
+                result = main.TRUE
+            else:
+                main.log.report("\t Found host attached to switch, but no IP address discovered.")
+                result = main.FALSE
+        else:
+            main.log.report( "FAILED to attach s1-eth1 to s6 correctly!")
+            result = main.FALSE
+        ###### Step to put interface "s1-eth1" back to s1"#####
+        main.log.report("Move s1-eth1 back on to s1")
+        main.case("Move s1-eth1 back to s1")
+        result = main.Mininet1.yank(SW=main.params['YANK']['sw6'],INTF=main.params['YANK']['intf'])
+        time.sleep(3)
+        retult = main.Mininet1.plug(SW=main.params['PLUG']['sw1'],INTF=main.params['PLUG']['intf'])
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE,actual=result,onpass="Yank/Plug command suceeded",onfail="Yank/Plug command failed...")
+        ping = main.Mininet1.pingHost(src = str(host),target = "")
+        Reststatus, Hoststatus = restcall.find_host(RestIP1,RestPort,url,mac)
+        try:
+            attachedSW = Hoststatus[0]['attachmentPoint'][0]['switchDPID']
+            ip_found = Hoststatus[0]['ipv4'][0]
+        except:
+            Reststatus = 0
+        if Reststatus == 0:
+            main.log.report("Attempt to plug s1-eth1 back to s1 FAILED")
+            result = main.FALSE
+        elif attachedSW == "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01":
+            main.log.report("Attempt to plug s1-eht1 back to s1 succeded.")
+            if ip_found != None:
+                main.log.report("\t IP discovered is ip_found ( " + ip_found + " ).")
+                result = main.TRUE
+            else:
+                main.log.report("\t Found host attached to switch, but no IP address discovered.")
+                result = main.FALSE
+        else:
+            main.log.report( "FAIL to attach s1-eth1 to s1 correctly!")
+            result = main.FALSE
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE,actual=result,onpass="DEVICE DISCOVERY TEST PASSED PLUG/UNPLUG/MOVE TEST",onfail="DEVICE DISCOVERY TEST FAILED")
+    def CASE31(self):
+        final = main.TRUE
+        for i in range(6,16):
+            mac = main.Mininet1.decToHex(i+25)
+            mac = "00:00:00:00:00:"+str(mac)
+            result = main.Mininet1.arping("h"+str(i),"h"+str(i+25),mac)
+            final = final and result            
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE,actual=final,onpass="ARP successful",onfail="ARP not working properly")
+    def CASE32(self):
+        main.step("Cleaning out any leftover flows...")
+        main.ONOS1.delete_flow("all")